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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Industry Veterans' Day Edition Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 19:54:11 Id: e482f1 No. 247156
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them.
[Expand Post]2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>>247548 No wonder jewesses hate White women. The jewesses look like goblins. Maybe all the goblin myths were in fact, referring to jewish women since the beginning.
>>247821 >Extreme leftists are starting to get more hostile against Whites and Asians I doubt they're more hostile against Asians. If anything I think Asians are starting to become more left-wing or at-least they're still loyal to being moderately left despite all the stupid crap they've done.
>>247823 >Indians and Koreans lean towards Clinton (D) I can't say I'm surprised about the former race knowing how scam call centres are a booming business. As for the Koreans... South Korea was filled with degenerates that are spilling outward to the world as of late.
>>247551 They will all be killed by the Yakuza, one by one.
>>247820 >They've dropped double-standards for when leftists make edgy jokes now or do you have to shit on White people exclusively now? The double-standards exist until the least Progressive "Left" are branded as the "New Right". >>247823 >All those Asians saying they'll vote for Brandon <Only the Veitnamese, the country that actually FOUGHT against China, will vote Republican At this point, why NOT let the Socialists take over to give people a rude awakening at what it's like to live in their "utopia"? After all, the useful idiots and the traitors will be the first to be executed by the regime, so that solves majority of the problems. The only issue it clawing the country back afterwards.
>>247826 The best we can hope for is the country gets so divided that an amendment gets passed to let states supersede the federal government's laws, but not courts and constitution, for autonomous zones.
>>247827 >an amendment gets passed to let states supersede the federal government's laws The tenth amendment
>>247828 Then ban the interstate commerce act and it's derivatives :^)
>>247826 Fuck off, Niggerpill.
>>247826 >why NOT let the Socialists take over to give people a rude awakening at what it's like to live in their "utopia"? After all, the useful idiots and the traitors will be the first to be executed by the regime, so that solves majority of the problems Hello niggerpill. Also it's because non-Whites are stupid and are still under the spell that Republican party are KKK racist crackas. Also, many of non-Whites no longer support tradition except for those who are deeply religious. While Huwhites still maintain a sense of tradition and order. They're generally pro-American, even White Gen Zs voted Republican.
>>247830 Whoops >>247815, sorry nigger bitch but you fucked up.
>>247829 Okay, and? It's already illegal.
>>247829 The interstate commerce act is suppose to only apply to things that happen across state lines. Say, for example, an oil pipeline that's going from Colorado to Nebraska, or transportations of potatoes from Idaho to Washington. THAT'S what that clause it suppose to only concern itself with. It's NOT suppose to control how entire economies operate down to the local level, such as it's NOT suppose to dictate how Idaho grows and sell their potatoes locally because "some" of those potatoes may end up going to Washington, nor is it suppose to control what Colorado does with their oil pipelines that spread out across Colorado and supply exclusively Colorado.
>>247830 >>247831 >(1) suddenly pop out of everywhere to declare someone random as being niggerpill
>>247833 You know what I mean, cease executing the law that the judiciary is too cucked to dispel. >>247834 They can't even stop globohomo arab companies from depleting the water table in arizona down to 500+ ft, it's a failed experiment that showcases bureaucracy in its' worst light.
>>247836 >cease executing the law that the judiciary is too cucked to dispel. Exactly. The SCOTUS has ruled dozens of times during its history that "any law which is unconstitutional is retroactively invalid," meaning that you're under no obligation to obey blatantly illegal laws and are protected in doing so. Occasionally you'll be protected by your own guns firing at the people who want to stop you from obeying the law, but protected all the same.
>>247835 >Muh (1) Every time you guys bitch about muh number you expose yourself as retarded and insecure.
>>247837 You're under "obligation" to obey, but be prepared to spend 10-15 years fighting in court in order to prove that you were in the right all along, and make sure you hire a damn good lawyer that could even convince the IRS that Al Copone didn't commit tax fraud. The one problem with the American legal system is that there are no repercussions against politicians if they write blatantly unconstitutional laws that they know will be struck down. Technically, there is impeachment, but look at what all FDR did without ever being punished for it.
>>247839 >no repercussions >Technically, there is impeachment I prefer Jefferson's solution.
>>247839 Or they'd rather dismiss the case and pay you off than have a precedent go down.
>>247840 Ridicule his political opponents for years to the point that their reputation is destroyed, only to do far worse the moment your in office? The Louisiana Purchase was one of the most unconstitutional acts in all U.S. history, deserving a spot along side FDR's New Deal. >>247841 Or, they pull what they did with M$ by agreeing to drop everything and pay you back if you just change a couple little "inconsequential" things.
>>247843 God, I wish I could personally torture all mommyfags.
>>247844 suffocate them with your huge boobs, they'd hate that.
>>247844 >>247845 Right after gassing all the fartfags.
>>247844 You sound like you grew tired of people calling you mommy, ma'am.
>>247754 The only companion "suggestions" that I approve of are those little "think we're done here" nods that let you know that all the enemies and collectables in that subsection have been dealt with.
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>>247844 look, i just like large breasts, big girls, and gentle, loving women; not my fault that goes hand in glove with the mommy meme
>>247811 >>247812 Bullshit, you dare underestimate the power of autism? If cuckchan jannies are the way they are, of course niggerpill could simply be one autist doing it for free running on nothing but spite
>>734726 No, we are out of flour.
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Can't wait to get INKD.COM in the NEW THREAD >>247853
>>247851 > If cuckchan jannies are the way they are But they've been paid government employees for over a decade now, anon. Do you honestly believe that EVERYONE was lying about /b/ being run by feds?
>>247648 t. paid shill. You are the one who should be banned for shilling channels and products from a pozzed company.

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