/vyt/ - VTubers

Virtual YouTubers

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Welcome to /vyt/ Anonymous 12/23/2020 (Wed) 01:03:30 No. 1 [Reply]
This board is for any and all discussion relating to VTubers. Global rules apply, otherwise just try to stay on topic.

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Vtubers you don't like and why Anonymous 10/10/2022 (Mon) 03:47:29 No. 132 [Reply]
I don't like Kronii, she seems like a bad waifu, i don't even care that she collabed with a male vtuber she seems like she doesn't care about her fans. I've also heard that she dosen't like her model's big breasts.

Anonymous 07/22/2022 (Fri) 00:24:48 No. 131 [Reply]
lolicon fictional art when it is sexual illegal in Canada, UK and Australia and South Africa, get help you pervs.

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3DPD Digging General Anonymous 01/23/2021 (Sat) 02:15:57 No. 52 [Reply]
Starting with Sena, the one that makes the most money by taking advantage of retards all over the world. Brought to you by the person who pissed off Mark bad enough to get him to rage openly in his Discord channel
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>>52 Sperging today by downvoting some galleries . Haven’t do it since Marin’s hentais. Hopefully it increase my hentai rank
Haha you cunts are so gay. Get a 2d ethot to talk nice and you all turn into faggot simps. Weebs truly are a disease.
wtf. Nyanners actually voiced Sae in Chemically Bonded. What a letdown thanks for ruining my day anon

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Anonymous 07/01/2022 (Fri) 01:38:47 No. 129 [Reply]
Hi! Everyone! I am Sorryapology, a new Taiwanese Virtual Youtuber, who are mostly streaming on Twitch. Awkwardly speaking I haven’t had a formal debut streaming yet, if you think the debut streaming is very important for a Virtual Youtuber ha ha. However I have already started my streaming life~! Today I am going to publicize or disseminate (well! I am highly unsure which words are more accurate.) my first-time ALL ENGLISH streaming on 2022/07/03 8:00 am (UTC+8) or 2022/07/02 8:00 pm (UTC -4 or EDT) on Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/sorryapology. The content of this show will be miscellaneous talk but slightly focus on “ Do you have any question you want to ask a Taiwanese?" By the way, I have studied abroad in the USA for four years but now I am returning to Taiwan. Please understand that I am the Taiwanese . I am not a citizen who lives in a Country whose leader is Winnie the pooh. Warning!!Warning!!Warning!! This streamer is not a typical Asian what you experienced before. This streamer is unique, special and craaaaaaaaaaaazy also high! who can turnt you maybe.. So plz fasten your seatbelt and I am looking forward to exploding your mind on AIR on 2022/07/02 8:00 pm (UTC-4 or EDT) . I am so Excited I can’t wait to see you guys~~!WOOOOHOOOO! AND YOLO!!

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Has anyone met this vtuber? 06/02/2022 (Thu) 09:04:26 No. 128 [Reply]
At the end of last year I was living in Thailand and I saw on the news about a girl who had committed suicide, apparently she was an independent vtuber from a nearby town and her channel was not known until the police deleted all her information from the internet to protect her family. I think her name was Yuzuhira Asayaka or something, but her model was very similar to this one but his hair was more orange, instead of bows he had stars and his uniform was different

hot Anonymous 05/20/2022 (Fri) 03:11:07 No. 127 [Reply]
i look like a vtuber lol

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Deleted clips Anonymous 01/16/2022 (Sun) 02:11:51 No. 126 [Reply]
Seems more and more clips are being deleted off JT. I can't find the Risu Doot video anymore, probably cause she was probably high at the time. I imagine this is going to get worse over time.

3D General Anonymous 12/23/2020 (Wed) 01:21:23 No. 6 [Reply]
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>x board >literally 25% of its posts is about stalkers/hating on it
>>6 Does anybody know or remember keekihime? She's Kiara's previous (and still alive) persona and was the target of lolcow a few years ago. I'm surprised to know that she hasn't disappeared from the internet at all and is know making it big.
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>>118 This bitch used her entire youth trying so hard to be a white idol in Japan, she's so ugly and needs tons of make-up to look decent, and she never takes profile pics because how ugly she is.

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Anonymous 06/10/2021 (Thu) 00:39:15 No. 108 [Reply]
/aog/! Talk about the best vtuber! Annoying Orange
>>108 Based.
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>>120 >The Actual First Virtual Youtuber Was he actually the first one there was, though? There were definitely avatarfags or at least people using the same animation methods as him beforehand, weren't there?

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lifeboat shipping 05/23/2021 (Sun) 17:54:35 No. 98 [Reply]
I'm BO of /u/. If you want to post vtubers shipping or futanari you can come to my board
>>98 Why there is 4 chinese comment in a english-TRANSLATED gallery? https://exhentai.org/g/1386675/e32535abbe/

Kiryu Coco Graduation Anonymous 06/09/2021 (Wed) 03:44:32 No. 100 [Reply]
https://yewtu.be/watch?v=6Q-fX1E6B_s Sad that it happened on her birthday.
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>>111 I doubt Coco gives two shits about Cover considering the things they've been actively doing to make her leave on her own to save face (anyone who honestly believes it was just a mistake that gave a bunch of bugmen moderator positions in Coco's chat is a fucking idiot). Coco's concern is probably for the other girls. As for committing suicide, I find that unlikely, but I do foresee Cover fucking up again with the other JP girls and pissing off enough of them that they start bleeding talent until they're left with just Azki and maybe one or two others. Coco leaving is probably the beginning of the decline of Hololive. >>112 I'm not so sure about that. What's Aqua going to do for a living if she leaves Hololive? Her social anxiety is bad enough that she'll never be able to hold down a normal job. Unless some other vtuber group picks her up or her mom hooks her up with a job thanks to friends or family, Aqua's pretty fucked if she leaves Hololive, and she probably knows that better than anyone.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGsmcgWw7Z8 Called it. I said I expected this in the coming weeks and months. It came just three days later. Haato is going on "indefinite hiatus." She says she can't say why, but with Coco leaving and Haato being the other main bugman target, it's pretty easy to put two and two together and assume Cover wants her gone to appease the hive, never realizing that the hive is insatiable. Enjoy what little time Hololive has left, and pay attention to how fucked Nijisanji is as they still have an active Chinese branch.
Anyone wants to take bet on how long the poor girl who has to deal reddit meme review would last due to burn out/looking at "lol so funny" reddit shit?

>inb4 what this have to do with vtuber You can now OFFICIALY call anti-fan as terrorist.

Sperg Out Over not Understanding Vtubers Anonymous 06/10/2021 (Thu) 10:58:04 No. 109 [Reply]
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>forgot pic Hey BO, force OP to attach pic

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VOMS Project Anonymous 12/23/2020 (Wed) 03:31:06 No. 18 [Reply]
VOMS girls deserve some love, too. Especially our favorite tea kettle.
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>>87 Some people say it was drugs, others say it was when she confirmed that she had a boyfriend in real life. Others say it was her being a /pol/ack on stream having fun with the guys making swastikas in Meinkraft and laughing at based humor while also taking the piss out of liberal SJW's crying loudly about it. YouTalmud Jews got angry at her and her company for not punishing her for doing that, the choice was her or her channel.
>>90 5ch is running with the idea she was a civil servant, by law they aren't supposed to have a side job that would harm their main job.
>tfw Tomoshika's channel is on the decline and clippers are centering on hololive Aw. It seems that VOMS is not very supportive. They need to build some hype and get another member to fill out their team so they can synergize.

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Banner Thread Anonymous 12/23/2020 (Wed) 01:06:32 No. 2 [Reply]
Submit your banners!
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Oi Board owner. Looking at the posts these posts >>52 you are getting this past week this board will be filled with /r9k/ thinking they are crusading instead of posting. Moderate your board or this will become 2nd 4chan. jesus even the thread at /jp/ is better than these >>55 Why are you even here? >>77 Don't bother lol. get rekt
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Can something be made from this?
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>>82 Here.

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