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GamerGate Radio

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#notatmytable Leader 06/22/2016 (Wed) 03:46:23 Id: 34fa27 No. 325352
https://twitter.com/hashtag/NotAtMyTable >"police your friends on our behalf" >this should go well http://theralphretort.com/16924-2/ I found this shit over on /tg/. it looks like SJWs are making their move on /tg/ territory and more games are being infected with their poison. it's time we help our brothers in arms as fellow gamers.
>>325352 >Linking TRR You must be new here.
>>325356 don't blame me I just copy pasted the first 4 lines from the OP in the /tg/ thread. hoping someone else has the archive for this because I don't know how to archive. I'm not really part of the dig team.
>>325359 Use archive.is. Learn archive.is. Love archive.is. Nothing against Ralph personally, but most of /gghq/ has quite the understandable hate-boner for opportunists, even if he is pro-GG.
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>>325352 >>325364 http://archive.is/nXogf here's the archive for the TRR article on it, http://archive.is/WOqu7 here's the archive for all the twitter uses of #notatmytable. here you go guys. fresh archive links, will be using this from now on. just wish I knew how to make webms.
>>325352 Nice try, dumdum. I'm not going to go advocate FOR racism or sexism at the gaming table. My position is that this problem doesn't exist. So that means that this campaign is about nothing. But I'm not going to run around *starting* a problem that already has a campaign to end it. Let them waste their energy. I'm fine.
>>325367 I'm not advovating those things either. that's just it though, SJWs are trying to manufacture a problem that isn't there, just like they did with vidya, and three companies have already fallen for their bullshit (white wolf, Paizo, and catalyst game labs) and ham fistedly forced identity politics into their tabletop games because of shit like this! they're poisoning Tabletops just like they've been trying to poison vidya.
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>>325371 http://archive.is/pvWIP http://archive.is/8AIv2 just for proof of the most recent infection.
>>325371 You can't address a problem that isn't there. If companies feel like changing the wording in a rule book will sell more books, I'm not going to get in the way of their capitalist impulses. It won't change anything at my table, so it's a waste of energy for me to fight it. Look, 1 of 2 things is true: 1) This won't increase sales 2) This will increase sales If it increases sales, then great. More money in the hobby. If it doesn't increase sales, then great. Bottom line proof that SJWs don't buy books, and this kind of nonsense will be out in the next edition. I'm not going to advocate that people not buy things they want, that is literally the whole point. And since we all know that SJWs don't buy games, this stuff will be a faint memory by the next printing. I refuse to take a stand against "don't be racist," because all that will do is make me look like a racist when RACISM IS NOT A PROBLEM IN TABLETOP.
>>325374 I'm not saying take a stand against "don't be racist," I'm saying we take a stand against identity politics being forced down our throats! the entire reason any of this happened in the first place was because a special snowflake SJW acted like an asshole towards both staff and customers in a gaming store while playing Shadowrun and when she got kicked out of the store for being an asshole she ran to the devs of shadowrun and cried misogyny and sexism and the typical shit we hear them whining on about vidya and made the devs inject tumblr identity politics into shadowrun where it has no business being in the first place!
>>325375 And if you sperg out over this, all you will do is provide evidence to the devs that her problem was real, you magnificent idiot. It's a trap. If a special snowflake is creating problems, walk the hard road of endurance. That way she remains the problem. If you take action, you'll easily overwhelm her, and that makes it look to the secs, who were not paying attention before, like you were bullying her all along. Again, if publishers think that inclusivity statements will sell books and grow their community, then they have every right to include them. When they realize that of course they don't sell books, they'll take them right back out again. But if the publishers get a sense that inclusivity statements will make "racists" and "sexists" leave their community, then the SJWs will have their ear years to come. I know it's frustrating, but if you push back on this, you'll regret it later.
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>>325372 >shadowrun *snicker*
>>325352 When will SJWs realize that >feeling safe and >thought police are diametric opposites?
>>325380 Make thus but with "Magical Realms"
>>325364 Internet wayback machine is a good alternative site; I'm fucked on making or using archive.is at work. I can check the World of Warcraft forums and imageboards, but not an archiving site. Queer-ass IT. Anyways, just visit a site in one tab, open archive.is in another, and copy the bad page's URL into the appropriate field on your archiving site of choice and the site will be "snapshotted" and saved to be viewed elsewhere, in a form that doesn't give site owners and advertisers clicks and pageviews that reward them for shitty content.
>>325430 >>325371 >and three companies have already fallen for their bullshit (white wolf regarding White Wolf: their first edition books were already progressive, racially diverse, and pretty cutting edge in the 90's. They're somewhat credited with a tabletop/LARP renaissance for bringing in so many women and their interest via Vampire: the Masquerade. However, they've proven they never have any idea what to do with their own intellectual property and have been a trainwreck of a business for decades now. Sold twice, crowdfunding books, nobody knows what to do to make money, complete ignorance of the digital space beyond trying to sell .pdf versions of their books. The "inclusive" language changes in Mage and Beast books are just wild flailing in the market to get any sales. There's a non-existant barrier to entry if you wanted to work for them, they effectively employ fan-fic writers they like at this point. The entire tabletop industry is a fringe market praying for a boom that will never come, and incapable of seizing the digital tools out there to make anything meaningful to society. Let the SJWs flail and gnash in their basements, and suffer the normies as we have. You don't have to be trans to calculate THAC0, and it doesn't help either.
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Future generations will remember the 2010s as the decade of SJW insanity, tranny worship, and anti-white hysteria.
>>325516 Future generations will be mixed race, gender fluid SJWs, tho…
>>325521 Not if I can help it.
>>325544 You can't help it, though. You might as well try to stop the tide from coming in by posting memes on Twitter. Won't make the future less brown or less queer.
>>325546 >You can't help it, though. With that image and dubs, yes, yes he can. With .40 caliber memes.
>>325558 Oh cute… we got a SJW bullbaiter.

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