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Resources for color theory and digital painting Anonymous 12/21/2020 (Mon) 20:11:43 No. 1207
I checked the resource hub, and could not find anything specifically related to color theory alone. Currently I am still working on Fun With a Pencil, but I've started into the grind phase in the middle of the book, and want to lightly study color theory to go with the very simple characters I am producing just get some variance and keep me engaged. Sorry if this doesn't deserve it's own thread, couldn't find anything in the catalog other than the share thread, but I wouldn't know what to ask for specifically. Please help. Pic unrelated.
NMA has a course (color bootcamp or something like that). If you browse /ic/, get it from the torrent thread.
What sort of problems do people have with color theory? I always thought it was one of the simpler parts of art.
>>1212 Now-you're-just-trying-to-hurt-my-feelings-heh
>>1210 >/ic/ Excuse me if I am being stupid, but I can't seem to find any board with that name on the sebring, did you mean /irc/? >>1211 Thanks! >>1212 If I were to be honest, it's mostly a problem of not understanding basic painting techniques, along with what hue, saturation and shade actually are.
>>1221 you gotta go to *guh* 4chan for /ic/
>>1211 Unfortunately it looks like NKU doesn't have any color content, surprisingly. Other than that it's a great resource tho https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDrawingDatabaseMarcLeoneNKUsota/playlists

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