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GamerGate Radio

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WINNING but some concerns Leader of GamerGate 02/19/2016 (Fri) 03:47:37 Id: c6e933 No. 316830
https://archive.is/AVX7Z Specifically why is NPR shilling for John Flynt? Yeah I know, liberals, but here me out, there has to be more to this. There's also a bunch of other slightly more mainstream outlets butthurt about the court case like the Washington Examiner.
>>316830 >In the summer of 2014, Zoe Quinn, an online game developer and reviewer, went through a breakup with her boyfriend. He retaliated by publishing intimate details about her online. Mobs of internet users got involved and started to harass and threaten Quinn in an affair that has become known as "GamerGate." Note the clever wording here. She "went through a breakup" and Eron "retaliated", even though we know he broke up with her and the Zoe Post was a reaction to her conduct that also caused him to break up with her. The intimate details are about her, not their relationship, to make it look like he's done something nefarious. It's interesting how lower down they admit that when someone gets dogpiled, it's by thousands of people who individually don't really give much of a shit or pose any threat, but somehow, 'stay offline and wait for it to blow over' is absolute heresy.
>>316830 Probably not the Washington Examiner. It's right wing. You're thinking of the Washington Post, right? With SJW caitlin dewey? >>316735
>>316873 Oh fuck you're right. Sorry, the Washington Post. So NPR is directly citing the article by Caitlin Dewey for some stupid reason, thus regurgitating that shit narrative.
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>>316830 Here's your reason. News outlets need the ad money from these scandals. GG being the over-the-top boogeyman it is, of course they wouldn't let it slip. Notice how the title itself is crafted to generate outrage: The Trolls Are Winning: GamerGate Case Will Not Go to Trial "How terrible the world must be that the law won't respond with the same anger that we do! What? What was that? Something-rape-something in Europe? Nah, i'm busy dealing with real mysoginists"
NPR will literally run any story you ask them to. They're not picky. You just have to have the presence of mind to approach them in the first place. I remember I was interviewed by NPR while waiting in the midnight line for World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King release in my area. I had calculated my estimated time to reach the new level cap and number of mobs I'd have to kill based of beta data figures, and they thought I was a(n entertaining) Stephen Hawking-tier genius for rattling a few numbers off the top of my head.
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>>316874 That's how the scam works. One reporter bends the truth in an article, and than the rest cite the article and use it to spread the narrative. >>316878 >Zoe Quinn withdraws her suit because she can't win on the facts >Media headline designed to make it sound like either a judge dropped it, or that the "trolls" were the ones who made the decision.
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>>316874 >>316886 >One reporter bends the truth in an article, and than the rest cite the article Caitlin has done this before. Way back at the beginning of GG she cited Jon Stone's horseshit Guardian article claiming that GG was linked to neo-nazis. His proof? A link to an article on Gawker by Sam Biddle about weev (which had nothing to do with GG). Stone later admitted he was full of shit on twitter but said he couldn't do anything (read: WOULDN'T) about it and it was up to the Guardian editors to change the article. Meanwhile, Dewey's article is still up saying GG is literally neo-nazis. And fucking David Pakman used both articles in his interview with a GG supporter as a gotcha question.
>>316830 Weird how they say the case will not go to trial. It is going to go to trial. But the trial will be about Zoe abusing the legal system to get revenge on a partner who jilted her.
>>316886 >That's how the scam works. One reporter bends the truth in an article, and than the rest cite the article and use it to spread the narrative. That's not a scam anon. That's actual news journalism. Welcome to the age of clickbaits and pay-per-ad-view.
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>>316904 Nice infograph Leader.
>>316830 Flynt is a rich Cantabridgian (resident of Cambridge, MA). NPR is based in Cambridge, MA. My bet is that Frank bought them a bunch of tickets to NPR galas and fundraisers (a common thing for rich Boston area liberals to do) and at one or more of them, Flynt, embolded by his husband's donations, chewed the ear off of NPR staff until he found one willing to take his cause on. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Flynt spent a significant amount of time in NPR's lobby, chattering at people until given an audience.
>>316929 Just as long as he didn't get a restraining order. Damnit , we need an Oxford Mississippi fag to get a copy of the "sand nigger" restraining order he was slapped with.
>>316933 Flynt's arrest record would be a fucking gold mine. You know that guy has been picked up for a few things.
>>316929 > Cambridge, MA Aren't Sark and Zoe also centered in Boston? I mean I don't mean to go full tin foil but maybe there's something to that as well.
>Specifically why is NPR shilling for John Flynt? Narratives, my Leader, narratives. NPR is the PBS of radio and if there's one thing the government loves to do, it's funding professional cocksuckers who push narratives.
>>316954 >>316830 I think we're looking at the wrong direction. If there's a possible connection, it's with Wu's "husband".
>>316946 Sark is from Canada and is now in CA. Zoe might be from Boston. She had to have lived there for a time because that's where Eron is and where the court dates were. She seems to move around a lot, though. Gee. I wonder how she funds that, being unemployed and all.
>>317021 Oh, it's no question how. She nickel and dimes the current dude dating her before darting off towards the next city. Isn't that how she wound up with Eron? Fleeing a previous city where another group got tired of her shit?
>>316946 Neither of them are from Boston, but Boston is both the biggest tech hub in the East thanks to MIT and Harvard, and the home of liberal Puritanism. It's no surprise that unholy union produced techie SJWs.
>>316967 This, but for two reasons. Flynt has no pull itself. That was all daddy's 'gifts.' Flynt had the original "Little black contact book" for the clique, but Frank is the one that can expand it. Flynt's usefulness to all these chucklefucks is just as an autist communication hub.
>>316929 That's pretty much how it works.
>>316936 Trent Lott. That's why he's getting coverage. He used to fuck him back in the day.
>>317122 Massachusetts is a shithole. Worked down there last year. Nuts.

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