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We're All Gonna Make It!

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>>2214 What is this whole NFT craze about anyways? Isn't it some kind of jewish scam? Hope you don't mind me posting this since it's a shill thread.
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When did Blockchain & Cryptocurrency become a jewish scam? If you are skeptical about Government & are concerned about this whole deplatforming then your best bet is crypto. BTW NFT is Non fungible Token that runs on Blockchain. Think about it a copyright system, You tokenize your old artworks, photographs, video, gif, meme , collectable etc & then no one could counterfeit it. It runs on Ethereum blockchain. Tokenizing one of your artworks is called Minting. Now this Minting requires a small amount of gas fee or transaction fee, There are other sites like Mintable which let you mint your artworks for free. After minting them you can put them on auction or sell it on a fix price. Some other sites like rariable will also give you a 10% commission for every future sale of your product, Mintable doesn't give you. NFT exclusively runs on Ethereum & price of every listing gets decided on Ethereum. Right now 1 eth costs almost $2000. That's why this is so costly. You can put your artwork either on Auction, Auction with a immediate buy & at fixed price like I did. I mean even this comics that you have posted( Vulgar or not) can be sold as NFT.
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>>2217 Yeah but you still down own the artwork. All you receive is a text file with information about the artwork. It's the text file that is traded, that is the non-fungible token. Since all it has is a web address as a pointer to the 'item', the value is completely dependent on the specific NFT service not going tits up eventually. It's the sort of idea that copyright bozos will love after token resistance, since you the small timers will be pushed out and the tech will be standardized and used by them instead. Literally Soundstripe but for larger publishers too.
>>2214 Is shameless self-shilling allowed on this board?
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>>2219 Sorta but I'd prefer it was kept to the existing blog thread in the catalog. Also asking artists who are typically poor as fuck to buy your NFTs is silly. NFTs are a money laundering thing and only ludicrously wealthy people are engaged in that market.
>>2214 No one here is going to buy your work You need connections in the nft buisness without it you won't be able to get any money from it. Contact certain investors if you want to get anywhere with it. https://youtu.be/BZ0jzL8BXAY
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>>2219 Also to use one anecdote as an example, the [redacted]-chan comic guy posted his comic back on old 8chan. I would have welcomed his participation on the board but he would self bump his own thread everyday and samefag so much in an extremely unnatural, spammy way and never post in anyone else's threads. It was embarrassing. After a few weeks, maybe up to a month I got tired of it; I bump locked his thread and he never posted again (as if that was the end of the world). People can promote themselves, their work or their projects, one of my favorite /loomis/ oldfags had his own comic thread up for many years, but if someone feels the need to manufacture a takeover of the board to do so I'm going to call them out on it. >>2222 wew
Edited last time by loomis on 04/02/2021 (Fri) 17:54:14.
>>2215 >>2216 How much ETH can I resell this comic for?
>>2225 >wew It's the truth though
>>2227 (I was just using wew as an exclamation to express my positive impression on your previous post digits, my good man)
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>>2226 >comic Anon... it's called a doujin
>>2236 ...
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>>2236 Can't you damn kids use real english instead of nip talk
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>>2214 >NFT for sale No Fucking Thanks.
As long as mods are keeping the thread up I need to ask exactly what the fuck you're supposed to do to sell NFT's. Shilling here isn't an option, no one has the money to pay me for shit, but I also have no social media, or anything of the sort, I wouldn't even know how to do shit like that, my NFT's get 2 views, 12 max thus far, and die off, I haven't sold a single thing.
>>3775 You sell NFTs like you would actual physical paintings. You're either promoting it on your own or paying some other smuck to offload it for you. I recommend having actually interesting art and growing your base organically if you don't have the funds to artificially promote. Just think of it like this, if someone were buying a physical painting from you, why should they buy *your* shit specifically?
>>3776 Where the fuck do I promote it then, like I said I hate social media. Fuck do I just print it out with a QR code and illegally put it up on my streets?
>>3779 >I hate social media Tough shit because that's a pretty normalfag way of doing it. >Fuck do I just print it out with a QR code and illegally put it up on my streets? Sure, why the fuck not? Better than doing fucking nothing like you currently are. Why should anyone give a shit about you? Give them a reason to give a shit about you.

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