/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Child prey Anonymous 11/01/2022 (Tue) 00:14:03 No. 20810
This thread is for people to post children getting eaten and digested.
Edited last time by Joemama4621 on 11/01/2022 (Tue) 07:38:27.
i think this counts
Translation: I'm a nonce
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>>20810 We all would have barely left a squirming bulge some time long ago and this fetish seems to get people early. So then, thread? when did you realise you wanted to be crammed inside an adult? I used to have a music teacher with a massive ass what must have been 20 years ago give or take. The music room was full of soft things because acoustics I guess and open but usually empty during break, so being the sperg I was obviously I'm hiding in a pillow/beanbag mountain. I hear the door open and she walks in, long, frumpy but thin dress and woolly blouse. Make sure I can't be seen because I kind of looked up to her and would be a bit embarrassed. Get fucking engulfed and compacted as she jumps down on the pile so hard the child inside must have just registered as unevenness or something so she shifts her posture, this making the dress ride up her ass crack and taking what felt like my whole upper body with it. Spend 15 minutes as close to unaware pred, shota prey, anal vore has mankind might ever know while she enjoys a coffee. And have wet dreams about vanishing up that hoop for the rest of my childhood. You cannot top this sexual awakening, bozos. Lightning Jesus doing BMX in a bottle tricks in a bottle odds.
>>20894 Butchered the last sentence so guess I need to sleep. Whatever, you get the point.
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>>20894 I don't really want to be in someone or have someone in me, I just like to watch people and kids digest
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>>21182 Source?
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>>21442 Sauce?
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>>22243 Source?
>>22408 Source?
Anyone know if it's
possible to view the child prey tag on ekas? The tag itself leads to a blank page, yet the tag cloud implies there's probably a lot of it
They shifted it all to underage_prey
>>23865 I think it was shadowbanned or smth,I noticed it too but child prey works i favourited previously are still there so they weren't deleted
>>21527 Can someone tell the artist? Thx.
(5.55 MB 2597x3625 Varu-849468-nim 1.jpg)

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>>24148 man varu sure spends a lot of pages on Not Vore.
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>>24276 source on these cause didn't seem em on ek
>>24277 Now where's the follow up of them all dissolving into pussy juice?
Does somebody know where to find a story that was about one kid showing up at this girl's door while she was digesting some other kid? I'ts recent if i'm not mistaken, found it on deviantart.
Remember her thinking about not eating too many kids otherwise she would have to move, and while sitting on the couch after her second prey she was thinking about the quality of her digestion and the aftermath
>>24291 Artist is Shryland, it's been removed from their gallery I think. https://e-hentai.org/g/686689/944f97ae96/
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>>24311 Sauce on these?
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>>24798 Wish someone could edit the middle teacher image, to Her instead him so it would be f/f ^^
>>24798 Source on the third image?
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>>24277 For being so willing they don't look very happy in there
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>>20896 This comic needed to show all the eating and digestion, not just cut to the end
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>>24165 I liked the build up but it needed a few more pages of post-vore, and some kind of closing page
>>25316 Where are you finding these?
>>25428 Aesir's Discord
>>25446 So are these new?
>>25446 Because I couldn't find it when I looked through the discord.
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>>25377 Which just came out
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Does anyone have the internal of this?
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>>26420 Thank you!
Where are people getting their Loli vore? eka's is kinda shit
Posting an old classic
>>27575 Last page and a few bonuses
Who's the artist I've seen works like it before?
>>27900 Thank you
Alternate digestion ending coming soon too https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/106585724
(656.43 KB 1600x1400 ezkerbkun-861887-your.png)

I still hope we get a in-between for this.
>>27925 If this is true hopefully it's done through drawing and not 3d. I loved this sequence but I just wished it had ended with her digesting the girl. When I first saw the sequences I thought she was going to keep the boy and use the girl as food which I thought was hot, but sadly she let the girl out. So if it's true then I'm looking forward to the digestion version.
spoiler digestion internal hopefully we'll get to see her either eat or unbirth Nox in the second part too
(198.81 KB 812x1000 Aesir_424146_31TrickOrTreat.jpg)

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>>28976 now that's a throwback
Anyone have that really old pic from Aesir that was called like "Loli vs Vore". I think it was from a meme like 10 years ago.
>>29460 What's the source?
(124.10 KB 343x610 revr.PNG)

Found this on instagram, I couldn't found the original but I'm it was commisioned by RoyalSerpent
I remember this picture from a horror manga where these two oni are eating people and one of them wrings blood onto a child before swallowing them whole. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Is there a way to see this tag on Eka's? I remember that some time ago all stories with the child prey tag were shadowbanned, yet I still see the tag in the tag cloud. Is there a way to browse the stories??
>>28039 Are there digestion x-rays of what's left over of the sister for the breast feeding panels? Interested in seeing the progression from Loli to soup
>>29840 As far as I know, tags with child prey are completely shadowbanned and works with that tag won't show up even if you're searching with a different tag or even by artist. The only way to see work with those tags is looking in an artists gallery. Good news is it only seems to be tags with the word 'child' in it so underage and loli/shota are able to be viewed though 'underage' needs to be found through the tag search page. I believe most artists know about this as the use of the child prey tag has been on the decline, so it'll mostly be finding old stories that'll be the problem sadly.
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(2.25 MB 2597x3625 Varu-893710-nim 14.jpg)

>>25524 It's getting near the end it seems >>29840 >>29856 You can still find the stories/images if you recall the images using other specific tags if it helps
>>29967 Are you sure? I'm pretty sure as long as it has the child prey tag, it won't show up in search even if you search by other tags.
>>29978 Aw man that must be a new change. Sucks to know
>>28037 X-ray version of the breast feeding scene?
>>30030 Done a few tests and it seems content faved by others with those tags will show up on their favorite list, so there's that at least if know where to look
>>29970 >no_one_you_know--Pierre and the Lion - Page 1+3.png Page 2 is better
(2.59 MB 2597x3625 Varu-902185-nim 15.jpg)

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>>29967 New page >>31017 True but it doesn't fit the thread
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Anyone have any mother/daughter cooking/food prep stuff? Preferably where the mom prepares the daughter as a sandwich before eating her but I’m not picky.
>>21562 >>20871 Korram and my art is some of the only well done fappable stuff in here. I should go do more kid prey, I got a comic or two I never had time to start. Too busy with my main comic tho. I don't get the enjoyment of the same size stuff, it's like every pred is Elasti-girl.
>>31717 I feel comfortable saying most of us will take elastigirl as pred over wild animals. Can't stand the monster/feralpred and bestiality shit, while true giantess just doesn't do it for me.
>>31717 No hate though, your style is solid, just can't get into the content. If you ever branch out into more human/anthro pred again for some child prey shit it'd be great.
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>>31728 >>31729 Just some sane micro would be nice to see. I did a mononoke comic, and like a few loli pred commissions like that. If I ever returned to human pred, would focus on micros about the size of a predators hand.
>>31717 Idk how people enjoy micro stuff at all. So boring, nothing going on, nothing to see.
>>31791 yeah same, I luv bulges and weight gain. cant really have that with micro. To each their own tho
>>31791 I tend to like same size more than micro, but in stories or comics, micro can be great. A single picture can't really show why tiny vore is good since it's typically about feelings and reactions. Tiny prey is more like a toy for the pred, being helpless and forced to do as the pred pleases. They can be ripped away from safety, and can't do much about it. I also like how tines are discreet prey, as preds only need to time their attack, and then they get a free meal with no consequences because no one would know. You also have the fact they don't affect the body, allowing more time to focus on the pred doing day-to-day things, which adds to that idea of them being food, like how we have a nice meal and then 20 minutes later go and do the next thing. They are also perfect for the idea of wasteful use of life, the pred is barely getting a meal out of them but eats them for the simple fact that they can, and the pred will most likely forget them within minutes well they do a thing like talking to friends, shopping or work. You can do a lot of this with same size but micro works way better. One of my favourite stories that is sadly gone was a story based on Seraph of the End. In it, the main guy is accidentally swallowed by the main girl, and since only she knows this, it ends with her not caring and going on with her day. There was this idea throughout the story that she could easily gulp him down any second as she holds him in her mouth to scare him into submission. So when she accidentally swallows him, her shocked yet uncaring attitude is perfect. Two final reasons I just thought of well writing this is that they can be great for young preds that are dangerously naive and could easily go from playing with you to snacking on you just because it's a game to them or they're just not really aware of the risk to you or the cruelty of their actions, as well as micro prey being in some ways more realistic. Imagine shrinking next to someone who may see a tiny as an opportunity to try something or someone who doesn't fully get the immoral nature of swallowing someone alive is scary but exciting. With same-size, it struggles to make those concepts work.
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>>31815 https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/14435.html Young giantess preds kino. Commissions I did of that. Commissions of loli prey i did.,
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>>31929 sauce for first pic?
>>32355 Sauce for the middle pic?
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>>28039 Here's a teaser
>>32919 She makes quite the nice bulge
>>32919 So is this an alternative outcome of that one comic, right?
>>32919 Sweet, I wonder if she'll end up eating Nox too
>>32919 Sauce?
>>32959 There are no alternative endings. The kids always end up as shit
>>33049 Actually there is a "safe" ending and a lethal ending this is the lethal ending the alternative will involve nox there's no sauce yet for anyone wondering because it's not finished yet there's going to be a lot of x rays to id give it 5 days at most before release
>>32969 Sadly no it's getting REALLY hard to find the project I just got a new house and it's made funding projects like this difficult originally I had a anal route for her but it's since been scrapped
>>33081 damn, that would have been good. maybe in the future or if someone else picks it up. thanks anon
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>>33191 There's x rays on the fanbox
>>33197 If you have fanbox access, would you be willing to update the Kemono? It hasn't been updated since April.
I’m surprised no one has uploaded this yet, Madame Mim page 16 anyway
>>31113 Continuation from here
>>32368 my computer. I deleted them from my galleries. Might be on Pixiv still, I don't know, haven't touched pixiv in forever
>>33226 I can't even find them in kemono
>>33951 Mim page 17. Scat warning.
>>34077 Source on the last two?
>>34186 I'm pretty sure this is the artist, I'm unsure where those specific drawings are from though https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/17428318
Curiosity who’s Mim?
>>34256 She's Madam Mim from Sword in the Stone, a witch who at one point shapeshifts into her younger self
>>25474 They aren't new.
Just looking for some stuff involving lolis getting cooked/prepared as food (sandwiches, burritos, burgers, etc.). Preferably mother/daughter stuff but I’m not picky about the relationship of the pred and prey.
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Are captions okay here? Cause I made one
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>>34811 source on that wolf milf pic?
>>28039 does it stop here or there is more coming soon?
>>20823 Welcome to 8chan
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>>35154 There's a also this which should be the conclusion
>>35382 from the top, I mentioned these. Are they already in sequence or just parts?
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>>35436 Already in I believe
>>35436 Try and read the whole dumped image set. The order/sequence is extremely obvious. Especially when it ends with shitting out remains
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>>37345 By who plz?
>>37354 Aesir
>>37345 Got damn really wish Aesir still posted him loli stuff publicly
>>37388 This is from 2019. It was posted publicly until he deleted it.
Has this god of all threads kind stopped with the rest of this board cuz no more kiddie tags on eka?
Does anyone have this?
>>37871 jesus christ, what the fuck is that
>>37872 Agreed wtf
>>37877 >>37872 The title is strange. But I'm sure that there is no such “scary” content there... Well, does anyone have this?
>>37885 idk the bottom right of the first image seems a bit gory... anyway, i don't have the comic, but i found the author's kemono page altough it doesn't have the comic yet he's called ff666, and the comic is named waterloo blossom
>>37871 the guy who makes this does some of the most realistic vore I've ever seen his unbirth comic was NEXT level! This looks to be his darkest work yet. My bud supposedly got to read it and says it's a rare case of the prey actually winning. He isn't willing to share because it's really new though...
>>37909 give me the SAUCE!! gimme gimme please!!
>>37930 nKAIRObi
>>37932 Cheers man. Couldn’t read the damn signiture
>>37909 It's getting really obvious nKAIRObi and DrWorm are the same person
>>37871 I have it. The cover with the full stomach being pulled out of the body really hyped me a lot, not gonna lie. But it turns out there is no such thing in the actual comic, also as said before, the kid gets to escape by cutting the woman's gut open from the inside using a cutter. The ending is not satisfying at all, really. Also, the comic is done in such a way that I thought I had a version with fucked up formating and missing pannels, quite strange. Anyway, love this artist. He's been doing way more vore work in the recent year than at it's beginning. Hopefully he keeps doing that. Still interested by the comic ?
>>37971 Yes, im still interested. It would be very kind of you if you share with us.
>>37976 https://send.vis.ee/download/ba6ea01a29153e30/#1jjn5IDNu5asKmzOzVOO6Q Only 10 downloads left. Could cap it to more sorry guys. Can someone suggest a better anonymous uploader ?
>>38012 Thank you for your generosity! https://turbo.my seems good except for the “unusual reputation”
>>38012 Reup pls? I missed it.
>>38012 anonymfile com is good one
>>38026 Getting a malware warning from this.
Someone should keep a running pixeldrain for lamina dream/ggf666 for all their comics and commissions
>>37969 Yeah lol I thought about that but idk. Some things just look too different. Maybe he was just inspired by his artstyle
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>>35382 None of y'all posted the internals smh
>>38026 Repost please?
>>37871 >>38012 >>38026 Can someone upload it again? I wanted to solve the puzzle that the author gave with these three file names, but the only link that does not lead to the main page is this: https://mega.nz/file/ZTY1nYID#nNgaVjoJAvA6T0QuDF however requires some kind of key.... so good joke. Files are here: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/26022735/post/91869043
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>>38337 sauce?
>>38587 >>38588 In general, thanks a lot, no matter what... but I have the impression that there should be more pages than 6 ;p
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>>38598 Yeah anon forgot to post part 4, here it is.
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Here are all the seven pages in the correct order :
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>>38633 5, 6 and 7
As I said before, the formatting is a bit weird. I guess the kid gutting the pred from inside is a nice halloween idea. But really not for my taste. Was an inch from being the greatest vore comics of all time
She is really stupid, that she allowed him to put all this things in her throat...
>>38635 This.....bummer there isn't a happy ending for the teacher.
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>>34183 Last 2 final pages
>>39253 You know who made it my guy?
>>39282 Thanks
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>>39341 The most creepy thing about that is... this could be canon and even that, maybe Timmy was rapped by Vicky when he turned 13.
>>39510 source?
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>>39529 Niggas jerk it to everything my guy. if you can think it, someone has beat their schmeat to it
>>27919 >>28036 >>31709 >>33191 >>33226 >>35382 >>37871 >>38337 >>38633 Artist moved to another fanbox link since old one got shut down I think, if anyone has it and can upload it to Kemono, pls do Old: https://ggf666.fanbox.cc/ New: https://ym333.fanbox.cc/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/wIGIJPstl5dqjy8
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Anyone got ‘Cassandra’s woods’ by Supervore where a witch eats a couple kids?
>>42891 supervore? wasn't he some sort of kphoria 2.0
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Werewolf mom is legit the best
>>42892 Idk was he?
>>42899 his artstyle was complete trash, so he kinda was
>>42891 That’s what I wanted to know
Anybody happen to have any of fof's old underage prey stuff? Kept it on some old pixiv with loli/shota stuff that he deleted ages ago.
>>43825 Empty now, but they were from https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/79755178 if it helps any. Pics with the boy in the witch hat from the shota thread were definitely from the same account.
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>>43826 Actually from here (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/41768655), I'm dumb. Found some thumbnails, not very good but if you recognize 'em post the fulls.
looks like shyguy purged his child prey stuff
>>44044 Still all there. Either you're not logged in or using search, where most anything with 'child prey' tagged is hidden. Check his gallery manually.
>>44045 Ah alright, so it's just not tagged as such anymore, that's probably it, thank you
>>42133 Who's the artist? I can't decipher the signature
>>44323 Shoelace
>>44330 thanks!
>>41346 Source for the slime girl pics?
Man, does Aesir ever draw this stuff anymore? Seems like the most recent are still mostly wips that are a few years old by now. Even then, they're damn good. Maybe he's keeping it behind the scenes, dunno. Really wish he'd use Dandela again...
>>44801 Aesir's evolution is probably one of the saddest things ive seen happen in this fetish. Don't get me wrong their an even more amazing artist, but they've stopped using child prey, and worst of all, they stopped doing sequence work which I think was their best works. Now its mostly stills that are post vore.
>>45011 It’s probably just because aryion started tightening up on the restrictions on child prey. He’d probably still be doing it if not for the shift in recent years
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Speaking of Aeair's work; does anyone have that pic with Cloud of Darkness gobbling up some magical girls? I haven't been able to find it again ever since Eka hid most of of the pica tagged with underage prey
>>45191 I would've liked HMDVore's character if it wasn't a futa. I can't at the pics without remembering that
>>45251 Scared of cock?
>>45257 nah just not a faggot
>>45263 Girl-cock is not gay, because it is just a small percentage of male compared to the majority that is the female anatomy If there are still big, female tits plapping against my back while a woman is pumping that cock into me, then there is still a majority female Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. You will not survive the drought.
Sunsetsarsaparilla has made a really good loli prey animation but it's too big to be posted here. I think you can find it on e621.
Sunsetsarsaparilla has made a really good loli prey animation but it's too big to be posted here. I think you can find it on e621.
>>45271 I almost agree, but... I prefer my anus safe. Leave my baby with that empanada intact, amigo!
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uploading for posterity, clearly FoF but he nuked his own post of it when I pointed it out lmao. considering the dude has no problem drawing blatant shota and loli I'm not sure why his own old stuff like this bothers him so much
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>>46559 What are the 2 Faggot pieces called? At least it looks like him
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>>46562 Anyway here’s a lost/hard to find faggot comic
>>46559 I hate how big big has zero issues with digestion, soft or gore, melted slop internals and unwilling vore, but almost never makes it, or when he does just makes a single image then quickly moves on, all cuz he knows there's more money in appealing to normies
>>46695 I can only find page 10 of this comic called Classroom Feast
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I have only found this other one. I can see the thumbnails in the archive, but none load: https://web.archive.org/web/20161005070821/http://aryion.com/g4/view/321390