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The 10 words game 16crystals 05/06/2020 (Wed) 20:47:30 No. 70091
Here’s a little game. Go to this website: https://randomwordgenerator.com/ Select ‘’10’’ for ‘’Number of words’’, and select ‘’Adjectives’’ for ‘’Word Type’’. Now let the website generate 10 random words (adjectives) for you. For each of these words, explain how it describes your waifu or not. NO REROLL! Otherwise it’s too convenient! Finally, select which of these 10 words describe the most your waifu and which one represents her the less. Once done, feel free to do it again with 10 new words!
Here are the 10 words I got: Glamourous: I don’t think that Flandre is ‘’glamourous’’. I understand glamour has having a charming appearance reminding prestige, fame and luxury. Even if Flandre seems to be from an aristocratic family, she does not have the ‘’glamourous’’ vibe. Indeed, she dresses more in a cute manner than in a luxurious one, and her isolated lifestyle does not remind fame and prestige at all. Lean: In terms of weight, she does indeed seem to be in the thin-average range so yes, I think it fits her well. Kindhearted: Although there is no canon information supporting the notion that she would be kind-hearted (as compared to your average person), I like to imagine her as such. The fact that she duels Reimu/Marisa at first meeting in EoSD is not a sign of malice as duelling others at first sight seems to be the social norm in Gensokyo. A certain scene in last canon Touhou manga (Cheating Detective Satori) made me doubt, for a moment, of Flandre’s benevolent nature, but the ambiguous nature of this scene makes it hard to draw any conclusion. There is also that one (disturbing) comment from ZUN who once said that since Flandre has always been fed with cooked dishes, she does not know how to ‘’properly’’ attack humans to suck their blood, so she ends up blowing them away. That is probably the one comment from ZUN I’ve put into denial the most, or tried to explain away as one of ZUN’s contradictory or inconsistent statements. I’m not denying Flandre’s vampire nature, but that whole ‘’blowing away people’’ part…. Anyway, at least it is implied that is not intentional… Ambitious: Having mostly just stayed inside her house for about 500 years, pursuing no apparent project, I feel one could hardly describe Flandre as ambitious. Still, she is a child so one has to have realistic expectations too… Miscreant: That’s pretty much an antonym of ‘’kindhearted’’ so see my answer for that word a few lines above. Asleep: That doesn’t really mean anything in that context… Sometimes Flandre is asleep and sometimes she awake. Canon info showed us that she sleeps during the day and is awake during the night though. Quickest: She seems to be pretty quick indeed, but I can’t say if she is the ‘’quickest’’. Snobbish: Nothing seems to suggest that Flandre is snobbish and I personally don’t imagine her as such. Puffy: No, Flandre is not ‘’puffy’’. Heavy: As said earlier, she seems to be the thin-average range when it comes to weight so I don’t feel she is heavy. I think that ‘’lean’’ is the word in that list that describes her best as it’s the only one that is clearly supported by canon (when one look at canon images of her). In a similar fashion, I feel ‘’puffy’’, is the word in that list that represents her the less as canon images show she is not.

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