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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Tightenheartvore Anonymous 09/24/2021 (Fri) 07:59:36 No. 1091
Can anyone get dimensional devourer or any other of tightenheart's works?
Bump for this as well as requesting Champion Cynthia's Final Defeat
>>1216 Here. Also looking for his video stuff.
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>>1091 Got 'em
Anyone got "DOUBLE KO! Cammy vs Juri Vore" by chance?
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Tightenheart is one of the best! Anybody have Link and Zelda: Lizalfos Lunch? Please and thanks!
Bump for Link & Zelda: Lizalfos Lunch
does anyone have his flexible feast videos?
Anyone have his recent Genshin upload?
does anyone have lizalfos lunch and can post it in mega or drop cause none of the old links work
Bumping for the Samus video.
Anyone got the new link video?
Bumping for the new video, hopefully someone snags it eventually.
does anyone have his flexible feast videos
Anyone have the raven one
(23.62 MB 5400x8999 tightenheart-835078-Page+1.png)

Does anyone have the new Venti Comic? https://tightenheartperil.gumroad.com/l/krzmw
>>10862 Bump for naoto's last case, I know it was posted in the old 8kun threads and one of you must have it
>>2396 anyone wanna grab the new 3D animated version of this one?
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Does anyone have the Gredy Babe comic?
>>21503 Does that look like something tightenheart related to you?
>>21504 nobody's gonna give you that shit kid, gtfo
>>16214 The cammy and juri animation can be gotten through hey manad's patreon and ported to kemono btw just saying
Still no luck on the cammy and juri animation? Someone updated hey manad's kemono but didn't upload that post for some reason
Bump for cammy juri vid
anyone have that new naoto animatoin or either of the flexible feast videos
Anyone got the bard comic or the new kurapika video?
Anyone have Raven's Meditation Interrupted
>>24855 Here you go.
Does anyone have the new bard comic?
(5.78 MB 7014x9918 n2vyhi6eofla1[1].jpg)

>>21401 here ya go >>27237
(30.61 MB 6570x9918 01.jpg)

ahsoka 1
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ahsoka 2
Bump for ballad of the bested bard https://tightenheartperil.gumroad.com/l/krzmw
Bumb for balad of the bested bard comic
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>>28354 Thanks anon! It would be appreciated if you could send the other variants, but still, this one made my day, thanks again!
Why I'm not being abe to see the images?
Does anyone have Link vs Like-Like!, Klintelle gets Crunched! and/or Shark devours Klintelle - Vore?
Bump for the Link vs Like-Like video
Any bump for Barefoot Bounty Hunter Samus Swallowed?
Klintelle gets Crunched and Shark devours Klintelle - Vore someone?
Bump for The Genshin-Guy Gobbler, Link Vs. Like Like and Ballad of the Bested Bard
Looking for Breakfast in Bed and Link Vs. Like Like
I would appreciate if someone had Breakfast in Bed video
Does anyone have the barnacle dialogue stuff from the last thread? Like page 1 https://8kun.top/vore/res/35401.html
Does anyone have The Gluttonous Garden or Genshin Impact: Double Team Digestion?
Bump for Link vs Like-Like, Breakfast in Bed and Klintelle Gets Crunched
Link Vs. Like Like and Breakfast in Bed?
Link vs like like anyone? Also the same person has another pretty good vore video https://www.manyvids.com/Video/4844120/Willing-Boy-Prey---CUSTOM/ And an onlyfans for 5 bucks but no clue if that even has these videos or anything related to them
Does someone have Sloppy Schoolgirl Supper? https://tightenheartperil.gumroad.com/l/kypbr I'm also looking for this one. Although isn't from Tightenheartvore, it was made by someone in one of his videos https://www.manyvids.com/Video/4600077/Link-Gets-Mesmerized/
looking for Breakfest In Bed and Klintelle Gets Crunched
Link vs Like-Like and Alois Trancy: Lord for Lunch anyone?
I would love to see Kintelle Gets Crunched
Bumping for Link Vs Like-Like
breakfest in bed
>>36253 the other trainer inside is bea and apparently there were "four characters total, each from a different region/generation"
>>36253 That's the funny part about Tightenheart. He commission artist to make their hyperfixations and then sell then in Gumroad in hopes to get the money back plus revenue to make more comms of his own taste and every here and now needs to make female prey cause otherwise no one would bat an eye on his profile since would be just gay shit and you can tell he makes the female prey content so apathetically
Nobody has any of the LukeLaine videos?
>>37904 What happened to his Luke videos on gumroad? Did they get taken down?
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wtf? what's been going on in cuckchan and why is Nintendo targeting his gumroad?
>>42148 Someone in 4chan went to a SFW Pokémon forum and spammed Tightenheart's content and pretended to be him, being really annoying so the board as revenge mass reported the comics and so it got DMCA'd his Pokemon content so he deleted it those and a few Zelda ones just in case
>>42148 Which one is it that’s been taken down?
That’s a shame. Some of those I was hoping to get sometime, but of course there’s got to that guy to ruin the fun for everyone
Anyone got the Luke Laine videos?
Does anyone have the new sora snake one?
Someone have his live-action videos besides the Cammy one?
Did he deleated all his gumroad content?
Gumroad is about to be purged, buy and share what you can
Unfortunately he already deleted all of his stuff on Gumroad. So it’s too late to try and save anything from him.
The pages for his gumroad products can still be accessed via a direct link, could that mean they could still be uploaded on kemono if someone had bought them before they were unlisted?
>>44894 Can't say for sure, but probably it could work. Although I think even if it was totally delisted everyone that bought anything on gumroad coudld download it In any case, maybe it's time to whoever have them upload everything it can
Someone have cell absorbs kurapika pack?
I take it that nobody has any of his gumroad works before the purge?
Anybody have the sora one?
does anyone have tae takemi's twisted test?
Does anyone know where to get tightenheart’s stuff at? Since he nuke his gumroad page

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