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Backstreetgirl art Anonymous 08/13/2024 (Tue) 02:45:12 No. 2255
Hey. Kemono isn't updated and i'm not going to spend money to be on an FBI watchlist. Anyone have the uncensored pics?
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It's real frustrating nobody has shared his comic, "HELP!! My Girlfriend is a Raging Pedo Milf!".
>>2257 I thought it was a her
Welp its over I guess
have you tried going on one of the request/share boards on atf?
Hey it's me Backstreetgirl! So like, with the more controversial stuff I don't like sharing it because I know times are very finnicky and a lot of websites that choose to host our content is very very picky about how we are presenting our pics. So that's why I paywall the more fun dialogue options! So hmu on Pixiv messages if you want a sample of anything! You just gotta promise promise promise not to spread it around too much <3 It's not about money but I just love being able to do what I want for you guys uninhibited lol, there's too many inconveniences lately. Oh and the Pedo Milf series isnt bigger than it is on Pixiv, those are just concept pieces for when I start the real pics, its just uncensored for ATM folk to support me but they arnt that big a deal uncensored haha
Oh and trust me this wasnt meant to be a shame thing or anything like that. I'm in the camp of "Art should be free" and all that! Quite frankly I'm thrilled to bits you guys enjoy my work so much that you are requesting it! Like that's so amazing to me because I never thought I would be good enough for that <3 But like I said, HMU on Pixiv if you guys need (almost) anything. I cant share a lot because it would be unfair to everyone else but you know how it is
If you are the real artist why don't you post it here? This specific site is so small that I doubt people will ever share them.
>>2292 if it was actually the artist and they were being genuine, then they'd post their art to ATF.
>>2294 Yeah you're right. It was probably someone else baiting do the real artist just blocked you on pixiv or something
>>2290 The artist does have an ATF and they have the 'spotlighted contributor' role. They have a thread for posting their censored Pixiv uploads. >>2292 This is the move.

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