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GamerGate Radio

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What is with SJWs and Samus Aran? Leader of GamerGate 02/14/2016 (Sun) 15:22:18 Id: b923eb No. 316272
1. Moviebob and Dobson defending Other M. 2. Samus' gym outfit being problematic and otherwise going on about how she's getting sexualized (even though her first game lets her run around in a bikini if you enter a certain code). 3. Samus getting called a tranny. 4. Whatever Saint Annita says.
>>316272 >1. Moviebob and Dobson defending Other M. Can someone explain this to me? "Other M" is the game even the most immature 16-year old troll on /v/ or misogynist on /pol/ would admit is sexist, and yet the leading anti-sexism in vidya crusaders seem to love it.
>>316277 i think it goes like this >i dont play video games, so as long as i have the opposite opinion of the gamers, i must be on the right side of the story
>>316272 The tranny brigade lead the charge on trying to "prove" that Samus is a tranny because they are desperate to see themselves in any mirror they can. No matter how broken or distorted the reflection. Because they are all fucking crazy.
>>316277 Honestly I'm one of those guys who disagree, I think the game tried to be too much like a stereotypical japanese emo protagonist but in that context its not sexist. just it looks bad exp from a western perspective.
>>316272 >1. Moviebob and Dobson defending Other M. Faggots have shit taste, who knew? >2. Samus' gym outfit being problematic and otherwise going on about how she's getting sexualized (even though her first game lets her run around in a bikini if you enter a certain code). SJWs knowing shit about vidya. Shocking. >3. Samus getting called a tranny. Samus is hot. Trannies desperately want to see themselves as attractive to men so they're trying to appropriate her. >4. Whatever Saint Annita says. I don't know what Sockpuppetian has said about Samus, but I'm assuming it's either "man with tits", "fighting fuck toy" or both.
>>316330 I remember her going on about how Samus has to be masculine when she does her thing.
>>316272 I remember back when MovieBlob was on a tiny blog and he made a video ripping the shit out of Other M. Has he changed his story or something? About the only defence for Other M is that Metroid ripped off Alien for the story, Fusion ripped off Iria: Zeiram, and they had the dumb idea of trying to be original for this one. Noble, but doomed to the spectacular failure we got.
>>316272 If I were to guess it's because they used to think that "Metroid" was another perfect example of male-dominated games. …and then a real gamer showed them that Samus is actually a woman, and now they are constantly trying to recover from the shame so they're trying to make Samus "one of them".
>>316272 Only Ninty flagship female character in vidya today
>>316295 well the whole thing with her not being allowed to use weapons by order was fucking stupid. If they tried that shit with Duke Nukem or Serious Sam, some army guy would be swinging from a noose made of his own intestines. Even for Samus out was out of place and out of character. Keep in mind that SJWs are the type who hate DOAX for the bikinis, yet never once point out that the one new character is only 14 years old. >but Kasumi us 16 and Ayane only 15, so the series has always been pedo-friendly
>>316352 It's been a while since I saw Zeiram, but it seemed more like fusion was taking notes from the plot of Alien: Resurrection, and I don't see how Iria even figures in. And honestly, I don't care what the story was like. Five minutes of unskippable stiff narration was enough to make me nope out.
>>316520 SJWs like pedophiles now. Didn't you know that leader? In fact some of their more well known land-whales, cucks and trannies are kiddie fiddlers.
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>>316627 Anon is right. Defending/promoting child rape is hip with the left wing right now.
>>316637 Which is extra funny considering calling us pedos was one of their smear tactics until they found out a good number of their own wanted to put various things inside children.
>>316614 Iria's mentor gets digitised, and she's being pursued by an unstoppable clone that the government wants to turn into a weapon. It's been a while for me, too, but it struck me as I was watching. Yeah, it was a bit much for run and gun.
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>>316272 >1. Moviebob and Dobson defending Other M. This is the thing I don't understand the most! Other M is the only game I can really reliably point at and say "Look, this is definitely sexist, this is absolutely misogynistic, there's no defending it on any level, it's a terrible game at any angle" and yet Anita says nothing, male feminists /defend/ it, and so on. It's non-fucking-sensical! As for "Why are SJWs obsessed with Samus" is easy. Samus was one of, if not the first, powerful female protag in videogames. She's an icon, really, a rallying point, so it makes a lot of sense.
>>316683 >It's non-fucking-sensical! Not if you understand their mindset. They hate gamers. HATE them with a passion. Therefor anything the "ebil muh soggy knees gamerbrodudes" like is inherently evil. So anything they don't like is inherently good. Gamers didn't like Other M, so to the followers of the one true god Feminism, Other M is good just on the quality that's it's contrary to what gamers say. TL;DR They're massive fucking contrarians.
>>316683 I think it's a combination of fandom among gamers over Metroid in general and a bunch of people wanting to look "cool" liking a classic game series. The first creates the unwarranted hype and the latter just follows in their wake.

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