/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Disposal Anonymous 10/04/2021 (Mon) 11:01:15 No. 1843 >>2071
What goes in must come out, preds eating and shitting out their prey.
>>1843 (OP) Who's the artist?
>>1848 sauce on the genie one?
This comic. There needs to be more black women putting their fatass to work. Their enormous butts are built for disposal. https://aryion.com/g4/view/376627
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down the hatch and out the back
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is this a main fetish? seems difficult to fulfill
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found it super weird till i found more vore, probably someone out there hiding it from the world feeling depressed. now that i have more time on my hands ill help you out niche creeps
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>>7009 Source?
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>>11380 Who made these?
>>11686 https://twitter.com/selenium1701/ This guy but I think he deleted them from his twitter.
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>>12075 >>11723 The previous work didnt appear. I'll send it again. Do you mean this?
>>12076 I just mean't that I couldn't find those scat ones in particular. Turns out he has a second account for scat. https://twitter.com/selenium1701_A/
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>>11686 this person. https://aryion.com/g4/view/764638 >>11723 I guess that's the now-anonymous person?
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Artist: XRayGun. Links: P1. https://aryion.com/g4/view/795078 P2. https://aryion.com/g4/view/795438 P3. https://aryion.com/g4/view/795705 P4. https://aryion.com/g4/view/795901 High chance of this being indicative of Vorse Raider's Harley Quinn vore-edit.
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>>15032 Uncensored
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>>16478 What happened to the first 11 pages?
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>>16513 they are Japanese and no text versions, there is also one more page to this which is this one.
>>16518 that sucks. What’s up with Japanese artists not doing vore sequences?
>>16536 I think the idea is that it's a surprise with you only knowing she ate her classmate when she says it, obviously, we know that she ate something since it's by a vore artist but who, why and how long ago are found out through dialogue. It puts more into the writing to sell the situation, she doesn't care for her prey and put him on the same level as a piglet and rabbit, it also allows us to imagine what happened and how she got away with it as well as leaving how the boy was eaten and how long he lasted up to interpretation. The writing does a lot to make this work and for many, there are some preferences to this type of vore, you see her as a sweet girl but then you realise she has a loose sense of morals and sees people as a source of food well still giving off a child-like demeanour. If we're lucky the artist may do more with her but I think they wanted to start it off like this to show the character and not ruin the picture you get from this with a sad capture and digestion part so we keep a somewhat cutesy but grim look for now. One problem I have with Japanese artists is the lack of the same size, they are obsessed with giantess and this artist is no expectation with his main OC always eating tinies so I'm just glad to see some same size from him.
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If y'all know any patreons that do post vore scat content, I'm looking for one or two to subscribe to, so lemme know if y'all got suggestions.
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Artist: Teaw00d
>>18129 sauce?
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>>15413 Artist: TeaW00d
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Does anyone have the disposal image that came after this one?
>>31986 Funny enough, I was on the hunt for this last week, since it's apparently been completely scrubbed from everywhere I thought to look. Fortunately it was saved on wayback.
>>31990 Thanks so much! Crazy coincidence that someone else was recently searching for the same image, you have great taste~
Follow-up to >>15413 All links provide detailed story-narrated context that dramatically amplify the effects of the visuals. If you skip or ignore them, You're missing out on an obscenely large amount of detail and context that shows you just how much of this that there's going to be in the future. Based on what's being developed in Mugen now, you can actually see how much more of this is coming very, VERY soon ( https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/14183.html#18097 ) if you're paying close attention to every piece of related content (such as >>22633 and >>22988 ) Artist: XRayGun. Links: P1. https://aryion.com/g4/view/825620 P2. https://aryion.com/g4/view/825841 P3. https://aryion.com/g4/view/826089 P4. https://aryion.com/g4/view/826540 P5. https://aryion.com/g4/view/826790
Ceilingsocket axed all their scat stuff. Anyone got it?
>>34384 it's not worth it, if someone where to reupload it he would send someone to dmca it.
>>34384 >>34397 all the more reason to post it, if that hysterical faggot is going to delete his shit at random it's worth getting as many backups floating around as we can
>>34408 you may be right, but his work is complete garbage. it's not worth it
the artist "tacticalfur" allegedly has a secret Mega folder full of scat pics. there might be disposal pics on there
>>35562 I love when a pred makes someone listen to the prey scream and cry while they're melting
Does anyonne remember this irl reddit post where some guy's wife eats his ashes and poops them out? I swear it existed not long ago but can't find a trace of it now
Anyone have the full version of utopia's (VTP) waterslide series? Can't find the full version of panel 4
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>>38998 This is what I got
Thank you!!! I have looked forver for this one
>>16478 source ?
Anyone have the full/uncropped version of Utopia's (VTP) Tiger Chan Series ? On kemono is only the cropped Version available :/
>>31986 >>31990 These are great, what's the artist/source?
>>40018 Not really. They aren't being digested and disposed, just released
>>41612 Thanks Anon!
>>41616 NP! Suggest you save the ones yall like as this is Tacticalfur's dropbox. I found it on a reply on twitter when someone asked for his scat stuff
found it from rule 34 about two blondes, unknown artist
>>45244 Posted by "Digestedgirl" on rule 34. They've deleted some of their post (some original, some edit) which is a shame as they all were really good. Especially the one where Yor got disposed
>>45470 Do you still have the Yor one or any others?
Kitagawa and the British woman one make me fin
>>45486 whats the artist for the Kitagawa
unknown artist but I found it from the link
(6.02 MB 960x720 lv_0_20240416194910.mp4)

gathered it from "DigestedGirl" this guy keeps edit pictures from other artists but he made them better and even more nastier than the original and uploaded it on r34
(6.90 MB 960x720 lv_0_20240422090106.mp4)

dinosaur eats girl and shit her remains out of it's anus
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>>45845 holy shit, this is insane
why most of them are blonde chicks?
>>48086 Source?
>>46146 is that the same carla from devour the dinosaur hunter made by vivid lucidity?
https://aryion.com/g4/view/454561 is that the one but where's the other two, kylie and shantae
>>48495 that's the one, i can't count how many times i have cum while reading as carla got slurped into the dinosaur stomach and then turned to stinky dinoshit
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alternate Tasley91's Crop top audio edited
>>48921 Source?
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>>52414 Oh this is great. Where did you find it?
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>>52448 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/119693861 These two are from the same artist's fanbox via kemono.
>>52453 Got a link to their kemono?

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i have heard arcta9 new comic has disposal, release it
>>56319 no one yet to have it
>>57533 actually it's Birmingham
>>57533 What’s the source on this image?
>>57551 rule34
someone did upload it, well, somehow i recognized this "carla" like i heard of her before
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Does anyone have this kittyskatt video: https://www.femscat.com/store_view.php?id=303&item=8135

Index Catalog Archive Top Reply 175

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