/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

loli pred vore thread #2 Anonymous 05/23/2022 (Mon) 10:13:15 No. 14435 >>15152 >>15538 >>25456 >>27179 >>45908
last one hit bump limit
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 10/12/2022 (Wed) 16:03:26.
>>14450 There have been multiple posts for multiple threads today, I counted about 28 or more posts just today with at least 4 or 5 threads being made this month that are being used. How is the bored dead, what makes you think it's dead even though it's still getting decent activity or is this just some way to stop people posting loli art, by saying it's dead to make people stop position or something? I don't get the idea of saying a broad is dead, it's just dumb. what do you gain saying it's dead? If it's dead then either it's obvious, not true or people will just not care, those who use it will keep using it because it's an imageboard made to share images or find them, the amount of activity doesn't affect that and ditching will just make it worse if true and boards go inactive all the time to then get spikes of active later on.
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>>15073 Oh hey, I colored those 3rd and 4th ones
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(700.39 KB 1920x2504 senko good ending.png)

(308.64 KB 1631x1080 senko beach 2.png)

(276.30 KB 3004x1080 senko beach 1.png)

(943.14 KB 2764x2605 jahy1.png)

These are from the draw request thread.
>>14435 (OP) Nice persons
>>15111 we need more senko vore
(355.24 KB 1200x830 bunedit2.png)

(3.74 MB 6055x3508 BustlingBosom-783179-Gwen.png)

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Hey there, degenerates I found this one on rule34. It was picked up by one of their bots and attributed to "strawberry628". I've run out of ways to search for the artist so it's your turn.
>>15329 Damn this shit is fire and rutos one of my faves, who drew this??
It's almost like I said in my post or something
Anyone got HMDVore's After School Snacks comic?
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>>14435 (OP) Story time
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>>15542 The end.
Well, the ruto lead was disappointing. They should think about being a vore artist.
Could anybody, who have paid stuff from munemotocom (https://twitter.com/munemotocom), please, share it here or upload on kemono? Even without translation?
(13.31 MB 6500x8200 TsukuYami-798878-brujita uwu.png)

I just saw this and it's amazing. Schierke makes such a great pred and I wish there was more art of her as a pred. https://aryion.com/g4/view/798878
(3.71 MB 720x480 who eats who (Bethany).mp4)

>>15848 source on the first image?
>>8482 (20) Anyone know where more of this can be found? Toddler preds are rare but fuck me I love them.
The guy who did all the Eevee stuff seems to be gone, it's a shame since he did an amazing job and always delivered more Eevee content.
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>>16159 Holy shit that's good, Jake just looks amazing in this. Do you have the sources?
>>16163 I meant to say Jack.
>>16165 thank you.
https://twitter.com/mr_scram?s=21&t=yImlAEl022V3pvaaDYLsiw Someone could make vore edits of this guys stuff
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(8.35 MB 3752x2000 AKcar-806526-Anya+Volger+SFW.png)

does anyone got the external version of this pic?
>>17089 I do!
Does anyone have that old unbirth art of a girl from Skyrim, with an argonian as prey? Can't remember the artist unfortunately
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>>15538 >Anonymous Artist?
>>17265 Fuyuno mikan
>>17270 thank you i thought i recognized the art style
>>17419 >>17418 Shouldn't you be 18 to be able to post here?
>>17419 >>17444 Why would anyone want their employer to know about any fetish they have? It's not information you make public, but if you tell your boss about your fetishes then you do you. Also, a lot of games movies and books depicted mudere, suicide, rape, theft, prostitution and many other crimes. Fiction depicts many acts we would never do all for our entertainment, this is why you have to separate fiction from reality because if one is wrong then they are all wrong.
>>17454 "Why would anyone want their employer to know about any fetish they have? It's not information you make public" It's either that or the sole thing you have going for you in current year. I for one will be eternally grateful if this shit never goes mainstream, normies be gone!
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>>17477 If your talking about vore then it should never go mainstream. From what I've seen vore has the most dedicated artist and money. It may be because I'm into vore but I sware out of all fetishes there is way more content for vore, you have games, a shit tone of art, stories and an entire site dedicated to it. So when people figure out a way to use vore for money you'll have people swarming vore. The worst bit about this would be how it affects artists who actually like vore and are passionate. If there are more artists then there is less money to make, so the artist that do vore will be forced to lower prices and we'll probably get fewer great quality images because the people who get why we like it or have years of practice and understanding of vore can't keep posting or get buried under a mountain of mediocre art.
(880.16 KB 758x1200 86868597_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>17487 No you wouldn't, projecting Twitter faggot. You'd just lie to the police. I'd give you my address right away If I actually thought you'd come. Always wanted to kill some wannabe janny for trespassing.
(383.92 KB 1110x1300 HoamNom-811644-Angy Nala_1.jpg)

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>>17946 It's great seeing you posting again. I hope you have been well and your art looks better than ever with Eevee kid looks incredible here.
>>17946 I didn't expect to see more of this and I love the panty alt. Will you be posting more? If so I'm excited to see what's next.
>>17946 where have you been man we missed you
>>17947 >>17951 >>17985 Hi there, sorry for my inactivity once again I have been extremely busy with life and stuff however I was able to practice more but barely made any progress in my drawings sadly but I'm getting back into it now. Hopefully I'll get back into the habit around next week. Right now I'm working on a fun part where she sees a Lass and you know "G" name walking together while still licking her lips. As well getting into a short sequence for Fumizuki to practice digestion stuffs beforehand. Also, should I answer the previous questions from the past thread?
>>18025 It's so good to see you back and you don't need to apologize especially if you were busy as it's perfectly fine to take a break. I know I like the sound of what is coming next, both the Eevee and Fumizuki stuff sounds great and I'm interested in seeing what you do with digestion. If any of the questions are things you are okay with awsnsering then I think it would be great to see your answer to them.
>>18025 Be careful not to overwork yourself and I also want to say your art is really cute and I love it. Also, I would be interested in seeing the questions from the previous thread answered as one of them is something I wanted to know.
>>18025 Allways love to see you're drawings Could I make a small request? Could you draw this loli bunny
>>18435 That's some good loli bunny tummy got any more?
(1.20 MB 1200x2240 Zapor-819827-Smol .jpg)

I love this image but I wish the pacifier would have opened up and she swallowed the prey turning them into nourishment for her growing body. I think it's that unawareness that makes it appealing, the pred is too young to realize what happening, and her stomach would treat any prey the same as food turning them into baby fat.
>>18493 Bro you can NOT be let within 2 miles of a school bruh
>>18493 Normally I'm all about loli because smol girls = kino, but Imma have to agree with >>18566 here. The "young prey" thread is the place for you, dude.
>>18566 >>18570 If it was realistic I would feel Vile and if it was real abuse then I would be pissed, but it's anime art and it's not logical in the first place, because it's a fantasy I only like with anime characters. I know what I said sounds wired but I mean unawares as in you'll never be known you were food and the more the art plays on that the better it is. In real life the idea of taking advantage of someone no matter who they are piss me off. There's a different between a unrealistic fantasy kept within fiction based on a look far from human and harming innocent people for the kicks off it.
>>18578 >words words words words Bruh, the girl in your picrel couldn't possibly be older than 4. No confluence of whinging on your part will EVER make that okay. At least draw the fucking line at like 6 or 7.
>>18609 So it was the picture that you don't like? I get it if you were upset by what was said as it sounded bad but the picture is no different than the other stuff, all of it has crossed the line but it's all fiction.
>>18609 That's retarded. "Fapping to a png of a character above an age I can fap to is fine, even if still underage but below that arbitrary line is IMMORAL AND WRONG!" You stupid faggot, who would ever respect a moral line in the sand drawn by your dick? >>18493 My guy, fucking incredible taste, and amazing find, didn't realize Zapor was so based
Does dose anyone know why I can't see any results for the lolig on Eka anymore?
>>19216 wtf? seems like posts were stripped from the lolig, but shota and loli_pred are untouched, also wasnt there a loli_prey tag?
(1.23 KB 94x69 loli.png)

>>19249 you can use the lolig but when searching for it nothing comes up. any post that had the tag still have the tag and is up, however now it's even harder to find stuff involving loli.
Here's my advice, there's another search page you can get to by clicking on any tag. It's the page with the search bar on the left. From there you'll be able to search by tag and anything with that tag will show up. The only tag this doesn't work with is 'child prey' you can't search for that anymore apparently. The biggest downside to this is you can only search by tags and not by artist but at least it's something.
>>19251 >>19249 >>19216 Has anyone mentioned this on Eka yet?
Is anyone going to mention fof making Nice person bait but calling it """""loli"""""
(69.65 KB 753x1163 EqdEyknWMAAkLvl.jpg)

FOF has some great art but this is still his best piece. I just wish he made a sequence with this starting with fully formed prey and then to this squishy gut of hers.
It looks like eka may be shadow banning things, Some art won't appear when searched for but if you go to the artists page you can see it. It seems to have something to do with lolis as every post that doesn't appear is about lolis, at least the ones I've seen it happen to have.
>>19601 wrong thread, this and previous one are full of loli preds
I'm trying to find a story from ekas can't remember the name or artist but it was about a guy in his basement working on a shrinking machine when his mother shows up and asks him to watch his little sister for her so she and her husband can go on a vacation/date thing the guy is annoyed but has no choice later he gets stuck in the machine and his sister and her friend fiddle with the controls and he wakes up tiny the sister takes him and she and her friend play with him until he gets pissed and blows up on her. The guy has a vore fetish btw if that helps
Already 500 threads with adult preds but the one that clearly has loli preds is the one that morons can't read the room in and i have to rename the thread loli pred. Amazing
>>14531 Sauce???
>>19903 Dude, I'm a diagnosed aspie and even I can tell that these threads are clearly for loli pred, you fucking dolt. Go away.
>>19927 Eat shit
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>>19928 Damn, what'd I miss?
>>19974 The same self-righteous retard who posted loli prey insisting that the thread is actually about loli prey even though every single image has been loli pred for months. Rangebanned most likely, and good riddance.
>>19631 Sounds like Youthful Curiosity by Iliketoread.
Literally just replying so the faggot shota thread isn’t at the top
Do most people consider unbirthing a form of vore? I personally don't since it doesn't involve actually eating someone (i.e. the literal definition of vore), but apparently some people do consider it a form of vore.
>>20166 a lot of the time unbirth is ether paired with (like "vore/unbirth" or is a sub category, but sometimes it's completely separated. i consider it to be one of the big 5 types of vore (oral, anal, breast, cock, and unbirth)
if you remember who these two are you get a cookie
>>19936 Bump
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>>14532 >>14531 What are the sauces for these images
>>20700 says there's no saved URLs for this, what's this link supposed to be?
>>20710 A deleted cardsbears vore audio
Can someone fetch me the non scat towa vore from here https://web.archive.org/web/20210705124715/https://www.deviantart.com/cardsbears
Greeting I come from the lost board >>142 And I’ve come to inform you all that I think I’ve found a way to get all your favorite loli vore audio back https://web.archive.org/web/20220000000000*/https://www.deviantart.com/cardsbears
(1.12 MB 2494x2672 apitop-837487-image2.jpg)

>>20188 My issue is that you're not actually eating someone when you shove them in your cock or pussy, it's an improper use of the word vore. Anal vore only kind of counts since rectal injections are a real method of ingesting fluids through your rectum's blood vessels.
>>21116 Was it necessary to make the guy look like a fucking ReDead from Ocarina of Time?
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(443.83 KB 944x1224 Goth Eri vore.png)

(285.96 KB 1164x1267 Eri Eating.png)

Nice stuff
>>22347 who drew this ?
>>22364 Murgosworld
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>>22672 This comic aside, Eri would be a pretty amazing pred, what with the ability to eat someone over and over and over again
I'm getting tired of how loli is shadow banned on eka. every time I try to find something with loli I can't just use the name or related tags. What's worse is that it seems Eka hasn't once said anything about it and not many people have talked about it either.
>>23010 forgot to say this before posting but is there any method to see loli in the search? I just want to be able to type in loli or a loli character and see all results for it, not have it hidden. It just makes no sense whatsoever to hide it. It's not as if they took it away they just made it a bitch to find, it does nothing to help us and doesn't benefit anyone at all i just can't think of a valid reason why they did it.
>>23010 there was an announcement made a few months ago saying this was done to appease the server hosts who took issue with loli.
>>23030 Thank you for informing me, I don't know why they don't have an easy way to see these posts because I've been searching for any post talking about it and have found nothing. If the host had an issue then wouldn't that require eka to take down Nice persontent, I don't see how taking it out of the search would appease anyone unless the host is either stupid, lazy or just wanted to be a dick. loli is still there it just incredibly annoying to find and with no way to turn off the filter, it's just a piss-take. Also if possible could you link the post?
(179.48 KB 952x908 FoF-852451-lilloli.png)

>>23335 Numblr1 is gonna have a field day berating FoF for this
>>23371 Who's Numblr1?
>>23379 Some person on Twitter getting tilted over FoF drawing underage preds/prey.
>>23380 I looked him up, and he seems like your average nutjob who is drinking his own bathwater to make himself feel better. It wouldn't surprise me if he's the guy who comes here every few months to make some dumb shit up about how L is bad. I saw a post where he says L hurts children but never says how. It's almost as bad as when people bring up fake laws. It shows they have nothing to say as they just want drama and to feel good from dopamine. If FOF does post it and Numblr1 complains, I'll probably make a shitty tweet to see how Numblr1 reacts. If I do make the shit tweet, then I'll say if L leads to harm, then all media should be gone due to how it can harm people, E.g. games, movies, books, and even jokes talk about violence, sex, drugs, and by his logic should be banned due to them influencing people. Also, I may say about how his shit pushes the attention away from real criminals and ask him how a drawing can hurt real children and see what he says and that if it's as bad as he says, then how come there is no legal pressure on L content.
(96.58 KB 1871x281 fedposting.png)

>>23382 >Also, I may say about how his shit pushes the attention away from real criminals and ask him how a drawing can hurt real children and see what he says and that if it's as bad as he says, then how come there is no legal pressure on L content. Worst Korea is perhaps the best example of this. In that country, any image deemed to be "lewd" of an "underage person" (Regardless if real or fictional) is treated as a criminal offense under their "Democrat activismography" laws. It's so stupid over there that someone reading a Nice person manga, on his computer in an internet cafe, can cause the entire cafe to shutdown because the "criminal" used the cafe's Wifi. In fact, it's say bad that underage prostitution is more rampant in recent years because they police are more worried about catching someone reading an ecchi manga than they are tracking down legit Nice persons (Because catching the former is far less work). Also, while not directly related but similar circumstances, over in Bongland (England), the police there are swamped with having to track down and fine citizens who say something "inappropriate" on Twatter to the point that it's actually detracting time from real police work.
>>23382 He’s probably too dumb to understand reason. Someone already tried talking to him, didn’t go too well.
>>23386 >Also, while not directly related but similar circumstances, over in Bongland (England), the police there are swamped with having to track down and fine citizens who say something "inappropriate" on Twatter to the point that it's actually detracting time from real police work. Cops are gonna cop >>23485 god I love a good fucking crunch
>>23382 Looks like Numblr1 is not even that bad, HormnyCheese literally calls out artists left and right. Called Dragon Maid a “Nice person anime”. Like Numblr, they lack any reason as to why art hurts children.
>>23850 Lmao kys Nice person
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>>24089 I guess we know who this is then.
(83.08 KB 415x593 threeafter.png)

>>24128 slight gain after
>>24138 Does the artist have another account as I didn't see this on their eka or Twitter? If they do could you post a link? I love this guy's art, especially his L0Ll stuff and with how hard it's getting to find L0Ll content it's nice seeing more art from a great artist.
>>24089 Not what I typed, kinda just “corrected” to that on its own.
>>24155 I don't have any secret art accounts like that. Small enough additions I'll post to image boards such as this, but maybe I'll have to make a scrap bin on Eka's for it
>>24162 I didn't realise that you were the artist, I thought this was posted by a follower of yours and assumed it came from something like discord or an account I didn't know about. I also want to say that it's a great extra scene to an already nice sequence with it being a perfect amount of gains and belly
>>24168 Where'd you find those?
On eka if you see a post with the lolig it's best to try and remove it due to the tag blocking that post in any search results. Even if it has female pred, digestion or any tag, if it has loli then it will never appear when searched for so you either have to look at people's profiles or hope it appears in your watched tags.
>>24171 you can find it on eka, here is the first part https://aryion.com/g4/view/856440
>>17946 I do hope that you come back Eevee guy, I miss seeing your Eevee stuff and would love to see more from you. the way you drew bellies was great, your pantie alts were amazing and cute and you were always able to make Eevee girl even cuter. I would love to see more of your work even if it's not related to Eevee girl and not a sequence and I always wanted to see how you would tackle digestion, gains to the hips and how a cute girl like Eevee kid would react to accidentally digesting people or even being smug about it.
(3.12 MB 1920x1080 Wishy Washy Remake.png)

Anyone know where I might be able to commission some loli vore art? I'm gonna guess ekas but I feel like no one will want to. Any suggestions?
>>24386 Akcar will do loli vore
this is very hot guys look at this site i found if you can can someone share this please https://munemoto.fanbox.cc/posts?page=1
>>24395 kemono (dot) party/fanbox/user/12866743 It doesn't have the last few months of paywalled content, but this should at least get you started, Also, always consult kemono in the future before begfagging.
(412.00 KB 1600x2000 Artist-san-Jack Av.png)

(1.00 MB 2319x1080 Practicas Diseños.png)

Well thank you to the one who recommended AKCar. I can't wait for the actual vore piece for these girls.
(878.48 KB 900x1637 bandit wamdus kei feed nom.png)

>>24527 God I wish that WHIRR me.
>>24535 i wish they did same size vore, but still very good
(998.13 KB 2176x1281 diona.png)

(2.82 MB 2500x2659 diona2.png)

(2.97 MB 2500x2659 diona2b.png)

couple of diona sketches
(1006.35 KB 1200x2400 mermaid wamdus nom.png)

>>24538 There's a few, I'd love to see more same size but won't demand it.
>>24541 sauce?
>>24535 whew I would pass out too if a voracious loli slobber kissed me like that >_<
>>24541 holy shit that is hot af. going small to huge like that is the best shit
>>24545 sauce is me, I go by tachidomatte on Eka's. Most of my gallery is pretty different from that though, I'd say
>>24541 yo this fucks why not put it up on ekas tho
>>24579 thought i recognized it haha, would you accept a commission of a loli character?
>>24619 Not a big fan of putting sketches up in my main gallery, tho I might clean it up later and do the rendering and stuff at some point >>24621 Sure, just PM me the details
Numblr1 back at it again spewing the same stuff lol, it’s fun to watch.
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Who could I commission to get some Nobeta Vore. Especially these three, as they're all so damn cute!! Seeing them with a full belly would be a Godsend!
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>>24167 Sauce?
>>24759 someone has already posted the Sauce >>24225
Hey all, newfag here. Can someone enlighten me on what the lolig is? Is it something you can access? I don't use eka's much outside of tag search.
>>24791 I think lolig is just the l0li tag but due to the way, the mod censors the word l0li. if you spell l0li correctly it cuts out the ta and leaves the g. all posts about lolig are talking about how the tag was blacklisted on eka.
(9.03 MB 5250x9000 TsukuYami-862431-nayuta_.png)

>>24864 This is great. do you have the source?
>>24884 In the file name, just search Eka's. Also made this >>15727
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>>24902 Seeing some of MianQ's art reminded me that he was doing a sequence with Tanya a few years ago but he never finished it. She looked pretty good in his style and from the first two pages it looked like it was going to be great, so it's a shame he never finished it.
>>24918 There was this, >>16427 It's not a follow-up though.
>>24923 Yeah I remember seeing that piece, it's great but when I first saw it it made me want to see the ending even more. If a one-off image was that good imagine how great a full sequence where she jumps on and pins her prey down, and then eats them which would be even great if followed by digestion. It's nice that he has done vore with her but it just shows what we missed. At this point, it seems he won't be continuing it since it's been more than two years now. I've wondered why he never finished it and I think it is either the commissioner didn't/couldn't pay or the commissioner asked to make it private either way we'll probably never know unless it one day realised or MianQ says what happened.
>>24939 he busy with life and drawing other random things sadly, he wont prob finish it might be better to find someone else to remake it
>>24945 That's a shame but I'm glad it wasn't because he got ripped off and hope that he's doing okay. Too many artists get treated like shit and because vore isn't big they have no way of countering it so I was a little worried, it didn't help that the commissioner account doesn't exist anymore which was why I thought the artist may have been scammed.
>>24970 im the commissioner i actually uploaded the third sequence on ekas right now, i forgor he finished two more pages! but yeah i talked to him he got alot on his plate right now irl and the backlogs, so once he free he will finish all them off!
>>25023 That's great to hear! As I said a Tanya pred sequence in his style would be incredible and she is one of those characters that needs more art. I saw your post after seeing your reply and the maw shot looks great, I also feel like I've seen it before.
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>>25024 seen it before? are u in his server?
>>25046 No, I'm not in his server. I feel like I've seen a maw shot like that once before and the eye is distinct yet I feel I've seen this or at least something similar at some point. maybe it's Deja Vu, or it could have been posted at some point.
>>25049 pretty sure it hasnt been posted before, also if know any other artist that be neat to get more tanya art owo
>>25072 Maybe it was just deja vu then. If you've got an idea, you can always try suggesting it on the draw requests thread. I requested her on the draw thread and got a great two-part sequence around six months ago. There is no limit to how many times a character can be requested, but artists may be less likely to do a character that has been done before.
Is anybody aware of any Loli Discord servers that somehow survived the TOS nuke?
>>25369 A vore server especially would be nice, given that this topic is fairly niche
>>25370 Oh yeah actually meant loli vore servers specifically oops
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anybody got vore art of kanna?
>>25369 I wouldn't mind making one but I'd welcome some help with moderation. Not really sure how to organize the channels and I don't know how to set up server settings and bots so not every joe-schmo can join the server. Needless to say, Discord isn't exactly the best platform to share this kind of content. And you're advised to join this server with an alt account in case it does get reported. https://discord.gg/VdWenPB5
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I thought I had found a way to see l0li post on eka by adding it to watched tags but sadly it says it doesn't exist. This becomes more annoying when you can tag a post with loli and it'll allow it but just block it from search but you can't watch the tag to spot a new post. This shit is just retarded, I've watched multiple tags for l0li characters as well as any tags that tend to be posted with the l0li tag but it's easy to miss posts. They should have just made it so no one can use the tag because people are still using it even though it's obviously not working.
>>25476 the loli tag is dead but for some reason any other loli_xxx tag still works, e.g. loli_pred or loli_vore
>>25389 Artist for that last pic?
>>25523 NovelAi, quite the popular artist these days
>>25451 I think this server might be dead now, link doesnt work
>>25555 I think the link is dead* oops
>>25556 Hmm that's weird. I didn't change the invite link and it still works perfectly fine for me. You should be able to join no problem.
>>25561 got it, im just dumb
>>25563 nah is fine, no worries!
>>25480 I thought everything was moved to underage_pred and underage_prey
>>25586 Nothing was moved they just blacklisted the tag and made it so that anything tagged loli is hidden in the search. Less than half the loli content is viewable on Eka as most of it has the tag loli. Eka needs a news page because it seems a lot of people haven't realised that the tag is broken and keep using it or they should have just deleted the tag. If anyone doesn't what I mean by blacklisted I mean that if you searched for any tag like female pred you'll find all results with that tag order by the date they were made, except if they also had the loli tag. If a post with the tag female pred also has the loli tag it cannot show up because all content with the tag loli is blacklisted.
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Pre-vore counts.
>>25615 >People beg for proper tag blacklist >Eka blacklists loli tag >Doesn't appear when search So blacklist or search exclusions exists, just not for us.
>>25615 So they basically banned loli but also allow loli? Who tf is running eka? A brain dead mongoloid?
>>25693 What gave it away? The ancient, decrepit site UI that was subpar in its own time and hasn't been updated in over a decade?
>>25696 new to this fetish, i know of eka but are there better sites for vore?
>>25709 Really eka is the only place for mostly vore. You can find it on Twitter, Pixiv and places like this, but they're not made for vore like eka and don't have things dedicated to vore. That's why it's as hard-hitting as it has been. There is no dan/gelbooru to fall back on if the tagging doesn't work anymore, and with everyone using eka, if the creator decides they won't support content, they could wipe it all, and I would say 80% of it will be lost forever if no one saves it. We are lucky to have a dedicated site for vore since most fetishes have to use places like DeviantArt. But as lucky as we are, eka has somewhat of a monopoly on vore, with nearly every vore artist using it and some never using anything but eka. The changes they make are killing it, and I don't see any valid reasons for them to ban words and not update their site with basic features like a news page or a better tagging system.
less dumbtalk more vorepics
>>25933 its hard to find anything new and i feel like nothing interesting got posted on pixiv last 3 months
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>>25986 I forgot about this one of human spooky
Finally running out of stuff after two threads. Not sure if I should start reposting.
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>>25986 >>25985 who is this adorable ghost oc
>>26256 It's Spooky from the game "Spooky's jumpscare mansion"
anybody got vore art of her? Character is Tomoko Kuroki from watamote
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>>26377 more of the second one?
>>26389 I second this
>>26377 I can't make out the watermark on the second one who's the artist?
>>24753 Source?
>>26389 >>26456 Sorry I don't remember where I got that image from.
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>>26484 Damn shame
>>26489 Can you give the link to the oral same size vore please, the one where the guy is swallowed whole and the 2 girls watching
>>26456 The watermark says “spitty ‘18”. The artist is on Twitter, he draws mostly giantess and sometimes includes gore if that’s your thing. Link: https://twitter.com/spittyart/status/1070379575316758528?s=46&t=m0kYrScaxRG1ok9OL0b3LQ
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Made a quick and crappy edit of metalforever's new Lana images. She really needed more loli proportions
>>27180 this slight edit has made the picture way better in my eyes. It's wired how a small change to heart body could do so much.
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>>26490 Where did you get this, does anyone know the comic, can someone provide a link, I know the artist name is preyingmantis but can’t find the comic, help would be greatly appreciated
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Does anyone know of any stories or art about a smug slightly chubby little sister eating her big brother uncaringly?
>>27474 I'm pressing the downloading the last one
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>>26490 I also wanna know where can I find the full comic, can someone help?
>>27319 >>27565 it's from Kuloamaki (Little Mantis) https://hitomi.la/doujinshi/akujiki-~childbearing~-english-1597699.html#1 beware: it contins scat.
>>27475 Sauce for the Kanna pic?
>>27579 ty a lot
Everyone's favourite panda
>>27752 I absolutely love Mochi and Mocha. I just wish there was more art of them with bigger prey like this. It doesn't have to be the same size or bigger but I would love to see WafflesBear panda OCs get an enlarged belly and lazily gurgle up some poor cute prey and turn them into panda pudge. This animation would be perfect if there was a few seconds in the end for a burp and digestion, her belly going from solid to a soft and formless belly just to show she breaking the cute prey down really well.
>>27752 >>27794 Mochi and Mocha are great, and I agree that there should be more art of them with a bigger belly. It's a shame that WafflesBear is mainly a Macro/Micro lover, with few Size Difference pieces. Would love seeing a lot of same size pieces of Cordelia, Mochi, and Mocha. That one comic with Mochi eating a panda and having a big belly is one of my favorites!
>>27752 Oh wow this is incredibly good, where'd you get this? >>27794 >>27804 Agreed, both are super adorable, just wish there was bigger belly content of them. Might have to draw some of my own, lol.
>>27807 It was on Eka's, silly goose.
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Some of Zapor666's old stuff. Some of it has his OC in it, you've been warned.
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(29.68 MB 1280x720 [MMD] School pranks .mp4)

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>>27838 Holy shit, i haven't seen these in ages. Thanks for these!
>>27847 It's still on his youtube channel suprisingly
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>>28042 Who is the artist of the first two pictures?
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Source or artist?
>>28325 looks like snifer25, could be wrong https://www.deviantart.com/snifer25
>>27752 It looks like he's getting more art of mocha done. Likey micro prey, which is still nice, but man, I would love for a sequence with the little gremlin eating prey bigger than herself and then gurgling it down. One idea I had thought of for her was that she refuses bigger prey until she sees a ton of cash and instantly agrees. Something to show she prefers smaller prey and is a bit unwilling for prey that is too big, but like the gremlin she is, when the right amount of money is offered, she'll eat anyone of any size, even if she ends up struggling or in discomfort, she would probably fall asleep after such a large meal breathing a bit heavy form discomfort but as digestion kicks in her sleeping face would go form that of irritated to a smile or even her licking her lips.
I guess this counts even if it's more comedic than anything. lol https://youtu.be/6-vC61FgcVM
>>28393 When I saw the episode I never expected to see this tiny goddess devour an army in seconds. You could make an arrangement she didn't devour them but I prefer to believe she did and brought them back to her being making them one with her. It was an interesting first episode and I hope we see her use it or similar powers again.
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>>28427 Sauce on that?? I'm assuming it's a color edit, but I don't recognize the art style
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>>28520 Source for the Arknights ones?
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>>28557 sauce?
>>28571 TsukuYami on Eka's
>>28574 Appreciative of the sauce, but then why attach something of Toffee's along side it? It really confused me for a second, had me thinking someone stole credit for her art
>>28325 looks like ecchipandaa to me
>>28381 >J.V.A completely unhelpful. how about a twitter handle or aryion username?
>>28637 I typed in "J.V.A. Vore" and literally the first thing on google was the artists twitter handle. I typed J.V.A. into Aryion's search bar, got results and the artist's name linked to those results. I typed J.V.A. into E-hentai's search bar, got 3 result's by the artist, and the comment section had links to their pixiv account.
>>27629 >>28381 Thank you!
>>28660 Normally I like Zapor but what the utter fuck is wrong with that girl's torso?
>>28637 That is his aryion username dumbass. https://twitter.com/JustVoringA?s=09 It took one google search to find this. Are you that lazy?
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>>28750 dumb fuck can't read, even gave instructions and you still failed
Anybody got the vore animation of loli Kama from FGO slowly digesting someone? Can't find it anywhere
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>>28763 Do you know who made it, where it was posted, or when it was made? I most likely don't have it, but there are a few ways that we could try and find it. If it's on eka, there's a good chance it's still there, but because it has the Loli tag, it's being filtered out of all results.
>>28853 It was on Ekas, but I don't remember who made it nor when it was made, It was around last year though.
>>28857 >>28849 >>28848 The trick is that she's cloning him. The original is in the hat well the clone is swallowed.
>>28853 Different Anon here. I might be remembering this wrong but I think was originally posted by Jak55 but it may of been an animation of Sonier103's work.
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Not sure if I should post AI out of its containment general but here.
>>28763 I haven't had any luck so far. I've tried searching on the Wayback machine from 2023 to 2021 with the Kama tag, animation tag and fate go tag but haven't found an animation with loli kama. I thought it could have been an animation by Ezkerbkun but sadly it isn't or if it was it's gone. there are a few lost images you can see using the Wayback machine but non are animation and some I can't view fully. I'll keep looking and trying ideas to see if I can find it. If you remember any information like the artist or style that may help but at the moment it looks like it's lost unless someone saved it.
If you know any artists that make Loli art, even if they only do a few posts for loli vore, could you post a link to their account here? With how Eka has been blocking Loli content, we should collect a list of artists to make finding new and old art easier for everyone. You do not need to go into as much detail if you would rather not, a name and a link are good enough. Also, if anyone else adds any artist to the list, link them to this post >>14444 so that we can easily find these links. Here are a few from the top of my head right now. Zapor, artist. He does a lot of loli art that is high quality. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Zapor Banesoon, artist. Has done some Loli art. His Wendy Belesrion art is great, and he also takes requests if they interest him. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Banesoon chaotic123, commissioner. Some of his commissions have Loli characters. His recent Fairy Tail comic has both Mavis and Wendy as preds, and it seems that those two may end up being the final two characters after eating everyone since they have the most votes. https://aryion.com/g4/user/chaotic123 SupremeToadLord, writer. Has quite a few Loli stories, and he seems to like Senko a lot and stays away from digestion. https://aryion.com/g4/user/SupremeToadLord HoamNom, artist. Has only done stuff with Gura so far, but he's someone who I think will do more soon and will be good to keep an eye on. https://aryion.com/g4/user/HoamNom SwaLover, artist. Has not done too much art, but what he got is great, I especially like his FGO Jack the Ripper vore. https://aryion.com/g4/user/SwaLover FoF, artist. A classic artist who does loli vore every so often. Lil Churner and Delete are cute, and he does great art involving Lana. https://aryion.com/g4/user/FoF TsukuYami, artist. Has some great art with some rear characters. War under control and Missed Hat are two I think anyone who likes loli vore should see. https://aryion.com/g4/user/TsukuYami Grimmahr, writer. Does a lot of giantesses Loli stuff where they do cruel acts to tinies. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Grimmahrhttps://aryion.com/g4/user/Grimmahr WafflesBear, comissner. Well known for his Loli OCs. The main two are his vampire Cordelia and PAnda girl Mochi. He mostly gets giantess vore art, but he has commissioned some art with bigger prey that leaves good bulges. https://aryion.com/g4/user/WafflesBear Apitop, commissioner. I don't know much about this guy, but he has one great two-part comic about the girl from Recettear. Part one is Carnivorous Capitalism ho! and part two is Extra Revenue. Both parts are by FOF and involve the cute shopkeeper making a meal out of some girl well running her shop, where the prey is treated as a way to lower food costs. Tyslan03, writer. He's got some pretty good stories with themes of regret, misunderstandings and naivety, where younger preds digest older prey, typically on accident or due to their lack of understanding. The prey typically dies in quite tragic ways, well being left to die by others. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Tyslan03 Trex4, artist. This guy has a few images with Loli characters, with my favourite being his Ashly stuff like The Princess Witch Eater and A Witch’s Deal. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Trex4 Noisekeeper, commissioner/writer. This guy has commissioned a lot of Loli art, and when he does, he tends to add a story to the art in his descriptions. Yanagi Wants to Hog the Attention! is a great sequence, with Bad Girl and A Scottish Lass's Instant Loss being two great images. https://aryion.com/g4/user/noisekeeper
[Expand Post] Requiem, artist. Someone who has been doing art for about 17 years, he has done some art of a few Loli characters from things like Zelda, cartoons and anime. Since he got a lot of art that can be hard to sift through and very long tiles, here are a few links to his work instead of the link to his account. Zelda https://aryion.com/g4/view/15435 https://aryion.com/g4/view/162717 Saria https://aryion.com/g4/view/15432 Malon https://aryion.com/g4/view/15427
>>28950 >Recettear I have a huge problem with how poorly are picked characters in commissioned vore art. I would consider drawing loli preds in any size and shape for money and wouldn't say no to a bit messy fetishes, but the hilariously horrible ideas people have make me regularly lose any interest
>>28950 >>14444 I've got a couple of the top of my head Malyna, ex-Artist. Sadly doesn't seem to do art anymore but made some of my personal favs https://aryion.com/g4/user/Malyna AKcar, Artist. Absolutely love their artstyle, does loli art fairly often. https://aryion.com/g4/user/AKcar GokaiVore, Artist. Has an ongoing comic with loli and other stuff too. Also does cooking stuff sometimes. https://aryion.com/g4/user/GokaiVore rika, Artist. Does loli and shota, fair WARINING tho makes scat, diaper and other stuff like that fairly often. https://aryion.com/g4/user/rika Cuddlekins, Writer/"Artist". Writes some good loli content and recently started uploading FF14 GPose stuff. https://aryion.com/g4/user/Cuddlekins dragonjerky, Artist. Normally uploaded their uncensored stuff to Pixiv but is looking for a new website for that so the newer stuff doesn't have uncensored versions. https://aryion.com/g4/user/dragonjerky
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>>28990 What's your issue with her? I haven't played the game, but she looks cute enough, and knowing the premise it could pair well with vore.
>>29027 What does it matter if character is cute? If I would draw porn, I would have to focus on making characters sexy. >knowing the premise it could pair well with vore. It feels forced. Maybe it's, because I've been into vore for some longer time and I prefer actual preds doing pred things instead, but I do like porn comedy as well and I don't consider this funny. Rather stupid and annoying like Sonic fanart with all sorts of fetishes.
>>29083 I remember seeing this sequence a few years ago. I didn't realize there was a 6th part to it, or is this a new addition?
>>29083 >>29081 I don't... What? Huh? Is this a parody, or completely serious?
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Imagine people getting upset because their favourite character lost a vote well also being annoyed at art that is generously being paid for by someone who probably has their own favourite but is willingly spending their money so we can have a fun competition to enjoy. I'm not saying he can't be a little sad but he should do it outside of the comments, at least the people who complain here are keeping it away from the art. It's not the uploader's fault that the person's favourite girl lost, he just wants to make something fun for everyone but now he has some crybaby ruining everyone's fun in his comments.
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>>29358 Sauce or AI?
>>29376 Me and yes, I used AI.
>>29376 at this point i cant tell if someone is pretending or asking serious question
Hi everyone. I'm not a person into this sorta stuff. Frankly it kinda disturbs me, and I've never personally been comfortable with any -con content. However, unlike a lot of people outside of this board, I don't find this content to be comparable to actual CP, or directly encouraging it. May not be controversial here, but I've been in a fair number of arguments with people where I've stated my opinion that while it's not something I like personally, I think it's stupid that people compare to *real* child abuse and exploitation. I'm mentioning this all because over the last while I've been working on an archival project relating to ModeSeven's older flash works when he went under the name NitroTitan. I knew he nuked a lot of his older content, and I did an extensive amount of work trying to put together all of his old flash works. I didn't realize the type of content would be what it was when I found a good majority of his older stuff. I backed it up regardless because in my eyes it wasn't inherently harmful being completely fictional. However, unfortunately, the backups I made are going down soon for reasons I won't disclose since I don't want to put a spotlight on people and make a big deal of it. https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://hentai-foundry.com/piccies/n/NitroTitan* The link above has a good amount of NitroTitan works from 2007. Afaict, all the file links are still live, meaning they will download if you put the non-wayback links in the browser. For the web pages they were hosted on that contains the date they were posted and the names of the animations, go on the WayBack Machine, and type in "http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pic-xxxx.html" replacing the x's with the number in the file name. I'm bringing this up here because I worry this content could possibly be lost for good. It took a good amount of work to find these, and I thought they were gone for good before this. However, I believe they're at risk of being gone for good without backups because they're being removed from the place I backed them up to, and because staff at the Internet Archive have boasted about removing content of this nature from the archives. Anyway, that's my autistic rant about a few KBs from over a decade ago. Keep seeding and cheers.
>>29396 You could just download all of those to a pack and re-upload them to Anonfiles.
>>29396 Yeesh, they're all low quality scribbles from when Nitro started. Have you found anything more 2009-2011 ish?
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(478.14 KB 500x678 download (34).png)

anybody have any vore art of viridi from kid icarus?
Anyone got any more a hat in time vore?
(594.79 KB 2150x2250 Umbrella_action_shot_SG2E.png)

(384.22 KB 2136x1202 E-O39_TXoAE2zVd.jpeg)

(80.46 KB 856x635 FwP-IbhaEAA1s-k.jpeg)

Does anyone have art or would be interested in making art involving Umbrella from Skullgirls as a predator?
(905.19 KB 1684x1191 108184202_p0.png)

anybody know what happened to the old thread? can't seem to access it anymore
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>>30214 Looks like it's gone, although it IS archived (there's a big red button with "archive" and the thread link works there), however none of the IMAGES in the thread seem to have been archived along with it so it's JUST the thread that is archived I suppose this calls for a change of tactics, in that people should ensure the IMAGES are archived as well (my guess is, clicking on the images WHILE INSIDE THE ARCHIVE will have the archive ask if you ant to save them)
(131.31 KB 1047x666 attempted archive.PNG)

>>30252 update: I fiddled a little with the archive, and it looks like actually archiving the images the old fashioned way of "just fucking paste the link to them into the archive" DOES NOT work, it give you image related so basically, the archive in the link up top DOES NOT SAVE ANY OF THE IMAGES IN THE THREAD, so I suppose every image in the previous thread is permanently dead - just the evidence the thread exsisted remains in the archive, not the images in the thread themselves
>>30252 >none of the IMAGES in the thread seem to have been archived along with it so it's JUST the thread that is archived That's how the site has operated for the past several months. It's a safety feature Acid implemented because of how bad actors were posting cheeze pizza on the site, immediately archiving said content, and then rushing to report to the archive site that illegal content was archived (For the purposes of getting this place blacklisted). However, even before this was implemented, archives would not have saved the images in the thread. All it would have saved was the thumbnail.
(67.83 KB 636x900 Fw-akP2akAAkVSw.jpg)

Man, I did not know these threads were still around. >>15329 Hey this is my commission! I saw you ask about this on /d/ around a year ago, I assume you found strawberry by now. I actually am talking to this artist about another Ruto piece, not vore though. Just a cheeky solo booty piece. I love me some tsundere fish princess, so if I go on living, I will definitely be getting more Ruto vore at some point. Anyway, to contribute here's a couple renders I made in SFM which I will spoiler for being amateurish drivel, and another piece Strawberry drew me, which is fanart of a game called Monstergirls Surprised Youki Chan! There's a couple instances where this harpy girl can gobble up the PC, and man do I love that harpy, she's a qt.
>>30323 Yoo more Hat Kid pred. I want to see her going vorno on the conductor next
>>30223 Do you happen to have the artists name ?
>>30341 kinda wish youki-chan got more rep w/ its vore game overs they're p good
(169.85 KB 738x630 IMG_9012 (1).PNG)

>>30428 88kgdejv
(60.04 KB 900x322 IMG_1782.jpg)

>>30625 This is shota vore, not loli. Its in the wrong thread
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(1.14 MB 2900x4096 EozB2jfUcAImufV.jpg)

(1.14 MB 2900x4096 EozB3d3U8AAb2zs.jpg)

(1.15 MB 2900x4096 EozB5BsUUAAxrRX.jpg)

>>30699 >the flash of succubus tail as that smile gapes open unnaturally wide to take you Ooh mama, I like it
(19.06 MB 1728x1080 HarpyNom2.webm)

>>30513 Agree, it didn't really get a lot of love. I'd love for more of the harpy, I just love her pixie hair and how birdlike she acts, hopping about like a robin. It's even birdlike in the way she'll swallow you, like those vids of birds eating massive fish whole. Even if you're a ridiculous-sized meal; you're going in! Only wish there was a little ending pose with a full birb.
(999.78 KB 1600x1600 ezkerbkun-899986-tatsuuu.png)

(834.16 KB 1600x1600 ezkerbkun-899987-tatsuuu2.png)

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>>30428 Tzundoka
>>14444 Old thread is 404ing
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(11.17 KB 189x267 download.jpeg)

(134.51 KB 512x724 339_Super Bunyan_1.png)

Has anyone here got any vore with Jack the Ripper or Paul/Super Bunyan as a pred digesting people that you can post? I really wanna see more vore of these two and if anyone can post images of them I would appreciate it. I'm hoping that when Super Bunyan comes out in the NA servers Ezkerbkun may draw her, sadly I doubt he will do any Jack or Paul but at least there is hope he'll do super.
Does this technically count?
>>31019 Thank you, Anon, for making this. She looks perfect, and her facial expressions are magnificent. I love that bit of drool she has in both parts, and that burp is adorable. Annie makes a perfect snack for Umbrella, and it looks like Umbrella enjoyed her food.
(3.17 MB 4400x1080 IMG_3830.png)

>>31057 Lovably pudgy belly~
>>31082 These are pretty amazing. Any idea who the artist was? I've been trying to find these everywhere online but no luck
>>31207 iirc the artist is bG on Eka's, this isn't posted there, though.
(1.13 MB 3624x2812 109117152_p0.png)

Anyone have any of Nukey/Mamerui loli stuff before they became Pudgepire? Unless it's around somewhere, I believe they removed some of they content once they rebranded and because anti loli
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Anyone know where this guy's gone? He made some amazing loli vore ai pics on Pixiv but he seems to have disappeared. Idk his name, was in chinese.
>>31516 I was just about to ask for this image, does anyone know why FoF deleted this?
>>31548 He said if the person ever sees it then he will delete it.
>>31567 Glad to see you guys like my colorings :3
>>31516 Would love to see this colored in
>>31516 does anyone know what the name of this girl is?
>>31616 Chibidoki
>>31563 >>31548 >>31548 Really? Because I didn’t see her saying anything about it
(7.51 MB 5800x2800 Beatrix wolf girl 2.png)

(6.42 MB 4500x3000 Wolf girl loli Anal vore.png)

(5.49 MB 3300x4400 Cordelia maw shot (stream).png)

(5.85 MB 4100x3200 Asrael Jan 3.png)

(2.66 MB 3400x2700 cute girl 1.png)

old commissions.
>>31928 Cordelia is so cute. It's easy to look past the countless people she's eaten and still want to pat her little head and pinch her little cheeks.
Looking for Aesir loli vore its been deleting or something I can't see them anymore.
Anyone got the ecchipandaa prisma illya one, cant find it on ekas anymore
>>31526 source?
>>32471 ah i apologize for not reading ur caption
>>31526 i think the pixiv illust id is 107954409 its currently not deleted, just limited
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>>33036 Dear lord that Asahi comic... so adorable, and a cute belly of course~ :3
(78.37 KB 1036x956 maniacalfork-916897-TateLiza1.png)

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>>33257 Source on the ones under the coloured one?
(481.91 KB 1039x904 Small Pred Big Prey.png)

>>33257 Shame Manicalfork is getting flack for that new image.
>>33397 Where, Eka's seems alright and nothing on Twitter?
>>33400 Most of it was deleted with the post on Twitter.
>>33257 May already is a Loli, why turn her to a fat tits cow for this?
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>>33036 Sauce on that Asahi pic?
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>>33702 Sauce please?
>>33764 1440A on pixiv
Anyone has vore comic made by EcchiPanda involving Chloe as a pred, Miyu as a prey, and Illya. At the end of the comic Chloe shatted on Illya if I’m not mistaken. But it definitely contain WG and scat. I can’t find it anywhere, it’s gone around the time Eka’s planned to move the server to other country.
>>33889 Also if I’m not mistaken it was commisioned by Neraciro. So it was on Neraciro’s gallery at some point, I think. I hope that’s helps.
has someone the link for this posting? it was deleted some time ago. https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/86276001/post/6098257
>>33890 https://aryion.com/g4/view/426670 Lotta stuff pre-move is blacklisted from search results, but it's still there.
>>33900 Thank you so much!
Has someone the other pictures from that one here?
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Anyone have a short video of loli Kama from FGO digesting someone? I think it was aryion until it got taken down when they started striking down on loli content.
>>34078 Who is the original artist?
>>33892 i meant there the link for the payed stuff from this posting or direct the pictures. it is from 1440a. pls someone.
(1.75 MB 720x1280 aJBvWHhuwegohYNh.mp4)

>>34056 Found it.
>>34214 artist?
>>33765 Do you have the older ones too? The payed stuff is not more on kemono and wanted to have from one specific Posting.
I'm trying to look for a picture that I remember from Eka's, but I can't find anymore. It was 4 small girls dressed up for Halloween (IIRC one was a cow girl who was swallowing a guy in a Ryu costume, one was a witch, one a Japanese spirit and I can't remember the 4th one). It was in black and white. If anyone has any idea where to find it, I'd be grateful
Read a short manga called Ayashii Houmonsha. This little girl swallow a man whole.. and just doesn't stop eating
>>34481 Thank you so much!! Who's the artist?
>>34497 sadly I don't know myself
>>34538 Bootsynekomata and it's still up, an old favourite. https://aryion.com/g4/view/347273
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>>33943 Bump
(1.61 MB 1999x1556 Cassie 1.png)

(1.34 MB 2750x1122 Cassie 2.png)

I wish there was more loli animated vore
>>34725 by far i only know that rux works who keeps making it
Welp, Pbysteria removed all his loli art. Anybody here archive anything?
>>34802 Of fucking course he did... I bet it wasn't his decision either, probably just kept getting flack over pussies crying over art so he caved.

(68.35 KB 690x257 pby.png)

>>34802 Reminds me of this screenshot I found on the lost vore thread lmfao
(44.48 KB 1293x227 Screenshot 1.png)

(54.50 KB 700x290 Screenshot 2.png)

>>34802 I was hoping it was just Eka admins being assholes and making them remove content from Eka so their Twitter would be safe, but sadly they also deleted it all from Twitter too. So from what it looks like, it's either them changing their mind, which I think is very unlikely, or he was forced to remove it. He may have said he removed them because of a change in personal values, but the post he made about the removal of content seemed to hint that he didn't want this, and if he was that against it, he wouldn't give people a heads up, plus personal values seems way to vague and disingenuous, like something someone says when they don't believe in what they're saying. I feel the more likely reason is that they were getting too much hate for them to handle anymore or were threatened.
>>34802 >>34821 >>34823 >>34831 He has posted here before so I'm hoping he may explain more here at some point or upload the deleted art.
You can find any of the art from the previous thread here https://archive.ph/8ur2K
(70.49 KB 344x375 originalcontent.PNG)

>>34821 >>34831 >>34834 there are plenty of people that hate my art for all sorts of reasons, i don't care about that. they'll probably still hate me anyways. my decision is entirely based on irl factors. as time goes on the odds increase that my irl identity and web identity is linked. i'm fine if it's just a quirky vore weirdo, but other associations would be too much for me. it's cowardly from an artistic freedom perspective but i am a stage of minimizing risks in real life. going forward i'm fine with drawing cute or petite characters, but content that alludes to certain age ranges i won't be doing.
>>34851 Sucks to her that man. Anyways, wish you the best going onwards
>>34851 I never thought about it, but yeah, I can see that being a problem, especially if you get a job as an artist or your friends know your art style, and then they see things some may find questionable. It's a shame, but I think your reasoning is very justifiable. I'll still look forward to seeing your art, and like the other anon said, "I wish you the best going onwards".
>>34802 This is all I got.
>>34802 Wait, was he the dude who made that bratty vore succ for halfchan?
>>33943 Bump
>>34851 Bro, that sucks Your style is really good Why don't you try to upload somewhere else? It would be a shame not being able to see your art again
(77.09 KB 800x528 cutestanimecrocfoodeverZ.jpg)

>>34851 Gotta admit, loli isn't my thing - there's just such a dearth of good quality vore art that you take what you can get from talented artists. It's a damn shame to see you have to limit yourself this way, but some things can't be helped I guess. I know Byoki-Desu/Eakahele went through a really tough time of coming to grips with his fetish and the IRL consequences that would result if it ever got out. He's nuked his galleries several times, and I'm still trying to track down a lot of his earlier work. Even tried getting saved by Jesus. Now he's one of the best artists in the scene, and I see that same potential in your work - so I hope you keep up with it, but take care of IRL first. Just please don't turn furry
(1.77 MB 1600x1359 pbysteria-769084-wtf.png)

(1.88 MB 1600x1359 pbysteria-769118-wtfedit.png)

>>34858 There's also this.
(871.06 KB 1024x1024 111573462_p4.png)

I kind of wish there was a bit before this where the guy, before becoming tiny, is kind to blind girl, and this part is just blonde girl showing him how to help the blind girl the most. After all, she doesn't have enough protein in her diet, and it's selfish of him to not feed her himself.
Any loli pred/furry prey stuff?~ Just asking~
>>34917 Bump
>>35636 Check the new Kemono feature to see older versions of imports
>>35655 Ok had that not seen yet but thx for that info i got it now. :3
(792.63 KB 1570x1136 MianQ-447418-MistyJess(1).png)

Anyone have the followup to this? The page is even still up, but the image's been scrubbed. https://aryion.com/g4/view/545243 Can't find it for the life of me, even though I know I've seen it floating around.
(5.55 MB 3896x3472 MianQ-545243-Dawn7.png)

>>35680 Here you go.
>>31456 Where do they post these?
Does anyone have any Kanna vore they can share?
>>35814 To my surprise, there's hardly any Kanna vore at all
>>35838 I remember there were some great posts of Kanna on Eka a few years back, but it seems the filter has made it hard to view them, or they were deleted.
I remember there being a Discord server posted here.
>>34831 So fetish art of people getting digested completely fine but Loli is where he draws the line??? Tf kind of personal values is that
>>35884 I forgot about the zapor one and how good it was.I kinda wish he had finished it with digestion and a pudgy belly.
>>35884 thank you for posting some Kanna! I hope we get to see more of her as time goes on.
>>35883 That post is out of date. He explains better in his post here why he deleted it. >>34851
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>>35437 Have some I found
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(227.33 KB 1358x972 euanbarb_kai_5dl68kQ.png)

(4.28 MB 4104x3500 MianQ-545173-Dawn1.png)

>>35680 >>35688 There was also another one.
I'm hoping that the popularity of the song will mean will get to see some vore of Ui Shigure using her gut as a permanent solution to criminals and her being a smug pred.
(43.46 KB 900x670 F7ytfMuXcAAAHDs.jpg)

>>33257 I actually love voracious twins so much, what a great fucking concept- the idea of them being sweet with each other while people squirm and struggle in their bellies
>>35849 Oh yeah, my dinky lil server. Here's a new invite link https://discord.gg/e7MxjENe Has channels for loli/shota/cub as both pred or prey
(95.36 KB 1965x1509 F8hCeisWUAAsnWP.jpg)

(79.59 KB 1965x1509 F8hCfAQWYAAyh--.jpg)

>>36577 all that ass and tit meat is a perfect meal for a growing girl
>>36577 Source?
>>36608 I hate Twitter, the artist was probably targeted because of the image. When I first saw the image I was so happy to finally see her but had this bad feeling that because of how popular she is this could happen especially since the Vore community is so small giving the artist no voice. This seems like the classic case of many people misusing the report button, probably organised in a discord group.
>>36612 Same guy. I did a quick check and found his Pixiv. It's not up to date but hopefully, he may use it until he can get his account back or make a new one. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1532923/illustrations
>>36612 >This seems like the classic case of many people misusing the report button, probably organised in a discord group. This stuff has gone on LONG before Discord was even a thing. The closest you have for an "originator" of the problem is Something Awful.
>>36608 This is why I keep my loli art on Eka
>>36689 Problem with eka is that they've blacklisted a lot of the words to do with loli. The only word that seems to work is loli pred or loli prey.
Has someone the discord exclusive stuff from 1440a? Kemono has not linked to the discord server.
>>36785 Seconding this request
(618.43 KB 1326x1920 Ayashii Houmonsha 21.png)

(913.33 KB 1326x1920 Ayashii Houmonsha 22.png)

(1009.45 KB 1326x1920 Ayashii Houmonsha 23.png)

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(556.08 KB 1326x1920 Ayashii Houmonsha 27.png)

Happy Halloween
>>36884 Sry for the late answer you can on kemono link direct a discord server. He has thst stuff only on his discord server not on fanbox.
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>>35981 >>35982 thanks, man! that's some good stuff! anyone have any more like it?~
Some oppai loli breast vore.
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>>37973 Just look for thatkeiguy on Furaffinity, loli pred on furry or animal prey is a lot of what he posts
>>38048 Source :')?
>>36577 >>38048 These two need more art. It's a shame that the guy who was doing Eevee Girl Vore has stopped posting because he would have been someone I think could do these characters justice.
>>37591 Bump
(3.17 MB 1320x2048 1700493433041649.png)

(1.61 MB 1319x1547 IMG_8449.png)

Did an edit of this eevee girl pic I saw. Been a while since I've done an edit
>>38362 Yooo superb edit of the best Poke smol
>>38362 Got damn!!!
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(543.87 KB 1676x2048 GAW-FN1akAA7xlA.jpg)

First Wapeach vore since leaks revealed she's a loli for some reason
(828.19 KB 2165x2258 GAdkwhWWsAAUsUz.jpg)

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>>39229 Man Wario and Waluigi look like the epitome of people you don't wanna eat, poor kid.
Does anyone have the Sibling Rivalry animation by SirEdwardthe3rd? Apparently he deleted it from his Eka's Portal account
>>39427 Yes, thank you!
>>39427 While you're at it can you upload the other one he made too
>>39456 He made another one?
(7.87 MB 3780x2480 KoteSan-964941-akiko_vore1.png)

>>39591 Yeah he made one or two more. One of them is the baby sitter scenario if I recall
(423.86 KB 1178x944 Bikini Dolly.png)

Unreleased Teruyuki sketch
>>39816 I made an edit of this image to give her lighter skin like she has in the anime plus a stocking alt.
(556.44 KB 787x1237 Dolly Belly.png)

(4.69 MB 800x1000 zrYK5YuG5DZiUtj8DuVXXYPc.gif)

(18.57 MB 600x800 FbBF3SlacAIFdUP.gif)

(130.58 KB 270x600 281658.jpg)

Does anyone know where to find some Yayoi Houzuki pred?
(280.94 KB 1430x1398 1703785967482891.jpg)

>>40107 I second this.
(282.62 KB 1408x2048 Em6TVKOXEAE0Nos.jpeg)

(284.79 KB 1448x2048 IMG_0415.jpg)

Would any of you knowledgeable anons happen to know the artists behind these?
>>40117 And also if there is an external of the second one Should have included that in the first post, I'm an idiot :p
>>40117 https://twitter.com/JustVoringA/status/1328160936516083719 https://twitter.com/siraminemasato/status/1681569548854775808/photo/1 1st pic is by JVA, 2nd is by siraminemasato. No external alt since it was a request. Twitter link is only source.
>>40124 Thank you, kind anon
>>40066 Holy hell, who is the artist for these?
(70.65 KB 1634x1252 AbisaruMori-970459-huovor.png)

>>39804 Bump
(29.14 KB 510x680 GDIoM8SboAAHpY7.jpg)

(101.32 KB 800x1000 GC9dZyHaYAEjS6-.jpg)

>>28950 What does Loli mean?
It means cute and funny
>>29335 Not having the staff of Eka's ban these people for being stupid, and actively having the staff instead harass and ban people for mocking idiotic people like this is what led to all this Loli panic bullshit and mistakenly thinking Loli didn't mean "Age of consent, but she just looks young" but Democrat activism CEM CSM CP WHATEVER OTHER ACRONYM WE WANT TO COME UP WITH INSTEAD OF PICKING ONE AND STICKING WITH IT. awakener and MrMetroid should be banned.
'Chi9d P0rn' is filtered to Democrat activism.
>>40565 For a reason.
>>40566 Oh, when the democrats were truly democrats, and not small hat hook nosers.
>>29335 What is this even from
>>40654 Ariyon probably
(67.74 KB 900x636 JustVoringAround-kanna.jpg)

(4.00 MB 3157x3157 110423651_p0.png)

(96.15 KB 1115x894 GDtvkFMa8AALkG7.jpg)

(117.12 KB 1002x993 GDtvkmAbcAAAkfx.jpg)

(157.15 KB 938x1245 GDtvkUjasAA5Dce.jpg)

(462.34 KB 923x1230 113502786_p2.png)

>>40729 >#3-#5 This artist's images are usually illustrations to his novels, and they're quite decent actually, can recommend to those of you who read moon. Quite basic setting (modern world, a few predators exist in secret), but the characters have a certain charm. Especially the usual protagonist who over the course of the series gradually goes from being very reluctant, despite the urges, to accepting what she is. And the one-offs with more, well, predatory preds are good fun too as they get straight to the point.
wich is the name
>>40736 i mean wich is the name of the artist of these stories that you mention
(8.38 MB 4056x3847 Faputa Noms - NiceNoms.png)

>>36577 >>38848 >>38849 Is there anymore more Ui vore? With how popular the song is it's sad to see so little vore of her.
(202.80 KB 1280x1800 68106531_p1_qiXJj.jpg)

>>40788 i found one in pixiv bade with AI posted by 1440A. take a look here https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113346956 (contains digestion and weight gain) dont expect too much. AI pics are not as good as the one drawn by legit artists
(3.17 MB 4400x1080 108944517_p1.png)

(504.15 KB 512x768 00116-350282812.png)

(702.62 KB 512x768 00013-417540528.png)

(899.58 KB 512x768 00118-4030773790.png)

(614.77 KB 512x768 00459-4286377779.png)

(394.72 KB 512x736 00392-1562439189.png)

Does AI stuff count? Here’s some pokegirls
(876.21 KB 1024x1024 115324080_p10.png)

(1.37 MB 2480x3508 Trex4-968716-anyamakima.jpeg)

(180.78 KB 700x700 1431279 - FuPoo Mega_Man Roll.png)

(244.54 KB 800x800 83073274_p0.png)

(188.24 KB 800x2012 FuPoo_401615_6475443.jpg)

(480.34 KB 800x1600 FuPoo_519125_gfhgfgfhgf.png)

>>40729 Who's the artist of the second image?
>>41184 Reampie
lagomorphaX3 is doing a poll for a future piece of art with Shinobu Oshino and Shalltear Bloodfallen as two of the four characters to pick from. It would be nice to see either of them get more vore, so I'm posting the link here to see if anyone else wants to vote for either of them. Also, you can vote for multiple characters and even check the results before voting. https://strawpoll.com/QrgebDa4LZp
>>17784 Does anyone know who drew this?
(510.75 KB 1078x1073 unknown.png)

(47.34 KB 500x320 5ac0937cb5c3ea06.jpg)

Last one above isnt the original resolution unfortunately and im looking for it. Arts are of a now retired since years loli asmr content creator named coni/Nice personica. They did vore, stuffing, burps and more.
(307.91 KB 820x1136 1449443103695_0.jpg)

(352.30 KB 902x1136 1449443103696_1.jpg)

(307.14 KB 802x1136 1449443103696_2.jpg)

(274.65 KB 1136x754 1449629725169.jpg)

(70.67 KB 681x535 1464727575299.jpg)

All by Voraciousmoga on eka before they nuked themselve. Found by various archives, waybackmachine and a archivist now banned permanently on eka (by eka) named SerenaBlaze.
(182.52 KB 1000x1333 Voraciousmoga_353210_sk3.jpg)

Posted above but didnt send. :(
(14.52 KB 321x417 Maid.gif)

(25.96 KB 486x339 Maid2.gif)

(27.19 KB 454x403 Maid3(Scat).gif)

By artist: https://www.pixiv.net/users/1642909 Formerly at_tltb on eka but long gone from that site. Most if not all of the stuff are lolis.
(26.98 KB 515x356 OldSeries1.gif)

(25.49 KB 482x374 OldSeries2.gif)

(23.54 KB 466x442 OldSeries3.gif)

(43.18 KB 487x424 OldSeries5.gif)

(11.77 KB 199x326 OldSeries6.gif)

(22.19 KB 319x325 OldSeries7.gif)

(55.19 KB 758x785 A_Girl_Digested_A_Giant.gif)

(11.81 KB 288x604 Angry.gif)

(22.12 KB 632x687 BetweenLegs.gif)

(34.67 KB 664x588 Disapointment.gif)

(22.28 KB 681x632 Diving.gif)

(176.21 KB 1121x1204 DisciplineCommittee1.png)

(33.43 KB 804x704 EasyMeal.gif)

(28.35 KB 901x503 EasyPoo(SCAT).gif)

(9.52 KB 206x335 FairyAttack.gif)

(180.83 KB 1081x1207 DisciplineCommittee2.PNG)

(9.03 KB 356x584 FairyAttack_wins.gif)

(17.22 KB 352x394 Me.gif)

(115.66 KB 970x1375 hanazuki.png)

(967.82 KB 1206x1225 Me_VS_Rapists_In.jpg)

(876.55 KB 1206x1225 Me_VS_Rapists_Out.jpg)

(1.12 MB 1424x1430 NotASalad.png)

(17.66 KB 467x447 Play.gif)

(25.10 KB 668x609 RabbitSwallowedWolf.gif)

(23.44 KB 511x526 Revenge.gif)

(35.58 KB 614x567 RoyalMeal.gif)

(9.11 KB 385x321 Sister.gif)

(16.88 KB 634x550 SleepingBag.gif)

(17.27 KB 435x292 ThermalDifference.gif)

(32.46 KB 642x610 TrickOrTreat.gif)

(22.29 KB 333x610 TrickOrTreat_Cutaway.gif)

(20.47 KB 292x363 YummyBoy.gif)

(62.56 KB 613x920 AnalHug2.gif)

(21.02 KB 372x603 AnalVore_FM1.gif)

(115.01 KB 1034x1010 AnalHug.gif)

(10.16 KB 337x394 AnalVore_FM2.gif)

(24.16 KB 505x443 Instestines.gif)

(28.92 KB 449x279 Sakura_AV_Tomoyo.gif)

(722.90 KB 785x6384 Kiss_My_Asshole(Scat).PNG)

(492.76 KB 1001x3852 Spider_Girl_POV.png)

(411.93 KB 834x4319 Post_Released_Digestion(Scat).png)

(15.26 KB 361x546 Emily_Chan's_first.gif)

(29.40 KB 1000x650 FairyCV_Cumming.gif)

(30.05 KB 378x482 FairyCV_internal.gif)

(31.45 KB 490x961 FairyCV2.gif)

(168.85 KB 1328x1242 Morning_Fapping.png)

(1.22 MB 1108x9037 Dual-Wielding_Squirrel_Boi.png)

(1.60 MB 834x18991 NewDaddy.png)

(185.16 KB 1272x1349 Milking.png)

(331.24 KB 1570x1850 MilkyEnd.png)

(712.72 KB 834x9497 ArmpitVoreAttack.PNG)

(621.00 KB 776x6496 Sabitha's_New_Deodorant.png)

(218.02 KB 1490x1239 Becoming_Lil_Sis_juice_1.png)

(38.71 KB 567x370 UBpov1.gif)

(42.08 KB 563x349 UBpov2.gif)

(32.77 KB 555x343 UBpov3.gif)

(35.79 KB 558x345 UBpov4.gif)

(1.71 MB 1668x12028 HowCatgirlsWereMade.png)

If all of the aboves are too bad or cause a problem i do not mind their deletion. I only thought it was on theme with this thread. Sorry for the first 3 without a spoiler. :/
>>39427 If anyone can affirm the other ones even exist, could someone upload the others? Unless they are lost for good
So it's officially been decreed that AI is allowed and people need to stop being angry it's shit... So I can mass post AI here now right? Or are mods hypocrites?
>>41967 Look at the last comment. Condense the mass post so you don’t clutter the thread, that’s all
>>41967 Put it in a mega folder. Dont spam the thread
>>42132 Sauce?
>>42152 TinCanMan, a extremely old artist that doesn't post anymore.
(118.62 KB 744x957 4.jpg)

(117.92 KB 744x957 5.jpg)

(121.15 KB 744x957 6.jpg)

(290.15 KB 744x957 7.jpg)

>>42140 time with the belly, time with the butt. Eating them is a reward, not a punishment.
>>38291 bump
>>42140 source?
(163.63 KB 1024x1024 OIG4 (10).jpg)

>>41967 Well, I won't spam but I like to play with bing's generator sometimes, and I thought this one came out nice. >tfw no catgirl daughterwife to feed mice to and then put head on tum to listen to them digest
>>42371 What's the prompt for this?
>>42378 I'm no AI-fu master but this is what I used to get that one. >A youthful catfolk girl, wearing overalls with green, pixie hair, green cat ears and green eyes, looking to the side at the viewer in surprise. Her cheeks are bulging, mouth full, bottom half of a mouse is sticking out from between her pursed lips, its legs kicking. She's been caught gobbling up mice again! Cute artstyle.
(1.16 MB 1024x1024 Designer.png)

>>42380 >>42371 it actually worked. Now to ask chat gpt to generate a story about this
(73.54 KB 810x810 OIG4.lGTjih8j.jpg)

Chatgpt is out here saving lives In the quaint village of Whisker Hollow, nestled amidst the rolling hills and lush greenery, lived a mischievous catfolk girl named Willow. With her vibrant blonde hair cascading down her back, adorable cat ears twitching with curiosity, and piercing blue eyes filled with mischief, Willow was a sight to behold. Clad in her favorite pair of overalls, adorned with patches from her numerous adventures, Willow roamed the village with boundless energy and endless curiosity. But there was one thing that often got her into trouble - her insatiable appetite for mice. Despite the villagers' efforts to keep their homes mouse-free, Willow couldn't resist the temptation of the tiny critters scurrying about. And so, on this sunny afternoon, as she prowled through the fields, she stumbled upon a plump mouse nibbling on a stray piece of cheese. With lightning-fast reflexes, Willow pounced, her cheeks puffing out as she caught the unsuspecting mouse between her pursed lips. But her moment of triumph was short-lived, for just as she was about to savor her catch, she heard a voice behind her. "Willow! What do you think you're doing?" Startled, Willow turned to see Mrs. Maple, the village elder, standing with her hands on her hips, a mixture of amusement and exasperation evident on her face. Caught red-handed, Willow's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she struggled to swallow the mouse, its tiny legs kicking in protest. "I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Maple," Willow stammered, her voice muffled by the mouse still trapped in her mouth. "I couldn't help myself." Mrs. Maple shook her head with a fond smile. "Oh, Willow, you and your antics. Come on now, let's get you cleaned up before anyone else sees you." With a gentle hand, Mrs. Maple guided Willow back to the village, where she was met with amused glances and friendly chuckles from the other villagers. Despite her embarrassment, Willow couldn't help but smile at the warmth and acceptance of her community. And as she sat down for a hearty meal with her friends and neighbors, Willow couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple joys of village life - even if it meant occasionally getting caught gobbling up mice. As Mrs. Maple led Willow back to the village, Willow's cheeks still bulged with the struggling mouse. Despite her embarrassment, Willow couldn't bring herself to release her prey just yet. With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she made a split-second decision. As soon as they were out of sight of the other villagers, Willow winked at Mrs. Maple before swiftly swallowing the mouse whole, much to the elder's astonishment. "Willow!" Mrs. Maple exclaimed, half in shock and half in amusement. But Willow simply grinned, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oops! Looks like I got carried away." Mrs. Maple shook her head with a chuckle. "You're incorrigible, Willow. But come along now, let's get you cleaned up before anyone else catches you in the act." And so, with a shared secret between them, Willow and Mrs. Maple returned to the village, where Willow's misadventures would surely become the talk of the town once again. But this time, Willow didn't mind one bit. After all, what's a little mischief among friends?
(668.04 KB 1024x1024 115924153_p3.png)

(685.41 KB 1024x1024 115924153_p4.png)

>>42398 Cute. Me personally, I love predation vore, like catgirls eating mice, griffons gobbling up woodland critters, etc. Feed the catgirl some mice, then listen to the tum, eat her ass, dream of the route they'll take through qt's perfection.
(486.53 KB 865x605 IMG_5643.gif)

(499.54 KB 1154x847 Franny K Vore.png)

>>42497 UNF that devious smirk. I like to think left is post-digestion, with a side of GIWTWM.
(1.45 MB 3500x5000 file.php.png)

Anyone know the source/artist behind this piece?
Has someone pls the discord exclusive stuff from 1440a?
>>43250 Sauce?
>>43263 It's by Acarpous, depicting a scene from the "Bited Sized" story series by TheDragonBoy. https://aryion.com/g4/view/546518
Games where you can get eaten by cute lolis?
>>43481 The lack of those makes me wish I could make one myself. For what it's worth, there are a few loli preds in Shrink Hotel and FantasM, but both of those are general size fetish games, so vore is sparse among other niches you may or may not enjoy. Western devs steer clear of the subject altogether, to nobody's surprise.
>>41174 Sauce?
Looking for fof's old stuff from here (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41768655) if anyone's got it. Only scrounged up one full image and a couple of thumbnails. Last one's from a long sequence too.
>>43528 Sauce? I can't tell if the watermark says ARCOR or ARCQR, and I can't find the artwork on Saucenao
>>43629 as far as I can tell, Fupoo on Deviant art. Almost 4k posts, and they really like splash woman. I can't find much vore in their posts, but the girl is reoccurring. https://www.deviantart.com/fupoo
(436.06 KB 640x480 Game over.png)

>>43539 I knew about FantasM. Pic related, I made edits so my favorite of the girls is nude, but Shrink Hotel was not on my radar. I'll have to pick that up at some point.
>>43868 Though I have to say that there's much less loli than in FantasM there, it's mostly some of the guest artists. On average it steers more towards the opposite spectrum, but it's just one of those games that has a tiny bit of everything. Though nothing really can compare to FantasM in terms of the sheer quantity of enemies.
>>43629 I forgot to say when posting that they are Fupoo and have an eka but don't use it often. https://aryion.com/g4/user/FuPoo >>43846 They are not into Vore and only make it occasionally, mostly for their favourite character Roll and I think they sometimes did it when requested and commissioned in the past.
>>43897 I also used this to find the images https://exhentai.org/g/2805393/2ae5ab47c2/ Sadly, you can't find his stuff if you use the normal e-hentai, so you'll need to gain access to the ex version, which you can do by making an account for e-hentai. I can't remember if there are any other steps you have to do, but it may involve incognito mode.
(800.42 KB 1285x907 azeeerrrttt (92).JPG)

I love this character.
I've been searching for this image for so long and I finally found it.
>>41186 We need more of her as pred
(36.94 KB 596x795 Capture.jpg)

(349.61 KB 1040x828 Halfling Eats Orc.png)

>>43828 Any luck?
>>44251 Nope. Asked him about it directly and haven't gotten anything back. Saucenao has no good leads besides the link to the one I found in a random e-hentai gallery, and then there's just two pics in the shota thread and that eevee kid comic wip that got posted around more. There's really no comprehensive archive of all his stuff that I've seen, probably cause half of it's spread between purged old accounts and discord. Anybody who's better at tracking down pixiv archives or has talked to him before might have better luck than me. Do have all the thumbnails for the account's uploads but don't wanna spam the thread with 'em. Could post in the nuked stuff thread, someone might recognize something.
>>42348 Bump
(21.56 KB 514x213 why1.png)

>>40564 What's up with these people?
>>44346 Is there not even a reporting system on Eka?
>>44346 The guy says he's going to break their legs well having Skyblue Vore in their favourites which is much worse.
>>44357 >>44346 The guy also has Loli Vore in his favourites as well, so he's a hypocrite.
>>44346 >>44346 People like them only motivate me to draw even more loli vore to scare them off. Like when I drew Liza from pokemon when Fork got a lot of shit for that Liza and Tate piece he made
>>44346 Projection The people crying about fictional artwork are usually the ones who end up being outed for worse.
>>44346 Zoomers hate loli because they're almost all burnouts at like 20 and look older than most 30 somethings. I have a friend who is a smol bartender, she's gotten shit from them multiple times.
>>44346 That warzone left 27 comments Great job it now is a potential featured random item on profile
Anybody have that one POV Kanna set from the last thread? Can't find it amywhere
>>40564 I remember doing two posts on eka mocking an artist for having a stupid meltdown, and I had the fucking site admin in my DMs telling me to stop This site is such an autistic hugbox it's insane.
(729.26 KB 2637x3960 GI-11L_WwAAttrZ.jpg)

(1.28 MB 1000x1300 116386729_p0.png)

(1.30 MB 1000x1300 116386729_p1.png)

(165.99 KB 1946x1980 F7TdeA0X0AAc-uk.jpg)

(3.19 MB 2732x3928 F5f0eKMbgAA2lMl.jpg)

Can pls someone share the discord exclusive stuff from 1440a. Special the discord Version from that on the picture.
(2.07 MB 2597x3625 kanna_2.jpg)

(2.31 MB 2597x3625 kanna_1.jpg)

(2.42 MB 2894x4093 1111.png)

(2.34 MB 3602x4557 358_1.png)

You read that write. Babies eating you and pooping you out in their diaper. If that interests you. Enjoy. I commissioned these myself.~
(283.45 KB 2048x2042 20240317_195707.jpg)

(2.07 MB 2597x3625 kanna_2.jpg)

(2.31 MB 2597x3625 kanna_1.jpg)

(2.34 MB 3602x4557 358_1.png)

(2.42 MB 2894x4093 1111.png)

(1.84 MB 1536x1136 117238382_p0.png)

(3.75 MB 5024x2386 TheWitness-995491-Arale+vore.png)

(4.60 MB 2623x3161 556dba818be02ef3.png)

>>45045 What's the source for the third picture? It's amazing.
>>45123 Not OP but that’s made by Motylek
>>40705 >>40847 Anymore from this artist? Pixiv is wiped.
Luckily I saved this one, I wonder when and why it got deleted
>>45598 >Deviantart That's why
(2.91 MB 2892x4093 1902435693546.png)

>>15329 I need more Ruto vore. Haughty, bratty, butt-naked royal loli. She's a perfect pred. Picrel, it's the ass I want to be my destiny
>>45609 Did you looked at the filename tho?
(114.08 KB 1080x1080 rika_363156_ruto4.jpg)

(280.40 KB 1100x1466 Malezor_434946_zelda_c4p4.jpg)

>>45611 I second this. Braty preds who don't care what you think are the best. They're the type that would eat others in a heartbeat, not fully grasping the consequences due to their naivety. Ruto fits this perfectly and I could see her turning a poor hard-working Hylian into fish food and being a smug brat who only took his life due to boredom. Because she was too spoiled and hasn't developed empathy for others or a moral compass yet due to her being a royal and never been in a tough situation, AKA she hasn't met Link yet.
(3.67 MB 3000x4000 Vish-999375-VishTanyaCom.png)

(2.20 MB 1600x1200 Vish-804046-Tanyagift1.png)

>>36428 any new invite? it says it's expired
(164.34 KB 1333x483 jem.png)

looking for 3 images
(7.51 MB 4093x2894 117455449_p0.png)

(423.44 KB 1920x1080 lolivoreminecraft.png)

>>14435 (OP) I am perhaps the most autistic man on this board. beat me.
(817.06 KB 2828x2136 FoF-630383-TobyP1.png)

(634.78 KB 2172x1671 FoF-630384-TobyP2.png)

(416.67 KB 1464x1743 FoF-630385-TobyP3.png)

>>45908 KEK!
>>44845 bump
(186.02 KB 706x858 Vish-1002445-image (2).png)

(341.22 KB 2400x2400 GLiIbQibUAAqOFS.jpeg)

(326.93 KB 1280x1600 01.jpg)

(239.00 KB 1280x1600 02.jpg)

(243.93 KB 1280x1600 02In.jpg)

(187.43 KB 1280x1600 03.jpg)

(192.11 KB 1280x1600 3In.jpg)

Filo best girl, Raphtalia best Filo feed.
(192.46 KB 1280x1600 04.jpg)

(195.86 KB 1280x1600 4In.jpg)

(203.82 KB 1280x1600 05.jpg)

(207.35 KB 1280x1600 5In.jpg)

(191.75 KB 1280x1600 06.jpg)

(191.81 KB 1280x1600 07.jpg)

(163.49 KB 1280x1600 08.jpg)

(197.51 KB 1280x1600 09.jpg)

>>46086 Based Filo enjoyer! Blessed sequence~
(202.62 KB 1483x1730 GLd4t3mWgAAuvCJ.jpeg)

(209.24 KB 1483x1730 GLd4t6EWIAAVDA7.jpeg)

(150.24 KB 1483x1730 GLd4t8TXgAAMwm9.jpeg)

(5.55 MB 3550x4315 115835372_p4.png)

(5.77 MB 3550x4315 115835372_p3.png)

(7.27 MB 3550x4315 115835372_p0.png)

(594.77 KB 3749x3751 IMG_3398.jpg)

>>46081 Found this one in a server
(275.66 KB 924x1053 Vish-1002446-image 2.png)

>>46088 Accidental digestion is hot. Would have been better if she woke up while being digested and begged to be let out
(3.27 MB 6376x2480 chaotic123-444432-papi 3.jpg)

(2.86 MB 6376x2480 chaotic123-444433-papi 3 2.jpg)

(2.54 MB 6270x2480 chaotic123-444489-papi mero.jpg)

(1.80 MB 4000x4000 PapiEveryone.png)

>>46387 >>46086 Personally, I think this would have been better if she had forgotten that she even ate Raphtalia. forgetful dumb preds are so fucking good.
>>46339 Wish I could tell the artist just how hot have I found this image to be.
Another deleted one i saved
(601.99 KB 620x877 SPOILER_IMG_1507.jpg)

(457.71 KB 620x877 SPOILER_IMG_1508.jpg)

(496.27 KB 620x877 SPOILER_IMG_1509.jpg)

(500.78 KB 620x877 SPOILER_IMG_1511.jpg)

>>46339 >>46423 Now that I think about it, it looks like it was made by Toffee Gulp, just a really high chance though.
>>46521 artist?

(76.26 KB 1280x1280 1188.jpg)

(72.70 KB 1280x1280 1183.jpg)

(40.96 KB 1280x914 1170.jpg)

(902.62 KB 2560x2240 AdelineLeona-1004948-2.jpg)

>>46686 Eyyy it's my comm! Glad ya like!
>>25451 This server still alive with a working link?
(380.81 KB 1500x2297 GMtSpDkb0AAZiGG.jpg)

(284.68 KB 2000x2200 GKlY63YXMAA7b4E1.jpg)

(183.35 KB 2000x2200 GKlY63YXMAA7b4E2.jpg)

(979.92 KB 900x1200 115733513_p0.jpg)

>>44845 bump
>>47030 Bro, click on the date tool in Kemono and change the date to an earlier time.
>>47067 I know that but there is a discord Version that is not in that download. And i wanted the discord version.
>>31019 >>29919 Is there anyone who can do more art of this girl? I would love to see more of her.
>>47067 I hope you understand now what i meant. He has a lot of discord exclusive content that is not in kemono. The alternative Version is only in discord too.
>>47326 I agree with this guy, there is a lot of exclusive content on his discord, if anyone could share here, or in kemono, it would be a great contribution
>>47353 Honor to you bro. I asked before for all on his things in discord. For that one what i look is for sure one of the first one that was sended on his discord server. The lone im his discord is made in koikatsu the one in kemono is the older version that was maked with ai or so. He writed it extra the alternative version is sended in my discord server. I read there before i ask here for it. Have a nice day everyone. :3
aaa test
>>47507 Source?
(4.06 MB 1280x720 Aya Anal Vore.mp4)

>Animated loli AV Fucking diamonds
(5.64 MB 1920x1080 Frame 1 mp4 1080p.mp4)

(16.54 MB 1920x1080 Scene 2.mp4)

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>>47626 Here's a bunch, bear with me.
(9.62 MB 1920x1080 Scene 4 asd v2.mp4)

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>>47691 I remember these officially were approved translations by the artist
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>>48311 This explains why Kanna had such a big ass and could survive in the human world on her own. Her being a dragon who hated people I wouldn't have put this past her to do before she met Kobayashi.
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Not enough people making/ reposting the good shit so had to repost the ai stuff instead
(1.10 MB 2196x3200 FoF-1013013-BadFComm2.png)

>>48360 As long as it has little girls are filling their bellies, the source doesn't matter
(1.09 MB 1690x1250 Doodles-1013394-Fort Toph.png)

We need more toph, especially her being snarky or with digestion.
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I can't tell if it's vore, but it was marked as vore on Pixiv
>>48763 Higurashi and Umineko have a lot of vore and sexual innuendo jokes, but they are unironically more than twice the length of the Bible if you want to read them.
Can you list of vore joke examples as I am curious.
(19.61 MB 1920x1401 PrismRose-1016125-anon_Anya1.gif)

(939.71 KB 2600x1769 PrismRose-1016126-anon_Anya2.png)

Brapies warning for the second image.
Spoilered for brapies, same as before.
Found this guy who does great GIF https://x.com/tscy10/status/1800311886447317028
(255.04 KB 2200x1960 20240613_063500.jpg)

>>49345 >>48986 Big logs of prey shit is hot
>>47632 Distinct lack of prey screams while they digest. So close to perfect
>>49571 They're just samples and unfinished so the full thing should be great.
>>49567 God that's hot. We definitely need more kindergartner preds
(1.52 MB 4093x2894 119370860_p0.jpeg)

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>>49766 She looks to have some heartburn there.
>>49826 Y'know, normally I prefer stomachs just be smooth, round surfaces, but this one (likely by virtue of not being vacuum-sealed) actually looks really cozy, curled up in her taut, nubile tummy, held against her, suspended in her warmth. One could almost delude themselves into believing they're her own child, before the gentle acids begin eroding that fantasy, though being a good meal they would relish the eternity they'll spend, wobbling on her plump cheeks.
>>50756 Inside Wendy's belly, they go.
I love asshole preds like this
>>44845 Bump
>>47681 Artist?
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Anyone know the artist of these pics? Can anyone tell me the artists name please? Thanks in advance
>>51760 I believe their name is stable diffusion
>>51787 The problem is that one makes some things only on his discord server and used there for some koikatsu too.
>>51918 Yeah, 1440A is someone you'd need a plant inside the Discord in order to find more stuff
There is something I am curious about, since this is thread #2, where is #1 at?
>>52014 Inactive threads are deleted at some point.
>>52033 Is there a way to look at the older threads?
>>52082 If they have been archived then yes, but the site archive is buggy so it's best to use something like the Wayback machine and hope someone archived it. However, as I was writing this I decided to check the site archive and found it, here is the link. https://archive.ph/8ur2K
>>52147 Wow, there are a lot of good content here. Kind of wish it wasn't removed here.
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I hate to ask but I just discovered that VoreAI Loli content is locked behind an email. If anyone can get his Nami open for business stuff I can give a useful tip to get any Patreon post that uses links.
>>52175 I should say the tip isn't perfect and after some testing, it doesn't work as well as I thought. I would still appreciate anyone who can get this and I'll still explain the tip even though it may not be the most useful tip.
>>52147 Frustratingly, this archived page that has been floating around doesn't have the full images, only the thumbnails.
>>52220 Sadly that can't be helped since the images change when expanded and the archive only saves them when they are thumbnails. however, some posts do work just not all.
>>52170 I know it's AI but this is the kinda digestion I like. I don't wanna see a cute loli eat someone and turn into an over-thickened tiddy monster, thus taking away some of what I like about lolis. Much rather see a whole-ass person get obliterated by a kid's metabolism down into near nothing, just fuel and a small part of a cute girl.
>>52264 based as fuck, I don't mind maybe some slight booba but it's always the same fucking shit where they just give them hyper titty and it ruins the whole appeal of having a small girl as pred
>>52264 >>52308 I'm a big fan of 0 gains with these types of characters. It gives off this wasteful feeling as they gained nothing and were probably better off eating a normal meal, but they instead took a life because they like how it feels and don't get or care about the fact someone died. One thing I also like which is rare to see outside of stories is how people react to loli preds. Like onlookers not caring or even endorsing the pred as they believe the prey was a creep, or the prey not seeing the danger until it's too late as they underestimate the pred and possibly even promising to feed the pred causing a misunderstanding. But most importantly how the pred shows no remorse only because they don't really get it and only see the good side of enjoying their food not the downside of the prey who suffers as their gut violently breaks down the food it's been given. I also think micro works well with loli preds as they are much more likely to see a tiny as not human and eat them which makes the situation feel much more real and have higher Stakes.
>>52326 To add to this here are a few of the stories I could find The guy misunderstands the situation and becomes food to some girl with his guards being dessert. https://aryion.com/g4/view/564416 The guy didn't pay his entry fee https://aryion.com/g4/view/708785 The guy tries to impress his fans but ends up as food to one of them and misunderstandings lead to him staying as her meal https://aryion.com/g4/view/488641 Asshole coworker feeds guy to girl and no one stops him or tells the girl it's wrong https://aryion.com/g4/view/756730 The younger sister takes over the stream as the older one becomes food https://aryion.com/g4/view/656701 Some teen pisses off stewardess (technically not a loli but the writing makes it out that she could look like one) https://aryion.com/g4/view/354531
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https://x.com/NovelVore/status/1814332061496361466/photo/4 "What the-- Qingyi, what did you do that for?" "Even encumbered like this, my body is faster and more resilient than yours. Carrying you like this maximizes our chance at escape." "Well, okay... I trust you..." ... "This will be a weird report..." I love this girl so much and hope she will get much more vore
>>52308 >>52326 I like it low gains. Imagine a greedy flatty gobbling up a bitch, just because she's jealous of her tits, and then a few days later, fresh from the shower, she gets a happy moment where she notices the bumps coming in. Thanks lady.
i was messing around with this and got some interesting results https://pixai.art/
She is the best Vtuber hands down and as someone who prefers F/M, she is one of the few people I would like to see F/F of.
>>52403 the creator fixed the grammar
(760.29 KB 2979x3988 GTcWOqrXQAAI81f.jpeg)

I've been waiting for the day Spaghetti draw a loli other than Touhou. I knew he did shortstacks well and his bulges look better on shorter and cute girls so it's nice seeing one of the most classic and underused lolis in his art. She fits his style nicely and I hope he dose more loli character in the future.
>>52572 You're probably gonna have to commission him for it and even then, he probably won't at this point
>>52661 NeuroSoCute. I'm surprised there isn't vore content for Evil, her sister, who have expressed desire to eat her chat whole multiple times
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SpontaneousFlame is doing a raffle for smol characters with not much pred art. https://aryion.com/g4/blog.php?id=80391 >>53184 This post was the result of the first one he did.
>>40705 Anyone know the artist for this? Or have any more pieces from them?
(1.56 MB 1968x3152 FoF-1039232-SarahandHarper.png)

>>53694 Shame he pretty quickly deleted this. He does that a lot, I've noticed. Hope I haven't missed any
>>53699 There's was a guy calling him "going Awooga Woof Bark" for "2 children" Maybe that caused a thread of comments.
>>53715 Artists seriously need to STOP bending the knee to these people that go around harassing random artists for drawing FICTIONAL cartoon/anime characters. Giving in to their harassment and bending the knee will just make it worse cause then they will never leave you alone after you've given them the attention they're craving. Just report them for harassment and move on; nothing more, nothing less.
>>53759 word
>>53759 One of them not vore but I think it was awesome
>>53796 2nd image is a chibi male
>>53759 Judging from FoF's behavior and way he "speaks" in Twt, sadly I'm pretty sure he shares a similar mentality to "policing" or "calling out".
>>53805 Can confirm, he does not
>>54072 I thought that would be the case since why would he post loli content if he had that type of mentality.
>>54096 Well, he used to have loli preds in Twitter, he deleted them later, what would you call that?
(1.37 MB 2412x2644 FoF-877248-lana-er (1).png)

(1.19 MB 6176x3648 FoF-951549-gooba.png)

(396.60 KB 2708x2560 FoF-952644-BadFComm.png)

>>54106 He still has images with Loli, also even if he didn't he still makes them every so often which goes against this idea. Deleting one image doesn't prove anything and the fact he has many Loli images still around and keeps posting them is enough proof to contradict the idea.
>>54232 i assume the second one is by yemeyami, but correct me and kindly provide source. and whats the third pic made by?
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>>54269 he's done a lot of loli characters
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>>54292 I wish he did more illya
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If weight gain was more like this I wouldn't mind as much. Especially if it's used as a joke where someone is wondering how she got so fat. artist https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/54271218
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Piper is perfect, I need more of this Loli Hag.
>>54349 she's adorable. I wouldn't mind holding her
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>>14527 Anyone know a sauce for that first image? That person drew other vore I've been looking for their shit for years. I recognize the style he had a DA with mostly non vore but he did draw a loud house character doing it once or twice. I think he liked hard vore too.
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>>54443 A edit I do for fun
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I feel this is how you do cute weight gain.
Source for the two school girl comic panels please?
>>54822 Odinboy666, good lucking finding this one though.
>>44869 artist for that 3rd pic? also dragon prey's name?
>>15083 Yo who is the artist on the 1st one?

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