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Shameless Venting your Tickling Fantasies! Anonymous 03/06/2022 (Sun) 03:57:16 Id: 53cd5c No. 15941
Excuse the picture I think it's funny... This is a thread for venting your tickling fantasies, this started from talk in whyboners thread about our m/m fantasies involving tickling mafias and the like.
>>76109 This is stupid. "Either the victim has a change of heart and no longer wishes such a fate on other women" so if the victim stops being a ticklefag? Yeah, no.
>>76109 Gotta hand it to you, it's at least an interesting and original scenario even if I don't like it. I really don't fw the concept of ugly incels as lers, but what's somehow even more off-putting is imagining that the smoking hot, busty ticklish girl that is all naked and at my mercy might just be said ugly incel after a gender swap. I'd honestly much prefer the beautiful, uppity girls those incels are lusting after get transported to this parallel world and sadistically tickle tortured by other hot chicks/demonesses or whatever, until they submit to the incels and become submissive trad wives. Also, their new husbands' tickle toys obviously
>>76159 Now this is a bit more like it Ive never liked the concept of male lees even if theyre genderswapped. And its even worse if its ugly incels. To me, being a male lee is the equivallent of enjoying being pegged. Its kinda gay.
>>76134 I hate anime.
>>76160 >A dude having sexual intercourse with a woman is gay
>>76184 Male submissiveness in general is just very cringe to me. Maybe "gay" isnt the right word, but still. Male lees are a giant boner killer for me. Especially if the ler is female.
>>76209 Gay is the right word.
>>76209 I agree, except I also don't like male lers.
>>76286 This guy gets it. Yuri all the way
>>76286 Male lers are ok mostly as long as the drawing is from their POV so they dont obstruct the feet or other ticklish parts of the lee. But i prefer when the ler is something like a sentient plant/tentacle monster/machine that has no human qualities and will end up tickling the female lee for eternity.
>>76209 I can get into a male ticklee if they're not a submissive. I fucking hate that wimpy puny self defeating personality type but a tough guy being broken and made into a ticklee by a tickler is hot.
>>76357 I think thats even gayer
>>76209 >>76160 >>76210 Please get help
Can y'all stop being gay? One thread was enough.
>>76362 My dude, this whole fetish revolves around humiliating helpless people by tickling them. There's only one of two kinds of people who're going to be attracted to this shit
I would travel to various Asian countries and kidnap various women of different lifestyles and jobs such as a pretty, young school teacher, a female cop, a tired office worker, a nurse, a cute clerk, and a housewife or two and bring them to my location which of course is soundproof and as they would wake up I'd have my fun with them. They would be fully clothed at first of course restrained to padded tables with the arms above their heads locked into padded cuffs and ankles cuffed as well and as theyd awake they would begin to panic and with the slow removal of their footwear one at a time they would begin to feel vulnerable as I expose their sensitive flesh little by little and I would start my tickling slow and methodical I would trace a singer finger along the feet of each woman learning their tickle spots and getting them progressively more afraid and vulnerable of course I wouldn't remove any socks or stockings just yet so I would get to see just how sensitive they are with their feet covered as it would make the contrast so much worse once their skin is bare but that would wait as I moved to the upper body. I would test the sensitivity of their upper bodies one by one as they would be reduced to just a shirt at that point putting my fingers into the sleeves and caressing the underarms for a good bit at different speeds and different techniques either circling with a single finger in the confines of the shirt or zig zagging regardless I will thoroughly explore the armpits then once they're tired out a bit I will cut off the shirts one by one leaving each woman with just a bra and I would then give them exactly two minutes of rest before plunging my fingers into the sides, stomach, and ribs making sure to occasionally target the bellybuttons of my helpless toys because after all pressing buttons is part of the fun of toys speaking of which this is where the tools come out. I would pick out a brand new paintbrush for the women going around and lickling one armpit while painting the other switching between methods and spots to keep them guessing after which they would get a brake for me to cut off their bras exposing their formerly untouched breasts to the room allowing me to use the paintbrush , an electric toothbrush and my tongue on the breasts circling the outer edges before moving to the nipples getting them all worked up I would move onto the feet. I would shred the stockings and or socks and begin my tickling torture by using every soft tool at my disposal and then I would use my nails and tongue on the soles starting from the heels to the toes and after I have my fill then I will begin stripping the legs completely bare and begin tickling the crotch edging the women until they beg me to tickle them as much as I want and it would continue like that for a few days afterwards I would not only inform the women that the whole ordeal was filmed but I would tell them the names, addresses and shoe sizes of their families and friends and warn them that if they talked they would be next
>>76569 Now THIS is the kinda stuff I come here to read.
>>76569 found this kinda boring until >I would tell them the names, addresses and shoe sizes of their families and friends and warn them that if they talked they would be next that really struck something in me. Imagine putting some mid 20s chick through the most brutal, traumatizing tickle torture of her entire life for days with no break then telling her point blank to her face that if she says anything to anyone… her sweet old single mom will be experiencing it next. After all that she did for you that’s how you pay her back? Letting me get my hands on her and showing dear old mom complete torture? Or her little sister, 19 and just starting college… it’d be such a shame if she was broken beyond repair before her first semester is even over. Or her best friend who’s been her ride or die since forever. How could she even think of condemning any of them to what she just went through? So despite how awful it was or how much it affected her… she’ll never tell a soul. That’s real power and it makes me diamond
>>76576 And I would make them watch as well letting them know just who got them into the situation they're going through
>>76536 Honestly yeah. Sweet and to the point, the humiliation aspect is such an integral part of this whole fetish. The gay shit turns me off personally but I can see why some people wouldn't care if it's a woman or man begging and laughing their heads off. 90% of the appeal is just seeing someone broken and embarrassed and forced to submit to something as childish as tickling
>>76581 And that's fair, not everyone's gay simply put. My point was it's only natural the gays would be attracted to such a thing ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ ofc straight ppl will be into it too, I mean a tough girl getting reduced to a giggly wreck is hot ngl but in this fetish the fags are everywhere. It's just how it is. Just try to ignore it and move on
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I want a crazy socially toxic third wave feminist lunatic not unlike the now infamous “Big Red” pictured here…something about her is oddly attractive despite the venom she spits…or maybe I just want to torment her that badly. The type who scream and cry about the patriarchy and rape culture. The ones who want all men to be harvested for their sperm as soon as it becomes viable and then have them castrated by law since we’re all just sex offenders in the making. The ones who don’t want female equality but rather female supremacy where they get all the perks and benefits of a man but get to keep all the special treatment they’ve grown accustomed to as women. The ones who’s lives are a pathetic disastrous failure and rather than own up to their own mistakes chose instead to blame the world for it. I want one of them…locked up in a sound proof cell in my basement. Over a period of days, weeks and months I subject them to unrelenting and sadistic tickle torture. I will never question them or even speak to them, giving no reason or logic behind my actions despite them screaming that tickling is a form of rape. This will go on until they finally reach a breaking point where their pompous ego flexing gives way to genuine pleas for mercy and signs of genuine submissive vulnerability. That’s when the psychological reconditioning begins. Slowly and methodically I begin to break down and invalidate every belief they have by cutting to the root of their personal issues, make them see the real reason behind their established beliefs and through no short degree of applied Stockholm syndrome, “tickle the fight” out of them and totally decimate their force of will or drive to assert themselves. In all this time I never do a single thing to elicit a sexually aroused response, forcing them to inevitably BEG me to fuck them (possibly as a way of getting mercy from the tickling) since all these feminist lunatics are starving for affection. By the end they’re rendered more docile and submissive than the most stereotypical 1940’s TV mom trope and are completely obedient to my whims. She also develops a masochistic streak where she “needs” tickle torture and may even misbehave intentionally hoping it leads to “punishment”. Now…you may be sitting there asking: “But anon, doesn’t this only serve to validate and even enforce everything she believed in prior to this?” And I’ll answer yes, yes it does but that’s the whole point… …I’m making an honest woman out of her ;)
>>77359 You had me up until the "honest woman" bit. Your interest comes from the fact that she's loud, entitled, obnoxious and insufferable. Don't delude yourself into thinking she's somehow right when she lives in fucking Canada dude. If you wanna go on about Africa or Asia or the Middle East or some shit then feminist away but the reason why people like her came to power is only because woman have equal rights in the west. Otherwise based
>>77367 Honestly that was meant as more of a joke than anything too serious; was super tired when I wrote that. Like some kind of NYPD Blue moment where I put on sunglasses followed by The Who screaming “Yeeeeah!” lol I guess what I meant was as far as myself she was right? I dunno.
>>77373 You good fam the autism in the fetish so str0nk it's hard to tell what's satire and what's serious these days
>>77359 Based
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Imagine what if this study didn't turn out to be a total hoax and you could land a job as a professional tickle-fitness coach. Every day you wake up to a 9 to 5 routine of tickling women and get paid for it. You have an array of customers: chubby stay-at-home wives, self-conscious teens worried about their appearance, usually strict businesswomen who melt into giggles as you scratch over their nylon-covered soles, muscular and fit sport-fanatics, curvy MILFs who want to lose some of that wieght they've gained during pregnancy, hell, maybe even some semi-professional college athletes who want to improve their endurance. Some would prefer gentle goosing while they try to evade your fingers, others gentle foot feathering with ankles immobilized in stocks, some would want to stick to the 'professional' approach with an examination table equipped with handcuffs and stocks as well as brushes, oil and rolling pins, other, more determined, more kinky ones would pay handsome money to be stripped down completely, tightly secured and wrecked with multiple tools, no spot on their bodies being left untouched. And since it's a medical procedure/physical excercise you can always x somebody off, 'due to concernes about their health' if she's too old/overweight. Naturally, you'd only attend ticklish individuals, since there's no point in the procedure if they're not sensitive. They would need to disclose every ticklish spot they know of and you'll (since you're such a skilled 'therapist') discover some they could've never suspected, keeping all of the data (age, height, shoe size, heatmap of sensitivity, best tools and techniques, session logs) in a neat file for every customer. Well, that would be cool I guess
As a dude, there is just something about the simple idea of being tickled by another dude. Gets me incredibly aroused but for the life of me, I can never seem to take the jump. So I fantasize about it a lot. And it's never anything fantastical. It's always pretty mundane. But it's the simpleness of the fantasy. I like the thought. Meeting another guy through an online forum or Grindr, shit maybe from here. Who knows? I hit it off with the guy. We exchange pictures, get to know each other. Give each other our tickling backstories. All the with the formality of water cooler talk. Like just a couple of fellas talking about the game. Turns out, he has stocks. Lucky for me, considering I've never had the opportunity to get locked in. We plan out a time and place to meet up. The day arrives. The final confirmation that neither of us is gonna bail out takes place, whatever that is. For shits n giggles we sent each other a mirror selfies with our faces and soles in the photo, I don't know. We meet up at the hotel, because we probably ain't doing it at each other's houses. He sets up while we chat. And now the time has come. The set up is generic. I'm sat on some sort of recliner. Wrists either bound behind or to the arms of the seat. Ankles propped up to be placed in my buddies stocks. He locks me in. He bullies me a little while tying my toes back. Jokingly calling me a fag or making some shit eating remark about me getting off to having my feet tickled by another man. Not meanly. Always with the tone of a rude older sibling. Jokes on him, it's making me harder than diamonds. I'm pitching a visible tent while also flicking him off and telling him to fuck off. He catches my middle finger and starts tearing into me. Scribbling his nails across the arch of one of my feet. I clench my teeth, fighting off the urge to lose my shit. He keeps going for a little while, but I don't break. Eventually, oil is added. Faint squeaks start to leak out. It's getting to me. He meanly calls me a bitch for almost laughing. And rewards me with a brush to the soles. Now I'm gone. I'm bouncing around, trying to get away from the brush. I'm repeatedly telling him to fuck off, but it just eggs him on. Unfortunately for me, this goes on for a while. My throat is a little horse and I'm running out of sound. Laughter going silent after some time. Then this mother fucker starts putting fluffy shit in between my toes. Ice cubes on my soles to make me jump. Shit, he even licks my soles for a bit because he can. After a while, i eventually climax. Whether it be to the tickling itself, me doing it myself or him doing it for him. Then maybe I give him some payback. Maybe we plan that for another time. But shoot, we had a good time nonetheless.
>>77886 What a sweet fantasy. It's so humble but it feels so real as a result. I love the macho masculine bullying angle when it comes to guys tickling guys, it makes it so much hotter to throw some accusations on your sexuality around or treat your ticklishness as an embarrassment. Stuff like that is why m/m is often my favorite variety of tickling. Also if I saw you cum from being tickled alone, or get so horny from it that you were begging for release, I would never let you live it down. I'd hang that shit over your head forever, especially if you needed me to help you climax. I'd threaten to make it public and try to ban you from ever jerking off to women in porn again. You're public use for the boys now, and that's all you're good for! Put you in the stocks in the men's locker room or tie you to the bench there and let the whole team have their fun with you.
>>77886 >After a while, i eventually climax. Whether it be to the tickling itself >>64087 As Written
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>>77971 Based as fuck. I think it's the playful bullying of it all. Maybe it's a bunch of the stronger dudes in the building putting me through it just because they can. Or my buddies and I getting weird on a late night lift. The latter actually sounds more appealing tbh. >>77973 LMAO that wasn't even on purpose. And this doesn't add much to it but I am a stoner as well. A fun idea I have is essentially being lured out with the extra promise of weed. Either getting absolutely baked to high heaven off a few bong rips or being loaded up on edibles. That way my all my senses are firing at full capacity. That way once he's found out oil makes the brushes worse I'm almost screaming. Deep belly laugh, my favorite when it comes to ticklish dudes. Yeah. That's the stuff.
>>78136 Oh, a stoner who's also into tickling, that's perfect. Have you ever had someone tickle you while you're under the influence? I've always been really interested in the idea of mixing weed and tickling, but I don't partake myself so I have no experience, and I would love some insight.
My idea is kind of silly but I would greatly enjoy it My fantasy is being able to travel inside of my favorite media(anime, video game etc) and with my knowledge of the series doom the heroes and villains to bad end tickle torture using their own weaknesses be it social or physical to help break them down and gaslight them into thinking they deserve it
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>>78141 Different anon, but weed makes me at least 10x hornier and more sensitive. Different strains have do different effects, so. THC overdosing or “greening out” isn't a serious issue it can't kill you, but it would end the session if the lee had too much since they would probably just pass out or be too dizzy. I don't have much experience being tickled IRL outside of some playful non-bondage tickles from girls I've dated, but the feeling is heavenly and sex is unreal. The key is to know your tolerances and limits and that goes for any substance. My dream session would include “forced” drugging to keep me horny and compliant as a tickle slave, or doing the same to a lee as I'm a switch. I imagine some perfecting a strain which induces extreme horniness, an extreme body high, along with leaving them relatively clear minded to appreciate every sensation. Add Maca, Tongkai Ali, and other cheap readily available aphrodisiacs to the mix and your victim would be ready for an extreme tickle torture and edging and denial session they'll never forget. Edibles are definitely my favorite by far as they last longer, get me higher, and are more consistently dosed. Unless you or your lee one of the unlucky people whose liver does not properly convert the THC, edibles are probably the way to go. 5-10 mg is the perfect starter dose. Protip: The best “body high” inducing cannabis I found are mix of technically legal hemp derivatives like D8, D10, HHC, THC-P all packaged in one. These tend to be extremely potent, so be sure to ready the recommended dosing carefully and start small if you go that route. They don' have an official name or brand since the “industrial hemp” market is constantly turning out new companies and changing product names and ingredients.
I had two cousins growing up who I used to be a little tickle terror towards. They were both older and they were girls. So it's safe to say little me had a crush on them. One was blonde, the other brunette. Really, from time to time I'd just pin em and tickle their sides or feet. All that said, growing up I've also developed a taste for being tickled. So from time to I find myself fantasizing about them taking revenge for all the times I've gotten at them. One example involves them just straight up going for it. Using their combined strength to pin me and tickle the hell out of me. One would sit on my arms and ruin my pit. The other with an arm wrapped around my ankles and tickling my poor soles. Cascades of tickle tickles and coochie coos. Making fun of me for being so grown up yet still so ticklish. All until I'm fully worn out. In the more intense scenario, I find myself tied a bed in one of their homes. How I got there isn't usually important. I like to switch it up. Sometimes I like to imagine I've confessed these feelings of wanting to be tied up and tickled by them and they're weirdly down. Or I add on to the first one and they notice I'm having more fun than I probably should. They undress me and find some sort of rope around to tie me down. My favorite is them walking in on me playing some sort of tie up game with myself while visiting them. In this scenario they get more hands on. Playing with my nipples and noticing how brutal it is for me. They'd playfully say they didn't know a guy could be ticklish there. Once they fully notice how hard I am, they'd rip off my boxers or underwear to have it stick straight up. They'd point and laugh while simultaneously tickling me. Eventually they'd grab oil and gently use their nails to tickle my dick til I blow. Sometimes my aunt (their mom) joins in just to show them how to properly tickle me. Getting to to hit my worst spots all at the same time. One cousin tweaking my nipples while the other gets under my toes. Meanwhile my aunt is pressing into my hips and spider crawling her fingers across my tummy. It goes on for a while until they're bored. Usually I'm let lose after everything. Just wanted to share something I've been thinking about. Feels good to write it out lol

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