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Anonymous 04/04/2021 (Sun) 16:36:04 No. 733
When and how did you realize that tots and babies were the superior option?
>>767 Excellent tastes, friend. It's nice to find someone who feels the same, at the least. Way too much todcon art is too brutal to the poor girl, and I swear I want to vomit whenever I hear babies being referred to as 'onaholes'. Rant over; sorry about that, and the lack of pictures. I feel you though, the lack of content makes me lament the fact I"m just sitting here jacking it instead of being productive with my time and learning to draw.
>>773 I hate that kind of shit, babies are for gentle love bordering on worship tbh.
>>773 I'm glad you mentioned this actually, because I had been thinking the same thing recently. I was trying to find some toddlercon art on Pixiv the other day and clicked on some sort of art of many men and a tot. The comments truly disgusted me, they talked about fucking the little girl until she died, and similar stuff about using her as an onahole. That is the exact opposite of how I've always felt about tots. True tot admirers know that true love and gentleness are key, much like what >>774 says. It is good to know that anons here largely feel the same. >the lack of content makes me lament the fact I"m just sitting here jacking it instead of being productive with my time and learning to draw. Kek relatable. I'd have notebooks full of babies if I really dove into it.
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>>774 I came here to reply to this and found another >>776 of the same mind, so I say it to both of you: I looked upon your eyes and knew you were my niggers. Jokes aside, to the first comment I want to avoid repeating points because we align so well, so I'll instead say that worship is very based, but also when the baby/toddler is in control of the action. I remember one story which wasn't todcon proper, it was lolicon, parodying Precure I think- the lolis are bullying/domming some guy, but at the very end they have him bound and Huggtan (a baby) giving him a foot job while all of the girls watched and that, that was where the nut was founded. Another fantastic scenario I've dreamed of (in one case literally) was succubus babies. For one, a bit complex for what'd be a 20 page doujin, but a bit of backstory can help the narrative I feel. Anyway, fantasy setting where the human kingdom is crusading against demons (succubi). Succubi can charm any man with a fetish, no resistance, so it's a difficult prospect. There is one guy, the MC however who is the equivalent of doomguy on the surface because no matter what succs he runs into none of them can charm him, he seems wholly asexual. That is until he kicks down the door to the nursery. Turns out this whole time he was a huge nepi, and thus this engine of slaughter is brought low and dominated by babies, and that, thank you for reading, is my blog post. To the second comment, I've seen exactly that before, and it's so gross. My hypothesis is that because todcon is an extreme fetish, a lot of people seem to think they may as well go even further beyond for extremity than just stop there. Guro, rape... Cheese graters, just the most fucknasty shit. It's like they're getting off to the degeneracy or taboo itself more than the fetishes involved. Babies/toddlers are precious beings. To hear them giggle and coo from being licked or caressed is better than sex, frankly. Like you say, a true admirer feels the same.
>>778 >It's like they're getting off to the degeneracy or taboo itself more than the fetishes involved. Bingo. Some people just keep going deeper and deeper just to get off, and the more taboo it is the more they'll be satisfied. I suspect that many of them weren't even into tots or lolis before they ever went deep down the rabbithole of degeneracy. I'd be interested in hearing from the other anons into gentle toddlercon content whether they had always been into tots or whether they got into through the porn rabbithole. My theory is that the gentle tot lovers will be more natural toddlercons. I know I have always had a marked preference in my hentai for younger girls.
>>779 Always tot lover. I am >>734 I liked tots before I ever saw porn.
>>776 I'm not into guro violence of toddlers, but I'm weirdly addicted to reading pixiv comments, just kind of lovecraftian uknow. Anyway, yeah I'm a lover too.
>>779 Looking back I've always been sort of drawn to tots and stuff associated with them like diapers and pacis, but it only expressed itself sexually later. I don't know if I'd see it as an outgrowth of becoming increasingly depraved though, because I really don't see being attracted to lolis or tots as something depraved. I'm not attracted to the taboo, I wish there was no taboo. I honestly think that they are paragons of purity, innocence and have some of the most beautiful bodies. The most degenerate thing I mix with this all is omorashi
>>782 I believe the warped portrayal of loving small innocent pure creatures clearly deserving of love as being somehow more wrong and twisted than your average necrophiliac cannibal scatfag is just further proof of how much of a circus the world has become.
>>783 We'll get our tot-love utopia one day, anon. Degenerates will be gassed and pure love will shine through
>>784 The totnostate.
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>>786 ein reich ein volk ein jahr alt
>>788 (heil'd) Top kek, I was thinking of posting something about "ein reich, ein volk..." but I couldn't find anything funny, but you nailed it
>>789 Thanks, I try.
>>788 Never have I wanted so dearly a picture of a nazitot dressed in black leather, stepping on a guy while tugging on a leash collared around his neck, suckling a pacifier with the ss logo on the front of it.
>>792 I can only get so erect
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>>738 Stuff like that and more is why tots are so sexy. Love me some babyfat, with all their cute little clothes.
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>>941 BASED plump lil tots are best
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>>942 Can;t get better than some puffy tot cunny
>>944 tot girls should be worshipped
>>945 Wrong, tot girls should be domesticated and commodified
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>>948 Absolutely cringe take. I wish there were more tot reaction images, I'd post one looking down on your awful opinion. >>945 Don't listen to the heretic, spread the gospel
>>949 We shouldnt be worshipping babies. Babies should be worshipping dick
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>>950 We shouldn't be worshiping women. Women should be worshiping dick so they can get pregnant and give birth to their betters. Fix'd. Babies and toddlers are the closest things to divinity this world has and are deserving of worship. If you can't cum from kissing their feet, licking between their toes and cleaning them with your mouth after a change then you don't deserve them, frankly.
>>951 You are worshiping a sex toy. Babies and tots are to be collected and used before expiry. That is all. Love them all you want, but it is them that look at cocks for guidance, not teh other way around.
>>952 The only tot-pilled part of your opinion is that it belongs in a diaper.
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Tots should be loved gently and treated well because they are perfect lil angels. I'm flaccid af unless they are happy and enjoying themselves, they aren't sex toys.
me on the bottom
>>955 Me on the left
>>955 me on the right
>>955 me contemplating telling mom in the center
>>1584 surely tod cunny licks would dissuade you from such a drastic action? me on the bottom still
>>762 That's fucking disgusting, stop talking about children This is the board for heavily stylized and unrealistic fictional cartoons, fuck off pedo

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