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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Ecchipanda Female Vore Thread Anonymous 09/26/2021 (Sun) 18:52:58 No. 1244
Post female vore from Ecchipanda
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I got a session with Ecchi coming up in October.

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does anyone have that black and white drawing it was an unfinished 3 images set where a blond girl eats someone, then on image 2 she masturbates on her bed with a belly filled with bones image 3 was a WIP weight gain where she stands in front of a mirror I can't find it on Eka anymore, but I remember it was drawn by ecchipandaa
>>7618 This?
>>7709 holy shit yes! thanks!
>>7709 fuck, that's hot. The fact she's gulping down something to speed up the digestion and then the 2nd pic makes u think that she didn't just eat her because she's hungry, but also or primarily because she wanted to get off from having her bones clattering in her gut.
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>>7709 do you know where to find durgbutt's gallery?
>>7745 As far as I know, they've wiped their gallery...
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>>7807 source on these? I know the artist, but not the chars names.
>>11747 They’re both from Konosuba. Prey is Darkness, pred is some unnamed cultist.
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>>14436 boring ass pred, waste of a slot
can anyone recommend another artist like ecchipandaa
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>>8234 That comic is great, I just wish the kids had been more digested after her nap
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Where does ecchipandaa upload his content? His Twitter and eka's seem dead, and I can't seem to find a patreon of his
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>>18321 And those are all of ecchi's comics I have
>>18322 He should have rounded Jill's belly more at the end to show those kids were nothing but soup
>>18322 >Jill is a good person She says without a hint of sarcasm as Jill stands in front of them with six murdered innocent kids in her stomach... Jesus the writing in these comics is retard tier
>>18402 >Jesus the writing in these comics is retard tier That's the problem everyone has with these comics. There's suspension of disbelief, and then there's this.
>>18403 All he needs to do is just have them accept they're all serial killers and bad people
>>18404 Except, I don't think you understand the mindset of some people. In instances like this, you have some people that jump through the mental gymnastics that the characters are not "bad people", what they are is "good people who do bad things". That's not to mention how some people take it even further to imply that, because you write stores about bad people doing bad things, and even acknowledge that they're bad, that implies that the writer is a "bad person" (Themselves) because "why else" would someone display someone doing villainous acts.
>>18406 even still, it's easier to just admit the OCs are psychos and just continue fapping. It's fetish porn, I don't think most people into vore wished it were real
Jesus fucking christ, even here. I can't believe how fucking thick everyone is about Gabi stories. The character dialogue is intentionally campy. It's obvious all these girls (aside from Sam) are terrible people and the writer doesn't expect you to think that Gabi's justified, just that you'll indulge in the setup so you can see shrews getting fattened. Gabi's whole character is that she's a hypocrite—she's an absolute monster when unrestrained but wants validation by being perceived as a good person. She's like every other stupid hot bitch you'd find in upper-income suburbia and you should cum at her getting away with atrocities like you would for any other braindead brat with bimbo tits drunkenly driving over a powerwalking grandpa and getting all charges cleared after blowing the cop behind the station.
>>18473 Shaddup
>>18473 >She's like every other stupid hot bitch you'd find in upper-income suburbia Don't you think the fatigue of that style of character is probably why people cannot suspend their disbelief?
>>18473 OK kattu, im very sorry that the eka's rabble have dismissed your masterpiece of storytelling as the same generic shit over and over again
>>18480 It's been my assumption for most of this time that people who don't buy in are just too assmad about real people who are like this, and I can accept that since I'm also assmad about stupid shit on the internet all the time. However, I always see too many commenters who cast off the benefit of that assumption by saying that the problem with Gabi stories is that those plotlines are "unimaginative", as if there's ever been a single vore image/comic/story in the last 20 years that's ever been original, or that it's unrealistic for these girls to act so blasé about tricking a bunch of families into dying for their pleasure. Every unwilling fatal vore work is like this, so it's beyond me why the groundlings have to come out and shout about these works in particular. I understand dudes getting hotblooded about women who do awful shit and then act like they're the victims. But to me, that's foreplay. >>18495 It just rustles my jimmies that everyone feels the need to discourage the guy who keeps commissioning the exact thing that bricks me up best. Let me have these terrible bitches.
>>18480 It's been my assumption for most of this time that people who don't buy in are just too assmad about real people who are like this, and I can accept that since I'm also assmad about stupid shit on the internet all the time. However, I always see too many commenters who cast off the benefit of that assumption by saying that the problem with Gabi stories is that those plotlines are "unimaginative", as if there's ever been a single vore image/comic/story in the last 20 years that's ever been original, or that it's unrealistic for these girls to act so blasé about tricking a bunch of families into dying for their pleasure. Every unwilling fatal vore work is like this, so it's beyond me why the groundlings have to come out and shout about these works in particular. I understand dudes getting hotblooded about women who do awful shit and then act like they're the victims. But to me, that's foreplay. >>18495 It just rustles my jimmies that everyone feels the need to discourage the guy who keeps commissioning the exact thing that bricks me up best. Let me have these terrible bitches.
>>18498 >>18499 >the problem with Gabi stories is that those plotlines are "unimaginative" Probably because they could be written by a five year old. >or that it's unrealistic for these girls to act so blasé about tricking a bunch of families into dying for their pleasure Much of the "unrealistic" part has to do with characters worried that they'll be "found out" for being mass murderers, only for it all to "work out" with people being none the wiser and no one wondering where everyone disappeared to. It's a similar reason why I grew tired with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Doctor Who.
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>>18520 Okay, that makes sense. You don't *like* intentional shlock or campy junk. It boggles me again and again that other people look at pages like this one and don't *catch* that it's all supposed to be a wink-and-a-nudge "we know it's stupid, just have fun". This one's the most obvious one that comes to recent memory, but every single one of those Kattu/Paogordo stories should be viewed through that lens and I'd bet half the viewers might enjoy it more—knowing that it's as goofy as most of their favorite vore storylines, since any vorarephile over 30 likely got their cherished first vore boners from cartoons literally meant for five year olds.
The comics are pretty dog water lol they always have been. The OCs are awful and the stories are even more-so.
>>18532 >it's all supposed to be a wink-and-a-nudge "we know it's stupid, just have fun" Oh, yes, just like EVERYTHING these days. <Why are you being so whiny over shows about giant green girls or evil companies making zombies? It's stupid, anyway, so shut off your brain and 'have fun'.
>>18473 >aside from Sam She's literally killed hundreds of people stfu faggot
>>7804 anyone got the full comic, i know there a lot more before and after but i cant find it
>>18532 Where did you find this?
>>18316 god I love seeing people and kids melt
Anyone got his art about few female prey going through some sort of test trying not to get digested but all failed the test anyway?
>>22033 Is this what you’re talking about?
>>22048 is there anything previously on first pic or its just like that?
>>22048 Ah yes, thanks you, that's what I am looking for
>>22058 The latter. Those are the only two parts.
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>>18321 where are the pages 1 2 3?
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Does anyone have that last image to the Deadtube comic series where the main character has photos of people taped to her body after digesting everyone she showed photos of in a stream?
Does anyone have that last image to the Deadtube comic series (check post 7803) where the main character has photos of people taped to her body after digesting everyone she showed photos of
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Is nylonwave the same artist?
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>>62787 Seems to be the case, yes.
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