/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

SMT/Persona Vore Anonymous 10/04/2021 (Mon) 21:20:13 No. 1865
Vore of any of the characters in any of these series
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Morgana is a girl in this set FYI. It's not gay
>>1865 Why does it feel like there's next to no art of the girls eating Joker? It's always just the girls eating each other. Does it fuck with people's self insert fantasies or something?
>>3090 It’s because most people prefer F/F over F/M
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(710.51 KB 2350x2400 tae3Vore kafekafei dx.png)

Tae Takemi vore, anyone?
>>3090 Because all of the people like Purse Owner Five are all fags.
>>6011 Whoops. Messed up the third part. My bad
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>>11168 There was 2 endings to this, Digestion and safe one where she was let out. Do you have them?
>>14411 >>11168 I have the 2 previous parts and the non fatal ending. If there is a fatal version I dont think Ive ever seen it..
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Kinda wish there was more rise Kujikawa vore
Where’s the smt I only see persona
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You know what there needs to be more of? Teddie vore. He gets far too little love and it's gotta change.
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New hag from the Chinese gacha
(1.41 MB 725x1015 Jevmav-978228-mitsuru.gif)

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>>41580 sauce ?

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