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MMD lewds Anonymous 02/14/2021 (Sun) 22:42:37 No. 1187 >>1188 >>3711 >>3737 >>4158
Despite all the clipping I've come to love these 3DCG anime girls dancing and stripping. I primarily find videos on Iwara, but Iwara is SHIT. Slow as fuck speeds, even just loading pages sometimes, not the videos. No real tagging, just largely useless general categories. The fucking filter by date option doesn't even have things in order by date, but by reverse alphabetical order of the months. You can't search by artist, only by title, though maybe you could follow people if you bother to make an account. It's been like this forever. Why the fuck is this shitty site so popular? How does anyone find what they're looking for on this site? All the videos are too large to post and would look shitty if I were to take the time to compress them, so here's one by Zankuro that someone else compressed. I'll just post links for others. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/qald2syygurvxy4y This one is dancing with timestop and then "stuck in the wall" fucking. Don't really care for the latter, but what I do really like is the girl continuing to dance in spite of the lewd shenanigans and incorporating her resistance to them into the dance, such as kicking over the fans when the opportunity presents itself in the routine. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/b8q44uz6wjc3aqe9e One of my favorites. Nothing is actually exposed, but it's incredibly lewd. Miku is forced to dance under some sort of contract, regardless of what is done to her. She only breaks routine in order to prevent being actually exposed, and the pulling of the panties done here is something I haven't seen anywhere else. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/dggjktgnws7jdm9y Not a fan of hypnotism, as the girl's reactions and state of mind are very important to me, but this is short and she's unhypnotized towards the end. I like the way the cocks got rubbed on her face and how they were worked well into the rythm of the routine. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/0obzxt9znuzkzazx Another one where the girl continues the dance while things are done to expose her, but she resists and attempts covering herself when exposed. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/oqoryirqmc6ma6k9 Yet another where the girl continues to dance while things are done to expose and lewd her, but she resists. In this one though, she gives into the lewd halfway in. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/84gq4serbil2an7z A dance where Kizuna Ai is lewd and works the lewdness into the routine. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/2zo6vfewwjsq49ng7 A dance where the girls are both sluts, get fucked, get pregnant, and continue dancing while pregnant, which is something I haven't seen anywhere else. Unfortunately, they're not longer pregnant at the end, which is gay. EDIT: Use https://oreno3d.com/ to navigate Iwara
Edited last time by Dandy on 03/07/2022 (Mon) 05:13:15.
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>>1187 (OP) Forgot to add this.
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I don't think I can get aroused enough by the dancing and music of MMD lewds, but I save them anyways because the models are great. All the ones I have are from YouTube
I've run into an issue. I've pavlov style unintentionally trained myself to become aroused by the most commonly used songs in these videos. And the songs are catchy, so I can't stop unconsciously singing them in my head.
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>>1204 Are you singing tojo songs in your head son? That's quite the issue
I think what I love most is when the girl is being exposed or lewded and does her best to avoid being exposed or lewded while continuing the dance. Trying to find things like this though, what I hate that's most common is the massive ocean of one-expression anime girls that dance and have their clothes removed automatically. I don't want to watch a robot dance, I want an anime girl who in some way gives value to her exposure through her behavior, either through embarrasment or teasing. What I hate the most that is less common but far more aggravating is when my favorite thing, continuing to dance while limiting exposure, is attempted, but the camera constantly takes cheap angles that make it so the girl may as well be naked the whole time anyways. My second favorite thing is when the girl properly teases. Not just simple stripping, but careful and gradual increasing of exposure with the girl being somewhat embarrassed and aroused. This video captures a little of that. The applause and expressions really helped this one. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/k6kwoceyozcq80wkv
I must state again how much I hate Iwara. Speed is random and depending on if you're lucky, you can have videos play instantly without issue, or have them lag even though the buffer bar is far ahead. Very often a video will begin playing, and even if there's no streaming speed issue, it may freeze on the thumbnail and need to be rewound to work. If any video is too tall, fullscreen causes it to cut off the top and bottom rather than fit the window size, and this includes cutting off the progress bar and other buttons. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/dko3gfxpjuk1y1k5 Kizuna Ai wants fame. Dances, strips, and masturbates in public.
Iwara, a gold mine of content on a piss poor site.
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I fucking hate this sign.
Wow, It's already been three months since the last post? It's sad that three months have passed and no one else into MMD lewds has found this thread and suggested any videos of their own. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/aquinas Almost everything by Aquinas is something I like, with gradual exposure often done via natural-ish wardrobe malfunctions. A lot of it hypnoshit, but I tend to just ignore that. This video in particular though https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/0boa9u5gvtz6b2dy isn't hypnoshit, despite being the character he almost always uses for hypnoshit.
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My fucking God do I hate digging through Iwara. There has to be some alternative, or some third party site cataloging the videos with tags. This shit is unbearable. Currently the only way to find new shit from new artists that isn't trash is to wait a month, then go through the top viewed/liked videos based purely on their thumbnails. Someone save me from this hell.
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It's almost that time again. I've been going very slowly through the top ten pages of videos for each month in reverse chronological order. While going through February 2020 I recently found this guy's https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/nnba videos to be interesting, though I've barely gone through any, I've already found two worth keeping to me. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/6rageuryv6sow2zgy?language=en Guy is hired onto a crew for some idol. While his boss is speaking to him about boring shit, the idol takes a shine to him and starts dancing for him in the background to the music that's playing. She teases him continuously, but genuinely does not want to get caught. In the end the boss leaves, she gets bolder, then they fuck off screen. This is the one that caught my eye. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/xjlqxfkw89fwj6ezg Idols doing a dance routine, except there's two versions playing simlutaneously. One is the "safe" version with very little lewd, and the other is the super special premium version that uses a different camera and is far more lewd. The special thing about this one to me is that it's the same routine, but lewd things are constantly happening in the safe version (mostly) just out of view. Towards the end though, the versions split entirely and the lewd one is a different routine. If it wasn't for that, this would 10/10 for me. >nnba is one of those faggots that privates certain videos so people will friend him to view them >Fuck it, I'll finally make an account >502 502 502 502 >Account page loads >Fill it out >Fill out captcha >"Create Account" >Waiting on ecchi.iwara >Captcha expired >Repeat about 12 times >Give up >Next day >Try again >502 502 502 502 502 >Account creation page loads >Fill it out again >Account already exists, would you like recover you password? >Account creation didn't include making a password >Send reset request and check the associated email >Turns out the associated email already got a confirmation email with the default password >Default password is fucking "Your Password" >But now it's in the middle of being reset, so I have to follow the reset link anways >502 502 502 502 502 >Page loads >You can only use this button to login once, anon, afterwards the password reset login expires >Press button >502 >Oh shit, is it fucked? >502 502 502 502 502 502 >Password reset, please create new password >Do so >No 502 >Send friend request >Now I wait to see if the faggot even checks them regularly. >Privated videos might just be shitty sex scenes anyways that were cut, like that one in the first video I saw I AM SCREAMING INTO THE VOID BECAUSE ON TOP OF THIS BOARD BEING DEAD, NO ONE SHARES MY MMD AUTISM.
>>2811 Okay, maybe not ponkanman in particular. He seems to have multiple versions of his videos that actually make use of the barriers. I just went through two in a row that didn't, and have seen many more by others.
>>2812 Actually, no. I was right in the first place. The vast majority of his vids have pointless barriers. Fuck him.
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>Processing video, please check back in a while Just say the fucking video is broken. Don't lie about it you fucking shitty site. It was working at some point, as evidenced by the comments on every one of these videos, not newly uploaded and yet to be processed. >>2814 Pretty nice anon. I don't normally like hypnoshit, but the way she resists and is pretty often brought back to awareness was nice, as well as the level of gradualness in the stripping, especially the panties, which she didn't just take off all at once. Also very nice that she's not hypnotized at the end, and that her reactions, during and after amount to more than just make a shocked crying face while not attempting any physical resistance like most hypnoshit and "reluctant" stripping MMDs.
>>2814 Having now watched the rest of his videos, and seen most in the past, StrangerMMD has good taste and nice ideas. I've decided to keep his latest video with the red ring barriers.
I've gone through another ten pages of the top viewed uploads of a month's worth of videos, with little to show for it. And to top it off, Iwara has somehow gotten even worse. I'm not sure if it's technical issues or videos being reported for not following Jap censorship laws, but the amount of relatively recently uploaded videos that are "Processing video, please check back in a while", i.e. broken, is fucking astounding.
Another minor thing that makes Iwara stupid is you can't search without loading a new page specifically for searching. >>1213 Recently it seems Ram8's videos were nuked, save two. No idea why. Sad. So here's the video I linked as an anonfile. https://anonfiles.com/j195V1D1u3/_strip_mp4
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Iwara has found yet another way to be shit. At some point, for reasons unknown, the ability to narrow a search for videos coming out in a certain time period no longer allows you to choose a month, just for the years 2020 and 2016. And I had just finished going through top videos in every month of 2020 except January. Fuck Iwara. Aquinas released another video. I like all his videos. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/mmyrmu3xes8ro4ek >>2855 MikuMikuDance >>2477 I re-sent the friend request recently and got access to the private videos. >1st private video is alt of one with hypnoshit >This version doesn't have hypnoshit, but the only difference is their eyes don't turn pink, and even the stage change that came with the hypnoshit still happens Disappointing. >2nd private video is the second video mention in >>2477 but with just the VIP version play While it's nice to have a full resolution version, I find it inferior. Without the public version side by side to it, it loses the sense of pushing the envelope on getting away with lewd things in the routine, just like the original did when the versions split entirely. >3rd private video is a follow-up sex scene to a video with a lap dance and strip tease >4th private video is an alt >In the original, two girls dance while constantly being sexually harassed and ultimately raped off screen by men hidden behind curtain, then do the same dance in skimpier outfits while consensually doing lewds things with men just out of camera shot >In the alt, it's the same but with different girls >5th private video is alt >Original video is another split public vs members only video >Alt is full size members only Again, it loses it's spice without the public version for comparison. The original one was very nice, but towards the end he just sort of gives up on using sneaky camera angles to hide the naughty bits in the public version, and instead just zooms in on the girls' faces the entire time. Still very good. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/g397mholv6c73r9ey >6th & 7th private videos >Couple of JK idols dance and tease to Shake It Off, which each video focusing on a different girl at the end >8th private video is an alt of the first video mentioned in >>2477 but you see the fucking at the end, with disembodied arms, tongue, and penis >9th private video is an alt >In the original three girls dance, then behind a curtain they strip and do sex things, are exposed at the end but with heavy mosaic censorship >Alt is just different idols >10th private video, naked girl gives you a lotion handjob >11th private video, a suit tries to get an idol to dance in a skimpy bikini and is refused >Her regular routine in perform, but then is a video on a screen in front of which she's dancing in the bikini in her living room >She's wearing a mask and sunglasses and recording herself on her phone, then Mr. Boyfriend shows up and gropes her, the end >12th private video, JK Iori jacks you off with an onahole This was a waste of time. If anyone wants one of the private videos, I'll put them on anonfiles.
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Now Iwara is not merely being slow, but for the past 2 days has randomly refused to work at all, with downloads freezing and failing intermittently.
Someone release me from this hell. I feel like my standards are falling for lack of quality content. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/glxyrse4jh7e22kx https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/rg2rdfgkmtzk2kz0
>>1189 >Deutschland, Deutschland über alles
>>2954 Sorry, I don't speak fascist. :^)
Aquinas came out with a few new videos recently, of which I saved the first two. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/4aorki0zqhy8wk1j Girl dances in a nekomaid outfit as her bra slowly comes off her right boob. She doesn't noticed, and the end has a still scene of her surprised covering her tit. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/zxn9ehkjztkzkjwq Same girl, outfit, and dance, but her brakini top thing comes off both tits, more completely, and faster. She notices but embraces it. Ending still shot is different. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/jb9vafo2ehey9byg Same as first video but with a different girl. Differences in facial expressions, I think, and a different ending shot. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/qy6kvi5vjtrqyw7e Same as second video but with the second girl. Differences in facial expressions, I think, and a different ending shot.
There was a site that served the purpose of being a meta-tagging site for Iwara, since Iwara was so shit, but I forgot its name.
More vids from Aquinas I grabbed. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/m9aqaczjvcowdy13 Same dance and outfit as >>3079 but this time the girl is Yui, his favorite among his gradual exposure videos. This time the brakini slides upward, completely revealing the right nipple and showing a bit of the left. Yui is unaware of the nip slip in the ending shot. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/8jpabhzboclk2zkr Same girl, outfit, and dance, and direction of nip slippage. Like the second versions of the other two girls' videos the slippage happens faster and more completely, exposing both breasts. Early in the video the other girls show up and flip a sign, now reading something about how the performance will be lewd. Yui sees this and blushes, but continues. When here breasts are exposed she covers them until one of the girls holds up a sign telling her she can't do that. The ending shot has her holding her breasts up with one of the signs. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/amb33ij54c7wbqky Same girl, outfit, and dance, except the sign starts out lewd and Yui has no bra, fully covering her tits with both arms. Immediately one of the other girls hold up a sign saying she can only use one arm to cover herself. Her left arm can't fully cover her large areola and her left tit gradually spills out. When it's fully exposed, she covers herself with both arms again, before switching to covering with her right arm, only this time more poorly. Both tits gradually spill out and by the end of her dance her left nipple is fully exposed again, with her unawares. The ending shot has one of the other girls holding a sign presumably telling her about the nip slip and her frantically covering herself again.
A few more things I grabbed today as I went through top videos for the month of November and looked into some promising MMD creators. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/qywaqhj2wqfrqgvjv A short video about a bus with a ladies priority seat. The seat has a dildo on it. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/njor9foky2fp6pmeb Girl is broke. Agrees to strip tease for cash. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/zxerlf6jamik5wbaz Christmas striptease. Uses of the songs from the original Project Diva. This and video above it however are not associated with Iwara account they're uploaded to. That account has a deleted Akomni vid on it, so it could either be shameless reuploading, or reuploading specifically deleted videos. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/lwwjlcaaxu8dbplz Short and very basic instant stripping video by Nanasi, but I liked it because of the facial expressions. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/3d1o6sneki4kzydm#comment-1617180 Reimu strips in the dark. Could've been better, but I applaud the interesting use of light effects.
Couldn't find any Kicchou there, cringe. Plenty of GuP stuff there though at least, lewding Yukari is a sin though... I dunno I'd probably have better luck if I knew how to read Rising Sun Runes. >file to large What? Geez fine 8Moe.... Apparently it's to big even on potato mode or am I just being retarded? No idea just started using KdenLive yesterday so I'm still learning the ropes.
https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/3bj0btaeki4dj5v4 A dance by Miku in a skimpy nurse outfit that is often interrupted by cuts of her doing lewd things in rhythm with the music, and her working her lewd behavior into the routine a bit towards the end. >>3197 >>file too large 8moe has a relatively large filesize limit for an imageboard of 32MB. The issue is, even the shortest MMD videos tend to be at least 60MB, with full songs usually being 150-300MB. Better to just save the full videos for yourself in case of deletion, link the source here, and upload somewhere else if it's actually deleted. >Kicchou >GuP I don't particularly care for the characters used. In 99% of videos their circumstances and personality in canon are ignored or irrelevant to what's happening.
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Today I went through the top viewed videos for last December on Iwara. I found nothing of significant value. I'm going to rewatch the Chocoletto Disco vids by Aquinas instead. Why must everything be so tasteless?
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Trying to download videos from NicoNico, but JDownloader is failing for some reason, even though it can identify the video file as an mp4, and create the folder for it with functioning Japanese characters. It just fails to actually download the video. I can't watch shit on this site because it's too slow. Either videos are blurry as fuck or laggy as fuck, and there's no option to save videos either. Are any other downloader apps better, or is this the best method? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=kuBakhpUaEc
A method that doesn't work if you've watch the video already without clearing your cache.
Found this today on Nico Nico. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm39501381 Dark Magician girl dances as her top repeatedly has wardrobe malfunctions. She struggles throughout the dance to keep it properly on. She has band-aids over her nipples, but they don't fully cover them.
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I have come to the conclusion that somehow, NicoNico is even worse than Iwara. Not only is it polluted by 3DPD, the few tags that there are, are centered around the 3DPD videos, such as "pseudosex". R-18MMD is it's own tag. You cannot find the top videos ever within a tag, or possibly at all. You can't find the top videos for the year, month, or even week. Top videos for the past 24 hours, or for the past hour. Those are your fucking options. It's absolutely horrendous.
>>2259 I've had three good faps just to this guy's stuff this week, those bouncing boobies are sublime. Thanks OP, I look forward to looking through the rest of this thread.
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I really wish I could remember the name of that meta site with tags for Iwara. I could have sworn I bookmarked it. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/qmapkhl9z6flvgbxk Playing with dildo vibrators is nicely worked into Miku's dance. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/rrxezhoza5io2x9qk Simple strip video, but decently done. Feel I've lowered my standards for lack of good content for this one. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/nyxoqt9gq2fpvakg7 This was the highlight of my dig yesterday. It's by the same guy who did >>3417 and his Dark Magician girl video is also on Iwara. He uses a very nice model someone made for the character Antenna from Dohna Dohna Let's Do Bad Things Together!. It's honestly a shit game, with some shit fetishes in it, and a retarded plot, but there's a decent amount of good CGs. Antenna is a petite for her age nerd character. The dance focuses on continual wardrobe malfunction of her top which she notices and fixes repeatedly, but not always. There's also a subtle dropping of her pumpkin shorts revealing her pussy that she never notices. >>3637 His latest four videos were quite disappointing to me. However, I did find just yesterday a few decent videos going through the top 5 or so pages for January and February.
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Finally, I fucking found it. https://oreno3d.com/ is the site to use to navigate Iwara's videos.
>>1187 (OP) I remember a simple MMD with two black haired girls in a beach, one was dancing with a red bikini and then take-off the bottom, I'm still looking for it, I don't know why undressing turns me on so much, you have anything like this?
This vid is pretty sort, but good. >>3711 There's an undressing tag on the site here >>3642 , however, it's doesn't really discriminate between the girl undressing herself, or her clothes just gradually vanishing as the dance goes along. The latter is tasteless and low effort.
>>3728 >sort short*
The frustration is this thread at Iwara is fucking hilarious to read, and I fully understand it too. Honestly I keep thinking that its probably a worthwhile endeavor to learn how to make my own content at this point to never deal with that shit again
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Here's some more videos I saved a while back, but neglected to share in this thread for roughly the last three months. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/0g2lviyk8s3vmdla Simple strip video by Vispocc. Sweat effects, bandaids, dripping pussy by the end. She never removed the pussy bandaid or her left tit bandaid, but much of the areola is visible, her nipples are hard, and she has pubic hair totally uncovered. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/el3gaclejimodjj4 Basic alternation between sex and dancing by Piconan-femto. Two lewd leggy lolis are well animated dancing and having sex. I like the step by step escalation from handjobs, to ball fondling, to blowjobs, to intercrural & assjobs, to finally fucking, with an increasing number of men over time as well. It's well timed and they don't get pounded until a drop in the third segment of the song, preceded by a hearty helping of sexual gesture teasing. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/kawlytq0a7cr2eyke By nnba. Idoru does a regular dance while a video plays in the background of her doing the same dance in casual clothes while drunk, making obscene gestures, and stripping. First she sees it when turning around a for a moment and is confused, because it's not lewd yet and she was too drunk to remember doing it. The second time she sees it however, she sees herself dancing in her underwear. She's embarrassed and complains, but ends up continuing her routine while trying to stay in the way of her shameful appearance on the screen behind her. This fails when the video and the actual dance go out of sync. There's some speech bubbles, but I don't know what they say. Overall, this one is quite adorable. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/3yb4ltjewi8rzgj3 A very nice striptease by Kame-master. From an oversized button up shirt, to sheer underwear, to topless covered by her arm, to naked behind frosted glass, to nothing but a towel, to naked in a tub, to nothing but bubbles, then finally rinsed and fully exposed, Haku spreads her pussy and fingers herself, then finishes by blowing a kiss. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/3v48of9by5f4gqxyg By HyakkiyakouMmd. Dark Magician Girl's top falls down during a duel on live TV and she struggles to fix it. Short and cute. >>3732 Making lewd MMD, even just the shit that slightly alters pre-programmed dances, most assuredly requires much time, effort, and autism. That's why 90% of MMD videos are just pre-programmed dances on pre-rigged models where the clothes just magically disappear periodically through the song. Life with a quality MMD fetish is pain.
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Two more by HyakkiyakouMmd. This guy hasn't made much, but it pretty much all seems like gold. He only seems to use unusual custom models, which is a breath of fresh air. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/en5evtmbexcwj19zl Once again, Dark Magician girl dances while constantly have wardrobe malfunctions involving her top. This time though, she has no nipple bandaids. Additionally, she doesn't have a leotard bottom, and the cloth hanging over her crotch only just barely covers her pussy half the time, though it isn't the focus of the video. She continuously struggles to fix her top, sometimes giving up on it and settling for attempting to place her large raiment ribbon in front of her nipples, though it's an even poorer covering than her too small top and also falls off quite often. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/p93lqcyzrpfzk16z8 Same girl, outfit, and dance as above, except this time she has heart shaped nipple pasties that keep peeling off. A highlight of the video is when one completely flies off, fluttering in the air in front of her, and she just barely manages to snatch it out of the air on her second try, only to place it back on her tit on the wrong spot. She also fixes the other pasty in the wrong spot later. On a blogposting note, I can't enjoy a bunch of Beatsaber songs because my dick associates them first and foremost with MMD hentai.
>>1187 (OP) >Edited last time by Dandy on 03/07/2022 (Mon) 05:13:15. >EDIT: Use https://oreno3d.com/ to navigate Iwara Thanks, Dandy.
Been a few months now. Have some more. First up, a couple of new Aquinas vids. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/gbzxkse4jholemmg Girl sings Deep Blue Down while wearing a Shimakaze outfit with a microskirt and super cropped top. Her nipples constantly half show as she moves, and 2/3rds in her top slips up right when she jumps and says "LUCKY!". She keeps dancing a bit though until a sign tells her to fix her top. After this the camera angles are lower, often showing her whole nipples, and at the end as she strikes her final pose, her top comes half up again without her notice. Notably, this model includes ass jiggle physics. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/o8m1etvo6hbzolqz Same girl, dance/song, and outfit. This time however when her top slips up, she's told of it, and that she can't fix it. Shortly after, she's ordered to take off her skirt. These two videos are passable, but Aquinas has done much better. He made three more versions C, D, and E, but I didn't much like any of them. Then two by Ram8. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/yzm02ir501h0gmy21 This is an old one I changed my mind on. Shimakaze incorporates a strip tease into the dance for Bon Bon chocolate. Includes panty flashing, panty pulling, pussy flashing, winking & grinning at key moments, dancing fully nude by the end, and finishing off after the dance by sitting down and spreading her pussy with a big grin on her face. The only thing I begrudge this is that it's almost entirely lower body focused. Not much attention is given to her tits, and when it is, she reveals them too quickly. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/pjvbysovgnczpw0ey This a new video that made me revisit the other one. Shimakaze again, on the same stage, but with a different song/dance that she incorporates a strip tease into this time. Basically the same, with higher quality. Additional lewdness is added with Shimakaze sticking her fingers in her mouth, then in her still clothed pussy, then back in her mouth, as well as tweaking her nipples later. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/k6q6xswwkizwgzv1 This one is by Dec. A new MMD animator for me that I happened across while digging through random videos, but the video is from 2020. Miku dances to Happy Halloween in a skimpy succubus outfit while incorporating a strip tease which includes titty flashes, panty flashes, Miku failing to fix her skimpy outfit properly and catching it later, and nipple slips. The last third of the video is dedicated to Miku playing with herself in various ways, getting fucked by a ghost, and fucking a pumpkin stem cock. One more video to come, though it may take a little bit.
Actually, two more, both by HyakkiyakouMmd. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/owy1qiymarha04vqg Antenna dancing once again, this time to Loki. Lewd is basically the same as the last vid >>3641 but with noticeably more full titty reveals. The camera work gets closer and the dance has a lot more non-shaky moments, which make it much easier to see her nipples. In the first vid, it was really hard to see her nipples because the camera was far away, both her nipples and skin were of similar lightness, and the dance had a lot of constant upper body motion. Good loli MMD is a rarity. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/vgovjc35oefoj9lye Dark Magician Girl again. This one is a pure gem, a reason to keep on living. Jesus fucking Christ do I like this video. She wears her usual outfit, no pasties. The camera is static, and there are signs in the background, and a bar gauge. She has wardrobe malfunctions involving her top and raiment as usual, sometimes noticing and fixing them immediately, sometimes not. However, as per the signs, she has to keep dancing strictly following the routine. Every time she fails to follow the routine in order to fix her outfit, the bar gauge fills. When it's full, she suffers a penalty. >First penalty Her panties are stolen by a flying hand, her crotch now barely covered most of the time by the hanging triangle of fabric from the bottom of her top. >Second penalty A flying hand tries to steal her raiment. She fights it, so her raiment forcibly disappears in a flash of light. Her top falls all the way down and she has so much trouble pulling it back up, the gauge fills again >Third penalty Magic circles appear around her hands and feet forcing her to follow the routine topless. But the penalty isn't permanent the game isn't over yet. They disappear after a separate gauge depletes. >Fourth penalty A flying hand tried to steal her top. She fights it, so it forcibly disappears in a flash of light. However, she's not fully nude just yet. Her raiment reappears just barley cover her nipples, and the arrow hanging from it serves as incredibly poor covering for her pussy sometimes, but usually not at all. She finishes the song and strikes the end of song pose. Then she quickly covers her pussy. But she relaxed too soon and was supposed to hold the post longer, filling the gauge again by surprise. >Fifth penalty Stripped fully nude save for accessories on the extremities, and held up in the air by magic circles restraining all limbs. She struggles a bit, then cries and gives up. I love this piece. My god do I fucking love this piece. The compromises she has to make in choosing whether or not fix her outfit under the threat of further forcible exposure penalties. The natural wardrobe malfunctions. The unique and unusual quality model. The futile struggling against the penalties. The dancing without realizing there's been a wardrobe malfunction yet. The gradual increase of exposure without too quickly jumping the shark to full nudity. Everything about this fucking MMD is amazing. After watching this I've been horny for days and have been binging other forms of erotica, because there's no way in hell I'll find and MMD as good as this in the immediate future. Most other MMD pale in comparison, and Aquinas, my previous favorite, has been lacking as of late. HyakkiyakouMmd is a heaven sent sage of good taste. I wish the average MMD hentai video had even fraction of this quality. As I finished watching the video I almost thought I was going to jizz my pants without even touching my cock. I will never get to experience watching this for the first time again and I will eternally suffer for it. Please God, let this man continue making quality MMD videos.
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An import from the GG threads at the request of >>>/v/757269
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Repostan. >>4020 This is very nice. There's some work on the expressions, the camera work is good and dynamic, and there's some unique motions sprinkled in that don't appear to be standard for the song as far as I know. That's clearly a higher detail model so the video was made by someone with more computer, which makes me want to see it uncompressed. Most videos I see go far above the filesize limit, so while I download what I like for personal collection, when sharing I link to the original video on Iwara unless it's been deleted, and if so I upload to anonfiles or something. The bit at the beginning adds character and shows that this was a labor of love. I want to see cute girls dance, not soulless dolls. The outfit and hair are little too shiny for me. I consider this video to be a bit above standard, however it's not something special that I'd keep as part of my personal collection. But that's a matter of my particular tastes more than MMD quality necessarily.
>>4020 >>>/v/757375 >I put it through high quality mode on WebM for retards to increase it's video quality. If there's an issue or didn't change much I'll delete and reupload at it's original size. I don't know much about video compression, but I don't think it works that way. It's not the original details. At best, wouldn't just be a smoothed out version, like using waifu2x to enlarge an image? Looking at it, it's still not crisp at all. If you really want it higher quality, you should just use the original and upload it somewhere else if the file is too big.
>>4022 Here's a link to the original video since I can't download the original video posted without exceeding the site's video upload limit. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=-kwyCX9Wwm8
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>>4024 This is only 11.8MB. You sure this isn't a reupload from somewhere else? It's still very blurry and full of artifacting.
>>4025 The original youtube link I tried to download from y2mate could get it as high as 1080 resolution but it was over 80 GBs.
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>>4026 >over 80 GBs. What in the absolute fuck.
>>4026 >y2mate Just use JDownloader2. It lets you download from Youtube and any other site, with any piece of media from that site it can identify
Two more mmds by Hori. Sorry I couldn't get them in higher quality but the sizes would be too high to post here.
>>4029 Competent camera work, and a little bit of facial expressiveness at one point. Pretty standard over all. The model is a little high quality, but that doesn't shine through well on a compressed version of the video.
Second one.
Source for the two videos First Video https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/4816332 Second Video https://yewtu.be/watch?v=yB31tp86wGA
>>4031 Seen this one before. Been posted around a lot, so I guess it's popular. It seems a bit above standard to me, and I think Hori's videos stood out a lot because what is standard now was much rarer back then. The overall production quality, and the detail of the models was probably far and above the competition 7+ years ago when these came out. These days, with so many high definition, but low effort MMD posted to Iwara by chinks without any soul, such details don't move me, and I much prefer girls with simpler but more cleanly stylized models and routines that diverge from the standard song and dance without just discarding it altogether in favor of low quality clipping sex.
I like Lovemax and Ngon. Lovemax announced he would stop making R18 content then purged his stuff, though. https://f95zone.to/threads/lovemax-collection-2022-03-17-lovemax.111176/ https://ecchi.iwara.tv/users/ngon
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>>4035 >Fag95zone >You must be registered to see links
Weird, I thought Lovemax had more content. >>4038 I'm not sure why I posted the F95 thread, since the links on F95 aren't a complete archive anyway, but if you want to download it for yourself, there are the links in the OP. The content is mainly high-resolution, unedited footage of the scenes he used in one of his music videos, but there's some non-music content. >2020 Collection https://mega.nz/folder/BVQSmZJD#z5IzSomQ0EE6igAibB9jFg or https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wOL0DjueF1vJ_yBfKLwOkeSBKvX_6DND >2021 Collection https://mega.nz/folder/5E4DlTya#zgMmxGA_xgqrfC5mUiJhAA or https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1k-2Hlb52c2u7oIbqwOt9AhlZxWyfFOWb >2022-Jan+Feb Collection https://mega.nz/folder/dIAVVJ7S#FVHZnexEgpT7ow_bKgX7Hg or https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Co4UrByxLDW7AGuJgI1bruHwrGn2LtEh Their other videos can be found on Sankaku. https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/?tags=lovemax&commit=Search
>>4035 >Ngon I started going though his stuff. After the first three videos, I was getting the feeling that everything he'd do would be too over the top from the getgo for me. But then I saw a video that I had already saved, in lower quality in my "unknown MMD creator" folder. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/vy51ku0qn8uevebj2 PoV where a girl in a bunny girl outfit dances on top of you while holding stripper pole behind her. The outfit is mildly transparent from the start, and the majority of the video consists of her grinding on you. A third of the way in, the outfit disappears, and she grinds her pussy directly on you. Then it escalates to gyrate with just the tip in, letting it press against her hole only to pop out a few times, followed by a tease where she almost lets it go halfway in before pulling back to just grinding. The grinding gets more intense, she switches to an assjob, back to grinding, and then without warning she puts it all in at once. You ejaculate immediately, but she also pulls out immediately denying you the chance to cum inside. The song ends and the teasing as she drops down on your cock, leans in close, and rides you until you cum again in spite of your refractory period, grinning and licking her lips. The scene fades to black. It was very weird writing this in first person, but I feel like I ought too since it's a PoV. I like the like the gradual escalation and teasing. Just "benis in bagina really really fast" doesn't evoke eroticism for me. However, as with most MMD focused primarily on sex, there's a lot of ugly clipping that the camera is focused on the entire time. The penis is a default model, meaning it's a solid and inflexible rod. It's very ugly how when she's pushing it around it tends to snap suddenly to different positions. The whole thing is entirely uncensored, so get it while you can, because Iwara doesn't like that. Breddy gud overall. It's nice to finally have a higher quality version and know the MMD artist.
>>4035 Took a while but I found another video I liked by Ngon. https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/wmrpbc0je8uqevwkd?language=ja Futa dances and masturbates until she cums. Very simple, and nudity is almost immediate. Her expressions are very vibrant and change often. It's not super over the top and the girl actually acts like she's cumming, unlike his earlier futa vids where cumming was like pissing and the girl paid little mind to the fact she was shooting out 30 gallons of jizz.
uooohhhhhh 😭😭😭 Source: https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/arxjysr4ri7byvd4
>>4035 >>4036 >>4037 I've gone through all Ngon's videos now. I only like two enough to keep though. I noticed marked improvement as I went through newer videos. The girls became very expressive and he switched to cock models that weren't inflexible rods. His girls are very cheery and very happy to get fucked silly.
>>4040 >Mega Those zips are too big. Because Mega stores files in the browser before saving them somewhere else on your computer, it crashes my browser every time, killing the download. >Google drive The download limit has been exceeded on the files.
>>4040 >Sankaku I'm getting bad gateway errors out the ass and shit won't load. That video of the priority seat is the only Lovemax video I have saved. However the version he posted to Iwara before the nuking cut out the beginning so her standing up was a reveal of sorts.
>>4044 >Kawaii promotion video! I've seen this one before. It's pretty cute and the filesize isn't crazy, so I'll keep it this time.
>>4049 Dankeschön. I will begin going through these as soon as I finish >>4044 and will continue seeding a while.
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>Processing video, please check back in a while
>>4049 Gave up on みっくみく because I really didn't like most of his stuff. Just finished going through the Lovemax torrent. I won't be keeping any of it. Just plain sex usually isn't to my taste for MMD. I was on the fence about that one video where the two girls proposition a guy on the street, but I decided I really didn't like how the section where they finally give up on condoms was such a short montage, as opposed to the previous detail given to the condom scenes. I don't much like condoms, but I can enjoy them when they're used to show these people are fucking in a world with consequence, but still forgo condoms in the end because of their insatiable lust. Here though, there's too much condom and not enough creampie.
https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/vlbbzs76oaunam7ar This has be HyakkiyakouMmd's least inspired video so far. Girl dances to song, repeatedly has the same top falling wardrobe malfunction, sometimes noticing immediately, sometimes not noticing. Repeatedly fixing it, and the highlight of the video for me, when she failed to properly fix it without noticing and leaving one tit fully uncovered. It's alright, and I'll be keeping it because it tickles my pickle, but this MMD artist is capable of more.
https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/va91bhmj23inxnoea Sanae dances around while getting completely covered in cum and loving it. Then she's fucked a little after the song. Very nice. The only other video I really liked by Dopurinu was also a bukkake video.
I decided to take a look at the non-ecchi section of Iwara, only to find tons of years old top views of all time videos are full of explicit nudity, and overall most of them seem to be of even lower quality. This on a site that sill fucking nukes accounts sometimes if someone uploads uncensored genitals. Fucking trash. Why the hell do people use Iwara for MMD? A drooling neanderthal could make a better site.
>>4049 I've seeded for a month and a half and my share ratio is over 3. I've paid my debt. Good luck to anyone else looking for Lovemax's stuff, because I'm deleting it now. Very low on drive space and low on money for more drive space.
>>1187 (OP) The LAMB one won't load, shame. LAMB and Yoiyoi Kokon are the only two songs I can jerk off to
>>4158 I can't recall which one was LAMB. I don't particularly like or dislike any songs other than hating anything with nigger rap or pseudo-nigger rap, usually Korean. Tell me which of those videos it is and I'll drop it on anonfiles.
>>4158 Ah, it seems Iwara is currently fucked by a site migration and nothing works right now. If we're lucky, either the new site will be better, or this will finally kill Iwara and people will use a better site for MMD.
I need some MMD with this premise right fucking now. A girl with an invisibility power would be so easy to do.
>>4158 Newer videos are now loading, but vids from old site are still being migrated.
I've noticed the new site doesn't have a "download" button anymore. There better be a save video as option whenever shit starts loadning. I don't want to have to use J2Downloader just to save Iwara vids.
Shit working yo. Download button has returned.
Iwara is now officially upgraded. No longer do you have to go to different urls to separate r18 from everything else, and there are now some proper tags. However, since 99% of the site's content existed before this change, basically nothing is using the new tags. Additionally, there are now many more videos displayed in searches in a grid format instead of a row format, and you can see a preview of frames from the video by hovering over them.
Post from the forums, which are now much more easily found and navigated. >This post is a work in progress. Check back for updates. >Introduction >It's been a long road with many hills, but we have finally arrived. While we know this new version of the website is not yet perfect, it should at least solve most of the numerous issues we have had over the years. >We have done our best to make sure that all necessary features came with us to the new website. Some things may not have made it over just yet, but can always be added back at a later time. >Please note that at the time of this posting, only newer uploaded videos will be working. Both Hime and Mikoto content servers are currently down. >Please feel free to take our survey regarding premium services. Survey >New Features >Filter options >We are introducing two new filters. “Trending” and “Popularity”. >Both of these filters use an algorithm based on a combination of views and likes. The primary difference is that “Trending” videos also factors in the post date, favoring newer content. >Search function >The ability to search for a username has been added. >In addition, the search function has been overhauled. >Tag Blacklist >This features offers the ability to hide content with the specified tag(s). >Please note that this list comes preloaded with tags related to offensive content types. >Located in the account settings. "tag blacklist" >Light and Dark Modes >Everyone now has the choice of which theme to use. >Premium accounts >While we are not selling any activation codes just yet, premium accounts are now active. Once purchased, they will allow access to some additional features. >Updated Features >Tagging >Please update your content with the most relevant tags as soon as possible! Content will soon be required to follow tagging rules. >The tags system has been greatly improved. All tags are now relevant, pre-defined and may be used to better filter or even personalize browsing experiences. New tags may be suggested while attempting to tag your content. Tags must be approved before they become available for use. >Unlisted videos >The unlisted function has been altered. Now, this flag will cause content to only appear on the author's profile page, rather than hiding it from everywhere.
>>4178 The only thing that worries me is Premium account. Hopefully the feature locked behind in the future are unnecessary garbage.
Grabbed some more since the site update. https://www.iwara.tv/video/1yzzlhaz6vump3em1/dohnadohna-antenna-whatchawhatcha-doin By Hyakkiyyakou. Antenna dances a short loop to some music from the game. Meanwhile both her top and bottom sag unbeknownst to her. Short and simple. https://www.iwara.tv/video/xbareskm0lhmapwl9/tristanas-wolf-hunt By Big Green. Yordle, or whatever the fuck that goblin thing is, is pounded by some werewolves. Don't care for the English voicework, but I do love see small goblin girls take huge cock. https://www.iwara.tv/video/8n65gflzdiqd1o3m/nekotoros-plaything By Mantis-X. Nekotoro and Paisen have sex after she catching him jacking off to Takagi. Paisen's expression are weak the few times his face is focused on, and as usual with Mantis-X, the Nagatoro's whole jaw dislocates and extends in a disturbing way for her to suck his dick. There's also a moment where she takes off her shoes and wiggles her toes that would have been the best place to transition to a footjob, but then it jumps a to a totally different position and the footfaggotry comes later. The one thing I really liked about this that stands out from Mantis' usual work was the part where she uses her giant paw gloves to slap his cock. I really need more girls lightly abusing a cock. Not CBT garbage, just getting a little rough. Or attempting to be rough but being incapable of it because they're so weak, like a fairy girl trying to beat up your dick. But that's not really a fetish much unique to MMD. https://www.iwara.tv/video/jeygkfaar4he97rzg/luvoratorrrrry Lastly, a new artist for me, Pantoka. Found him while going though top vids from Jan 2020. When there's a drop in the music she switches to lewd mode where her outfit is as stripped as she gets, then reverts back. But as the song goes on her normal mode gets more and more stripped off until it's the same as the lewd mode. The pasties never come off, but she spreads her pussy once and at the end she puts her panties on your face.
Rediscovered and old artist that I accidentally got rid of the only video I had from them, last vid in the OP, when going through December 2019 top videos. As an addendum, I don't like the pubes stuck to the girls' faces in that video. https://www.iwara.tv/video/eog4vubrroimkkvkm by 角谷. Girl dances around, her skirt gets shorter. She notices. Is visibly turned on and gets wet. Her panties get increasingly wet. She then strips them off with a nervous smile and continues dancing. I like this sort of reluctant exhibitionism, or reluctant sluttiness. In the vid in the OP with the pregnancy, the same girl has this reluctant sluttiness to her actions that differentiates her from the more open and unashamed sluttiness of the green haired girl.
>>4186 Oh and a nice touch, her pussy juice leaves a big string hanging onto her leg the whole time after she goes nopan.
I found nothing of value in November 2019.
I found nothing of value in October 2019. Iwara is having general video fetching issues. Artist blacklisting a confirmed planned feature, but only for paid premium accounts.
While looking through top videos from September 2019, I discovered おねショタスキー. First time in a while I've found a new artist I liked. https://www.iwara.tv/video/k93r7sao3hqmmxge Aya Shameimaru does a wonderful strip tease dance making use of tengu masks. At the beginning she pulls off the mask and winks, starting off with a strong character instead of the usual soulless doll MMD. Following this, her outfit changes instantly behind the sliding doors, she then dances with only a long skirt and panties on while covering her chest with her arm. Upon the next change, her panties on her face and mini tengu masks cover her nipples. She flashes her pussy before the doors slide again. She's revealed to have no more skirt, but instead another mini tengu mask over her crotch, and her panties hang off the original normals size mask on the back wall. She's a trick where she thrusts and the pussy mask jumps off her spinning in the air before landing in back in place. Then she manually removes the masks top to bottom. More sliding door shenanigans then have her using the original mask's long tengu nose as a dildo while dancing, and in the end she strike a lewd pose. The artist was very creative and original, and I only really bregrudge this video that she has armpit hair, which I despise. Yet everything else is so good, I can't help but save the video, and that pose at the end threatens to convert me to an armpit hair fetishist. I've only ever made one other exception to my distaste for female pit hair beside this, and that was many years ago. Aya is very expressive through the video, and I do believe during the arm covering segment where she leans over and you can see more of the aerola that she winks in acknowledgement of that service. She feels alive quite often, and it's very refreshing after digging through mountains of trash for so long. More generally about the artist, he does mostly tons of Touhou girls, including various less popular ones. I don't know if he makes the models himself, but he tends to use models with features other MMD artists would leave out for being cumbersome, such as Aya's wings in this vid, or Satori and Koishi's eye creatures. He also very much likes giving the girls big thick bushes, which only makes sense for time period Gensokyo is based around, and this I like very much. He also does a wider variety of songs instead of just the set of favoroed JPOP and KPOP that most MMD artists use pretty much exclusively. Overall he's very standout for his ingenuity in creating unique situations. I'd post multiple vids of his at once, but I'm short on time lately, so I'll be doing them one at a time. >>4200 >Iwara is having general video fetching issues. I was wrong, it seems to be particular videos by おねショタスキー. But they're his earliest videos, and as far as I can tell, all his very early work is just slideshows.
>>4211 That armpit hair is waaaayyy too low.
https://www.iwara.tv/video/xgagbtwxjtwrdnop By おねショタスキー. This video is a bit of mixed bag for me. it's mostly various 2hus performing unique short strip teases to the beginning sections of different songs. In particular, I like the Youmu, Eiki, Reisen, and Sakuya ones. They know how to take their time titillating before letting it all out. >>4213 You're right. I hadn't noticed it as I was trying to ignore the hair altogether. Sad, as now it's a glaring issue for me.
https://www.iwara.tv/video/2g8v3tdqvfqy0g9w Video by おねショタスキー where Orin performs a striptease. I say striptease, but she doesn't actually take anything off because she's nude from the start. What's special about this vid is the artist, as I mentioned before, including features of the girl other MMD artist would ignore. Rin uses one of her two tails to cover her pussy for much of strip tease, sometimes swapping to using her hand, and quite often flashing her tits and pussy. The only think I don't like about it is sometimes the tail movement is a little too unnatural, snapping back into place over her crotch much faster than it should.
https://www.iwara.tv/video/v63rlig7qieb8bap Video by おねショタスキー where Shinny dances nude beside an erect cock, casually rubbing against it as she dances. I really want to see him do more with minigirls.
Went through August 2019. Nothing great.
Found nothing in July either. Normally I go through a page of top views at a time, but the previews showed so little promise that I went through the top five pages at once.
June 2019 checked. Feels like the well is running dry again.
2019 May checked.
April 19 checked
Mar 19 check
Feb 19 check
2019 check
https://www.iwara.tv/video/80n9bivg8tle9k6k/no03 Found a vid in 2018 by Dodiddone that I liked. Loli-ish girl does a little dance in the rain with an umbrella and a handbag. She's bottomless though, and holds the handbag in front so people don't see, the umbrella in the back for people walking behind, and is further aided by people simply not looking as they rush to get through the rain. One man notices her though, and she repeatedly flashes him her pussy while still hiding it from passersby. Scene changes and now she's dancing right in front of one of those VIP rope/pole barriers. It's particularly thin and she repeatedly drops her hips down on it thrusting it into her pussy as she dances. The guy has followed her to this new location. Decent expressions. Nice nervous smiles given to the man watching her. A short transition to her sitting on some steps with her bottom half submerged in rainwater as she masturbates. Then back to the rope/poles, except now her hoodie is open showing her small chest. After this, the song ends, but the video continues with a lyricless version as the scenes replay starting from the first rope/pole scene, but with her fully nude. I have a weakness for the girls that flash a nervous grin as they do/prepare to do lewd things, especially exhibitionist things. This artist seems to focus on exhibitionism, but has very few videos, and one bizarre video with a girl surrounded by garbage that ends with centipedes crawling in her pussy. Most of his videos are private, but they're all just smaller parts and making-of videos for his public videos. I've gone through top five viewed video pages of each month of 2018 now in just three days. It's going by extremely fast now due a combination of various factors >Better thumbnails means I can ignore more videos at a glance >Thumbnail slideshow preview on mouse hover further lets me ignore more videos as a more cursory glance >Older videos are less innovative and fewer of them interest me >My list of artists I ignore continues to grow
Two vids by nnba I liked. https://www.iwara.tv/video/VkNKwUV0yq5Ote Irori does a lot of sensual teasing for her stick figure boyfriend(?), both before a dance shoot and during it. Stick figure whips out his dick and starts jacking off as she dances. https://www.iwara.tv/video/Z7di4rN4wQkhHi Irori does a strip tease to the same song. But 2/3rds in this incredibly ugly model for a guy to fuck her shows up and badly animated sex with horrendously terrible clipping ensues. I'm just going to cut this section out of the copy I save. Both videos have great expressions and lots of little flourishes not part of the regular routine for this song smoothly worked into the dance.
2017 check
Vid I found in 2016. https://www.iwara.tv/video/vrokjuqjyfp3pkz1/happy-halloween By sennari. Girl has wardrobe malfunction, but is embarrassed and fixes it. Then the dragonquest slimes shoot slime at her, which slowly melts her outfit to nothing over the course of the dance. Her panties later fall off, followed by her top falling down again. She tries to fix it, but it won't stay this time because it's melted, and she resigns herself to her fate of dancing nude.
When I hit March 2016 there were many broken videos and I practically skipped the month. I also noticed a stark drop in views. I went back to February 2016 to see that now 95% of the thumbs were broken videos, and there were only 6 pages of videos for the month. In 2015 even top vids for the year are mostly missing. Top vids for a month in 2015 can have as few as two pages of videos. In 2014 there's 15 pages of videos total, most broken. There are three videos in the month of February and some videos uploaded by Woodscrew, site administator with a special glowing profile picture. Maybe one day these masses of videos will be restored and I'll check what that time period has to offer, but for now, I'm moving forward through 2021.
Whoops, saged non-sage posts.
Found nothing of value in 2021, except for one nude edit vid from Code Geass, but it's not MMD.
Found some nice vids by ViciNeko in 2022, but they're not MMD, so meh. Starting from late 2021 and continuing through all of 2022, I've noticed a sharp spike in the amount of NTR and negro videos. In 2023 I'll go through the top 10 pages of most viewed videos per month instead of 5, and when I finish March, I'll delay the latest month for a month to allow the view counts to settle.
Everything is garbage. I found nothing of value in the top ten pages of videos for the first three months of this years. Fuck Iwara and fuck MMD.
It's been another month. Apparently, since the site update, views are almost totally broken, so you can only effectively sort by favorite count. I found nothing I liked in the top 10 pages of April, but Kame-master did upload a month ago a slight remake of an old vid in celebration of the site overhaul. https://www.iwara.tv/video/PtSOBRyRtpehRh/mmd-r-18miku-strip-gokurakujodore-uplo
Half the thumbnails on Iwara seem to be broken the past few days. Jesus, is that site ever going to be in full working order?
>>4367 I sincerely doubt it. It's issues have been ignored for something like a decade now, and now that they're finally be addressed, they're half assing it.
Got one new video from the month of May, by Hisapi. Gawr Gura does a striptease. Simple, but well executed. All the videos by this guy are stripteases. I like this one the most though. The rest seem to start off with too little clothing to have any build up, or reveal too much too soon. https://www.iwara.tv/video/dzUCbcUu4azDnC/mmdby About 20% of thumbnails were broken and half the time the thumbnail preview on mouse hover would never load. They also still have yet to fix the error in which all videos since the site transfer are stuck at 0 views.
>Korean song >It's the absoulte worst shit I've ever heard Why does this keep happening? >>4372 >They also still have yet to fix the error in which all videos since the site transfer are stuck at 0 views Views are showing for me, maybe it's a copmatibility issue with your browser.
>>4397 >Why does this keep happening? I don't know, but seems like they tend to have more songs mimicking negro rap. >Views are showing for me, maybe it's a copmatibility issue with your browser. It appears they finally fixed it. Took them enough damned months.
Been putting this off for a while. In June I found two new artists I liked, but one isn't really MMD, just sex animations by Nagatsuki Aria. The other MMD artist I discovered was Paella. He does lolis, and a few mesugaki style. Most of his vids have zero effort instant clothing disappearing transitions, but I do like the few where the girl does most or all the stripping herself. It both symbolizes the effort of the animator and better characterizes the girl. Blank faced dolls with magical vanishing clothes are boring. I want to see the girl strip, eagerly, nervously, by coercion, or by stripped by force, and her clearly react to the change in her state of dress in some way. https://www.iwara.tv/video/wk6qac10kwhq36gpw/lamb Here's one version of the mesugaki stripping video that first caught my attention. In both versions she never takes off the bottom, but she teases in such a delicious way that I found both worth keeping. I've noticed just now that even though the lewd and regular site have merged, and you can see plenty of explicit content without an account, that many vids still aren't visible until you login. Maybe certain tags like "loli" do it, or maybe the separation of porn and not porn with an account barrier is just totally half-assed like it always was on the old site.
>>4441 Paella is basically what got me into this stuff and I agree with everything you said about him. The videos where the creator actually puts in some effort are much, much better. Also I had no idea you needed to log in to see certain videos, no wonder so many of them 404. I just thought they'd been deleted. Pretty shit system though, you can still view like 90% without an account.
>>4444 About half of the videos, including the one I linked, won't appear even as broken thumbs without being logged in. I only realized it because I was trying to get the link for that video without logging in.
>>4446 >About half of the videos By Paella, that is.
Got onto it more promptly this time. Three new vids. https://www.iwara.tv/video/3fcV8TZP6G8VyY/summer-snowgimmegimme New video by nnba. Idolm@ster girl does a strip tease dance. The highlight of this video for me is when she lowers her bra underneath her dress, her erect nipples poking out the dress, and flicks her nipples underneath her dress. https://www.iwara.tv/video/am2MEgbm7nWdR8/marine-dreamin Vid from a new artist I found, foos423. Girl dances while resisting being forcefully fondled and stripped by flying hands. It was alright. https://www.iwara.tv/video/8k68e3q0qxtB9r/elect Also by foos. Some Blue Archive girl in a playboy bunnygirl outfit dances while her wardrobe continuously malfunctions. She sometimes doesn't notice, sometimes struggles to fix it, and eventually gives up towards the end. She's wearing undersized pasties underneath, but those fall off too.
Didn't like anything from my subs this month or from the month of August's top ten pages of most viewed videos. The nigger problem has gotten worse. Something like 1/3 or more of the top viewed videos for august were BLACKED.
>>4555 I admire your perserverence. I've tried looking through the top videos before and maybe 1 in 50 videos is any good. All that's really required for a video to be watchable is a cute girl, a song that's not ear cancer and a camera that doesn't shake around constantly so you can't see shit, yet so many people fail to manage even that. >BLACKED Thankfully I don't often watch stuff with sex in it so I've avoided this. Does it mostly coincide with the increase in western creators on Iwara or are the japs doing it too?
>>4565 I imagine there was a large influx of westerners to Iwara with the revival, since the English version of the site became more navigable. I don't much notice of a creator isn't Japanese very often. I'd have to check their videos to see, and I'm very picky based on thumbnails and previews alone.
New vid from my sub nnba https://www.iwara.tv/video/C7V2Ec8OIUiIes Guy gets a special ticket giving him a private striptease by some idolm@ster idol. She's also a student at his school and they do it in a soundproof recording room adjacent to the school hallways. It was pretty decent. I've gone through the top viewed vids for September. Search page kept crashing for no reason. It's niggers all the way down. Half or more top videos are NTR, BLACKED, or both. I finally dug up the tag blacklist feature, and it's useless since most of these aren't tagged, as tags can only be applied by the shitty cuck uploaders. This is the last time I will dig through Iwara vids besides my subs. It was always a increasingly sparse amount of quality in an ocean of shit, but now it's an ocean of niggershit. The site was better when it practically broken all the time. I'm done.
Wow, it's been almost 10 months since I last checked Iwara. Had a bunch of new vids from my subs, and decided to check the top vids for the year. Still niggers everywhere, but I got some new subs, though they're sadly just regular lewds, not really dance lewds. https://www.iwara.tv/profile/kemkem https://www.iwara.tv/video/KNbbIYvb49A91u (super intense fellatio) By Aquinas https://www.iwara.tv/video/YA6V2mcHviiORV/3ghostlybunnydance Mash and that blonde whatshername drag Aquinas's star character Yui on stage to dance with them in bunny costumes. They have sly grins as only her wardrobe has a malfunction. Sadly, it's just the boring Minus8 ghost dance. By Dopurinu https://www.iwara.tv/video/r8IDsuhtuTn3MZ Flandre dances around in a sukumizu (school swimsuit) while gleefully being assaulted by disembodied hands and cocks that cover her in cum, both on and under her outfit until she's super bukkake'd at the end. The dicks are annoyingly dark, but the cockheads are pink, so it's not niggershit, just tanned™ Okinawan bullshit. He also put out a similar vid I liked where she's bukkake'd in bed in the same outfit, but it's not a dance video, and it contains no amount of undressing. By Hyakkiyakou https://www.iwara.tv/video/yNRxBxi5sZTpX6/megaman-8-roll-8 Adult roll dances around in a small bikini that constantly has the top slipping off. Sometimes she notices immediately and fixes it, sometimes she goes a while without noticing. Very par for the course for Hyakkiyakou, and I don't think she was as expressive as his usual videos. He provides a mega link with two other versions he also posted to NicoNico. One is an all ages regular Roll outfit. And the other is an R18, as opposed to R15 version on Iwara, where her bikini is slighty transparent. It's hardly R18 though, since you still can't really see her pussy, and it lacks the wardrobe malfunctions of the Iwara video, so I find it pretty boring. By Krag https://www.iwara.tv/video/mX8ZidVRNRaV6q/sanae-and-reimu-school-photoshoot-persecution-complex-cellphone-girl https://www.iwara.tv/video/4i04LONPPwSMAZ/sanae-and-reimu-school-photoshoot-sexdance-remake-persecution-complex-cellphone-girl Reimu and Sanae do a slutty strip dance in the classroom. Reimu is a bit shy about it, while Sanae is more aggressive. The first video is just the girls, while the second video has a crowd of schoolboys watching them, taking pictures, stripping the girls themselves, and replaces some of the dancing toward the end with sex. nnba https://www.iwara.tv/video/7qcffP5OATyGnT https://www.iwara.tv/video/t3zbmuwqJYGjJE/take2 Some Idolm@ster girls, including Iori which I think non-idol fags may recognize, are doing a rehearsal with Manager-san. There are some stage effect "malfunctions" that he's actually doing on purpose for lewds. The girls figure this out, and on the second take, lean into it being lewd themselves during the malfunctions "because it can't be helped" they act, feigning ignorance. Great and somewhat interesting work by nnba. The first video isn't really that great to me, but I feel like the context it provides strongly enhances the second video. Pussy is never shown though.
>>5473 >Adult roll For what purpose
>>5494 I think it's from one of the newer Mega Man games.
>>5535 Don't be a nigger.
stupid downloader
>>5541 lol >>5542 lmao, even.
>>3415 >JDownloader >not using yt-dlp
>>5573 The post is almost 3 years old. I've since switched over.
This past month, two of my subscriptions have switched from using "swarthy" males with pink dickheads to models that are brown down to to the tip of their dick. Visually indistinguishable from BLACKED. What a shame.
Hyakkiyakou put out a new short Antenna vid this month. https://www.iwara.tv/video/Mvfflygx8di8bW/dohnadohna-antenna-ego-rock She dances around while her top is constantly falling and she repeatedly fixes it when she notices. However, she doesn't notice her open fly bottom is sagging enough to show her pussy the whole time.
Hyakkiyakou is back again with Dark Magician Girl. https://www.iwara.tv/video/MDUQAmbAaGZfoJ/yu-gi-oh-dark-magician-girl-erotic-sign She dances around in her usual skimpy outfit that easily has wardrobe malfunctions and is swiftly and severely punished for breaking routine whenever she tries to fix her outfit. Moves a little quickly for my tastes, but I like her continuous struggle.

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