/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(797.90 KB 2350x2800 Patreon_Hsaibot_April21.png)

Pokemon vore thread Anonymous 09/23/2021 (Thu) 23:48:32 No. 1068
Post Pokemon vore content

(506.86 KB 1400x2000 6102021doodle.png)

(1.54 MB 3200x3150 292021cynthia.png)

(886.64 KB 2150x2000 12112020gardevoir.png)

(1.91 MB 2600x3400 Patreon-Melony-vore-Dec.png)

(918.56 KB 2600x3600 Patreon-SuperSaiyan-Jan2020.png)

(871.30 KB 1800x2000 1242020flannery.png)

(551.81 KB 2800x2200 Patreon-MystifiedBeef-July20.png)

(680.01 KB 2200x2600 Patreon_MystifiedBeef_Aug20.png)

(104.15 KB 900x1200 323501-45100-preview.jpg)

(148.55 KB 900x1483 356085-45100-preview.jpg)

(252.08 KB 780x2400 420908-45100-preview.jpg)

(63.25 KB 900x592 420910-45100-preview.jpg)

(1.08 MB 1764x1048 BIGBIG-419704-Jessie+2.jpg)

Sorry for all the double-posts. Mistakes happen when combing through a big collection.
(840.73 KB 700x1323 charvore4.jpg)

(242.22 KB 600x298 charvore1.jpg)

(333.40 KB 600x493 charvore3.jpg)

(305.41 KB 600x443 charvore2.jpg)

(184.74 KB 2000x1400 E9E_VbtXIAMemsu.jpg)

(29.41 KB 600x509 1628635593575.jpg)

(176.26 KB 1280x1002 1628549120364.jpg)

(251.60 KB 710x875 1628388302646.png)

(906.66 KB 2291x1800 1631243529851.png)

(516.67 KB 665x1000 slv2.png)

(554.14 KB 962x900 75642472_p0.png)

(634.62 KB 1209x800 75642472_p1.png)

(1.42 MB 2545x1800 Tidal_artslave_109.png)

(1.17 MB 2545x1800 Tidal_artslave_110.png)

(269.52 KB 1098x1000 ClipboardImage.png)

(2.19 MB 1890x1368 Aesir-566290-BellaMarnie.png)

(831.04 KB 1545x1189 BIGBIG-390874-Misty+4.jpg)

(904.09 KB 1178x1271 BIGBIG-531852-POKEMON+FAIL.jpg)

(3.82 MB 1044x8126 BIGBIG-390876-Misty+5.jpg)

(742.26 KB 1400x911 Sk1.png)

(1.57 MB 1920x1080 Seent2.png)

(1.41 MB 1920x1080 Seent5.png)

(1.16 MB 1920x1080 Seent7.png)

(1.27 MB 1920x1080 Seent9.png)

(750.11 KB 1920x1080 Seent12.png)

(715.70 KB 1645x900 FidchellVore-475064-malgam88.png)

Anyone know where i can find a small sequence of plumeria eating olivia through a bush?
>>2109 ???
>>2118 Its a one page comic, plumeria the skull team leader eats olivia, that girt of brown skin and short hair
(1.40 MB 5018x2265 1628612520369.png)

>>2118 This it?
>>2190 Holy shit yes! Who is the artist?
(198.21 KB 2000x2000 i have brainrot.png)

(79.04 KB 1500x819 betheatsawholeassgarde.png)

>>2215 Not sure, but it looks like LTAF's style, however I can't find the image on eka's or his twitter. Sorry.
>>2267 Thats aight, but where did you find it then?
>>2269 4chan's /d/.
(367.54 KB 1665x2293 EN5JtOrWAAEuteZ.jpg)

(138.95 KB 781x1145 EZHjKu5XYAApe1B.jpg)

(129.34 KB 735x1142 EZHjKu4XgAQmtta.jpg)

(107.23 KB 583x1167 EZHjKu6XsAAMluo.jpg)

(112.63 KB 583x1167 EZHjKvcXQAEamQU.jpg)

(133.49 KB 700x1280 EZHkZxHWsAE0r6_.jpg)

(106.67 KB 680x1300 EZHkZyeXYAU6UuC.jpg)

(182.14 KB 768x1331 EZHkZztWAAE-IVO.jpg)

(164.13 KB 772x1309 EZHkZ0dXQAA39Of.jpg)

(855.91 KB 4020x4096 Ebvd5ZXXQAI7HyL.jpg)

(1.22 MB 2957x2193 EeTwW1AWAAAIrzI.png)

(1.98 MB 2518x2528 EeTwW1cXgAA3oCz.png)

(355.71 KB 2537x2023 EfBZwtzXoAAL-OF.jpg)

(1.10 MB 1899x1418 EekjH39WAAAXrbJ.png)

>>2410 That one with Moon and Lillie is hot as fuck

(111.76 KB 1280x819 8_Melony_1.jpg)

(82.61 KB 900x709 327198-10318-preview.jpg)

(138.38 KB 480x672 Newtonne-318080-pokemom.jpg)

(326.31 KB 1178x996 Umbrage00-232468-pika.jpg)

>>2455 sauce for that melony lampton pic? and do you have any more?
(11.53 MB 1920x1080 686882-81473-10kpkk0.mp4)

(165.85 KB 1280x1154 8_Melony_5.jpg)

(117.50 KB 863x1200 8_Melony_4.jpg)

(116.30 KB 1280x1782 8_Melony_1.jfif.jpg)

>>2456 More of Lampton in general? Melony in general? Source for it...I don't recall. Probably Eka's? I have some more Melony that wasn't posted yet. Some of it isn't explicitly vore, but if she is Gigantamaxed, my imagination can take me there easily enough...
>>2486 More unposted Lampton stuff ideally
(1.06 MB 1493x1000 Lampton-294333-CERULEAN+A.png)

(1.08 MB 848x1200 Lampton-346401-Zinnia.png)

(748.04 KB 852x1200 Lampton-378391-jasmine.png)

(1.20 MB 849x1200 Lampton-363431-2%BDM+Erika.png)

>>2490 Hmm. Don't know what has or hasn't been posted, but I can dump my Lampton Pokemon pics (well, at least many of them. Maybe don't need to do every single one.)
(336.29 KB 1060x1500 Nyxondyx-584856-WickeVore.png)

>>4197 Imagine her smothering you against the wall with that belly
Does anyone have the English version of this
(83.04 KB 900x487 392136-55378-preview.jpg)

(851.07 KB 1920x1080 Lampton-540678-whitney_n_kris.png)

(159.73 KB 407x306 lampton_cynthia_pixelart.png)

(86.03 KB 409x307 lampton_elesa_pixelart.png)

(133.53 KB 636x381 lampton_acerola_pixelart.png)

(417.31 KB 1200x1590 Lampton-277984-VS+request+2A.jpg)

(747.77 KB 1300x881 Lampton-288912-Galactic+2.png)

(1.31 MB 1536x2048 dahlia dx.png)

(370.02 KB 943x1000 dahlia.png)

(420.48 KB 1200x755 Lampton-283699-teamG.png)

>>5351 Whoops forgot the first part of the Mars and Jupiter's pic
(983.82 KB 1280x1280 lana color.png)

(880.22 KB 1650x2550 Kahili Axel Rosered Vedit.png)

(514.30 KB 1300x1500 jalv_hex.png)

>>5445 Sauce for the second pic?
(82.80 KB 900x950 543682-10140-preview.jpg)

(76.40 KB 900x900 546645-33592-preview.jpg)

(802.76 KB 1328x1093 83802320_p0.jpg)

I think I got this all out of order. Oh well.
Does anyone the the English version of this
>>1961 I don’t recognize this artist. Anyone have a link to this one?
(105.10 KB 900x1164 708490-61313-1y2uoun-preview.jpg)

(142.51 KB 1057x1000 E32v1jCVkAYI9BK.jpg)

(155.99 KB 2048x1448 E_kE8yMXIAEjTTp.jpg)

(73.95 KB 768x1024 EZBK7acUMAAJWuF.jpg)

(7.42 MB 2200x8000 ClipboardImage.png)

(124.43 KB 1280x905 mewtwo_2.jpg)

>>6337 The best sequence in my opinion.
there was a picture of Dawn getting eaten by loudred, does anyone have it?
(2.09 MB 3000x2200 12142021absol.png)

so i found these images and said it's vore related but i can't get it, can anyone please share the pokemon vore images from this link please https://fau0101.fanbox.cc/
(945.43 KB 804x952 Aesir-747530-BrynCamp.png)

(2.01 MB 2894x2039 95474334_p0.png)

(1.75 MB 2894x2039 95474334_p1.png)

(4.38 MB 4093x2894 95474334_p2.png)

>>4990 This comissioner couldn’t be assed to even make one of these a female pred? Fuck you and your trust fund you globalhomo cunt
(710.25 KB 1400x2000 232022arezuuuuuuu.png)

>>9214 Go bitch about your shit opinions on some other thread you fucking retard
>>9214 Go bitch about your shit opinions on some other thread you fucking retard
(1.04 MB 1226x1692 unknown (3).png)

(770.81 KB 1100x1393 85732276_p0.jpg)

(248.46 KB 705x1000 85732276_p1.jpg)

(264.36 KB 705x1000 85732276_p2.jpg)

(326.08 KB 705x1000 85732276_p3.jpg)

(232.31 KB 705x1000 85732276_p4.jpg)

Does anyone have this Serperior x Cinderace vore doujin by room-kinoko? https://room-kinoko.booth.pm/items/2548736
(131.06 KB 690x920 373527913328-3_1000x.jpg)

Continuing the last post .... These are the only pages I can find of it online
(535.28 KB 2000x3000 FSFq4a-X0AEvCb2.jpg)

(909.66 KB 2000x2000 5232022v2.png)

(772.08 KB 1000x596 Aesir-788297-BrynArezuFeed.png)

(26.14 MB 1444x1080 Meloetta Vore bytheboogie.mp4)

Has Lewdlemage finished the kicky version of the Cynthia piece yet?
(921.70 KB 2200x2800 Patreon MystifiedBeef June22.png)

>>15483 Someone FINALLY posted it Many thanks, anon
(242.10 KB 900x1888 535753-94179-preview.jpg)

Here’s an odd choice from me
(254.79 KB 591x422 Korrina win.png)

(1.13 MB 1920x1317 Nessa.png)

My fellow Pokevore enjoys of 8chan! I come to you in a time of need! On Twitter there is a user by the name of Sharktorok who does excellent vore drawings(Seriously top quality stuff) Anyhow, for their 700 follower special, they have released an art poll, where people can comment what they want to see drawn. I personally requested Korrina from Pokemon being eaten by an Arbok/Milotic. However, a user has decided to rig the poll by quote retweeting to their 11k followers to mass vote for the other option. So now I come to you all, in times of desperation, I ask that you mass vote for Korrina, so she may move onto the final round. I have included a sample of their artwork as well. You are all my final hope, please, let's come together as a vore community. Reminder, vote for Korrina(PKMN) vs Snake. Link: https://twitter.com/sharktorok/status/1587949393709350919
(448.69 KB 1277x1900 Katy Tummy.png)

Fucking love her bros
Of all the vore games one could make im surprised no one has tried making a vore centric fan version of pokemon. The only attempts at pokemon vore games ive seen so far are furries making story based games.
(830.08 KB 2200x2800 Patreon Hsaibot Nov22.png)

>>17774 This needs a digestion followup
>>24237 So does this
Red and blue
>>24518 Twitchy Chizard Female vore/unbirth animations are hard to get now...
Anyone got any of Sizuru's stuff? They do a lot of good Pokemon stuff but delete things after like a week.
Anyone know the sauce of the splatoon one?
>>27216 >FrK1lXTaIAA0Kmi.jpg Who's that Pokemon?
>>27253 Who's that Pokemon? It's froslass! (froslass, froslass!)
(729.53 KB 840x1120 107428100_p2_master1200.jpg)

(782.93 KB 840x1120 107428100_p3_master1200.jpg)

(4.31 MB 2000x4181 Dotil-898270-mayflan.png)

(3.37 MB 2000x2000 Dotil-898272-mayflan2 ex.png)

new lampton content (+ bonus)
Some female vore for you all ;)
(760.05 KB 1821x1024 JoraBora-931800-Io-nom+Zone.png)

>>1068 god damn it I love Iono so much
(136.09 KB 1200x1056 F2TZvzgXoAAJ3VG.jpg)

(551.27 KB 3685x4096 F11JbSiWcAkkbJa.jpg)

(221.95 KB 1448x2048 GBg-H8yacAA6uU4.jpg)

(204.59 KB 1448x2048 GBg-IdgakAAvQbB.jpg)

(812.84 KB 2200x2800 Patreon MystifiedBeef Jan24.png)

(162.84 KB 1280x720 GESHca9XAAAO7cu.jpg)

(1.50 MB 1400x1832 F7rdwohbMAA73MB.jpg)

I'll post all the Courtney vore/stuffing I've collected so far.
(5.64 MB 1280x720 1707759710776.mp4)

(1.08 MB 3001x2770 feb24stream2.png)

(950.80 KB 4096x4096 FkNL3DoX0AUz4zC.jpg)

(3.28 MB 400x225 13a.gif)


(236.71 KB 1856x1602 37656cbcf28d3428d0a4c1c3673a24a1.jpg)

(487.29 KB 1388x1246 116635014_p1.jpg)

(458.61 KB 1257x1072 116635014_p2.jpg)

(590.49 KB 1596x1488 116635014_p3.jpg)

>>44268 character name and sauce?
(2.19 MB 2894x4093 87D47rIV0vLXRy90cC5DYEte.jpeg)

(1.94 MB 2894x4093 RRvuCBtgcNbQpkJRIbf1shMF.jpeg)

(2.59 MB 2894x4093 Wq1ggF6KysfK7u2BACFVKuT9.jpeg)

(2.17 MB 2894x4093 l1Ja8FKhIorzX9pCNryoRpuS.jpeg)

(2.59 MB 2894x4093 CS5l8HLxj6wdOP5PvafRQW5v.jpeg)

>>44270 Coral/Sango from the newest Pokemon Anime
(2.07 MB 2894x4093 12lJFQZjLf2ZE3ufOqafkSf7.jpeg)

(234.59 KB 1652x1988 GHMiEgYWMAAbNJZ.jpg)

(337.15 KB 1000x1417 Rorschach93-989606-new.png)

(2.05 MB 3700x1400 Aru-988190-Melony.png)

>>44308 ...Named Pokémon Horizons: The Series >>44308
(278.06 KB 2084x2830 GNYsqTUWkAANd8u.png)

(1.23 MB 2084x2830 GNYsr7tWIAAmy6V.png)

(5.00 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-1008986-miriam1.png)

(4.09 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-1008987-miriam2.png)

(4.40 MB 2160x3840 Lampton-1008988-miriam3.png)

(11.93 MB 3657x3001 JustAPotato-1009683-gardevoir1.png)

(266.06 KB 1740x2048 GNuN1jtbcAEj1uD.png)

(197.22 KB 1546x2047 GNuN4hcaAAIN7Dg.png)

(632.55 KB 1553x2048 GNuN6V1bUAA0Jwy.png)

Any Serena pred?
(450.29 KB 1000x1000 willudie-1059927-Shim.png)

So... How about those Game Freak leaks?
(2.02 MB 4000x5696 glacia.png)

(22.29 MB 1080x1620 glacia with audio.mp4)

Special bonus this time, an audio edit! Audio from Vore Edits on YouTube, colored images from FoF
(592.65 KB 1920x1080 zinnia1.png)

(540.66 KB 3840x2160 zinnia2.png)

(550.18 KB 1920x1080 zinna PLLSSS 1.png)

(449.10 KB 3840x2160 zinna PLLSSS 2.png)

Lampton's Zinnia sequence + some nude alts because I got really horny while making these
>>58096 i haven't been keeping up with the news, what did the leaks reveal?
>>58254 The "biggest" news about the leaks have been in-universe stories about humans fornicating with Pokemon. You can read more about it here: >>>/v/1027181 The short of it is that there's nothing actually "wrong" with the stories themselves as they read similar to classic myths, but that hasn't stopped social media from having a field day painting 'mans like Typhlosion as a cunny connoisseur.
>>58248 Nice job anon! Would be better if you make May naked as well when she's in the belly.
>>58265 thanks anon, but you need to take into consideration that until now there wasn't anything near as explicit about "pokephilia" in any official capacity. and also, those classic myths you are talking about... they are pretty bonkers to say the least. either way. props to gamefreak, for actually using non-anthropomorphic pokemons in their stories, kek
(392.37 KB 748x832 d12.png)

(358.46 KB 800x450 Kiss.png)

(92.84 KB 1077x1077 Bad father.jpg)

>>58286 >until now there wasn't anything near as explicit about "pokephilia" in any official capacity <First and second pic In the fourth gen games (DPP), there's a passage in Sinnoh Folk Stories 3 explainig that humans and Pokemon saw no difference between each other and even married. In Pokemon Heroes, one of the major sub-plots (That even existed in the 4Kids dub) is that Latias wants to suck Ash's dick. The official Pokedex entry for Drifloon in every game details it stealing children. The signs were there, people just didn't care because "LOL, it's a silly franchise for kids." All the while ignoring that Pokemon is just SMT Lite, which also had it's own "For Kids" spin-off as the DemiKids series.
>>58301 anon, i already know all of that, but all of those things you mentioned are all implicit, as in, it's implied that it happened but it's not shown. the stories of the leaks, on the other hand, explicitly say that a guy fucked an octopus.
>>58301 also, the ash and latias thing doesn't count, since she's fooling ash by taking the appearance of a human
>>58313 I mean, Ash see's this girl with Latias and Latios constantly. She's directly connected to the two of them. He literally watches Latias push Latios away from Ash when Latios is agresssive. At the time, he may have just thought she was closely connected to them. Later, that man knows damn well Latias took on a teenage girl form, and Latios took on the form of that girls father, just to talk to him in the human language. Also, literally seconds after she kisses Ash and runs off, she flies above him in her Latias form, with 2 children flying with her. Those are Ashes Pokemon Kids, easily.
(201.23 KB 1604x1842 serena.png)

Shoutout to Serena/Calem for being the main series' first/only 18 year old protag
I remember around when the Sylveon Trolls video came out years ago I started looking for Sylveon Vore (the voice, art style and attitude were hot as fuck) and was disappointed with how every Sylveon art makes her look like some weird furry shit, and even now I can't find much good Sylveon vore. Can't anyone draw a cute Sylveon eating other Pokemon? And I'm not saying to stick to the original design, just why not make the cute pokemon cute. I also hate the lack of Vore based on the Sylveon trolls videos, as I love smug prick preds. The art is an example of what I mean. It's not bad art, but it is bad Sylveon art, which is a shame since some of the stuff had nice guts and body but would ruin the face.
(573.88 KB 1066x744 GceGfdqWcAEtSni.gif)

>>61643 this should be a better quality
>>1068 Bump

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