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Persona tickles Anonymous 01/14/2023 (Sat) 10:11:09 Id: 9a2ec5 No. 38213
Post any persona tickling you have! (Or just foot fetish/foot focus art)
>>58487 Would have been hotter if he just gave them better expressions. That and made the faceless feet more expressive with movement
>>58500 Yeah I kind of agree. Haru and Ann have good facial expressions, but the others, especially Makoto, are only like fine. And quite a few pairs of feet could have done with some more dynamic poses. Though I guess in this state it's almost like they're all sort of resigned to their fate, not even possessing the will to resist anymore. And that's pretty hot. >>58490 He's just based like that. I kneel.
Hopefully with the P3 remake coming out early next year we'll get a bunch of new art for that game, right now 90% of everything is just P5 girls.
>>58487 - 12 pairs of feet - no crossed ankles - uniform method of tickling - not enough big toes pulled back to render soles taut - only 3/5 laughing I don't know, I like it and it's a great choice of ticklees but it feels a wasted opportunity. Not nearly as good as it should have been.
>>58503 kandem doesn't really excel in expressions, but that just really goes for most tickling artists unfortunately. I honestly wish they'd focus more on lees expressions cuz it can be very telling for how ticklish they are
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She's not Chie but she looks just like her in my opinion
Is there a full versoon of this somewhere? Reverse image searches don't help.
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Rubbing it raw with these
>>67821 I badly need him to do the same with the rest of the girls.
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>>67821 The toenails look like claws. I absolutely despise them. Good character choice at least
>>67879 I'll be honest, TwoMario really hasn't been doing it for me, not for a long while. Either chooses underage/OCs/poor, obscure ticklees and draws it well or chooses a good character then gives them blocky feet or weird nails or an expression that veers too far into crazy territory (the above is guilty of all those).
>>67880 >complaining about fictional character ages please end your life retard
>>67881 Quit starting fights faggot we don't need more threads turning into cunny debate battlegrounds
Chihaya is underloved
>>67846 Where’d you get the one of Takemi from?
>>67881 Lol really? Not even condemning anyone who'd into it, just that I don't get anything from it, and you're telling me to end my life? Speaking of ages, I hope you're some hormonal 14yo who's wandered into the thread.
>>67915 You know what you were doing tranny
>>67915 >>67922 get a room you two
>>67880 Couldn't have said this any better myself.
Yamerooooo has a new p5 pic,does anyone have it??
Anybody got this from Ghawkg?
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>>78289 where’d you find this?
From the artist Kinggun, he has briefly released this work. In addition, he has quit. But he will return as another identity (I believe this very much)
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Anyone know the artist of these?

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