/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Cub Vore Anonymous 09/02/2021 (Thu) 02:52:26 No. 188
for those less into cute human kiddos
(176.62 KB 733x1100 231383_Roop_cubvore.jpg)

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(232.19 KB 1000x679 chubbyjam-407636-lion+cub+vore.png)

(220.66 KB 1000x755 chubbyjam-556974-cubnalamaw.png)

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(336.09 KB 1054x1280 26834084.slurpies.png)

>>188 Is there anyone here that archived more of Xepher777's cub vore from his Inkbunny gallery? He deleted it and he's also DNP on e621, so no dice there.
>>22449 https://anonfiles.com/Bbnfg7Mfyd/xepher777_zip Here's the full archive from Furarchive. I'm not sifting through the literal shit to find the few good pieces of cub vore.
(185.15 KB 904x1280 baby fur noms.jpg)

(433.92 KB 1280x1811 underbab1.jpg)

Hope this picks up some more
>>25215 Oooh source on these two?
(183.59 KB 1280x800 IMG_5476.JPG)

Ambiguously cub but here's something.
>>25230 Those two pieces are done by OurHandsH, but they do cub stuff like once in a thousand pics- they don't even do fur that often. I wish I had more cub vore, it's so hot and so rare
>>28164 sauce?
>>28177 SpaghettiZ seems to be the artist
>>22509 i sifted through it a while back. The only good pieces have been posted here already. Theres a grand total of like, 8 vore images in the entire thing, and 5 of them have scat in them
>>28280 Artist?
>>28549 Spotted Squeak from a long time ago.
>>28549 >>28583 Back when he still went under ForestWolf and wasn't a nutjob
>>28584 Jesus, his style is completely different now. Most artists you can tell it's the same person, even with their oldest stuff, but this is night and day compared to today.
>tfw see the thread was bumped with three new posts >tfw it's just discussion I wish cub vore wasn't so rare
>>28584 He turned into a nutjob? What happened lol
>>28628 He tilted really really hard into politics and the cult mentality of tribalism about 4 years ago and hasn't recovered. He's unable to seperate himself from it in anyway at any point in time. >>28629 Hello Vammtur
>>28658 are there any examples of this?
(311.01 KB 989x1280 photo_2023-04-18_22-51-44.jpg)

>>28678 You just need to look at his twitter and how he acts in general now. Everything is political, everything comes back to identity nonsense. He's surrounded by an echo chamber and fallen in line with that furfag cult mentality. It only got worse when one of his parents died.
(421.51 KB 1015x1514 Deerbelly-441758-azzyf.png)

(44.77 KB 568x551 photo_2023-06-02_00-15-17.jpg)

(416.10 KB 686x902 IMG_1781.PNG)

(421.51 KB 1015x1514 Deerbelly-441758-azzyf.png)

>>31117 Source/ artist?
Does anyone have that artpiece from the old voreboard where it has a young cub being quite proud wearing glasses and a diaper and his mom is quite ashamed about finding his older brother's ball cap in the diaper pail while the young cub is telling the Mom that his big bro is here (as in being disposed of)?
>>32478 Gotcha covered
Yo anon, thank you! I thought this piece was lost forever in the old board, but you had it, so thank you so much! I really greatly appreciate you finding it and bringing here. It's sooooooooo good!
(74.22 KB 763x947 F2tNnR6XABQ3Z4M.jpg)

>>33186 Source/artist?
>>33281 Source? The artist I found doesn't seem to make this kind of thing.
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>>36509 Sauce?
No one is making enough of this stuff these days
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>>40742 Hot :3c
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>>37431 Source of the second?
>>45579 modern tails is not a cub
>>46242 ThatKeiGuy is fucking great
>>46252 the only way he could be better is if he did same size
>>47143 Damn that was fast lmao
(848.33 KB 1600x1200 Zapor-1031735-Creamburgar.jpg)

>>44138 >>45275 These two are really cute
>>32695 Absolute DREAM right here! As a prey, if a cub this young came up and wanted me in his tummy, I’d probably just dive into his maw right there and then~ either that, or try to persuade him into sucking me up hisbread,,, <3
>>52902 Rear*, no clue why it autocorrected to that :/
>>52902 Same here! The one in the OP is really cute too, wish I could be gurgled into fat and pamp stuffing by either of them...
>>33004 anyone got more of Yumi's cub stuff? So mad people dogpiled them into nuking it all
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Is it me or cub vore has been rare as fuck lately? I rarely ever see new stuff
>>64668 There's been a big crackdown on it, even on the sites that normally allow it. Also holidays, so pretty much everyone is traveling and it's pretty hard to make this furry art of any kind when family is nearby.
(1.79 MB 1280x1280 hungry rabbit.png)

Might as well post this here as well
>>64784 btw, if anyone has any requests, I would be down with giving it a shot (I'm a beginner, so I might not be able to get you exactly what you want)
>>64788 Maybe something with Luca (the fish boy from the Pixar movie) as pred? I’ve searched everywhere but can’t find anything with him
>>64788 Maybe the (little) Big Bad Wolf eating (big) Little Red Riding Hood?
(1.72 MB 1280x1280 luca.png)

(3.92 MB 1792x1792 lil bad wolf.png)

(3.11 MB 1792x1792 fat lil wolf.png)

>>64836 >>64843 Sorry if they aren't that great, I hope they're to your liking
>>64877 Holy shit dude thank you so much. That first image is pretty much perfect
>>64877 Ooh, I really like the internal on first the lil bad wolf one! Have you made any more internal shot stuff?
>>64884 Glad that it was to your liking! >>64886 Nope, I haven't. I still haven't learned how to inpaint, so I had to generate that internal separately and edit it in in Krita myself. I pretty much manually fixed the issues the raw gens had by myself
>>64877 Damn the luca one is good. The bad wolf aren't bad either. Any chance on Winnie Werewolf getting a meal?
>>64890 Your edit was very good then! Have you ever made any anal vore gens before?
(2.23 MB 1536x2048 winnie 1.png)

(2.06 MB 1280x1792 winnie 2.png)

>>64891 Here you go, anon! >>64943 Nope, but I don't think I can pull them off without heavy editing at the moment
(2.24 MB 1536x2048 winnie 1.png)

>>65081 Whoops, realized I forgot to fix the ribbons after posting
(3.00 MB 1536x2048 asriel.png)

Have a bonus Asriel about to make some goat milk~
>>65081 Looking good. Really astonishing what you can do nowadays with AI. Should have made her just a bit more pudgy so she has to run around more, working her meal off.
(2.74 MB 1696x1344 hungry scoutter.png)

(2.68 MB 1344x1696 fat scoutter.png)

(2.68 MB 1344x1696 fat scoutter no text.png)

(3.12 MB 1536x1920 meow balls no nose.png)

(3.12 MB 1536x1920 meow balls.png)

>>65138 I really should have, but the looks were getting wonky with the Winnie model when I added too many things. Also, if you want weight gain, you might want to check this one out! I also included a textless version of the second one. Oh yeah, and the last two images are unrelated and it's cub Meow Skulls CV.
>>65160 These are awesome! If you’re taking ideas, I’d love to see mass vore of Asriel, Spike, or Tulin. Eating the underground, Ponyville, and the other Sages respectively would make them into mega thicc and breedable sluts
(3.05 MB 2304x1696 very hungry gote.jpg)

(3.03 MB 2304x1696 very hungry gote no glow.jpg)

(3.56 MB 1696x2304 assolute god of hyperfat.jpg)

(3.18 MB 1696x2304 assriel.jpg)

(2.91 MB 1920x1776 assolute god of hyperscat.jpg)

>>65167 There you go! You get a whole sequence with an alt Also, the last one is a disposal picture, so avoid clicking on that if you don't wanna see it
>>65199 Amazing. That’s some GOOOD stuff, thanks! You’re free to have those other ideas, btw. And if you need other ones, consider Cream or Tails eating the rest of the cast! Or, for a more out their suggestion, consider sssonic2’s versions of Roo or Simba. Here’s what they look like :3
(3.15 MB 2304x1696 stuffed roo.jpg)

(3.41 MB 1696x2304 roo ass.jpg)

(3.41 MB 1696x2304 roo ass alt.jpg)

(2.49 MB 1696x1696 gay roo.jpg)

(2.47 MB 1696x1696 straight roo.jpg)

>>65203 I think I'll pass on Spike and Tulin for now, but I just had to do something with Roo, he
(1.23 MB 1128x1128 roo maw.jpg)

>>65227 And a mawshot for good measure
>>65227 >>65228 Simply amazing, this is good shit~
One last batch of suggestions for the road that I forgot to add: Noelle, Berdly, Riolu, Gumball, or Winnie Werwolf (from Hotel Transylvania)
(3.22 MB 2304x1696 cream stuffed.jpg)

(2.88 MB 1696x2304 fat cream.jpg)

>>65233 Thank you~ Here, have some quick Cream gens, since you mentioned her earlier >>65234 Noelle and Berdly would be good...
>>65236 Some good Cream pred, thank goodness, this is great!
>>65227 damn man these are great. Keep em coming!
>>65238 Any particular character you'd like to see? >>65237 Glad you like them!
>>65244 >Any particular character you'd like to see? NTA, but could you do a Riolu cock voring some other 'mons, followed then by him either cumming like a geyser and/or drinking the remains of his former friends .
>>65244 Maybe some macro/micro vore with Luca as the pred?
>>65250 Pistol from goof troop, Young nick as scout, Akamaru/Ninetails from Naruto, maybe a young Renamon/guilmon eating up tamers
>>65244 >>65272 Wrong reply, sorry.
>>65199 I liked the mass vore and the outlines of the prey
>>65227 >>65228 Ooh, a very nice internal! Cheeky dialogue too. Maybe more boys should eat their moms?
(3.80 MB 1920x1920 riolu cv.jpg)

(2.56 MB 1696x1696 riolu cum.jpg)

>>65250 Here, have a Riolu! I haven't been home much these last two days, but I'll try to fill in a couple more requests
(3.72 MB 1696x2304 noelle.jpg)

(3.28 MB 1696x2304 gutgrave.jpg)

(2.97 MB 1696x2304 sleepy noelle.jpg)

(2.99 MB 1920x1920 noelle dump.jpg)

>>65234 Sorry, I didn't feel like writing dialogues for this one
(293.55 KB 640x360 Nice.webm)

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>>65272 They are boyfriend and girlfriend! >>65353 I forgot to add >ywn be processed by Noelle's four stomachs and pumped through her intestines
(3.77 MB 2304x1696 pistol.jpg)

(3.45 MB 1696x2304 fat pistol.jpg)

>>65272 And a Pistol for you! Last post from me for today, I need to get some sleep
>>65367 Think the stuff with dialogue from you is my favorite, especially when the cub themselves are lying. Trying to keep their secret despite the OBVIOUS evidence
>>65388 Do you prefer it when the cubs know fully well what they're doing by eating people or when it's accidental or they didn't understand the consequences?
>>65360 Oof turned to cubs. Too hungry to realise they just ate tamers/digidestined >>65367 gotta love when the pred is either a total gremlin or entirely innocent ... either way those two wont show up anymore.
(2.99 MB 1696x2304 pisthot.jpg)

>>65388 >>65407 She is a little bastard, I tell you what
>>65398 Tbh, I love both sides of the spectrum; when the cub is aware and tries to play the innocent bean card, and when the cub is GENUINELY an innocent bean and doesn’t understand what they just did. I think the latter is my favorite. Innocence in vore is perfection, lugging around those mega gains with no knowledge of gravity of the situation
>>65412 I love when it's taken a step further. Like they just followed their instincts, not knowing it was bad. Like Simba eating Zazu, Timon, and Pumba, or scenes like that. Natural pred/prey things, but the pred thinks they did nothing wrong because it's natural. Honestly, if I can put a request in, I'd love to see some Simba scenes. >>65360
>>65414 Take that even further, Simba would totally eat his dad too, maybe at Scar’s behest cause his dad DID say that he’s meant to be ruler. Maybe he just can’t wait enough that he decides to take it a bit early :3 also, I’d like to push the design I pushed earlier of sssonic2’s Simba, aka the only Simba design that’s actually good. His adult form is literally just a carbon copy of Mufasa, cub Simba better
(3.25 MB 1920x1920 tasty dad.jpg)

(3.29 MB 1696x2304 simba plap.jpg)

>>65414 >>65415 Here, have Simba eating his dad and being plapped by uncle Scar
>>64788 I know this isn’t technically cub, but could you do kaa eating and digesting mowgli?
(2.97 MB 1696x2304 pisthot 2.jpg)

>>65408 I am enjoying genning this little bastard
>>65440 I apologize, but I really dislike Kaa lmao
>>65442 That’s alright. Mowgli being eaten by anyone could be good, like young Simba, winnie or any other pred you can think of, he’s just a pretty good prey in general.
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(2.56 MB 2304x1696 berdly sitting.jpg)

>>65234 I had these saved for a couple of days, but only managed to edit them today You have no idea how much editing the third picture required >>65497 Oh, these are cute! Especially the third one! I should gen some Bluey...
>>65493 Yeah Mowgli's always a good prey. He's too trusting of wild animals. Some characters are just really good prey or preds. Like Simba or Spyro the Dragon are great cocky preds, while Mowgli, Tails, and Cream the Rabbit are great prey. I like the Bluey kids as prey too, but the above images are great too.
(2.92 MB 1920x1920 chocolat belly 1.jpg)

(2.72 MB 1920x1920 chocolat belly 2.jpg)

(1.52 MB 1128x1536 chocolat paws.jpg)

I remembered about her game today, so you get a couple of quick vore gens (and a steamy paws one fresh off the boots as a bonus)
>>65503 THIS IS PERFECT! BERDLY IS THE BEST BOY! Fuck yeah, I absolutely love Berdly
Out of the blue pick: Maeve from Twokinds Would the generator even recognize her?
>>65537 I'll see if I can find a LORA for her later today, she seems very cute
>>65543 On trash the twokinds threads they often talk about the LORA's pretty sure Maeve was on there. Any chance there could also be young Flora/Kathrine eating unsuspecting humans?
(3.14 MB 1920x1920 maeve maw.jpg)

(3.17 MB 1696x2304 maeve belly.jpg)

(2.94 MB 1696x2304 happy maeve.jpg)

(2.91 MB 2304x1696 hungry flora.jpg)

(3.38 MB 2304x1696 fat flora.jpg)

>>65556 TwoKinds? More like two kids, am I right? >>65522 I'm glad you liked it, anon! I am really happy of how the final one came out
>>65565 My friend who loves Maeve who asked for this really appreciated this. I didn’t ask for Flora but they loved that too. If I could, I’ll just keep advocating for more Maeve, cause I agree, she’s mega cute and deserves it all
(2.29 MB 1696x1696 maeve smooch.jpg)

(2.76 MB 1696x2304 maeve fondle.jpg)

(2.79 MB 2304x1696 maeve rub.jpg)

(1.88 MB 1920x1080 maeve gift wrapped.jpg)

>>65595 Absolutely, I was genning more of her anyway! Here's a follow up where anon crits on their HMOFA charisma check
>>65565 Ironic enough Flora finally got bigger boobs... she just had to digest a few humans. >>65605 Now we just feed rude customers to her and enjoy the belly it seems. Maeve is just a cutie. Any Nora LORA available? Nora is one of those mischievous character who i could see eating people.
How are you making these?
>>65668 Local installation and a powerful machine, that's about it, really
>>65338 If you are still taking requests, could you do a fennekin laying on top of her large belly filled with prey? Or a buneary laying in bed with a massive belly as she sleeps? Thanks in advance! These generations look really good!
>>65689 Please would you kindly do more Maeve~ Would love to see more digestion.
>>65565 Nice! Wasn’t expecting to see TwoKinds stuff here. Have you thought of genning one of Maeve having eaten her mom, Adira? Or maybe one of Maddie eating her mom, Adelaide? I just now realized both of them start with M and A. Or maybe for a twist, the moms eating their kids?
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Anyone got the "Inner Child" comic from Cownugget?
>>67062 What was the content of it? The name sounds kind of familiar.
>>67096 A cub swallow a man's soul.

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