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GamerGate Radio

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Sexual Harrasment Database Lich Lord of GamerGate 10/18/2017 (Wed) 20:36:24 Id: bfcfb0 No. 331250
The purpose of this thread: Catalog all cases of anti-GG/SJW/"virtuous" companies/marxist pushers and those who talk down to us about being immoral who have skeletons in their closet. Main focus is aGG and game related companies. With how sexual assault has been under more scrutiny, this could escalate until those really high up in important industries can get fucked. If you fix corruption in gaming, it can happen in other industries by laying the ground work and have the general public more informed to not tolerate it in other fields. Not to mention more sexual assault can be reported as more progress is made. There is a delicate balance with false accusations however. Only post 1 accusation per post. If it turns out it is fake- then it makes it easier to delete
David Ballard accuses a Naughty Dog lead of sexual assault. Also claims Sony offered him 20K in hush money. https://archive.fo/OBbqX https://archive.fo/c0bDE
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https://archive.is/WNIIv https://archive.is/fOmx0 Sam Kriss (Journalist for Vice and The Guardian, aGG) had an accusation against him, however he took to twitter to apologize- even trying to justify it. So it's safe to say he might have done it.
Michael Hafford (a former contributor to Rolling Stone, Playboy, and Vice), aGG and Male Feminist faces multiple rape allegations. No news if he has been brought to justice if true. https://archive.is/BKm5E
Matt Hickey - Guilty of anti consumer practices for fake porn studio scam he used to sleep with women and take pictures of them. https://archive.is/NonG3 There are several other stories about him on OneAngryGamer but I think this last one summarizes other points.
Devin Faraci has had accusations on several occasions. Very vocal antiGG person, he has been accused twice. https://archive.is/9y0G3 https://archive.is/RTHUE After he was fired from his first job at Birth.Movies.Death (run by Alamo Drafthouse and Tim League) for allegations he then allegedly did it again before being hired to work at Alamo Drafthouse. Outcry prompted him to be fired again.
More info via Mombot: Live: https://www.twitter.com/i/moments/851713200537993216 Archive: https://archive.is/yu1OQ Need to find original sources on the stories.
I want to give you a head's-up; on one of his Thinkery streams (embed related @ 9min 40sec) Sargon of Akkad mentioned that he was going to do a full video on "Male Feminist Allies" who end up being sexpests.
Lockhart Steele That can't be his real name surely? Did he rename himself legally or is that a pseudonym? Vox Media Editorial Director and Co-Founder of Gawker was accused of harassment. https://archive.is/IIcAJ https://archive.fo/pFi3a
Rupert Myers GQ and former Daily Mail was fired for allegations against him. https://archive.fo/GYg3f
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Shane Vader (not sure who he is, /v/ just posted this from Maximus Honkmus) has been accused of collecting and sending child porn, according to a DM sent to (we assume) Maximus Honkmus https://twitter.com/Maximus_Honkmus/status/921432965720154112 https://archive.is/rb4fY The only reason "accused" is not in bold here is because he then confessed. Apparently a similar incident happened when he was younger. https://archive.is/9zSWz Here's his antiGG tweet- purely in case the Maximus tweet doesn't archive the images he took (the image of the confession also does not cover all of it). http://archive.li/NHNAU
>>331252 If Sam Kriss is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. https://archive.is/EhqJw Sam was also fired from the UK Labor party (not sure how we worked for them). He also deemed himself a “Marxist Leftist”- but the article lacks a source on that claim (possibly from the HuffPo UK article).
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Tyler Malka (owner of NeoGAF) has had accusations made against him. This is allegedly the second time accusations have been made, but I cannot find the first. Further, the forums mods have resigned on-mass and the website is up and down (currently down). https://archive.is/rNlhL 8ch threads (dig through shitposting for evidence) THREAD #1: http://archive.is/c8RZT THREAD #2: http://archive.is/lh9lC THREAD #3: https://archive.fo/DYK8O THREAD #4: http://archive.is/6RRia THREAD #5: http://archive.is/LpaVA THREAD #6: http://archive.is/h87FY A theory proposed by multiple anons and commentators that many mods knew, and tried to cover for Tyler. The proposal is that any posters on their forums who claimed Tyler assaulted anyone would be quickly deleted and hushed up. While most forums would ban threads/individuals for making false claims and shitting up the place, they believe it is more credible as that those making accusations posted decent evidence and/or was more frequent than just a trolling campaign. (Citation and evidence needed). I must emphasize at this point: Until evidence is found to prove it, it does not confirm the mods knew about what Tyler allegedly did, and covered it up. It could be that they tried to distance themselves from the incident and website that's going to harm their reputation. Fleeing because they fear accusation for covering up (or worse), and/or the reactions that may cause others to have to them (harassment, doxxing, refusal to hire). If at least one Mod was covering up for Tyler, the question becomes "Who else was" and "Who didn't know". As an aside- this does have a knock on effect. All the members of that forum will spread out onto other forums. Their echo chamber really shocks them into knowing they were a laughing stock. On their own they'll just be contrarians and have no power. But if fates align and certain things are done to encourage them to go to one place or another- a large enough group can crack consensus, drive off the original members, and drastically change the demographic of that forum into NeoGAF 2.0. Same as gaming and "geek culture" as a whole. This whole event basically just popped a zit. It might be necessary to give warning signs to other websites/forums to ensure they don't get "infected".
>>331279 If Tyler Malka is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. Had to split this up into two posts due to poor internet connection. Original incidents (according to one OneAngryGamer): https://archive.is/tycvw https://archive.is/vNjSF IMO the first (the twitter convo) could be a (failed) attempt at an insulting comeback rather than sexual harassment. However, in a court of law, it may be deemed that. The second is straight up hypocritical behavior based on what the websites TOS is, and Tyler's later politics. There is also the irony of him being aGG and saying "Sexual objectification is great. Harassment is not." when NeoGAF has acted like the first was no different than the latter, and allegedly doing the latter behind everyone's backs. It's almost as if he 180'd his politics to attract people to act as a shield. As for the current events, OneAngryGamer's reporting claims this is the newest incident that everyone is resigning over (if I'm understanding his article correctly): https://archive.is/Y0VI7 https://archive.fo/tKRxo#selection-485.0-527.81 (At no point does the forum post however claim it IS Tyler, only saying someone "famous in the gaming industry" so I'm not sure how Tyler is implicated in it) The article also says when a mod was arrested for child porn he allegedly donated money to him (no link or citation of that claim in the article) "but then later attempted to claim that they didn’t know much about him." The article goes on to claim moderators buried topics relating to this as well (if true, it gives more credibility to doing the same for their boss). There is also a Twitter chain of the events at NeoGAF: https://twitter.com/nickmon1112/status/921865573876854789 https://archive.is/x8hXb Archive does not show all of it however.
>>331279 If Tyler Malka is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. Archive of the NeoGAF incident: https://archive.is/M9r0V Comments/analysis that suggests that Jason Schreier of Polygon knew about the sexual harassment and covered for Tyler (if true). This was by him passing questions to Tyler during an AMA (ask me anything)- and he must have seen questions asking about Tyler's accusations. https://archive.is/7Zz7A Recently Jason claims he never saw any accusations levied against Tyler only his "gross post about Spain". https://archive.is/gLnZp#selection-1855.0-1855.126 He also claims (one of the pics related) that the AMA questions are filtered by the person being asked the questions, and he "didn't read every single one". http://archive.fo/FJD6o http://archive.fo/BG93d http://archive.fo/ZY6nw Kotaku's take on it (as the comment section is where Jason made another claim): http://archive.fo/rHKOg
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>>331280 >If Tyler Malka is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. I like that you're looking not to hunt someone who is innocent, but the optimal strategy would be to not even post this here until we have proof. Somewhere more private would suffice.
>>331286 A "private" place to discuss GG is pretty much off the books. You'd need to post the link to it on /v/ or here, so the people who hate us and monitor would know. Not to mention any truely private forum/message board (i.e. log-in to see shit) could be DDOS'd or subject to false claims of organizing crime or sharing illegal content. All I'm doing is reposting what others have posted/discussed in places with far more eyes on it than here (Reddit, Twitter, etc).
>>331279 If Tyler Malka is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. A better summery of >>331282 https://archive.is/kdU2A And I meant Jason of Kotaku, not Polygon.
>>331279 If Tyler Malka is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. Archive version of third pic: http://archive.fo/zeEX1
Does anyone have a copy of the Shitty Media Men list? There are apparently lots of anti gamergaters on the list like Sam Biddle and Joe Bernstein. It's said to have finally leaked to Twitter and Reddit today but I can't find anything.
Mombot created an article claiming Anthony White made a fake gaming news website (Digitally Critical- a website which had a URL but only a white screen and the associated Twitter account is dead) to seduce female writers. twitter.com/mombot/status/925698290452013056 https://archive.is/K9mC3 medium.com/@mombot/anthony-white-fake-feminist-fake-games-journalist-real-sex-offender-17e3e737702a http://archive.is/jXy1r > Anthony White is different from all of the other cases I have covered. Typically, sexual abusers in the video games industry pressure their associates into sex with promises of professional connections — a foot in the door at a major game development company, or an opportunity to write for a well-known news media outlet. These promises are lies, but in order to make those lies work the perpetrator usually needs to be someone notable. Anthony White was never notable, and he was never a part of the industry to begin with. Anthony invented an entire video games news editor persona, complete with a non-existent gaming news website, then exploited that persona to prey on young female writers. The article goes on claiming that Antony's ex wife said he abused his daughter. > This expose elicited a response from half a dozen other women, including Anthony’s ex-wife, who came forward to share more disturbing information: Anthony was registered as a PPRC (Person who Poses a Risk to Children) in the UK, was recently released from jail, and was accused of sexually abusing his daughter. In addition to all of this, police fear that Anthony fits the profile of a repeat offender. Anthony used a primary Twitter account to give the appearance of a male feminist, while also owning several sexual fetish accounts. https://archive.is/WAtf5 Hypocrisy includes: - Anthony chiding his autistic brother for ‘using his mental disability to shield himself from accusations of misogyny’ https://archive.fo/rk0WB - On neoGAF, […] Anthony adopted the screen name “Symphonia” and accused random GamerGaters of harassing women in the gaming industry. https://archive.is/p0qez Anthony has closed many of his alternate twitter accounts, but he may return: > When Anthony’s sexually abusive behavior was brought to wider public attention, he immediately deleted all of his Twitter accounts and promised that he would “leave the internet”. However, there is evidence that Anthony is attempting to shift his activities to new social media accounts. If that is the case, he may return under a new persona. Former Twitter handles include: digicritical, Ant White, Tony White, Anthony Wight, @unitedkinkdom, @latenighttweets, @thebackloghero, @no1daddy1, @cumfordxddy, @bakingwithant, @txtxllyxbxndxnt and @totallyredundant For the above statements, the article provides hyperlinks in text, or screencaps. (I will post those images to this and a future post) Antony replied to Mombot's article with his own comments on neoGAF; twitter.com/mombot/status/925731976757182465 https://archive.is/ctD2i Mombot notes that Anthony mentions "indecent images on my computer"- a claim Mombot did not make.
>>331306 If Anthony White is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. Additional images included.
>>331301 I'll keep an eye out. Try asking /8diamonds/ (if they're still around) or /pol/.
>>331306 If Anthony White is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. https://archive.is/W7wfY Another summery of events, by OneAngryGamer
>>331308 >>331301 Cernovich claims Mother Jones might be on it- due to them claiming Cernovich has edited the list, despite him not publishing the list or (according to him) never edited it. He also claims someone called David Corn was on the list, and Mother Jones defended him. https://archive.is/6V55M https://archive.is/G8Xs9 The original list is a Google Doc, and with what's been happening with them recently, expect it to vanish into smoke. Except for those who downloaded it. IMO- If the list is real, great. If the list is entirely fake, (((They))) could be afraid as it'll inspire investigation into real crimes. If it's "half-fake" (some fake and some are real and/or those that were guess-work or thought to be fake are actually real) would still have the same effect as either of the above.
This one is rough. Only reason I'm saying these are just allegations is because the guy hasn't had his day in court yet. Article is via Jezebel, a site that usually has a feminist stance. https://archive.is/y6Lrv https://archive.is/km1ua > On October 6, Helen Donahue, who previously worked as a social media editor for Vice and also wrote for the website, posted photos of bruises on her upper body, neck, and face to Twitter. “sux men in media hate women yet write abt feminism n masquerade as allies but its sadder this happens,” she wrote. “2015 i screamed @ my own reflection.” https://archive.is/V9p83 > Shortly after, another writer named Deirdre Coyle quoted Donahue’s tweet, writing “these bruises came from the same guy who physically forced me to do cocaine during sex.” And yet another woman known on Twitter by her first name, Dilara, quoted Coyle’s tweet, writing: “This is the same guy who choked me at the foot of his stairs until I passed out and then repeatedly punched me in the face.” https://archive.is/xZXCn https://archive.is/LRhPK > All three women confirmed to each other privately that the man they were referring to was writer Michael Hafford, a former freelance columnist for Broadly and freelance writer for outlets like Refinery29, Rolling Stone, T Magazine and more. The rapper ka5sh, a friend of Donahue’s, also tweeted that Hafford was the man Donahue’s tweet was referring to. https://archive.is/0f9Mv > Hafford’s column at Broadly, Vice’s site aimed at women, was “Male Feminist Here,” a satire of male feminism and allyship that ran for three months in 2015. (Disclosure: I also wrote a piece for Broadly in 2015.) “The Male Feminist knows how much the love of a good woman means. Hell, the Male Feminist would settle for grudging acceptance,” Hafford wrote in the first edition of the column. “Not that he’s desperate. He just loves being around women, you know?” [IMO, Hafford was acting exactly as a male feminist does. Whether Jezebel is trying to memory hole him as a parody, or mean something else I do not know. They then claim he worked with Milo sending him stories.] > Donahue was first emboldened to come forward on social media after a BuzzFeed investigation revealed that former Broadly editor Mitchell Sunderland had been emailing stories to Milo Yiannopolous to mock via Breitbart. The day after BuzzFeed’s story came out, Vice’s HR was first made aware of allegations around Hafford’s behavior through these Twitter posts, and “he was banned from contributing to any of the company’s properties,” a spokesperson wrote in an email to Jezebel. “Vice does not tolerate assault of any kind, or behavior that is disrespectful or offensive to any group or demonstrates bias or bigotry, and we took action as soon as we learned what happened. We continue to review the matter.” https://archive.is/mmrd1 > Former Broadly Editor-in-Chief (and, previously, longtime Jezebel staffer) Tracie Egan Morrissey told Jezebel that she had never met Hafford or had any communications with him during the three months he contributed to the site, but after editors informed her that “he had become aggressive and rude and difficult to work with,” the column was killed in December 2015. His behavior was confirmed by another current editor who prefers to remain anonymous. > In addition to Donahue, Coyle, and Dilara, Jezebel also spoke to a fourth woman, Abby Carney, who alleges Hafford raped her. Though all women say they engaged in relationships with Hafford at some point, their consent was often eroded during these encounters: kissing somehow became penetrative sex even after protests, sex suddenly included unwanted physical violence. […] > “We are horrified by the allegations against Michael Hafford. Broadly does not tolerate violence against women of any kind, and we’ve worked hard to report on injustices against women and marginalized communities,” wrote Ciel Hunter, Global Head of Content for Vice, in an email to Jezebel. “The Broadly team is comprised of women who are committed to amplifying the voices of survivors, and we will continue to do the work, both internally and in the field, to challenge the systems and people oppressing women today.” The article continues with the women describing the attacks. Not posting only for the sake of brevity on the board. The article continues here: https://archive.is/y6Lrv#selection-1529.0-1529.3
>>331333 If you wish to share out the story, you have the tweets. This one is especially hard hitting IMO: twitter.com/NeilJEdmondson/status/926828004180860928 https://archive.is/wH1f3
Van Jole, Editor in Chief of JoopNL (part of BNNVARA), a site where they claim GamerGate hates women and that rape culture is real, has been accused of molesting a women via #metoo https://archive.is/5nP77 https://archive.is/he5fK https://archive.is/SEpQ5 https://archive.is/t3Ksq > It's alleged he fed a women of 23 drunk and then forced himself on her while she said "no". He has been trying to make excuses about it. BNNVARA is part of the NPO (government funded broadcasts), where the NOS and "gamergate is 50 men hating women" AVROTROS are also part of. I am not able to download the video provided in the website links. To those reading, I implore you to work out a way to download that video, so evidence is not lost. (While Reddit claims someone has legitimized the recording as real- https://archive.is/5vWD4 -, we must continue to say it is an accusation, as people can lie and shit can be doctored, until he is proven guilty)
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Vincent Ingenito has been accused of assaulting a woman while working at IGN. https://archive.fo/1cIUd https://archive.is/erwBu https://archive.is/2T3bM While Vincent has offered a soft-confession, the possibility of false confession is always a possibiliy until tried by a court of law.
>>331358 If Vincent Ingenito is found innocent and the above post needs to be deleted, please also delete this post. IGN staff walk out over what Vincent allegedly did. https://archive.fo/BnjBp https://archive.fo/DsDCN https://archive.fo/8jg5C
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Polygon editor Philip Kollar has been accused of sexually coercing a drunk, mentally ill teenager. He was married and 10 years her senior. https://archive.is/Gv247 >The accuser claims that she reported Philip's behavior to Polygon, but rather than take punitive action they promoted him. It's possible that their internal investigation determined that there was no wrong doing.
Vice Suspends Documentary Producer Jason Mojica For [Allegations Of] Sexual Misconduct https://archive.is/3yniE > No further comments or statements were produced by Vice regarding Mojica’s suspension, but it comes shortly after both Vice and their subsidiary Waypoint acknowledged the sexual misconduct claims that were said to be rife within the media company’s corporate culture. > So what exactly did Mojica do? According to Barghouty he asked how flexible she was after asking if she signed the non-traditional non-disclosure agreement, something that Waypoint reproached Vice for using as a means of leverage against employees. > One of the employees told the Daily Beast under anonymity – since she had signed the NDA and did not want to risk legal repercussions – that some management used the NDAs as pressure against the young female staff… < “When older men, senior reporters, or managers would hook up with young female reporter after young female reporter, [my manager] would kind of a shrug and say, ‘Well, non-traditional workplace environment.’” > The Daily Beast says that employees told them that the managing staff would use the NDA in a joking manner before doing something uncouth. The "non-standard" NDA (according to OneAngryGamer) says: > “Although it is possible that some of the text, images and information I will be exposed to the course of my employment with Vice may be considered by some to be offensive, indecent, violent or disturbing, I do not find such text, images or information or the workplace environment at Vice to be offensive, indecent, violent or disturbing.” https://archive.is/3On9N A linked document via another article says: > Due to the nature of business and operations, including but not limited to its print and online publications, sexually provocative and other explicit images, videos and audio recordings are regularly present VICE's offices. > Individuals employed by VICE must be conscious of VICE's non-traditional environment and comfortable with exposure to and participation in situations that may present themselves during the course of their employment. While working at VICE, I acknowledge that I may be exposed to highly provocative material, some of it containing extremely explicit sexual and controversial content. If I travel offsite for projects and perform work on location I will be confronted with unique and unusual situations, which may be considered offensive, indecent or unacceptable by others. > I have read the information above, and I hereby acknowledge that I am familiar with VICE's print and online publications and office environment. Although it is possible that some of the text, images and information I will be exposed to in the course of my employment with VICE may be considered by some to be offensive, indecent, violent or disturbing, I do not find such text, images or information or the workplace environment at VICE to be offensive, indecent, violent or disturbing. > I have voluntarily accepted my employment with VICE. I agree to hold VICE harmless from any and all claims I may have based upon VICE's workplace environment or my exposure to specific text, images or information in the course of my employment with VICE. > If at any time in the future I believe that the workplace environment at VICE has become offensive, I will inform Human Resources immediately. https://archive.is/jBV2H The discrepancy between the two quotes may be due to the document's text format via the website seems to be some bot that reads the text, and it is not 100% accurate. That and/or Billy had a different copy of the VICE contract- real or otherwise. In either case, the contract would only be appropriate if you were dealing with material that would be offensive (dead bodies, murder, sexual abuse, etc). It seems very unlikely an NDA like this would be needed to cover their hide for sex tapes of celebs. Associated Articles: https://archive.is/UhkHH https://archive.is/79bzQ
> Tariq Lacy, former PR manager and marketing staff at Area 35, is now claiming game director Hiroaki Yura embezzled that money and used it towards Area 35’s new game, Tiny Metal. Yura responded by accusing Lacy of sexual harassment during his time at the Tokyo-based company. https://archive.is/mBTMi There's not much info on either side. Tiny Metal was delayed a month after Tariq's claim. Brandon claims Tariq used to work at Gumi, and Nintendo HQ in WA state before that. If Tariq's claim is false, he could be doing this to get attention for his next project, job, or attention in general (going off other SJW- if he's a male feminist sex-pest- it is in character). It is possible both parties can be lying, both telling the truth, or one is telling the truth and the other is lying.
>>331254 Matt Hickey, Former Gizmodo Journalist Pleads Guilty To Reduced Rape Charges > https://archive.is/LCQmF It should be noted there are circumstances someone will admit to guilt when they did not do it. However from a legal POV, we no longer need to say "allegedly" when discussing Matt Hickey.
Not sure if this counts. Former NeoGaf Mod Amir0x Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography https://archive.is/zKSpv > Former NeoGaf moderator and anti-#GamerGate critic, Christopher John Goldberg, has pled guilty to a single count of child pornography. Readers of One Angry Gamer tipped us off to the updated docket and court summaries, which reveal the current status of Goldberg’s impending sentencing, as well as the fact that he has put in a guilty plea to one of the many charges of accessing child pornography.
>>331371 >He wouldn't take "no" for an answer! >I didn't say "no", I just made up excuses! Which is it?

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