My point is that of these following top rated boards for users, pph or generally strong sense of community, there's several that are either not represented or represented through different means. Concentrating on supporting these would allow for a funnier time for everyone involved, unlike what happens when you let just a two-people-board run a team up to the finals unopposed.
8chan /v/ - Video Games [x]*
Smug /a/ - Anime & Manga [x]
tvch /tv/ - Movies and Television [o]
tvch /dup/ - btfo [x]**
zzzchan /v/ - Video Games [x]*
8chan /hisrol/ - Hispa Rol
Smug /monster/ - Monster Girls [x]
tvch /dunk/ - Off topic
Sportschan /sp/ - Sparts [x]
animu bunker /hgg/ - Hentai Games General [o]
zzzchan /b/ - Random [o]
animu bunker /animu/ - animu and mango [x]
8chan /b/ - Random [o]
animu bunker /geimu/ - Video Games
AlogSpace /cow/ - Lolcows [o]
Smug /tg/ - Traditional Games [x]
8chan /delicious/ - Cake
Sportschan /librejp/ - librejp [x]
anon.cafe /k/ - Weapons, Combat, Outdoorsmanship [o]
8chan /loomis/ - Art Gains [x]
8chan /co/ - Comics & Cartoons [x]
8chan /pol/ - Politically Incorrect [o]
anon.cafe /comfy/ - A place to relax [x]*
LEGEND: [x] participated/have a team with a similar name and hence can be enticed to join in; [x]* participated as a joint team but can be broken down into two distinct teams to increase competitiveness and create sporting feuds; [o] have an existing team but either have shown no current interest in participating or don't know anything about the cup's existence; [x]** G-Cup exclusive