/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Spy × Family Vore Thread Anonymous 10/03/2022 (Mon) 11:39:32 No. 19445
A thread for Spy × Family vore related content
(2.37 MB 3969x3490 ypr vore.jpg)

(11.55 MB 810x810 YORFINALFINALLY.gif)

(673.92 KB 1800x2900 bnnnnxg19-805090-yor.jpg)

(1.31 MB 1800x1595 yor forger starcross.png)

(2.68 MB 3000x2100 yor forger stygianrook.png)

>>19482 honestly this is the first time ive seen art from jora that i dont like
(960.84 KB 1000x1415 Patrycja-857937-1s.png)

(827.73 KB 1000x1415 Patrycja-866409-1s.png)

(1.99 MB 1200x1226 Fm0eHlJXEAA7IeV_jpg.png)

(1.97 MB 1207x1202 Fm0eKz8X0AE3sSv_jpg.png)

(2.02 MB 1335x1375 Flvp-8uWYAIis3U_jpg.png)

(2.20 MB 1034x1393 FlvqFiBWAAEClRE_jpg.png)

>>25525 >a telepath being able to hear the thoughts of someone being digested Giga-boner
(967.08 KB 1000x1415 Patrycja-891319-1_2s.png)

(1.56 MB 1800x2000 Aru-896864-Some.png)

Is there more of anya here?
(582.46 KB 2200x2800 Patreon Dino May23.png)

>>30654 A telepath being able to hear the thoughts of the prey from the outside as they're digested is a pretty interesting idea. I'm kind of surprised that it hasn't come up more often.
(184.58 KB 1722x2048 F7lBhsPWQAA9zu_.jfif)

(321.61 KB 1872x2048 F7lBhsPWEAAyKQu.jfif)

>>19481 Here's the audio edit
(11.55 MB 810x810 YORFINALFINALLY.gif)

>>38696 This edit would be amazing if it ended with it fading from the internal shot with the sounds getting quieter and then went to the ending of the original animation where we see Yor's belly after digestion of her prey
>>38699 didn't see your comment before I made this new one but I hope you're happy now
>>38702 not that guy but good shit
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(1.61 MB 3000x6000 2.5.jpg)

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(1.75 MB 2500x7000 4.jpg)

(1.76 MB 5000x4000 5.jpg)

(1.58 MB 4000x4000 6.jpg)

(2.07 MB 2760x1440 Mihan44-985124-assassin-1-1.png)

(2.74 MB 2760x1380 Mihan44-985750-assassin-2.png)

(1.37 MB 1000x2386 54434544345453345345 2.png)

(2.60 MB 1690x2372 Rokka-yorxloid-edit.png)

(2.68 MB 1690x2372 Rokka-yorxloid-original.png)

(6.08 MB 3000x3000 yor+forger.png)

love how there's only 2 characters ppl make vore of in this series
(794.73 KB 4096x1583 GjNORTiXMAAybhY.jpg)

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