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GamerGate Radio

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This Bullshit Gawker Media's Creditor 06/13/2016 (Mon) 07:46:50 Id: 7921bc No. 325018
Y'know, it's bullshit like this that makes me bitter about what's happened to this point. It's common fact, now, that Gamergate is a hate group, the likes of the Tea Party, the NRA, and ISIS. We're a toxic group ready to blame PC Culture for all of our so-called problems. I could go on and on for this rant, but the gist of it is this: without any PR power giving proper representation, GG will always lose. Public opinion always gives creedence to whatever cause is out there, and sometimes goes on to change the situation for those crying out for help. It's too late to do anything about it, now. The damage is done. People don't give a shit about any of this, and will passively beat down anyone saying otherwise to the narrative. I know all of this. And yet, whenever I see this type of bullshit, I wanna do something about it. I wanna give it my all and show these fucking ignoramasus why they are so fucking wrong about what they think is true, and show them the TRUTH, the REAL TRUTH. But I also know that it's no use. Much as I argue with these brain-dead shits, they won't listen. All my efforts will be null and void. Sorry, I just had to vent somewhere. But seriously, how the fuck do you Leaders manage?
>>325018 >We Eat shit
>>325018 >how the fuck do you Leaders manage? by not giving a shit about PR look, i know what i just said makes it seem like i just said "hurr durr, that meanz we can p0st anyhting shitlords!!" but i didn't. consider the following: while there was/is definitely a push to make gg a "hate group" which has solidified in the media, gamergate grew and grew and grew (and, to a degree, kia & twatter see continuous growth to this day, even if this board has been dropping off) this is because we understood that we couldn't play the "propaganda" game against those whose job it is to create it on a daily basis, which bigger "platforms" and reach. So instead we decided to archive all of their bullshit and just create bundles of evidence knowing that there would be "normies" looking at the stuff MSM created and come asking questions and make up their own minds. In short, stop worrying so much & play some vidya
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Only give people who are willing to listen or argue about in good faith,talking to people who already have a bias is a complete and total waste of time. Or better yet act like before the gamergate# existed and just talk about shit the # is nothing but spam and off topic junk anyway the only thing keeping it alive are twitterspergs clinging to it like a nigger clings to a bucket of fried chicken while walking home in the hood I stay off twitter and social networks site in general play video,fap to porn,that's it no big secret
>>325018 >GG will always lose you're a faggot. We ripped 7-8 figures of ad revenue from Gawker. This is a fact. Most of us gave up on trying to look good to the media and the public, embrace your anonymity fellow leader.
>But seriously, how the fuck do you Leaders manage? Because the one way the lying assholes on the media can make their narrative stick is if we give up.
>>325027 Wait, are you saying we fucking gave up? Because it sure seems like the media narrative has stuck.
>>325028 No shit it's stuck. That's how smear campaigns work. They throw as much shit at you as they can in the knowledge that some of the bullshit will stick. That's the point. You don't win a propaganda fight against a propaganda machine. Thankfully, it's a fight that's also largely irrelevant. You're not going to walk down the street wearing a giant "GAMERGATE" badge because that's fucking retarded. You're also not going to send out emails to O:DN contacts or whatever else we decide to do where you write, "HELLO, YES, THIS IS GAMERGATE. I AM COMPLAIN AT YOU." Because, again, that's fucking retarded. The reputation of the hashtag is irrelevant as fuck. It's just an umbrella term for a series of scandals that kicked this entire shitshow off. Don't worry about the branding. Just get shit done.
>>325028 No, I'm saying they can repeat their crap a million times, but it will only stand as the uncontested truth if we stop calling them out on it. Which is what keeps me, personally, going.
>>325028 Its stuck in newspapers like the Guardian. And clickbait sites such as Gawker. But those places are going bankrupt so all we need to do is wait. >>325030 >You're not going to walk down the street wearing a giant "GAMERGATE" badge because that's fucking retarded. Thanks now I feel self conscious about the giant badge I bought.
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Ultimately, it doesn't matter what they say about us. Because they can't stop us. The smear campaign is more psyOP than an actual tactic. This is the Internet. They can not come to your house, take your keyboard away, and force you to stop emailing Vox advertisers, shitting on Kotaku, funding charities, or telling journos to eat shit. Only you can choose to stop doing those things. So they lie. And they shill. And they shit on us 24 hours a day around the globe. In the hopes that the sheer demoralizing effect that this would have on a normal person would convince you to stop on your own. Beating the smear campaign is as simple as saying "fuck you" and going back to work on #GG. It is literally that easy.
>>325054 The narrative on gamergate is literally a dumpster fire everywhere outside of a couple boards and maybe KiA. Sure, "they can't stop us," but they have damn well marginalized us. In some ways that's worse, because if gamergate was over, we'd all find new things to do. As it is, we never know if what we're doing will make a meaningful difference or not, and there's a very real possibility that we're just wasting our time while the SJWs have already moved on to dominating the rest of global culture. We're like a platoon of Japanese soldiers on an island in the Pacific. If the war is still on, there are battles we might yet win, but if the world has moved on, then we're wasting our lives defending a cause that has no meaning to anyone else.
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>>325055 > As it is, we never know if what we're doing will make a meaningful difference or not Ad pullouts, Gawker burning, HOW many sites have revised ethics policies? SPJ 1, Breitbart Tech on our side, a Reddit hub with 50,000 subscribers alone, 250,000 active Twitter supporters at our peak, forced the UN to retract an official report, and the bogeyman that nobody in the gaming press or MSM can stop talking about like we're an everpresent threat as bad as ISIS, COBRA, and Nazi Germany combined. What more proof would you possibly ask for? We've made more tidal waves than ripples. >If the war is still on, there are battles we might yet win, but if the world has moved on, then we're wasting our lives defending a cause that has no meaning to anyone else. Pic oh so very related, anon. Take heart.
>>325056 >We've made more tidal waves than ripples Where a simile to think on: a massive tsunami happens when there a seaquake, or undersea landslide, volcanic eruption, or other massive undersea land-movement event happens which move massive amounts of water in places unseen by humans, but when you're on a ship, either near the epicenter, or on the thousands of miles of open ocean kilometers and kilometers from land, the huge shockwave is diffuse by spreading in the water-table, so on the surface, it seems like a tiny, anomalous, quick-moving wave; it's not until that tiny, anomalous, quick-moving wave reaches the shallower water-table on a distant shore are the effects felt, where the shockwave's power is concentrated again which causes MASSIVE DAMAGE TO EVERYTHING IN IT'S PATH.
I find it absolutely baffling that the journos are now going full Jack Thompson with this E3-recognize Orlando bullshit, RIGHT ON THE HEELS OF GAWKER DECLARING BANKRUPTCY. It's like they want to revitalize us, it almost seems scripted. Eagerly awaiting Penny Arcade's take on it, since they lead the charge once upon a time and are beginning to reawaken here in $CURRENT_YEAR
>>325077 If they can stick their collective fingers in our eyes without so much as a push back, I don't like what that says about where we are now. If we're going to push back, it needs to happen now, and it needs to make them stumble. As much as I've enjoyed seeing Gawker collapse, I don't see any causal links to us. Thiel's funding of Hogan's lawsuit is 2-3 orders of magnitude beyond the drop in ad revenue we caused. In that scale, we are literally a round-off error. And his interest in Gawker was a personal vendetta born 7 years before any of our stuff ever started. There are ways to fight the SJW domination of all culture, but for the last year, GG has felt more like the peanut gallery than the situation room. How do we turn that around? And if there's no good way to do that, then what are we doing here?
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>>325083 They key is usually cassus belli. They have to fuck up somewhere and give us material to work with. It sounds like you need to stay tuned for the anniversary on Aug 28th. A bunch of us are looking at making a happening from thin air, maybe for the first time. We're gonna remind these cucks that we're still here. If you're in the mood to slap some hornets, then help give the nest a kick when the time comes.
>>325077 They expect #GamerGate to fight back using the same tactics back in 2014. They need strawmen and boogiemen to bully and "punch up" again. As an advice from a long-time observer: DON'T PLAY THEIR GAME. But, that's doesn't mean we won't answer. We will bring them down, but they're expecting the usual tactics. We had two years. Surely we're figured out the most efficient methods by now to purge corruption. Wait for the opportunity, and hit them when they least expect it. And this time, double tap.
>>325093 >>325096 Ive seen that thread, but so far it's just people saying that they'd like to do something, but no actual plans. I assume the actual plotting is being done elsewhere, but when will you announce the the plan so that everybody can coordinate? I don't want this to just be another fucking Thunderclap on Twitter. Honestly, short of real activity somewhere in the real world, like a coordinated meetup to face off against LWs in public, I'm having a hard time thinking of something that would be newsworthy and could arbitrarily occur on a specific day in late August. Maybe get Trump to talk about SJWs in such a way that we could take credit for publicly? Or hack financial data from LWs and publicly release it on the 28th (worked on Fish)?
>>325093 >They have to fuck up somewhere and give us material to work with. It may be simpler than that - look at how they behave in public. Everyone sees that and it's not exactly making normies line up to join the socjus cause.
>>325018 Why are you posting pictures of Churba?
>>325118 They're not exactly lining up to rebuke them either, though. The SJWs have marginalized their opponents, so anything that doesn't change the status quo is essentially supporting them.
>>325018 >This Bullshit >Y'know, it's bullshit like this that makes me bitter about what's happened to this point. It's because you're still friends with these hipsters, anon. I make it quit clear on normiebook when buzzwords like toxic are used that I think they're full of shit. In a nice way, at first. I left and recently returned and some of the known cowards won't friend me. (I knew they were talking behind my back and we're generally douchebaguettes to start with…)
>>325098 Yeah, the 8-28 project isn't going to be public until we get close. Its going to be a lot of fun, but there will be an operational aspect to it as well. Simple, catchy, and hopefully quite big when it all comes together. As you are well aware of by now, we have limited ability to launch haymaker punches against SJWs. But we've always had a strong base, and we're going to reinvigorate that. Think of it like a sports team practice. We're going to work on the fundamentals for a couple days and see where it gets us. More details will drop when we get close. We don't want to give aGG too much tipoff time to fuck with us is all.

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