Anita's update after article. Found it via Tumblr.
* She updates a lot more regularly these days! Ever since Tropes vs. Wom*n ended, the Feminist Frequency youtube channel has put out a whopping 80 videos… and no, you probably don’t remember nor care how long ago TvW ended, but oh well. It’s certainly a lot better than like 10 videos in four years.
* The channel now runs a bunch of different shows. On the one hand, this makes it feel a lot more decentralized, and therefore likely less prone to being overwhelmed by Anita Sarkeesian’s massive ego. On the other hand, most of these shows are the same essential premise - the flagship is definitely The Freq Show, has pulled in by far the most views of any show on the channel, with one notable Black Panther Podcast exception. But the premise of The Freq Show seems to be basically “Anita rants about stuff to the camera, with severely clickbaity titles.” I’m not kidding about that - “7 Ways to Talk To Your Racist Uncle At Thanksgiving” and “One Weird Trick For Helping Women” are actual video titles. With the exception of the Star Trek Discovery recap podcast, all other shows seem to follow this same basic format. “Feminist Frequency Radio” is the same basic premise but with more people… and the weirdest nagging feeling that they might be ripping off the Honey Badger Brigade. “Feminist Answering Machine” is also the same premise but shorter, and with a different feminist each time. And so on.
* When I said that The Freq Show was the flagship because it gets the most views, I meant that sometimes if they’re lucky it will get above 20,000 views. Realistically, however, the majority of their videos have around 2000-4000 views, especially in the past 4 months. The Freq Show has recently returned, and I have to say it’s about time the channel had a video with more than 7000 views under its belt - the months where they were taking a break and just doing Feminist Frequency Radio have been absolutely dire for the channel and its views.
* In every single thumbnail apart from the one where she was deliberately play-acting a misogynist stereotype, Anita lookd bored and tired. Her desire to live again is most likely a desire to escape from this dead-end Youtube production line, which probably doesn’t even pay the bills anymore.