/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(126.01 KB 1024x500 Thread thumbnail.jpeg)

Japanese Vore Art Translation Thread Anonymous 04/20/2022 (Wed) 04:15:11 No. 12663
With the power of rate-limited OCR software, machine translation, GIMP, a preponderance of spare time, and clinical depression, I will be translating as many pieces of Nip vore art as I desire according to no particular schedule. Enjoy the fruits of my labors, degenerates.
Forgot the last image like a dumbass. Also, translated artist commentary on this sequence: "Predators' physical abilities far outweigh ordinary people, so don't be careless, even if they are small."
(2.55 MB 2216x3437 1616826377168.jpg)

(763.33 KB 1355x1909 somw_¿´Í¼Íõ(5).jpg)

(962.08 KB 1355x1917 somw_¿´Í¼Íõ(0).jpg)

(970.84 KB 1355x1925 somw_¿´Í¼Íõ(3).jpg)

(916.72 KB 1363x1909 somw_¿´Í¼Íõ(2).jpg)

(873.50 KB 1355x1909 somw_¿´Í¼Íõ(4).jpg)

Technically it's Chinese but I'd love this to get translated since the only English version I have seen is a fan edit
(916.29 KB 1352x1918 spowm_¿´Í¼Íõ(1).jpg)

(1009.91 KB 1360x1918 spowm_¿´Í¼Íõ(2).jpg)

(904.25 KB 1360x1901 spowm_¿´Í¼Íõ(3).jpg)

(858.26 KB 1352x1918 spowm_¿´Í¼Íõ(4).jpg)

(1021.13 KB 1360x1918 spowm_¿´Í¼Íõ(5).jpg)

(929.91 KB 2480x3508 1642619247321.jpg)

(865.91 KB 2480x3508 1642619280595.jpg)

(1.12 MB 2480x3508 1642619313831.jpg)

Boy, I sure love when faggots dump untranslated, borderline-guro shit in the thread!
Thanks for the translate!
So this image is actually from a fully-fledged manga called The Eighth Wonder of the World [Sekai 8 banme no Fushigi (世界八番目の不思議)] written and drawn by Unoshima Yoh and published by HARTA COMIX. I don't know if vore is a regular feature of this story or what, but this girl is from the 3rd volume, and I can't seem to find raws anywhere. Obv translated is fine too, but I had to scrape this from the author's twitter and translate it myself, so I'd settle for raws if anyone has them.
(344.02 KB 600x729 878784764646.png)

>>12778 Follow-up from the same artist
Hi there, do you like Kyouka's arts? I got Kyouka's newest comic now and I want to translate it, would you like to? This one: https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=1188843&adult_view=1
(435.49 KB 600x850 2145478654.png)

>>13221 Sure. I can't promise that it'll be done quickly, though.
>>13226 Great! Here is the scan file. https://mega.nz/file/s6ISRLqQ#aVh3ZPYohAVhirJ1zZQ-_gMQkkKWRFzOr7Tp0Ifz4vw Also I got 2400dpi scan file, tell me if you need. Thanks mate!
i would love to buy from melonbooks some ebooks but phone number is a problem

(578.33 KB 850x1200 83656862_p1_master1200.jpeg)

(648.45 KB 850x1200 83656862_p2_master1200.jpeg)

(688.08 KB 850x1200 83656862_p3_master1200.jpeg)

>>13247 Tbh I think the 2400DPI would be nice to have for archival purposes Not the translator guy tho
(7.29 MB 5009x3536 000_cover.jpg)

(6.27 MB 5020x7243 img001.jpg)

(8.89 MB 5020x7243 img002.jpg)

(7.15 MB 5020x7243 img003.jpg)

(7.23 MB 5020x7243 img004.jpg)

>>13247 Alright alright alright- let's see what we've got. Some translation commentary: I'm well aware that I kinda botched the cover, but if you think I'm redrawing the original- you're out of your fucking mind. Lot of these sound effects are duplicates of each other, and the font is impossible for the OCR software to recognize, so I just kinda summarized those in the sidebar as well as I could.
(6.95 MB 5020x7243 img005.jpg)

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(6.55 MB 5020x7243 img021.jpg)

(5.15 MB 5020x7243 img022.jpg)

(6.93 MB 5020x7243 img023.jpg)

(1.79 MB 4918x7111 img024.jpg)

Alright, that's the last of this set. Here's hoping that Kyoka-sensei doesn't turn out to be a massive faggot about "muh copyright" like B i g F a g
>>13382 Amazing stuff, thank you!
>>13383 Wow you done this so quick! Appreciate gratefully for you! Anyways thanks again!
>>13343 I'd like to, but each 2400dpi picture have 1.2GB, with my terrible internet speed it may take infinite time to upload...maybe one day I will finish upload and put it here :)
(118.99 KB 900x1271 goin01.jpg)

(143.35 KB 900x1271 goin02.jpg)

https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98030893#manga I found this if anyone wants to attempt a translation enjoy
>>13379 >>13380 Oh damn, fucking nice! Think you can do the first Yukino doujin he did? It has a translation already but it's nigh unreadable compared to this.
(57.28 KB 758x283 vgiavo - FNs1YSpaIAAFBRz.jpeg)

>>13591 Khajit has translation if you have coin (to purchase the comic with and upload it here b/c I'm a broke bitch) Side note: I have no goddamn idea where this image comes from or what the specific context is, but it seems to have Vore-ish overtones to me so in the thread it goes.
(57.29 KB 758x283 vgiavo - FNs1YSpaIAAFBRz.jpeg)

>>13617 I fucking despair with my own inattentiveness sometimes...
(115.16 KB 888x1243 497c43b0.jpg)

(123.63 KB 888x1243 300c024e.jpg)

(131.10 KB 888x1243 e3881b13.jpg)

>>12663 Oh my lord could you please translate these comics!
(127.72 KB 888x1243 01fcc09a.jpg)

(123.91 KB 888x1243 b28250d3.jpg)

(153.14 KB 888x1243 d78a502c.jpg)

(140.81 KB 888x1243 fd783f94.jpg)

>>13715 do you have more/could you do more by this artist?
>>12856 >>12857 Desperate bump for this
(568.77 KB 1280x1807 Tinies are Treats 1.jpeg)

(886.08 KB 1280x1807 Tinies are Treats 2.jpeg)

(1.05 MB 1280x1807 Tinies are Treats 3.jpeg)

(850.14 KB 1280x1807 Tinies are Treats 4.jpeg)

>>12856 >>12857 >>13732 To the fuckstick that uploaded this randomly: place your images in order next time, numbnuts. Also, the artist is Parins, since I forgot to put it in the image titles.
(937.98 KB 1280x1807 Tinies are Treats 5.jpeg)

(771.35 KB 1280x1807 Tinies are Treats 6.jpeg)

(651.27 KB 1280x1807 Tinies are Treats 7.jpeg)

(997.27 KB 1280x1807 Tinies are Treats 8.jpeg)

>>13749 Thank you very much!
(202.31 KB 519x700 R18G15 - Erb1yZuUYAAhjuT.jpeg)

>>13780 Wasn't there a part 2 to this
(496.86 KB 1200x1416 1649867592715.png)

>>13833 Don't have it if it exists.
(436.75 KB 849x1200 68971401_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(479.49 KB 849x1200 68971401_p1_master1200.jpeg)

(601.35 KB 849x1200 68971401_p2_master1200.jpeg)

(517.02 KB 849x1200 68971401_p3_master1200.jpeg)

(507.81 KB 849x1200 68971401_p4_master1200.jpeg)

This comic is by Kuzumochi800
(503.85 KB 849x1136 68971401_p5_master1200.jpeg)

(517.53 KB 847x1140 68971401_p6_master1200.jpeg)

(553.91 KB 849x1200 68971401_p7_master1200.jpeg)

(487.21 KB 849x1200 68971401_p8_master1200.jpeg)

>>13201 artist?
>>13226 also, sauce for this?
>>13876 Tried to see more, there aren't many muscle pred around, but sadly Pixiv is shit and doesn't load
>>13900 No, you see, Kuzumochi is a great artist, but he's literally as bad as BigFag about paywalling, so this is something I ripped from his kemono page (I think)
(760.67 KB 924x1200 remilia-eat.jpg)

(703.14 KB 989x1200 sakuya-image.jpg)

(564.95 KB 784x1200 roomy-a-1.jpg)

(444.45 KB 784x1200 roomy-a-2.jpg)

>>13635 >>13636 As an aside, don't request any more of Goin's works, because I'm fucking done translating his shitty-ass handwriting.
(213.16 KB 1200x846 chonse_x - FCOgXdcVUAE1YfV.jpeg)

(819.19 KB 1085x1529 FSWU2ZJaIAA3EZ_ (ENG).png)

I'd like to contribute to this awesome thread. Here's a translation I did recently. Context: The Demon Lord (at least that's who I assume she is) repeatably keeps trying to kidnap the princess and is subsequently defeated by the hero each time. Eventually, knowing that she can't beat the hero in a fight, as a last ditch effort, she resorts to just outright swallowing and absorbing the princess in order to "win". Source: https://twitter.com/filledbelly/status/1523787717557223424
>>13932 artist?
>>13389 >>13950 Could you please translate my request too? Also I requested earlier than >>13635 >>13636
>>14017 The handwriting is too shitty for people and OP's machine translation to recognise. From a quick glance it says the same shit that all of his other stuff says. 'You want to look inside my mouth? Can't cough up etc etc"
>>13982 Source?
(351.82 KB 1080x1920 9882666 - iriomote.jpg)

>>14017 Learn to read. >>14021 Thank you for actually reading what I typed. >>14042 Filename
(3.38 MB 2172x3072 Qin Liang Yu vore keze.png)

(1.84 MB 2000x2829 1638476829700.png)

(2.39 MB 2250x3183 tia harribel keze.png)

Just remembered I translated these a while back
>>14011 I did these so long ago that I don't really remember what the artists were. But the last two look like https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/1386903
(3.05 MB 960x8136 sucv1.png)

(3.01 MB 960x9492 sucv2.png)

New Akazawa Red. Pics related are in this gallery. https://exhentai.org/g/2219763/dffbb742b3/
For those with difficultly accessing Sadpanda https://nhentai.net/g/403029/
>>14128 Any chance you can explain how to use sad panda? I still don't really understand how to access it.
Not a furry, I swear.
(210.55 KB 800x1319 kuzumochi.jpg)

Could you translate this possibly?
(546.25 KB 2000x2829 kuzumochi800.jpg)

(360.82 KB 2000x2829 kuzumochi8002.jpg)

(172.44 KB 800x1360 kuzu.jpg)

(138.53 KB 800x1360 kuzu2.jpg)

(952.83 KB 3169x2147 70408201_p0.jpg)

(1.26 MB 2500x3536 70286396_p0.jpg)

>>14265 these two from the same artist as well?
>>14300 Yes, both are from Keze on pixiv
>>14305 >>14300 Just realized what you meant, my fault
(766.79 KB 2000x2829 Ultrasound Clinic 1.jpg)

(547.46 KB 2000x2829 Ultrasound Clinic 2.jpeg)

>>14265 As already discussed, artist is Kuzumochi800 (Keze)
>>14343 Nice, thanks for those translations!
(219.65 KB 800x1132 kuzumochi800.jpg)

(97.34 KB 800x1132 rina.jpg)

>>14343 Bump for more from kuzumochi800's skeb as well
>>14349 >>14062 The 1st one was already translated
(326.58 KB 1448x2048 20210422 part 1.jpg)

(230.46 KB 1448x2048 20210422 part 2.jpg)

(2.18 MB 1243x2048 1619019510614.png)

>>14262 The first sketches are the prequels to the image you posted
>>14300 Heads up- Keze is *slightly* fucking obsessed with Fate, so there's a lot of references to that cancerous shit in his art.
(571.60 KB 729x1032 98520890_p0.png)

(572.80 KB 729x1032 98520890_p1.png)

(579.49 KB 729x1032 98520890_p2.png)

May I request these translated? >>14454 >Heads up- Keze is *slightly* fucking obsessed with Fate Lol that's a huge understatement.
(804.62 KB 2000x2829 E7tVY_LUcAMhBhu.jpg)

Could you, please, translate some of munemotocom's comics ( https://twitter.com/munemotocom )? They have a lot of good stuff.
>>12664 Do you have interest to translate other same size vore arts from inuteikoku? I think those same size arts he made are good also.
>>14454 not a fate fate either but the purple haired chick is uber sexy
(427.03 KB 800x1294 1638455226536.png)

(463.24 KB 800x1200 1638455332835.png)

(36.48 KB 500x367 that's the joke.jpeg)

General Statement: Gonna have to request that everyone requesting translations name the source of the images you post, either in the post itself or the filename. Way too hard to sort these without names. >>14492 We'll see. Munemoto's handwriting blows cock, so it's a pain in the ass to OCR >>14461 See image 3 >>14500 Eventually, but I'm gonna finish off Keze's art first.
(241.91 KB 1448x2048 EYT5PcRUEAEK0QY.jpg)

(1.24 MB 3543x4386 concrete.jpg)

Another request for keze and コンクリート on pixiv
(2.49 MB 1000x4260 1621301849650.png)

>>12779 Bump
>>14554 >>14555 Fuck off nigger. I'm never translating that shit, as I've said MULTIPLE times now. Actually kill yourself.
(183.68 KB 1200x848 E9Zl9yPUcBU8Msg.jpeg)

(485.51 KB 2000x2829 1628734195587.jpg)

(1.60 MB 1722x2436 1644706836972.png)

(366.54 KB 849x1200 84307281_p2_master1200.jpeg)

Alright, who's the snitch? Starting today, Keze's apparently recruited a friend of his to translate all of his old works, so i guess I'll just go fuck myself... ...NOT. Dump incoming. (3rd image not translated by me)
(327.86 KB 849x1200 76307409_p9_master1200.jpeg)

(771.15 KB 2000x2829 1627741338953.jpg)

(183.25 KB 958x1200 FJ9gXijaUAI5ER0.jpeg)

(104.40 KB 1200x436 Number 4's growth record.jpeg)

(358.45 KB 1448x2048 1598366559065.jpg)

FYI, Sadie is one of Keze's other OCs, but he usually refers to them as 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5-chan, depending on the order he thought of them. No. 1-chan is the blondie seen in Image 1 (Gliko) No. 2-chan isn't drawn much, but she's the witch with glasses and light-blue hair (Sadie) No. 3-chan is the muscular kitsune with red hair (Mao) No. 4-chan is the salarywoman with huge tits and long black hair (Uwabami) (also easily my personal favorite) No. 5-chan is the purple-haired loli with the pink sweatshirt (name still unknown)
(317.76 KB 849x1200 81976269_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(301.02 KB 1448x2048 81976269_p1_master1200.jpeg)

(245.39 KB 849x1200 81976269_p2_master1200.jpeg)

>>14528 I happened to have the (textless) prequel and sequel images on hand as well. Don't think there's versions with dialogue (unfortunately).
(354.46 KB 849x1200 78716795_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(332.52 KB 849x1200 78716795_p1_master1200.jpeg)

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(292.33 KB 848x1200 E-HqN8jVUAk4Utf.jpeg)

(197.64 KB 848x1200 E-HqOiyUUAMC049.jpeg)

(166.46 KB 848x1200 E-HqPIiUUAMQMNQ.jpeg)

(276.00 KB 849x1200 91611428_p19_master1200.jpeg)

(134.19 KB 849x1200 91611428_p21_master1200.jpeg)

(210.38 KB 596x1200 84207231_p1_master1200.jpeg)

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(448.91 KB 849x1200 72434234_p8_master1200.jpeg)

(327.65 KB 849x1200 69040845_p1_master1200.jpeg)

Fifth image is unrelated to the sequence and seems to be a standalone image
(247.65 KB 1156x1200 69030864_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(423.19 KB 849x1200 69030864_p1_master1200.jpeg)

(226.35 KB 849x1200 69040845_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(168.70 KB 821x1200 78716721_p13_master1200.jpeg)

(263.51 KB 849x1200 78716721_p14_master1200.jpeg)

Alright, that's all I have for now. I'll still keep the thread going, of course, but the number of Kuzumochi works will probably be pretty low, depending on how quickly Keze's friend works.
(182.53 KB 848x1200 E9nPumjVUAIMV8P.jpeg)

(149.74 KB 848x1200 E9ndV6lVkAEKNLe.jpeg)

(145.05 KB 848x1200 E7Y56G-UcAYgoMT.jpeg)

Not exactly human vore, but fuck it close enough
(1.33 MB 1200x900 59536197_p0_master1200.png)

(641.04 KB 1024x825 23180628_p0_master1200.png)

(190.89 KB 438x354 15357210_p0_master1200.jpg)

(703.24 KB 1200x1071 yuuka-marisa-deserve.jpg)

(870.78 KB 1700x2404 66494013_p0.jpeg)

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(391.71 KB 849x1200 66342961_p0_master1200.jpeg)

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(308.66 KB 849x1200 68825600_p1_master1200.jpeg)

(290.38 KB 849x1200 68825600_p2_master1200.jpeg)

https://nhentai.net/g/211132/ can this be translated?
(367.99 KB 849x1200 68825600_p3_master1200.jpeg)

>>14848 >>14876 source on these?
(743.22 KB 1280x1808 Inuteikoku - Saori Tate 1.png)

(1.15 MB 1280x1808 Inuteikoku - Saori Tate 2.png)

(930.34 KB 1280x1808 Inuteikoku - Saori Tate 3.png)

(839.72 KB 1280x1808 Inuteikoku - Saori Tate 4.png)

>>14887 Filename, dude. Alright, lads. That's probably all the translated art I'll have for the next few months, so sit tight. If you have a request, feel free to leave it here and I'll see it eventually. Also, don't be that faggot who bumps threads by literally just posting "bump". I'll come back when I come back.
>>14927 When ya get the chance would you translate this one? https://kemono.party/fantia/user/351/post/850981 and https://kemono.party/fantia/user/351/post/906832 possibly? https://kemono.party/fantia/user/351/post/1244626 I enjoy reading the profile descriptions, but I just don't know Japanese.
can these be translated?
(2.71 MB 1725x2250 1656947251811.png)

any chance someone could translate this?
(2.50 MB 2000x2829 1657569992658.png)

(3.63 MB 2300x3000 1657570924728.png)

>>15899 Got good news! (+ a freebie)
(2.50 MB 2000x2829 FWbJg3iX0AAUYnQ_v2.png)

>>16071 Oh and updated the pic with Yor because I forgot for a brief moment how to read
>>16071 Thanks a bunch for these!
(214.02 KB 1280x1791 1-1.jpg)

(232.50 KB 1280x1791 2-1.jpg)

(276.88 KB 1280x1791 3-1.jpg)

(226.85 KB 1280x1791 4-1.jpg)

(209.91 KB 1280x1791 5-1.jpg)

Spoiler in case loli is a no go, but any chance this one can get translated? Itd be much appreciated!
(217.94 KB 1280x1791 6-1.jpg)

(250.85 KB 1280x1791 7-1.jpg)

>>16378 Continued, from same sequence
(427.29 KB 1200x1697 No5Kuzumochi.jpeg)

Would appreciate a translation for this!
>>16674 Keze already did a translation of this
>>16676 Oh I didn't look hard enough then, appreciate it!
>>14154 source? any more to this comic?
>>16729 Filename, dumbass. Also no, not that I could find whenever it was that I saved them.
Could anyone translate these?
(662.43 KB 1448x2048 FZ4qAArUIAAPXcH.jpg)

(946.33 KB 2664x2664 1660926273087832.jpg)

(985.40 KB 2664x2664 1660926305163726.jpg)

>>17458 No translation, but here is the Japanese as text: とっても素敵な光景です。 思わず折が出てしまいます ❤ 一皿目、お 腹に 入ってしまいました ❤ 次は大好物の 女の子 婦稚して逝が止まりません ❤ やっぱり、持つべきものは 友達ですね ❤ 宮地さん!? 自分からお 尻に? こちらも立派なお口 二人同時に食べて上げます ❤ 楽しんで頂けましたか? 家の者以外にこうやって 見 せるのは初めて でし たけれど ... つい先程撮った 映像を見せたん ですよ なのでほら... まだお腹の中で生きてるんです ❤ んっ、あぁん これえッツ... 気持ち良すぎます 名残惜しいですが ご馳走様で したぁ
(350.90 KB 1191x1684 EL_wfNvWkAAfhqN.jpg)

Can someone TL this? The girl from kagekuri-kitan appears in chapter 27.1 here: https://rawdevart.com/comic/kagekuri-kitan/ A shame that the scanlators dropped it at chapter 16.
(196.89 KB 800x1000 FdMeQ2AaAAAE4Y2.jpg)

(135.24 KB 800x1000 FdMeRlYaAAA0hv9.jpg)

(241.27 KB 1000x1250 FdhMs57acAAefAE.jpg)

(277.63 KB 1000x1250 FdhMs57aAAA9mSr.jpg)

(256.97 KB 1000x1250 FdhMs55aUAA6XNQ.jpg)

could i get this translated
(222.68 KB 1000x1250 FdhMs56aAAIHoY7.jpg)

>>19182 >>19183 Absolutely not. Go be a literal cannibal somewhere else. Take your hard vore images with you while you're at it.
>>14927 thank you for doing this man, you are doing god´s work here
(1010.25 KB 729x1032 101526678_p0.png)

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(729.79 KB 729x1032 101526678_p5.png)

(1.60 MB 2300x3253 15647685767657464.png)

(1.81 MB 2300x3253 15647685767657465.png)

(2.00 MB 2300x3253 15647685767657466.png)

>>19356 It's already translated, but may we have the artist? >>19237 Original post for this one, contains textless alt: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/101526678
>>19357 It's Kuzumochi800 (aka kezevore)
(621.92 KB 675x1200 101735750_p0_master1200.jpg)

(777.34 KB 824x1200 102025262_p0_master1200.jpg)

>>20086 thank you for translating them.
>>19237 Goddamn this one was a royal pain in the ass holy shit. Fuck these vertical speech bubbles, man. Still hot, though.
(403.04 KB 1200x1600 fn_01.jpg)

(361.27 KB 1200x1600 fn_02.jpg)

(287.27 KB 1200x1600 fn_03.jpg)

(293.47 KB 1200x1600 fn_04.jpg)

(347.00 KB 1200x1600 fn_05.jpg)

Can somebody, please, translate this?
(246.68 KB 1200x1600 fn_06.jpg)

(1.47 MB 1200x1600 86707375_p0.png)

(1.50 MB 1200x1600 86707375_p1.png)

(1.62 MB 1200x1600 86707375_p2.png)

Can, somebody, please, explain how can you better translate japanese text from the images? Usually, when I try to translate it through regular translators, the result is complete nonsense. I can begin to translate some of the comics frm this thread in free time, but I don't know how.
>>20331 METHOD 1 Step 1 - Spend 2-4 years learning moonrunes Step 2 - Realize that it wasn't worth thousands of hours of time and effort to translate obscure fetish porn METHOD 2 Step 1 - Find OCR freeware such as Brandfolder or Copyfish (or buy the premium version if you're not a total Jew like me) Step 2 - Use GIMP (or buy Photoshop if you're not a total Jew like me) to erase/paint white every part of the image besides the Japanese text you want to translate. *DUPLICATING THE IMAGE IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED SO YOU DON'T ACCIDENTALLY OVERWRITE THE IMAGE(S) YOU'RE TRYING TO TRANSLATE* Step 3 - Upload blanked-out image to your OCR software of choice Step 4 - Curse the incompetent retards who calibrated the software so poorly that it won't recognize Hiragana in the most legible font possible and only has dictionaries for about 1/3 of the kanji in existence Step 5 - Spend 1-3 hours (time varies with the quantity of text you're trying to translate) proofreading the plaintext characters the OCR software spits out at you and using websites like [https://kanji (dot) sljfaq (dot) org ] to input Kana/Gana and Kanji multiradicals until everything finally looks right. Step 6 - Copy/Paste the plaintext Japanese text into a machine translator of your choice (DO NOT use Google Translate, for the love of God and all things holy). DeepL, [translate (dot) com], and RomajiDesu are highly recommended. Step 7 - Decipher whatever illegible garbage the machine translation spit out and reference the visuals of the image(s) to infer context and try to pull together localized, legible English out of the translation you have. Step 8 - Spend an inordinate amount of time typesetting horizontal, left-to-right text to fit in vertical, right-to-left-oriented speech bubbles/text boxes. (And Christ help you if you should endeavor to translate an image without speech bubbles around the text...) Step 9 - Give up and curse the original author who didn't spare a thought for the unpaid fan translators trying to translate images captioned in a notoriously difficult language for the delight of ungrateful degenerates on Bolivian pottery forums. Step 10 - Gaze with pride upon the monstrosity you've created, upload that bad boy onto the forum of your choice for raging autismos to spam-report until the janny nukes it from orbit, lean back in your crusty office chair, and console your crippling insecurities with the following phrase: "Nothing can be done." Also, you'll need to download the Anime Ace font (every custom font website in existence has it) if you don't wanna look like a retard who's never translated anything before. The rest is more or less up to persistence and muleheadedness, but you'll know you're doing it right when you find yourself asking, "Why am I not just learning Japanese again?" (Optional: Look up Japanese grammar rules/Kanji study programs and remember that actually learning to read/write Nihongo is for suckas).
>>20335 Thank you for a such detailed instruction
(691.61 KB 705x950 1667202154958026.png)

(1.39 MB 1406x950 1667202189865516.png)

(1.35 MB 1418x950 1667202251699301.png)

(1.51 MB 1403x950 1667202294651825.png)

(368.32 KB 546x767 1667202482045007.png)

>>14927 Thanks for the hard work TLanon, here's a pretty good sequence in case you still lurk here.
Whats the nip on the side? I just want the kanji, i'm trying to learn but stylized stuff like this is hard to discern
>>20976 Where can i find scans for the rest of this online? I only see ch 1-2 on sadpanda
>>21163 I'm gonna level with you, anon- that image is one that I briefly considered translating and then abandoned that idea when neither I nor my OCR software could make heads or tails of whatever the fuck those scribbles are supposed to signify. The closest I got visually was 喧 (noisy), 唱 (yell), 唶 (sigh/groan), or maybe 喑 (to be dumb/the sobbing of infants). At a guess, I'd wager that Kyouka-sensei decided to use kanji for describing onomatopoeia of the prey crying instead of using katakana like a normal fucking person. Why he would've done this is beyond me, but I've pretty much ran the kanji multiradical system dry using 日 and 口 (the only radicals I can decipher from that scribble) and these are the only kanji that even begin to make sense in context. Of course, if you don't have a stick up your ass about literal, word-for-word accuracy, then there's always the tried and true approach of just slapping down some vore-related brainrot smut and rolling with it.
(678.89 KB 2000x2829 FgjtAjIaMAIySMf translated.jpeg)

(778.56 KB 2000x2829 FgjtAjMaMAA6Z_- translated.jpeg)

(610.21 KB 2000x2829 FgjtAjNaEAErY4T translated.jpeg)

(483.84 KB 2000x2829 FgjtAjOacAAIttH translated.jpeg)

>>21172 I appreciate the detailed response Thanks anon
(1.33 MB 3600x849 99843602_p2_master1200.png)

(1.92 MB 1400x1980 frogmaidvore.png)

>>12663 com licença, isso quer dizer que vc pode traduzi qual quer quadrinho de vore aqui?
>>22762 English motherfucker, do you speak it? This isn't /hispachan/, /mex/, /ac/, /av/, or /hisrol/, vato, so either post in English or fuck off and stop shitting up threads with your 3rd-rate language and 4th-rate dialect.
>>22789 Are you so stupid that you can't distinguish Portuguese?
>>22832 so pode mano, esse analfabeto paga de doido
>>22832 Are you too retarded to comprehend that Portuguese and Spanish are just different dialects of the same fucking language? >>22836 I'm not the one struggling to string together a grammatically-correct sentence in my own language, Miguel. Now go fuck a tranny and get mugged on your way back to your favela.
>>22842 >Dialects of the same language >Thinks Iberia is all one language >Implying Catalan, Galician, Aragonese, Leonese and Portuguese aren't entirely seperate languages >least retarded American
>>22842 Bwahahahaa que estupido que eres gringo de mierda
>>22846 Iberia is, in fact, one language family, you stupid unemployed nigger (Basque being the lone exception). >>22847 Even your insults are childish and south like you're trying to say them with a dick in your mouth. Neither of you niggers are getting anything translated, so just move along and do whatever spics do when you're not being retarded niggers somewhere else.
>>22857 que porra que si esta falando seu lixo?, você nao si enxerga nao em? seu racista filha puta
>>22857 si tu nao gosta do meu idioma cara, é so nao ler seu retardado
>>22857 Language "family" =/= dialect
(422.49 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 01.jpg)

(382.67 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 02.jpg)

(291.29 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 03.jpg)

(298.09 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 04.jpg)

>>12663 can you translate this to english please
(318.52 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 05.jpg)

(411.18 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 06.jpg)

(299.95 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 07.jpg)

if you have the patience to translate, please translate it into Portuguese if you have the patience bro please man
(1.86 MB 1505x2125 92504500_p2.png)

>>22990 Sauce ?
>>22995 No clue. A fair portion of my collection is sourced from forums like the vore thread on /d/ where mfs never include the source of their images.
>>22990 The filename is a pixiv post number https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92504500
(300.21 KB 800x800 7790154_p51_master1200.jpg)

Can anyone translate this one?
>>14739 Bro like over half of what you added into these three translations is nonsense
(3.65 MB 1511x2149 2_201.png)

(3.78 MB 1511x2149 2_202.png)

(3.67 MB 1511x2149 2_203.png)

(3.76 MB 1511x2149 2_204.png)

(3.53 MB 1511x2149 2_205.png)

>>20976 Higher resolution sequence.
(3.81 MB 1511x2149 2_206.png)

(3.78 MB 1511x2149 2_207.png)

(2.35 MB 1511x2149 2_208.png)

>>21167 Just search up Seidon no Ryu raw and you should be able to find the latest chapters one some manga reader website. Only the first four chapters have been translated into English currently.
(541.94 KB 1091x1200 90925338_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(1.10 MB 1800x2000 FjrIMNfUAAAtoUh.png)

(452.28 KB 1800x2000 FldeYwFacAE6zdg.jpeg)

Source for these is Munemoto on Twitter/pixiv
(865.92 KB 2000x2829 FloyHpKakAAAKqu translated.jpg)

(879.35 KB 2000x2829 FloyHpGaUAAUESJ translated.jpg)

>>23727 Artist posted a follow-up. Can't be fucked to scanlate all the sound effects; basically just the sound of the Pred's heartbeat, sloshing, gurgling, squeezing, and all the other SFX you'd expect from a vore piece.
>>22538 In the future, do try and include the whole sequence, eh? >>24076 Calm your tits, I get to translating stuff when I get to it.
>>24553 These are on my personal agenda to translate.
(309.44 KB 1280x1809 51.jpg)

(367.32 KB 1280x1809 52.jpg)

(354.08 KB 1280x1809 53.jpg)

(300.83 KB 1280x1809 54.jpg)

(318.07 KB 1280x1809 55.jpg)

Can somebody translate this, please?
>>25855 Oh, sorry. This had already been requested
actually most of that guy's stuff hasn't been translated from Chinese, if there's a willing degen out there https://exhentai.org/tag/artist:rana+yume
Got this from another thread. Anyone able to translate this?
(467.23 KB 1700x1000 2emurika-78086983c0db09a82b7.jpg)

(494.83 KB 1700x1000 2emurika-7516b9a78e2c7.jpg)

(146.97 KB 617x526 41g65f47dg465fd465g.jpg)

>>26042 >tfw no onee-san to swallow and digest you on camera for clicks and views Last image is a shitpost I spent way too much time on. >>24612 Any chance you're already working on these? If not, I'm gonna jump on these sometime Soon™.
>>26216 I got distracted translating a billion other things and haven't gotten back around to it. So if you got time, go for it.
(729.53 KB 2500x3000 FqI1RPaaYAIcHzw.jpeg)

>>24552 Completely missed that >>25854 existed, so here's the result of another wasted hour or two.
>>26739 Thank you very much!
>>26378 Sauce?
>>27244 Kuzumochi800
>>27244 Thank you!
(726.46 KB 699x1024 EAjoAioVAAE7otp.png)

Anyone care to translate this one?
(821.05 KB 699x1024 vorekoma.png)

>>27412 This handwriting is ass. I couldn't make out all of panel 3.
>>27435 I think what she says is なにそこれ What is this 私 どうなつちゃうのう What will happen to me
(818.37 KB 699x1024 eelwomanvore.png)

(4.29 MB 2000x2829 91611428_p9.png)

(3.13 MB 2000x2829 91611428_p10.png)

(3.77 MB 2000x2829 91611428_p11.png)

(4.31 MB 2000x2829 91611428_p12.png)

could somebody translate this?
(3.59 MB 1200x6712 1627859380058.jpg)

(1.89 MB 1527x2159 91611428_p7.png)

(1.85 MB 2000x2829 91611428_p6.png)

anybody got the translation for these? I swear ive seen them somewhere
(389.85 KB 2000x2829 1626370795661.jpg)

(314.34 KB 2000x2829 1626370696947.jpg)

(153.31 KB 1448x2048 1626446570459.jpg)

(266.66 KB 1448x2048 1626446602591.jpg)

>>28253 Keze's translation, not mine.
could somebody translate this
>>28277 Congratulations on managing to find a Keze pic that even I didn't have in my collection. Here's your reward.
(501.76 KB 2500x3000 FqI1RPaaYAIcHzw.jpg)

could somebody translate this?
>>26378 >>28309 someone already did
>>28284 From what chapter this sequence? I don't quite remember, although i follow it semi-regulary
>>28313 It's an extra story on volume 3
>>28284 My clumssy ass missed a page last time
(331.44 KB 1200x734 OC numbering sheet.jpeg)

(144.47 KB 1200x625 OC height sheet.jpg)

(286.07 KB 2048x834 OC breast size chart.jpeg)

(516.45 KB 1800x1800 FnKlj1waUAAz_6L.jpeg)

(214.10 KB 1800x900 FcdNlYXakAE-ODi.jpeg)

In celebration of keeping my thread alive for a full year, I've prepared a vertibable plethora of Munemoto images- translated by yours truly, of course- to push us closer to bump limit with. To begin, let's start out with a brief introduction to Munemoto's OCs. (Note: Some OC designs have changed significantly over the years, and some of this art is really old, so just use these as a guideline.) As an aside, Munemoto does almost exclusively loli images, so if that's not your cup o' tea then buckle up, chaps.
(235.91 KB 982x1200 OC - No 59.jpeg)

(246.64 KB 982x1200 OC - No 66.jpeg)

(220.19 KB 982x1200 OC - No 75.jpeg)

(231.89 KB 982x1200 OC - No 88.jpeg)

(464.51 KB 1900x1861 1643487288438.jpg)

(362.47 KB 1200x1148 89888772_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(172.31 KB 1103x1024 Fa2WmrUagAEj5bc.jpeg)

(368.70 KB 1800x1800 Ff2CIcTUcAA8ewk.jpeg)

(565.81 KB 982x1200 94506275_p6_master1200.jpeg)

First up of the OCs is, naturally, my personal favorite- Subject 88 aka Snow Leopard-chan. Because who doesn't love an aggressive oppai loli pred?
someone wanna give this one a try?
(1.18 MB 2000x2400 82111541_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(1.01 MB 2000x2400 82111541_p1_master1200.jpeg)

(1.19 MB 2000x2400 82111541_p2_master1200.jpeg)

(317.11 KB 927x1200 FDBixlxagAA9s05.jpeg)

(199.88 KB 1200x1200 FMmrcaPaMAAmrPR.jpeg)

thank you for translating all of these No88 is amazing
I’ve looked for this magazine for a long time. Does anybody here probably want to share?
(241.39 KB 960x1200 FHC90R1aMAMFrEl.jpeg)

(399.06 KB 2000x1500 Fp8uOQ4aUAA525G.jpeg)

(450.96 KB 1800x2000 FtlqenZagAAWtT5.jpeg)

(934.46 KB 1800x2000 Ftlqdi0acAEhttN.jpeg)

These are the last of Snow Leopard-chan's (dialogue-based) art for now, along with Munemoto's most recent Twitter pieces. Next up will be Subject 75.
(447.92 KB 1200x900 94506275_p11_master1200.jpeg)

(482.58 KB 1029x1200 96572887_p8_master1200.jpeg)

(377.40 KB 1080x1200 96572887_p7_master1200.jpeg)

(361.23 KB 1670x1700 FanTAEmagAALJmS.jpeg)

(1.31 MB 1800x2000 Fl3OCnsakAY_jc_.png)

https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/98350135 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99850524 It's bugging me that I remember seeing this comic translated somewhere, but I cannot find it anywhere. It's possible I'm mistaken.
(343.51 KB 1678x1926 FbAf3bcakAM5NOt.jpeg)

(465.90 KB 2000x2000 FbaLRdlaUAIVENG.jpeg)

(708.65 KB 1800x2000 FR1cCfHaIAAxx2k.jpeg)

(428.04 KB 1800x1600 FsOFvEWakAIyPGh.jpeg)

(283.91 KB 2048x1263 FcyFsJmaIAEzEa_.jpeg)

(194.79 KB 928x1200 91809752_p5_master1200.jpeg)

(145.61 KB 900x1200 FFmOKayacAA4zY1.jpeg)

(564.25 KB 1800x2000 FWLX7oUaMAA-QkW.jpeg)

These are the last images of Subject 75. Next up will be Subject 48.
(673.04 KB 1280x1775 Yuukaihan Succubus (1).jpg)

(706.74 KB 1280x1775 Yuukaihan Succubus (2).jpg)

(708.70 KB 1280x1775 Yuukaihan Succubus (3).jpg)

(713.72 KB 1280x1775 Yuukaihan Succubus (4).jpg)

(670.51 KB 1280x1775 Yuukaihan Succubus (5).jpg)

Can anybody, please, translate this?
(671.19 KB 1280x1775 Yuukaihan Succubus (6).jpg)

>>13247 Wow, I’m a fan of ginsei kyouka too. How did you get his new books? It seems that they don’t sell e-books.
(187.58 KB 1116x1113 FcM7YUMagAEMemv.jpeg)

(387.22 KB 1507x1950 FcSz79naUAEvOP6.jpeg)

(1.04 MB 3071x2000 Fm1AhJjaAAI39Ip.jpeg)

(409.16 KB 1800x1920 Fmq9rueaYAEbG7Z.jpeg)

(544.30 KB 1900x2000 FW0cTuLaIAgLT17.jpeg)

>>28872 >>28873 Nothing personal, but I'm not translating any tail vore images on principle. Like, ever. If I ever get my hands on the cocksucker who approved Cell's design/abilities in Dragonball, I'm going to fucking strangle him. That reprehensible shit has been an unmitigated disaster for this already-cursed fetish, and I flatly refuse to encourage its spread.
(320.65 KB 1000x1387 24.jpg)

(657.83 KB 1100x1525 25.jpg)

(723.16 KB 1100x1525 26.jpg)

(728.80 KB 1100x1525 27.jpg)

(730.31 KB 1136x1576 28.jpg)

>>28872 >>28873 These are already translated, I think I got these off /d/ or something but it definitely wasn't off sadpanda or nh
(337.04 KB 1000x1387 29.jpg)

(291.34 KB 1500x1500 FneWHhaaQAILygk.jpeg)

(206.90 KB 1300x1500 FneWH3gaUAEIhYg.jpeg)

(405.73 KB 2048x1575 FtBtOJBakAckkVq.jpeg)

(284.79 KB 2000x1600 FpUmrm2aEAAZAdL.jpeg)

(171.70 KB 800x1950 FqNe-uCaAAAwNBX.jpeg)

This is the last of Subject 48 (and her brother/twin/friend/whatever). Next up will be Munemoto's signature OC with by far the most content: Rena-chan.
(230.78 KB 1500x1750 FpK0zUXagAQ_jOI.jpeg)

>>28952 Forgot one
(1.01 MB 2480x3645 106924170_p0.jpg)

(3.29 MB 2480x3645 106924170_p1.jpg)

could you translate this one pls?
(299.19 KB 2200x1800 FrvenOEaYAE6120.jfif)

>>28954 Can you do this one too?
(570.88 KB 1080x1200 95636073_p0_master1200.jpeg)

(403.04 KB 1080x1200 95636073_p1_master1200.jpeg)

(324.65 KB 1080x1200 95636073_p2_master1200.jpeg)

(643.50 KB 1080x1200 95636073_p3_master1200.jpeg)

(346.21 KB 1676x2048 Munemotovore- EzGkuCpVcAAmQPK.jpg)

(1.42 MB 1200x1500 107351842_p1.jpg)

(1.35 MB 1200x1500 107351842_p2.jpg)

(1.12 MB 1200x1500 107351842_p3.jpg)

(766.14 KB 1000x1500 107351842_p4.jpg)

(790.06 KB 1000x1100 107351842_p5.jpg)

Anyone interested in this one? (1/2)
(1.23 MB 1000x1500 107351842_p6.jpg)

>>29003 (2/2)
(403.58 KB 1080x1200 FNAdUcmaUAUnf5o.jpeg)

(428.70 KB 2000x2000 FiuaQpqacAARlSh.jpeg)

(495.92 KB 2000x2000 FiuaR63aAAAGkya.jpeg)

(549.83 KB 2000x2000 FiuadVDacAA5PY2.jpeg)

(444.68 KB 2200x1400 FUe0yyIaQAAOie8.jpeg)

(565.62 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 01.jpg)

(540.49 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 02.jpg)

(428.03 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 03.jpg)

(444.49 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 04.jpg)

(401.28 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 05.jpg)

(553.35 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 06.jpg)

(440.49 KB 1280x1807 Super loli 07.jpg)

(1.66 MB 2292x2400 91809752_p9_master1200.jpeg)

(345.54 KB 1080x1200 105972957_p0_master1200.jpg)

(407.31 KB 1080x1200 105972957_p1_master1200.jpg)

(937.26 KB 1036x1200 FA7wZQPVUAoulf8.png)

(159.44 KB 720x1200 FK1dfIzaUAEZbA-.jpeg)

Gonna be afk for a few days but I'll have more when I return.
>>29366 You're doing gods work o7
(346.13 KB 1800x2000 Ft6NV0vaQAMEKG5.jpeg)

(351.26 KB 1800x2000 Ft6NWtmaAAA9z8e.jpeg)

(349.25 KB 1800x2000 Ft6NXZ8aAAA8hgr.jpeg)

(1.24 MB 1964x2400 90504912_p1_master1200.jpeg)

yall know anyway to download art from skeb in good quality? Usually it comes out pretty pixelated for me
(364.42 KB 1800x2000 FsyX0DXaQAAY3UJ.jpeg)

(386.46 KB 1800x2000 FsyX00taEAAU6kK.jpeg)

(335.86 KB 1800x2000 FsyX3MaaAAAUEw7.jpeg)

(120.19 KB 800x1067 106549288_p0.jpg)

(119.81 KB 800x1067 106549288_p1.jpg)

(122.24 KB 800x1067 106549288_p2.jpg)

could somebody translate these?
This pretty much wraps up all of the (dialogue-based) Munemoto art featuring Rena-chan. Next, I'll start uploading the Sora-chan collection.
(438.25 KB 2100x1800 FkaZvePVUAEdGUr.jpeg)

(527.20 KB 982x1200 E_FL5M1VkAkOc_V.png)

(200.04 KB 982x1200 E9efG_yVIAcMZwM.jpeg)

(557.18 KB 1800x2000 FvdCssTaQAAwqug.jpeg)

(3.38 MB 1113x3160 kitan_p1.png)

(3.09 MB 2226x1600 kitan_p2.png)

>>18643 Late but I tried my best to translate these
(767.74 KB 800x1067 106549288_p1.png)

(794.23 KB 800x1067 106549288_p2.png)

(778.09 KB 800x1067 106549288_p3.png)

>>29607 Did these too, though there's a chance some of the sounds are mistranslated
>>29331 dose the 4th pic have a continuation?
(5.11 MB 3541x5000 yJLwttghYrutUAcDIcE8EihC.jpeg)

(3.84 MB 3541x5000 fJgFYI8d2RmZ2CCzJ6DoSQm6.jpeg)

(4.53 MB 3541x5000 z4FkEatzSopEIrUokJDobIVQ.jpeg)

(5.27 MB 3541x5000 OsFk4clJXPfbDopk0U09JyWG.jpeg)

humbly requesting translations for some of N山's work
(4.16 MB 3541x6377 RewTn6OxUDobqhODAWgfX8ej.jpeg)

(4.40 MB 3541x6377 Wzte8uHGe8u3V1XY1Idp6m3P.jpeg)

(4.45 MB 3541x6111 orKjAM4HYRbCHErCue0IRk9x.jpeg)

(3.49 MB 3541x5000 y36kzUPguzoVTO7l9IJXfDDq.png)

(4.20 MB 3541x5000 tncY3Wb13K5NHFFXfhX5dGAI.png)

(5.03 MB 3541x5000 gL4TgoxF1rSvuvfCTjK2dsyq.png)

(9.44 MB 3541x5000 Tq300pPGOEVQ2qAKIPlxi7e3.png)

These images mark the last of the Sora-chan series (to date). In conclusion, I'll be posting assorted images that Munemoto's done, including a number of the non-vore ones. >>29802 No.
(321.17 KB 1600x1827 FkveeSzagAAIhs0.jpeg)

(519.63 KB 1800x2000 Fr0MuNPaIAApQ9U.jpeg)

(331.31 KB 1800x2000 Fr0Muc9aEAAsKtr.jpeg)

(347.12 KB 1800x2000 Fr0MuqzaAAEfNV4.jpeg)

(417.68 KB 1800x2000 Fr0Mu45aYAUmIha.jpeg)

(1.31 MB 1856x2400 90925338_p1_master1200.jpeg)

(421.24 KB 1536x2048 1645464165476.jpg)

(372.98 KB 1536x2048 265465465465.jpg)

(2.02 MB 1800x2200 90925338_p4.png)

(1.31 MB 1600x2200 23852929528929.png)

(1.31 MB 1600x2200 23852929528929.png)

(1.97 MB 1800x2500 3292892892.png)

(960.26 KB 1600x2100 5859589984894.png)

(315.53 KB 1662x1770 FlUJX6iaMAACd0_.jpeg)

(209.10 KB 1011x1200 FRGncMVaQAADsv7.jpeg)

(315.13 KB 1500x1800 FhR3t6EUoAIjv88.jpeg)

(233.92 KB 1029x1200 E-rNg3lVkAQxVsi.jpeg)

(266.91 KB 1200x933 E-HzkCdXMAYVQNM.jpeg)

(497.66 KB 2200x1600 FuuUko5aEAAZ5Sm.jpeg)

(500.06 KB 1137x1200 90925338_p6_master1200.jpeg)

(421.19 KB 1031x1200 90925338_p7_master1200.jpeg)

(583.29 KB 2048x1280 Fb-BV_jaQAEKU8g.jpeg)

(673.26 KB 2000x3200 FxN9SVXaQAEjNVF.jpg)

could somebody translate this
>>30531 unreadable muffled text and gulp noises
fair enough
>>30542 Unreadable?! It almost clearly says "Don't eat me" in the middle right. (食Hidden)べないで
>>29817 Seconding this request. If we could get translations for most of their work in general, that'd be great.
anybody able to translate kuzumochis new art from skeb?
>>29022 Who's the artist and character?
(342.70 KB 1009x1084 shitpost 4.png)

(351.86 KB 982x1200 E_93alyUUAkgx9G.jpeg)

(2.05 MB 1800x2200 4846948694.png)

(211.45 KB 1632x1161 FtWH7PqakAI-NRX.jpeg)

Christ on a cross.... motherfucking finally... I can post again... TL;DR - I've been unable to post for the past month since switching my OS, so I've been storing up translations in the meantime. Dump incoming, beginning with munemoto's new shit and old shit that I couldn't post for a fucking month
(441.89 KB 1800x2000 Fw41It7aAAArgC_.jpg)

(320.09 KB 1800x2000 Fw41I8daQAAhibz.jpg)

(360.92 KB 1800x2000 Fw41JJEagAAz97q.jpg)

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>>31167 Fifth pic unrelated, but I don't want to waste a whole post just to close out the munemoto dump cleanly.
I could've sworn that I saw this series requested in here somewhere, but apparently I'm hallucinating again. Oh well, AI-generated brainrot that it is, I translated it anyways.