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Curious case of Qos family. what happened to Queenofspadesok 08/10/2023 (Thu) 02:07:38 Id: 891234 No. 18682
A republican confederate mom and a Christian daughter cheating behind her husband's back and fucking black guy
A user in Twitter said that mom's name is Jacklyn Dorothy and Daughter is Sage Schmidt. This is their Facebook account and insta is @sage_ashton
>>18683 Oh, a user on Twitter said it. Then it must be true.
>>18682 larp or not, this is fucking hot.
Is there more? Anything where they’re having sex?
So if you look at the daughters facebook she has a post on there about " i Hope 2022 is good to my mom" in the comments of the post a woman comments "Thank you sage I love you" the name is Jacklyn Michelle Dougherty. If you click on Jacklyn's profile it is the same woman from the videos! this is real! How can I find where the mom sells content? I need the name or account name she goes buy. She shouts out Lady anaconda in one video.
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How Am i just finding out about this woman and her daughter? seems like her twitter is gone can't find anything by searching google. This is right up my alley. Southern redneck woman with a bunch of kids and a white husband. The fact that shes getting her daughter in the videos is the cherry on top. Incredible and rare.
Ami I missing something here? Where is the proof of the daughter being involved?
>>18738 In the video. She has a black bf btw
>>18733 Where to find more? What's her stage name?
the mom is a fucking freak, one of the videos has her second daughter walk in. According to her facebook profile that second daughter is 16. This lady is crazy.
also found documents online stating that her and her husband divorced in May of 2021, she stopped updating her facebook June of that year too. Probably just couldn't get enough big black cock with her daughter.
This is one of the hottest things I've seen. Where did the pics/vids come from? She's not posting this shit in insta stories, right?
>>18733 i'm glad they weren't larping about being bbc whoes.
>>18747 they definitely aren't, if you dig enough you can find pics of the daughter and the kid she had with a black guy.
>>18751 i'm guessing the mom joined in after seeing her daughter fuck a black guy.
She must have got Doxxed or recognized by someone and family and or friends found out. She deleted her twitter and her instagram and any searches of "queenofspadesok" bring up an old subreddit that got banned but thats about it.
>>18767 It's probably the reason for the 2021 divorce too. All these videos are likely from then too, It's highly unlikely there's any new shit with her or her daughter. As hot as it is the retard probably destroyed her family.
OP is made for BBC
>>18768 that's a fucking shame. the mom and daughter duo was fucking hot.
So are there any vids of the daughter saying anything? There's nothing really hot about her and her daughter sitting in the car at the Walmart parking lot expecting money for saying a few trigger words. If the daughter and her were like doing nastier shit, yeah that'd be good. It just seems like this uncreative cunt was just trying to cash in on just talking into a camera. Pass.
>>18821 unless someone is sitting on more shit I highly doubt it, just a giant tease with some nudes of the mom alone.
>>18682 Never understood paypig shit. Like why the fuck would I give someone money for merely existing? The fuck is she? The IRS?
The mom has an onlyfans that she hasn't been active on in a bit." dreamangeljd "
decent short videos on OF but none with the daughter
>>19026 Bbc vids?
>>18850 >search name >no archive on coomer. day ruined
>>19027 It's the same guy in all the videos, It must be her black boyfriend she got with after her divorce. He looks younger than her by about 10 years.
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This thread makes me think of something that had been floating around in my head for a while about what women communicate to each other but know to not communicate to the men in their life. Specifically family. Shared secrets and activities that get passed on through the female side, but stay outside the knowledge of any men around them. I mean, excluding fucking up and exposing yourself like these two. I feel like this phenomenon is something that goes on regarding circles of white women and bbc. They collectively know to keep the men in their lives oblivious to their true feelings, but will confide in each other their true desires to try a black guy, or encourage and cover for each other to do so. I'm thinking of more respectable middle class types also who would do a better job at being more discreet than these two , but a similar dynamic nonetheless. This historical excerpt from slavery times of respectable white women in one family having secret rendezvous with each others knowledge of black men is one example of that which I've seen before. I also had an experience of listening to my mom and grandmother talk on the phone one day. It was when the world cup was going on and they were talking about some of what they watched. My grandmother mentioned if my mom had seen the Nigerian team play and asked what she thought, then she mentioned that they "looked strong" or something like that. And these were both conservative women who were fairly racist and would have never said they liked black guys to anyone who asked.
>>19314 Kind of natural tbh. I have a large family there are things that the women know and talk about that the men don't need to hear, typically I just tune them out when I think I'll overhear "girl talk" amongst my family, I don't need to know about their love lives. It's the same for the men in our family, we don't necessarily talk about sex, it's very rare, but things concerning work, business, crime, safety, law, court, finances, property get discussed amongst us and not the women because they don't really need the stress of worrying about what gangs their sons are joining in prison. Anyway, I know for a fact that It's not exactly rare for women to have had black boyfriends in their youth, in college or in high school. There's always the question of, "what if?" with them because dating or marrying those guys was frowned upon back then and would get those girls ostracized from their family and even friends, so they break up, even if their black boyfriends were good boyfriends. And that's what the women are usually talking about, boils down to was he was nice, thoughtful, and good in bed. It was pretty hard to support yourself back then without help from your family and community. That's less of the case these days, so that makes black men a little safer to settle down with now, and it's not a scandal if your zoomer or millennial daughter brings a black man home.
I wish i knew what spooked this bitch. I have a thing for women with families getting a divorce and becoming a bbc whore. Family members had to have found out. in one of the videos another daughter who looks like shes in high school walks in and hears what her mom is saying.
>>19318 Yes. You are correct. A couple of years ago my wife and I were visiting her family and I was walking by a bedroom where my wife was talking with her sister and her old best friend. The door was slightly ajar and what you said about women keeping things secret is true. I heard that my wife dated a bbc in college for a year but never told her parents. She never told me about it. She also secretly dated a guy from work who was a total jerk and they would go to Los Vegas and swing with other couples. My wife never told me that and even mentioned that she would never do that when we talked about it once. Her sister had a long affair with her married boss when she was 19 and her best friend was a lesbo for many years but went bi and got married. She had three kids now. So there are secret lives behind the scenes that many guys are totally unaware of happening.
>>19518 you should read the shit you post after you finish jerking off
>>18742 wait what?, she has her another daughter who's 16 in a video where she's having sex with her BBC Boyfriend?
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Someone posted this today on gif. Another example of the female family thing I was talking about. Rest assured no white guy in the family ever was aware to this type of stuff.
>>19526 What? No. What the fuck is wrong with you. how the fuck did you get that from "one of the videos has her daughter walk in". I'm talking about the videos posted here. The one where she and her older daughter are asking for people to pay for their gym membership has her younger daughter walk in the room.
>>19525 Funny! Hope you enjoyed your jerk off
>>18682 All the money begging and her annoying voice are boner killers, where's the love of the game?
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>>19529 and the interesting thing about this video is that both these girls are Jewish, not White.
>>19716 Who are they? Do you know the source?
>>19716 >This cuck anon of /interracial/ is also a /pol/tard IMAGINE MY SHOCK
>>18683 >Schmidt And once AGAIN, the biggest degenerates wh*tes in USA are descendants of filthy krauts. Imagine my NON-shock.
>>19841 if you mean bump, then aside from the mom's onlyfans, this is probably all there is.
>not only your wife but your daughter is getting BBC on the regular What a lucky man
>>20042 what lucky sons, not only their mother but their sister. and they get to watch their mom suck bbc like a whore. Bet they cum to it every night.
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I have vids from her OF. I keep converting them to the formats that are "allowed" to be uploaded on here but it's not working. I guess I'm just dumb? It's the correct size and format ... maybe its because of vpn?
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Site is weird
>>20066 do a gofile dump or use catbox
>>20045 What needs to happen is he creates more daughters (IVF, of course) who can then grow up to be Queens
we need to find more of these irl mom daughter snowbunny duos.
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BBC Birthday sex
Would be a dream to see my mother Rebecca Shields and my sister Jess Shields fuck and suck BBC. Unfortunately we don't have many blacks in Kodiak Alaska
>>20445 I bet her sons are secret subbed to Mom's OF so they stroke it while watching their own mother suck BBC naked
>>20450 I just want to be a fly on the wall when shes telling her daughter about her black boyfriend thats like 10 years older than her daughter. I bet she tells her how big it is and how she takes care of his bbc very well!
>>20452 bet she facetimes her daughter while she's getting fucked or sucking big black cock and her daughter rubs her pussy watching mommy get used like a slut by a black king.
>>20446 >>20445 She looks like your local small town crack whore. I don't get what is appealing about her for you guys.
>>20473 she's a real mom that became a queen of spades hotwife and encouraged her daughter to do the same.
>>20473 I've come to realize that looks often take a backseat to context when it comes to my fetishes. Despite how this woman looks, the context of what she's doing is hot enough to offset her plain appearance.
>>18768 Fuck her faggot husband. He should have been encouraging his daughter to spit out niglets.
>>21194 you'd have to get her onlyfans if it's still active. but if you're asking if there's more with the daughter, probably not.
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I love southern bbc milfs. I wonder if her and her black bf go to Christmas dinner at her white racist families house.
>>21491 milfs and gilfs are using discreet hookup apps to get wih black gus these days.
>>21491 Just because you’re a wimpy little cracker that would allow his daughter to get fucked by a nigger doesn’t mean everyone else is I guarantee if he pulled up to the “white racist Christmas dinner” he’d leave in 6 separate trash bags after getting lynched and burnt alive
>>21612 >black Gus You mean that nigger from breaking bad?
>>21630 It that another one of those right wing fanfictions they're so famous for ? Lol You can pretend the usa isn't nigger land, doesn't mean reality will play along. Also,'southern racist ' are the very definition of a wer fart and just as useful as one .those cucks were having wives fuck niggers way before it was even a thing
>>20590 Yes, it's the scenario thats hot to me. White redneck family . Shes married to some fat white dude for years. Has 4 kids with him and then suddenly when her kids get to be teens she divorces her husband and not only becomes a slut for a black man but she records it, starts an O.F.,and plays into the whole QOS / BNWO fetish. Her daughters know about it and Im sure they have said shit around the sons too. Whole family knows shes a bbc slut pornstar now. I think that's why she deleted her twitter.
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I wonder if her sons know her mom loves bbc? Have they seen her videos? Does it turn them on?

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