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Zoe "Five Guys" Quinn as Katelyn Leader 06/24/2016 (Fri) 01:48:29 Id: da6507 No. 325415
Your thoughts on Zoe "Five Guys" Quinn's voice acting in 2064: Read Only Memories? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E8MRSN6BWQ#t=2m40s
Why should I have an opinion on this?
Good. Glad SJWs are making their own games. When no one buys them, they will see no one wants their shit.
She sounds alright Jim sterling however isn't even fucking trying! Dudes just using his normal speaking voice
>>325423 Zoe / Anita please go away.
>>325415 Im pleased that she has found something she is competent at.
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>>325415 Glad other leaders follow and track her movements like this, so I don't get called the fucking shill for once. I'm annoyed, she's getting paid for doing nothing, but she's proven resourceful at that considering the nerdy TV work she's dabbled in the past. For comparison, I'm particularly annoyed at the contributor credits she's getting on the upcoming Betrayal at House on the Hill expansion pack. But then I thought about how little each person must contribute on a list of 40+ to an already existing boardgame with no new major additions, and felt somewhat cooled. Read Only Memories is panning out to be another short vignette-style 2 hour piece of shit, so being a voice-actor for 30 lines of text in a visual novel is pretty negligible in the grand scheme of things. It's them(the game devs) trying to cash in on e-celebs social media advertising, shilling themselves out to their followers at a discount because they were "in the game" and got a paycheck at one point/get to put "professional voice actor" on their resume. You're still not in the industry, you'll never be a game dev, and nobody will ever associate you with a hit game. Going off on a tangent, I would love to just forget Chelsea Vanvalkerburg exists. If she would have owned up to fucking Grayson on her end so that he'd mention her games on Kotaku, I would no longer care. If she would have stopped claiming to be a game dev when she can't code anything worth a shit, I wouldn't be so incensed. If she came clean about why a 100+ person list of writers defended her across a dozen fucking sites and continue to, to this day, none of this would have boiled over. I'm just so sick of, and continue to boil in rage at, all the lying and misrepresenting she does of herself in public spaces over and over. The programmers who "moo'd" into the cow level of Diablo 2 don't claim to be voice actors. What they did was fun and beloved by a community of millions, decades later. Have some fucking humility. Chelsea is one of the worst attention whores on the planet, and I cannot be not-mad at how she is constantly getting opportunities and paydays in spite how shit of a person she is. So we watch, and we wait. We bathe in every tear, at every little weakness she puts out there, because the moment there is a ledge and somewhere to fall, we anons will push. And since we all know you peek into this public space to see what hand-wringing and meme-planning we're up to instead of being honest for once in your life on tumblr, please do us a favor and kill yourself Chelsea. P.S. switching back to @primeape from @theweedorb for private tweeting isn't hiding or fooling those of us keeping an eye on you. I cannot wait for you to slip up again.
>>325432 oh, here's the trailer for the western weeb shitshow she's so proud of being in. Actually feels a little Far Cry: Blood Dragon-ey in the marketing, but expect very little. You'd think this would be the sort of thing someone on /agdg/ could one-man army in a slow month.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ts-4uRrJiE&list=PLzDeS-SWRIMN_uAH62g5ZpKcdcQeOy6MS A Lets Player who finished the game in 16 episodes, 35-50 minutes apiece. Plays like a 90's point-and-click, with the majority of the time being spent narrating copious amounts of flavor text and going particularly slow. Apparently there's 6 endings according to the wikia, based on two main conditions and one or two mini-games. Chelsea voices only one character, Katelyn, according to this article(and her own twitter of course):http://midboss.com/2016/06/2064-read-memories-gameplay-trailer-cast-announcement among the other voice actors are such pleasant faces as Jim Sterling, a Gone Homo voice actress, someone from Giant Bomb, etc. A few more serious voice actors as well; disappointing that the SJW crowd is networking deeply into this field with established talent. Not surprising, apparently the game goes out of its way to give gender pronoun choices and spell them out for characters. Chelsea's character is apparently a bit part, pic related. With the Lets Play above, her character appears in the tail end of ep 4, and a chunk of ep 5. She has 5 dialogue choices, and what would amount to around 30 lines of text about giving her a drink in a bar, and complaining about her augmented brother and protesters.
Courtesy of Steamspy:Release date: Oct 6, 2015 Price: $19.99 Score rank: 72% Userscore: 88% Metascore: 80% Owners: 106,489 ± 8,336 Players in the last 2 weeks: 5,983 ± 1,976 (5.62%) Players total: 29,913 ± 4,418 (28.09%) Peak concurrent players yesterday: 41 YouTube stats: 33 views and 0 comments for videos uploaded last week, 0 new videos uploaded yesterday. Playtime in the last 2 weeks: 01:55 (average) 01:17 (median) Playtime total: 03:29 (average) 02:48 (median) bear in mind game was kickstarted and may have traffic on alternative services like itch.io with the SJW angle.
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I don't see why we are still bringing discussing about her.
>>325432 >meme Then edit memes of Zoe Quinn and her voice acting of Katelyn. She gets triggered over her being memed on. Like for example, edit Katelyn in a Five Guys Burger And Fries restaurant.
>>325434 >A few more serious voice actors as well; disappointing that the SJW crowd is networking deeply into this field with established talent. Semi-related, but this reminds me of when Nyanners went full SJW and shat on her neckbeared fanbase hoping to embrace Social Justice for fun and profit. …happily, the SJWs shat on her for the "problematic" things she did to get eFamous in the first place with her anime loli voice; so she's trying to sneak back do doing her youtube voice-prostitution work, hoping everyone forgot.
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>>325438 Fuck off, ZQIDF
>>325434 Sometimes I forget that pronoun-obsessed morons are real. Also, remember when Erin Fitzgerald mocked the SJW scum who complain about anime tits? Maybe she kisses tranny ass on the side or something so these faggots tolerate her. http://www.examiner.com/article/voice-actress-defends-busty-characters-video-games
>>325512 pretty good, I'm disappointed to hear EmptyHero's voice is as effeminate as the hot tub salesguy in American Dad though. Looking at the morons who are in "tight" with Chelsea on the private @primeape account, quite a few of them are no-name internet trannies with a hundred followers or less. They're basically a demographic she's farming for self-esteem by being extra nice to them, that no one else would bother swaying or trying to steal away from her. I guess try to make her look like a flippant transphobe?
>>325518 >They're basically a demographic she's farming for self-esteem by being extra nice to them The word is "friends"
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>>325522 Back in middle and high school, you could always readily identify the "Nerd Queen"; the ugly, frumpy women who made a point to surround herself with the dregs of the social ladder and while she couldn't really gel with the rest of the kids, could be the popular kid among the spergs and rejects. I'd be amazed if that wasn't Zoe and hadn't been her entire life. Even with all the "lol she loves dick" jokes I don't even think she does, I think she just gets off on making other people find her desirable and cool. How many celebrities, for lack of a better word, outside of "geek culture" has Quinn landed? Do you think that's due to a lack of trying? You're talking about a woman who a week ago was convinced the entire video game industry knew "what she had been through for 2 years" and couldn't convince Nintendo didn't realize they inadvertently attacked her. This is not a modest or humble woman, in her mind she's the absolute biggest of deals. She's making a point to only ever be surrounded by people who also think so.
>>325537 I dunno m8 it sounds like you're just writing Zoe fanfic now. Hangers-on like you who can't seem to stop thinking about her are the only reason anyone even pays her attention around here any more. Honestly, I think most of us still left would prefer to forget about that little side show.
>>325538 Wow, there are people who fail the Sally-Ann test.
>>325522 that would imply Chelsea likes or cares about any of the hangers-on, friendship is a two-way street.
>>325512 Voice Actors are split pretty equally between liberal and conservative considering most of the video game/animation/anime dubbing is split between Canada, L.A, and Texas. Even the liberal ones though can't stand the Soc Jus shit save for a few who have drank DEEPLY of the koolaid. Honestly, most of the gays out here can't stand it either. Look closely enough and you'll see that they're starting to push gay men out of the protect LGBT class and just trying to make it LBTQ+, just basically cut out all natural born men. It bothers a lot of people out here. You would think it would be a hotbed of sin and degeneracy and you would be right but they still can't stand Soc Jus. It's kinda beautiful.
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>>325432 >>325442 There. You're welcome.
>>325582 I love it when SJW scum think themselves progressive. SJWs are primitive bloodthirsty apes who can only destroy.
>>325582 >who Should that be whom?
>>325458 I don't hold it against her. I've seen the way SJWs attempt to indoctrinate others and coax them into burning all their bridges so as to leave their victims stranded without them. I'm just glad she got out before things got beyond the point of no return.
>>325423 Most of the VAs sound really lame Maybe it's the art style, but none of the voices except a few seem like they fit
>>325628 Agreed on this. It feels like a lot of the VAs weren't even trying. It's a game that honestly sounds better with the original dialogue sounds. It just seems like an especially needless addition to the game.
>>325654 especially in light of the Steamspy stats, they really don't have a lot of money to blow on VA for this, so with the massive list of people announced as VAs, it seems like the entire thing was a meet-n-greet for nobodies to get in close to somebodies in an attempt to build some bridges.
She managed to keep the dicks out of her mouth long enough to voice act?

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