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Would /tg/ like to help build and playtest an RPG? Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 05:39:29 Id: 9d9689 No. 576
I've been working on a proper tabletop RPG system on and off for the past three years or so. It has a name, a world, about a 70% complete engine, and a lot of story behind it. I've thought about bringing it to the boards (and even considered making a rules-lite version tailored for play by post on imageboards) several times but have not. If anons are interested, I'll start making regular posts in this thread, dropping excerpts from my design docs, and discussing the methods and philosophies for all the systems so anons can tear it a new asshole and maybe have a good time with it. The very general breakdown: >Single world, non-multiverse >D6 based >Skill based >Classes included but optional >Group initiative >Simultaneous turns >3-6 players >Customizable mecha subsystem It's named Aion, after the world of the setting.
>>576 >d6 based Meh.
>>577 Think "Star Wars Roleplaying Game", not some PbtA trash.
>>580 And by SWRPG you mean the one before the d20 version aka saga edition? I mean I just hate d6s and dont wanna buy more dice. I have a shit load of d10s though.
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>Aion That name is already taken by a korean MMO. Besides that though I would be more than happy to help you playtest your system.
>>576 Okay OP I know we were mean, but you should keep going anyways.
>3 years Damn OP, that's some dedication Start droppin' what ya got fag
>>582 >That name is already taken by a korean MMO Maybe OP could go with "Ayonne"
>>649 He could do that. Then again I am fairly sure Aion shutdown a while ago so there isn't much of a chance they'll sure anyway.
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>D6 mecha system Please just drop the PDFs if you ever swing buy OP. I promise to at least read it. I might even run a game.
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>>743 Any minute now.
OP here. I haven't actually touched Aion in about a year and a half, but someone came and poked me and told me that there was interest. I don't have any of it in neat pdfs, but I'll post a bunch of excerpts from the design docs ITT if anyone would like to give it a try.
Actually I have a better idea. One thing that I wanted to do was condense out a "quick start" paper for simple oneshots anyway, and I should have time to do that. The state I left the rules in was mostly complete, but very scattered and crunchy and I wanted something I could easily hand someone that would let them pick up and play. I'll go ahead and make that this week and then post it. The gist of the game is that a character has 5 attributes: Strength, Agility, Vitality, Wits and Wisdom. A selection of Skills falls under each one of those categories, and your rolls are based on adding together [Stat Dice] + [Associated Skill Dice] + [Extra Bonuses] to see if you succeed. The game is very "integrated", so that there's no such thing as a dump stat and everything stays relevant. Where it gets a bit lost in the weeds is things like cover and concealment, and calculating defense values for random materials (can my blackpowder pistol shoot through this wall made of oak planks?). My docs took a dozen different approaches with those things and are kind of all over the place, so I'll pare it down to something functional for you.
>>779 >>778 Sounds great anon, looking forward to it.
>>779 Its been a month you lazy bum.

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