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GamerGate Radio

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OP FAR-FLAG Leader 05/30/2017 (Tue) 18:43:30 Id: 43ba6f No. 330646
Mombot has found a targeted media blitz centred around a suspicious petition regarding the upcoming game Far Cry 5. The articles found thus far all appear to have dropped within a five hour window of each other, as listed here: https://ghostbin.com/paste/rvdm3 Upon some prodding around, Mombot has got into contact with a couple of journos, and an editor behind a few of the articles. He has admitted he found the petition himself, which was posted in a then-Public, now suspiciously Private Facebook group, which the average person, read: us, cannot access. Even more suspicious, it appears to be modded/admin'd by several high ranking people with the journo and games industry itself WE MAY HAVE A SMALLER GJP ON OUR HANDS Step 1: Timeline http://archive.is/JHdKN We know it was first posted on 25th May. It was posted at least once on Reddit on 27th May. https://archive.fo/3qTAb But it only picked up steam today (30th May). Smaller blogs ran it: https://ghostbin.com/paste/rvdm3 Cogs Connected ran it first. When did the articles drop? What minute/hour? Could someone have seen someone else's article and wrote their own in time? If the time is too short, it points towards GJP-esque groups. Step 2: How is IGN Connected? Brian Altano is the Admin of Podcast Beyond, a Facebook Group that is now private: http://archive.is/dOkiM http://archive.is/f6Jrn#selection-1349.0-1349.43 The author of one of the articles (please confirm who Shaun is and what his website is) says he got the news from there. But won't say who (a logical thing if he things GG would harass the person, if it wasn't for the fact he was a cunt with how he responded- clearly aGG). How is IGN linked to all this? If they are, are they/one of them the orchestators, or an attempt at a story for themselves/political motivation that span out of control? Step 3: How soon did Ubi employees respond? Did they respond fast enough to indicate they knew about this before they would logically have heard of it? Those who heard of it after the petition gained steam (100+ sigs or so) probably did hear of from Twitter. But dig around. Any link to Ubi or advertising/shilling agencies who could have started this? Step 4: Check comments for signs of bots https://www.change.org/p/ubisoft-cancel-far-cry-5/c?source_location=petition_show Check for signs of Bots signing it, SJWs, or even allies of the original petition maker. People signing it now are doing it for laughs or blatantly false-flagging (to the point it's no longer an effective false flag). Even the SJWs are signing to leave hateful comments. But look at the initial ones to look for signs of bots, or even familiar names (i.e. the person created their own petition then contacted friends/colleagues to do the first few sigs). Bare in mind- you don't need to leave a message, so there's no guarantee anyone linked to this will leave a comment (other than egotism or desiring to false-flag with negative racist-gamer style comments)
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FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED Find a way to archive this shit. The comments are on the petition page, and his linkdin is here https :// www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-tanasescu-a33792bb/
>>330652 None of the archiving tech I have works. Plus it proves he false-flagged the signing- not that he started it.
>>330652 >>330653 Though the fact it was signed within 13 mins is suspicious. Was this 13 mins since it's creation, or 13 mins since the the day that shot was taken?
https://twitter.com/mombot/status/869613462783053824 16 articles in 6 hours. GJP 2.0 is here with babby websites. GG 2.0 is back!!
Archive of the bread when shit was discovered: https://archive.is/mCgVn#selection-21141.0-21141.24 https://archive.is/mCgVn#selection-24517.0-24523.0 Archive of current bread: >>/v/12668758 Needs to be made when it's done & posted here. I imagine we'll find plenty to dig. 'Current bounty >>330652 We got the archive of his LinkedIn https://archive.fo/FIj7s But we need the archive of his post on the petition. As of writing, the petition is down (hell, Change.org is down). Hell, any archives of comments could help.
>>330656 Oh fuck. >>>/v/12668758
>>330658 How much has this blown-up on Twitter? I doubt this is 22 people are all imitating the person they saw writing the prior article. Basically how "big" should something be on Twitter to result in "snap-articles" from 23 different places?
>45 minutes OP of the 4chan thread incredibly likely to be the guy who made it. Also, we now have a rough time-stamp of when the petition was created.
some german stuff, nothing is archived www.spieletipps.de/artikel/7181/1/ www.krone.at/digital/far-cry-5-online-petition-will-game-stoppen-zu-antiamerikanisch-story-571898 www.gamestar.de/artikel/parodie-oder-ernst-petition-will-far-cry-5-stoppen,3314786.html www.pcgames.de/Far-Cry-5-Spiel-60934/News/Amerikanische-Gamer-fordern-Einstellung-1229096/ www.xboxmedia.de/far-cry-5-petition-zur-cancelung-gestartet/ www.shooter-szene.de/ego-shooter/a-g/farcry/stoppt-far-cry-5-petition-gegen-ubisoft-sorgt-fuer-hitzige-diskussionen.html
www.papergeek.fr/far-cry-5-petition-empecher-sortie-jeu-amuse-twitter-33730 www.everyeye.it/notizie/lanciata-una-petizione-per-chiedere-ubisoft-cancellare-far-cry-5-294168.html www.psinside.de/petition-will-release-von-far-cry-5-verhindern/ www.eclypsia.com/fr/farcry5/actualites/une-petition-demande-l-annulation-de-far-cry-5-22345 www.millenium.org/top-jeux/portail/actualites/une-petition-pour-interdire-far-cry-5-fc5-ubisoft-change-org-ps4-xbox-one-pc-156871 www.gamergen.com/actualites/far-cry-5-ubisoft-annulation-petition-mechant-282900-1
gamereign.us/far-cry-5-ernst-oder-satire-petition-will-einstellung-des-spiels-erwirken/ fried-phoenix.de/2017/05/30/amusement-des-tages-cancel-far-cry-5/ gamingnewstime.de/far-cry-5-amerikanische-spieler-wollen-veroeffentlichung-verhindern/ there's probably more but since idk if these sites are actually known I'll stop here
>>330663 Wait, so IGN germany ran with it, but IGN USA did not?
>>330666 Yes, IGN france too and also motherboard france https://archive.fo/SByTT https://archive.fo/dhUeY
>>330667 Daft question- how big is Far Cry/Ubisoft in Europe? Big enough so (if IGN did it) they'd pull this for those nations, but not for the US?
>>330668 I don't think they are bigger than their US counterparts. I don't know why none of the usual suspects (aside from descucktoid) reported on it. I wonder if there's something more to it, like they knew it was a false flag done by IGN or even Ubisoft itself and decided to play it safe letting the smaller sites run with it
Okay, I'll put this Operation in the GG wiki.

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