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GamerGate Radio

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Happy Anniversary #GamerGate! Acid Man 08/27/2017 (Sun) 20:47:07 Id: 398472 No. 331080
It's the Third Birthday! Today is August 28th, which is the day that this and the previous GG boards have traditionally celebrated the birthday of #GG. August 27th was the day Adam Baldwin first coined the hashtag itself, but it was the following day that consensus was reached on /v/ to formally adopt the tag and take up the #GG mantle to spread word of our cause. What was a Twitter tag created to point attention at a scandal became a banner under which gamers and free speech advocates from all over the global Internet rallied to stick up for our hobby in the face of a hostile media and a nearly equally hostile world. They said we wouldn't last a month. We did. They said we wouldn't last through Christmas. We did. They said we wouldn't last through Destiny. We laughed our asses off. They said we wouldn't last a year. We did. They said we wouldn't last two years. We did. They said we were dead. Then we got the blame for electing Donald Trump! It's been a hell of a ride. I never imagined, when I stepped into the Burgers and Fries threads on /v/ in 2014, that things would wind up like this. Multiple warfront, mainstream media getting involved, a civil war within #GG and winding up a board owner myself. That we'd be in an episode of Law and Order. Now today we have books being written about us, and hitpiece headlines are still coming out on a weekly basis. We just wanted to play videogames! As I'm sure you've noticed, the old board here is pretty dead. Between all the chaos of the big board war and attempted takeovers by the IRC faction, most of 8chan lost interest in the game. We still have a valuable purpose as a safe harbor, and as a repository and discussion board for the information still flowing in from all over the #GamerGate network. It's times like this, when carrying on is hard and takes actual work, that you learn who really cares about the cause, and who was just around for the drama high and happenings. Ultimately I'm just one asshole on the Internet, no more or less important than any other, so take this for what its worth, but … I'm proud of you. All of you. We've done something unparalleled in the entire history of the Internet, and we aren't done yet! Polygon has recently been discovered to be cheating on the FTC's rules again. You'll find it in the board catalog a little ways down. So on today, our third anniversary, how about we stoke the old fire and send a few emails to the FTC? That's how I'm gonna celebrate. Cheers, GGHQ! And cheers to all of 8chan and #GamerGate! THREE MORE YEARS OF SHITLORDS!
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Let's save the world and have fun doing it.
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Been a weird weird ride. Here's to three more years
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and to think, if LW had only slept with 4 guys, none of this would ever have happened. Happy birthday, everyone.
Happy birthday!
Nowadays i look at the news and i am terrified and scared of going out. I was working towards a scholarship in England when this started and now you couldn't pay me enough money to go there. And the fact that it's all at least in some way connected doesn't help. The same hypocrisy, the same lies, the same blatant obfuscation and manipulation of information, the same underlying violence and destruction. The people bashing each other's skulls while the hurricane laughs probably don't even know who they're doing it for. Three goddamn years, I just wanted to play videogames.
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Liking this. Keep the artwork coming drawfags!
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Happy third birthday. Thanks for helping me rediscover my love of vidya and for fighting against corrupt and biased journalism.
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>>331080 >>331081 Happy anniversary, you fags. It's weird to think that I never would have woken up politically if not for some skank fucking dudes for reviews game reviews and the shitstorm that followed. Also, when we do get to mars, we're not taking niggers and jews with us. t. /pol/ack
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All I wanted to do was play video games. Now I collect weeb shit, Vivians, and am responsible for the end of Western Civilization as commies try to rise up only to get the shit beat out of them as God intended. I wonder what happens if we turn 5.
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A disgruntled anti-GG inner circle/Crash Override Network member has delivered an anniversary gift and leaked a rough draft of Chelsea's 'Crash Override' book. This book scheme was mentioned in the first CON leaks, Chelsea was supposed to be writing this book to use as a weapon against GG. This draft appears to be from a few months later as a reference to an event on April 15th 2015 being "next week" is made and it contains lots of name-drops and shilling for her cronies. https://pastebin.com/FCmZS9tP https://archive.fo/YFft5
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>>331108 broteampill coming in with the content, it's so juicy to see the inner circle turn
GG Moving Forward: > Eliminate Jounro Reputation, or aim for both Journo and Industry Corruption? It's no lie to say GG became focused on journalism. While that is good, they are the symptom of a bigger problem- a crooked industry (made by a crooked society, but one step at a time). As Journo reputations are now trash- is now the time to focus on anti-Consumer practices (like Mania hammering in Denuvo and giving out a game to prevent refunds, or the smartphone-tier jewery of chests in the new shadow of mordor game)? Journos bad rep means they can't defend it as easily. OR, do we keep focusing on Journos, so that we can encourage more good journos to join in the fight against the industry itself later? OR- everyone do their own thing? > Charity? Pro: Shows our enemies as mad when they complain about it. Con: Why do we need to focus on PR? Why do we need to focus on any non-industry related thing? Also, we need money to keep 8ch, Archive.is and the like alive.
Any butthurt from Zoe Quinn, Anita $arkeesian, and Brianna Wu?
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Putting out the yearly GG comics I make as well as the 3rd anniversary art. Thanks everyone. Whenever I post these in Tumblr I always hope I can get people to look into Gamergate and it's contribution to the Culture Wars. Yes, it's usually a futile endeavor, given Tumblr, but if I can get a few people to investigate and grow intellectually, then it's not a waste.
There are morons on twitter who ascribe everything and anything to gamergate
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remember those ema- yeah I'm sure they read them
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>>331083 >"here's to three more years" >he thinks GG is still a thing >didn't notice the last E3 are you serious?
>>331089 >he still thinks it's about ethics WEW E W
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>>331120 That was all part of the Master Plan(tm). The overall strategy was to focus a nuclear powered autism laser on the games media and rout the cancer out of it. Directly remove those we could (Leigh Alexander) and kill the rest by slow attrition of targeted advertiser hate and boosting good alternative sites. Gawker and Kotaku were targeted the hardest to be our "heads on a pike", which would serve to warn the rest to clean up their shit before they followed suit. In the meantime, we aimed for good public relations to attract more members and keep pressure up on the games media. It was easy to prove how shit they were when we compared their lies about us to the reality of what we were doing. This was Phase 1 and was planned to last for many months to a few years. Phase 2 was to use the freshly un-cucked and gamer-friendly games media to shine a light on bad industry practices. Crunch development, DLC issues, DRM, pre-order culture, Censorship, SJW cancer in the game dev scene and academia and so forth. The media would translate our concerns out to the rest of the gamer and normalfag world, and put pressure on the game companies to change their practices. This was expected to take half a decade or more, but to operate mostly on autopilot since the media would simply be doing their normal jobs in sustaining it. All we'd need to do was lurk around and give a friendly journo the occasional nudge or a bit of dug up information. Then all we had to do was sit back, play videogames, and wait patiently. This was the strategy that /pol/ and /v/ jointly concocted back in September of 2014. Too bad some idiots jumped the gun and fucked it all up. Nobody knew about the "Cabal" behind the scenes of #GG's imageboard front. While GG was getting bogged down in hedgerow country in the middle of Phase 1 (unpleasant but expected), some of our "thought leaders" who were either out of the loop or just didn't care decided to throw the strategy out the window. Depending on which one you talked to, they either wanted to fight the game development industry directly by trying to boycott games or by targeting individual players (see: Allison Rapp), or to take the whole fight political and turn gamers into footsoldiers for the Alt Right. And when mainstream #GG didn't want anything to do with either of those things, those faggots stabbed us in the back. They started targeting pro-GG voices and began a covert attempt at hostile takeover that ignited a civil war on 8chan and social media, turning GG against GG. Because of that we lost a lot of momentum and wasted a lot of energy. SPJ Airplay was an oblique success (the talk was a failure, the side opportunities weren't), but we were too busy infighting to fully capitalize on it. The blockbots made directly engaging/salt mining games media difficult to impossible, so we lost a lot of ammunition. We lost several key nodes in #GG's social network (remember when Mombot was only a minor player? Our big voices used to be five times what she was until the Cabal and revolt harassed them off social media) and a lot of normalfags failed to get the message that Gawker's death was only a beginning, not an end goal. A ton of people dropped out or called mission accomplished, and our remaining GG network and the burnout Revolt faction spent more time eyeing each other on Twitter than they did fighting games journos, until Revolt imploded under the weight of the Cabal's autism. On top of all this the problems with 8chan and Josh's massive fuckup with Infinity NEVER almost killed this site entirely, with our board here losing its last major batch of regular users. We dropped out of the topbar never to return except on last year's anniversary. KiA changed their rules and expanded away from gaming, which kept their subreddit active, but they don't run operations or email campaigns hardly at all anymore due to the choke-chain the Reddit admins have around their necks. They're huge, but weak compared to what 8chan was. Now /v/ is the Helms Deep. The Generals still have most of the same ~125 #GG people posting in them that established them in 2014. Even there we spend most of our time shitposting and arguing about traps, until some major happening goes off where we think that #GG still has the numbers to make a difference. At least then the Bat Signal still goes out and shit gets done. The General is also responsible for Torrential Downpour and kick-started the fight against localization censorship in Japanese games, which is good. We still chip away at the games media, little by little. Deepfreeze is a treasure, and does a good deal of the lifting for us. The games press is utterly discredited, with some in academia the only ones left pretending otherwise. As it sits, long-term attrition is going to be the thing that completes Phase 1 of the original plan, with the games press dying off over the next ten years to be replaced by new media, who will then have to be held accountable to gamers. Not the win we wanted, but a win is a win. Of course, that assumes that we can put a stop to the mass censorship of anti-SJW views now occurring on the major new media sites like Youtube. If the only opinions allowed are those of our enemies anyway then killing the old games media will do us no good. Their replacements will then be even worse, because Let's Players and their ilk are far more trusted than the dinosaur press was. So now we're fighting there, too. A lot of the time I think about this stuff, I have to just laugh. We expected a marathon boss, not a boss marathon. Still, we might as well see it through all the way to the end. With the industry in such a state, it isn't like there's a better place for a gamer to spend their time. We'll keep making it better, little by little, and we'll save the rest of the God Damned Internet while we're at it.
>>331145 >massive corporations care about our emails so basically this is your post 1) It's still only about ethics to you 2) muh emails 3) No boycotting of anything 4) Thinks Hogan's Gawker drama is entire because of you 5) muh pr and you still believe all that lmao In case you haven't notice, the liberal/leftist scum that started all this is more powerful than ever, and more brazen than ever. The recent E3 alone should have taught you that. >The media would translate our concerns out to the rest of the gamer and normalfag world, and put pressure on the game companies to change their practices wew the media and the gaming companies are the same thing you stupid fucking idiot. They are on the same ideological side 100%, they do not give a fuck about ethics, in fact they give such a little fuck about ethics that they will pay lip-service to ethics if it means neutralizing any substantial dissent. That you think one would oppose another in this war for YOU is beyond ridiculous. It's so ridiculous that I wonder if you aren't some kind of master shitposter this whole time since 2015.
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>>331146 >Too bad some idiots jumped the gun and fucked it all up. Well speak of the devil! You forgot to call me a cuck, so that deducts some points, but I'll give you a (you) for bothering to show up. >the media and the gaming companies are the same thing…They are on the same ideological side 100% <Citation needed Especially in light of the various developer posts we had in 2014/2015 and the interviews with Broteam that happened. Let alone our public supporters like Brad Wardell. What we learned from inside the industry in 2014 is that, while SJWs exist in the HR departments of some AAA developers and publishers, and are infesting the Indie scene, the run-of-the-mill gamedev lives in a media-constructed culture of fear. They toe the line because the SJW games press will destroy their reputation and tank their sales prospects if they don't bend the knee to social justice. This is coerced cooperation, quite the contrast to "sharing their ideology 100%." Our interest was in freeing them from that to make the games they wanted to make, which, coincidentally, happen to be the kinds of games that many of us enjoy. The SJWs in the games media control perception, and through that exert power over both developers and the buying audience. "Breaking that power", described in many different ways and methods by many different people, has been the chief aim of #GG from the very start. Ethics and emails were but weapons used to help accomplish that purpose. But you knew that.
>>331147 Acid, I like you and everything, but I'm on that other guy's side. The industry is cucked to hell and back and it is not getting better. We see no effort from them to get better, instead we have Blizz and others making lesbians and autistic character headcannon to virtue signal on twitter.
┏━━━━━━━━━━━┓                  reddit
┃Analytical result...       ┃               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
┣━━━━━━━┳━━━┫           ┏   O    ┓  paranoia
┃Self destruction ┃100%  ┃     dullness     (     / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
┣━━━━━━━╋━━━┫      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\(   ´Д`)
┃Accuracy   .....┃000%  ┃    tricks    (gaygater)  fatness
┣━━━━━━━╋━━━┫    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\| |  | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
┃Delusion      .┃100%  ┃             (__) _)
┣━━━━━━━╋━━━┫          ┗      ┛
┃Suffering     ...┃100%  ┃           beep beep・・・
>>331152 >>331174 Blackpills? In the GGHQ? You took a wrong turn, m8.
>>331080 >three years >Still haven't accomplished anything >Gawker still lives Good job doing… nothing?
>>331190 >Gawker still lives Gawker itself is dead, and Nick Denton is unemployed. Frankly, that's more than I ever expected. There's nothing you can realistically do about the other blogs, because they got bought by a billion-dollar company that can give them (((funding))) until the end of time. Even then, those blogs may eventually die if their users stop using the blog.
In 2018 Politicians,movies stars and journalists are pedos and rapists Western gaming dies in microtransactions and lootboxes Eastern games rise even more Idiots on twatter or wherever still mutter gamergate in hushed tones the eternal vigilance still continues Gamergate gets blamed for causing (Insert event here)
Newfag here, I dunno where else to post this. I ended up semi-ragequitting from the internet during the leadup to GG becoming a thing because if I didn't I was going to have a fucking nervous breakdown, because of that while GG was going on I was only semi-aware of it and never really knew what it was, I only saw the hashtag being thrown around by SJWs on Twitter and some forum threads that I avoided. I only really found out what it actually was when the whole thing blew over and I feel really regretful that I never got to take part in it and join the fight for them delicious e t h i c s I really want to be able to look back on GG and be able to say I was a part of it. Is there still any way I can contribute or has the whole movement pretty much lost its steam?

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