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GamerGate Radio

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MILO HAS BEEN PERMABANNED FROM TWITTER Veteran Leader 07/20/2016 (Wed) 05:35:25 Id: 8f7b67 No. 325920
THIS IS NOT A DRILL. http://archive.is/ulo3D Looks like the Who Crew and others targeted him for shitting on the Gorilla from Cisbusters during her meltdown yesterday. Get hot on this shit. #FreeMilo is trending now!
Milo's turned getting banned from Twitter into a part-time job. He's been angling for this moment for at least a year. Congrats, guy!
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Here we go Its trending again So its confirmed all you have to do to get someone you don't like banned is to be a very popular celebrity and complain openly on twitter then jack will show up and ban 1 account instead of telling you about the block/protect mode
Jack is damage controlling hard cause of the way the lesslieshit went down,why not just add rules or make it so shit like that doesn't repeat iself
NY Times calls Milo a harasser. https://archive.is/O8KNs This needs the attention of his lawyers. So does the original ban. So do all of the randoms accusing him of harassment. Lawyer up, Milo!
I was looking through #FreeMilo this morning, and it was 70% Steisand Effect, people seeming to not know who Milo was, but thinking he deserved it based on what they'd read. Should we try to talk about the real Milo, instead of letting him be defined by Twitter/SJWs? Also, did Milo's Gamergate book come out? I had meant to buy it, but had assumed I'd see publicity for it. Did I miss it? If it exists, maybe we could shill his book on #FreeMilo to show how by banning him, Twitter will only make Milo rich?
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The thing with Leslie is that while some people tried to tell her "you're a celebrity, just deal with it", she chose to shun them and kept crying in a corner. That's why most celebrities have fucking agents handling their twatter. She seems to be the person that blames "the whities" for all the crap she gets. At least that's what I got from some tweets of her that I saw. And she often writes tweets like she's under-educated. She should not be allowed on twitter. Even her username is "Lesdoggg" ffs, you can't get more "nigga gangsta" from that.
>>325927 >Also, did Milo's Gamergate book come out? I had meant to buy it, but had assumed I'd see publicity for it. Did I miss it? If it exists, maybe we could shill his book on #FreeMilo to show how by banning him, Twitter will only make Milo rich? Apparently it's stuck in editorial hell, as #Gamergate happenings are too fast for even Milo to cover it all. …Assuming that he wrote an actual draft, not that his manuscript is a glorified proposal he's shopping around for the highest bidder. Otherwise Vox Day's publishing house would've printed it by now, wholesale.
I mean, it's not like he;s gonna need a twitter account once he goes to Sweden and gets killed by peace-loving immigrants.
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Milo fucked up by spreading fake tweets. https://archive.is/bK8ji Here's the thing about SJW-controlled forums like Twitter and Wikipedia. They can break their own rules and get away with murder while you get the death penalty for jaywalking. You have to be on your best behavior all of the time and never give them an excuse to get rid of you.
>Caring about Milo at all >Not solely caring about this for the Free Speech component Top kek
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Here comes Team gg did everything from shit on my car to steal my cat squad again
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And its taking off in a big way,i wonder if lesslie planned this somehow for maximum exposure. Rhelp i was bullied on twatter by a faggot notice me mass media also watch ghostbusters
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>>325935 People have have more than one idea in their heads at a time. >>325937 GG moved my fucking stair muffin >>325938 She was hit with racist abuse on Twitter, and Twitter used that as an excuse to get rid of a political opponent. I have to wonder how many of her abusers were Sony marketing contractors trying to dig up attention for the movie.
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>>325940 Interesting theory They got to at least break even somehow if they want to have a chance at even a sequal or a prequel or a reboot/destruction of other classic movie franchises Sony was never really good at making blockbuster movies anyway
>>325920 >Looks like the Who Crew and others targeted him for shitting on the Gorilla from Cisbusters during her meltdown yesterday. Sorry for the spoonfeeding request, but I wasn't there for that. Could you provide some details? Screencaps would do.
>>325934 >You have to be on your best behavior all of the time and never give them an excuse to get rid of you. That never works, you dumbass. If they disapprove of you for even the simplest of reasons, they're going to get rid of you no matter how nice you try to be. Never fight the enemy on their own terms. >MUH PR
Honestly I think everyone, including ourselves, are blowing this out of proportions. We shouldn't be so involved in this especially considering it was polacks that started it all.
Good, he's a homosexuals, this is the least that should befall the unrepentant.
>>325949 faggot* sorry
why the fuck does this board still exist?
>>325944 > Muh PR People noticed when Wikipedia banned TDA and Cla68. No one cared when Vordrak was banned.
>>325951 Bigot, until ethnics in journalism are dead I will not stand for that pesky adblock
>>325938 >And its taking off in a big way,i wonder if lesslie planned this somehow for maximum exposure. They failed to market their flop of a movie by crying MISOGYNY for a year, so now they're trying to market it with MUH RACISM. Basically they know women don't give a fuck about ghostbusters and now they're trying a late-game pivot to get black people to watch that shit out of protest.
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I For one will miss that glorious faggot on twitter he could make a new twatter but it will likely get report bombed and he will be banned again,did the other accounts bullying lessdog get banhammered too? What the fuck am i saying of course they didn't.
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Wew. Is that annoying faggot gone? Good riddance. His attention seeking faggotry was getting stale.
That's a shame. Now people can't get triggered by his statements
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Let's see if I can start a trend and trigger SJW's at the same time.
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>>325927 >Also, did Milo's Gamergate book come out? >>325931 >Apparently it's stuck in editorial hell, as #Gamergate happenings are too fast for even Milo to cover it all. He's now working on two books, the Mao's Little Red book-like Milo book and the Dangerous Faggot Tour book which includes these happenings; don't expect either until after November >>325943 Pic related from the /v/ thread >>325959 Please tell how much you care about not caring THE MOST.
>>325975 Never even implied I never cared. Just thought it was about time he got banned. Good shit in my opinion. ;)
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Twitter For some strange reason i can't upload more than i image at a time How very strange
and nothing of value was lost. Milo is a terrible journalist who has terrible views and only pretended to give a damn about gamergate because it got him attention.
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>>325993 >trolling this lazy we must be going in the right direction, we're still getting more enemies. no rest until we beat the final boss.
>>326010 I wager you've not seen the bullshit Milo's into? Milo wrote this, and he is behind censoring the internet. He's just as bad as the SJWs we've been dealing with. The faggot's got the Karma blowback. https://archive.is/jkTql
>>326011 >article from 2012
Hows MILO doing has he gone into twatter withdrawal yet? Is he pushing alternatives yet?i read that wikileaks wants to start an alternatice to twatter and that sealion club is down due to too many users. We gonna pack up and ditch twitter.
Milo should push for a twitter alternative and encourage his followers to use it
>>326022 Literally the rest of Twitter would encourage Milo to take his followers to a different site. Anyway, Milo has said that social media is dead now, so that doesn't sound likely.
>>326020 > We gonna pack up and ditch twitter. It's not quite that easy. People use Twitter because people use Twitter. The social network is worth more than the technology. We have to convince the content creators and powerful and influential people to ditch Twitter or else the new platform will remain sparsely populated. Dogfooding the alternative system is a good way to start.
>>326027 Leader don't lead, Leader follows.
>>326022 Wikileaks proposed a social media platform and Mark Kern (8/v/'s based BO) said he was working on it. Considering the interconnectedness of Milo's banning with #DNCleaks and censorship and trend manipulation of Wikileaks on both FB and twitter, conspiring with the corrupt leftist-controlled MSM; having an alternate not-leftist-controlled media (Bretbart) and a social media platform is becoming more and more vital.
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>>326020 >We gonna pack up and ditch twitter. No, we use both; we use our (proposed) social media alternative to plan and organize and shitpost, while at the same time we use tools of the enemy to drop redpills and generally shit it up to the point of unusability. We're not going to convince or convert the hardcore SocJust koolaid drinkers, goony beard men, Pateron pity grifters, or old dinosaur media types; we play to the audience, showing the normies redpills by pulling back the curtain on just how insane leftest-controlled media has become. Basically it's August 2014 all over again, but instead of just fighting the corrupt games journalism, we're fighting the ENTIRETY of the corrupt Main Steam Media. Gamegate was just one battle that's the start of a much larger culture war. Gamergate won and we have to show everyone else they can win too.
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>>326041 *sigh* "Mainstream" not "Main Steam" may GabeN have mercy on my soul…
>>325920 Sandman's take on this.
Milo is a fucking troll. I am happy they killed his account. He used Gamergate to get followers. He never liked or cared about us. This white gay cuck is even racist. He is supporting Trump ffs! So am well happy Twitter perma banned him. Gooooood riddance!
>>326069 >Racist >Trump >Happy over ban Go back to twitter Leslie.
>>326069 WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Salty faggot.
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I never followed Milo didnt need to the twatterfags alwayd rted his shit anyway now that he's gone i kinda miss the faggot.
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http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/07/26/another-free-milo-chalking-spotted-twitters-san-francisco-offices/ Which one of you shitholds did this?i owe you a fucking beer and turkey wings
>>326078 Free Milo? I'll take it!
>>326078 Ditto
Looks like the necrofag is back
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Just got around to know what happened, it's a pity that faggot got banned but it is entirely his fault, if what I heard is right he posted photoshopped images of Leslie saying racist things, which is illegal, anyone with half a brain should stay away from this.
>>326261 Stop with the blatant d&c, shill. We were there when it went down, Milo was a passive commentator that got singled out only because he was a Big Name. He essentially made 2 tweets. TWO. And none of them was what you claimed, liar. Kill yourself.
>>326272 >Kill yourself. Speaking of Milo and suicide, did he do that gay pride march through Little Mogadishu thing yet?

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