/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(158.14 KB 1080x1864 E-JL4_3XsAIn40u.jpg)

(110.07 KB 1080x1080 E-JL4uSWEAIl9gT.jpg)

(65.77 KB 1080x1080 E-JL4hPWQAACLoL.jpg)

'Real' same size thread Anonymous 09/05/2021 (Sun) 11:22:17 No. 237 >>2104
I.e. pics of hot pregnant or fat chicks and cringe captions. Anything that reminds you of the fetish and gets you hard. Go.
did Billie Eilish actually think we were making fun of her by enlarging her belly? it's just hot
>>344 She's just a regular young girl, who clearly wasnt ln the internet long enough to realize that wasnt hate or mocking content but fetish pics.
>>351 MiB2, My Favourite Martian and Shrek are where this fetish began for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ckbLuB4D34
>>404 Lmao fuck off dude Either post something of "quality" or quit your bitching
>>407 OP here. You fuck off. Wrong thread for those shite edits. I said pregnant, fat and cringe captions. Okay, thank you.
>>411 obligatory > OP is a faggot and doesn't even remeber what he made thread about > Anything that reminds you of the fetish and gets you hard. Go. Consider a toaster bath
People would rather have a dead thread. Tards.
>>407 No need to get so defensive over it, did you make those creepy morphs or something? But you did make a good point so here’s some nice manips that aren’t from someone’s wedding or family reunion photos.
>>416 It's a manner of speaking. By you I really meant me. Your shit menips of women you know does nothing for me. Ergo you are in violation of the NAP by posting ITT and you should be murdered preemptively in self defence. Okay, thank you.
(1011.93 KB 960x1118 just can't get enough.png)

>>419 This is more like it.
>>422 NAP? You fucking An-cap, I can tell. You don't think any of the pictures that have caapions you posted dont violate that as well? Well your a fucking retard. And if you meant "me" instead of you in the opening well that 's just your fault and your a dumb ass. And also if you, and apparntly several others didn't know this webiste is anonymous so you aren't even talking to the person who originally posted those, kid.
>>430 Christ dude chill out, OP just wanted pcitures of hot/pregnant chicks and cring comps. Maybe you should go make a thread instead of crying in this one.
>>430 14 year olds shouldn't be on 8chan. Smh. Autism is welcome, but come back in a few years if we're still around.
>>432 >(you)
>>423 Here’s a few more I have in stock as well Also, Anon no. 404 here, my only issue is when people post those cringe manips from someone’s wedding or family outings. That morpher does a lot of those and they’re on the same list as the people that do that morphs of kids and babies being digested, cringe low quality shit imo
>>441 Hey man I really love your work, do you have gallery on da or the bunny portal I've got some stuff, but looks like a very aggrevated anon already posted a piece of my work >>407
>>447 I didn’t make any of those, they’re ones I found.
>>449 oh lmao Do you happen to know who the artist is?
>>450 Most are done by FransicoFranco, he has a photo manip thread on the Eka’s forums. Some are done by Mercury who has unfortunately wiped all his works off the internet, and a couple I’m not sure who did them, I just found them in vore servers
>>497 Hg... now there's a fellow I haven't heard about in a while thanks for the info, I appreciate it
>>347 fucking kids these days. so stupid
>>2104 Source on 5?
>>2290 Meant the model/whore tbh.
>>2675 Ayyy I made these. Glad to see people like them enough to repost ^-^
(167.75 KB 481x701 1456012849289 copy.jpg)

(228.44 KB 671x800 manip 3 cutaway.jpg)

(598.97 KB 1000x750 manip 2 cutaway.jpg)

(1019.62 KB 933x1279 pj giantess 3 manip.jpg)

(3.85 MB 3648x2736 manip 7 copy.jpg)

I'm no expert at manips, but I guess I'll do some self-promotion.
>>2943 OP here. Just going to delete this thread if you don't fuck off.
>>2944 My mistake. Is this not what you were looking for in this thread? Or was there something else I did that was out of line? I think this was a genuine misunderstanding. I can delete it, if it's so bad.
>>2945 It's just not for image manips. Leave it. They were higher quality than the others tbf. You are too polite an anon. Smh.
>>2950 I can be ruder, if you want. But if we're talking what make me think of vore, I obviously chose these women for exactly that reason. Figured it'd fit.
(193.79 KB 961x1280 tumblr_pdqh8yIsll1voemey_1280.jpg)

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(102.19 KB 470x664 800_1000.jpg)

(95.37 KB 500x524 491_1000.jpg)

(213.64 KB 1000x1334 186_1000.jpg)

Well, if this isn't place for manips, I have plenty of pictures saved that make me thing of vore (stuffing them with prey or swallowing them myself)
(58.08 KB 750x1000 4223214.jpg)

(21.86 KB 962x1473 142929400231.jpg)

(82.23 KB 640x480 351_1000.jpg)

(883.03 KB 798x595 asian 2.png)

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(261.19 KB 600x800 131209881675.jpg)

(184.92 KB 829x1100 252_1000.jpg)

(309.76 KB 600x900 v10.jpg)

Okay. I'll stop for now. I have quite a stockpile, though.
>post what OP wanted >gets deleted ???
>>3516 OP here. WHat was it?
>>3519 Couple of thick girls with nice round guts but nothing like BBW or super gross obese, and a slim cosplay girl with nice wide hips who was licking her lips looking down at the camera. Just pics that reminded me of vore.
>>3650 You sure they were deleted and you didn't just close tab after a connection error? Post them again tbh.
(846.97 KB 610x1064 aj ap.png)

(581.52 KB 610x1066 big-ass-in-jeans-736177.png)

(415.14 KB 852x480 av wife 1b.png)

(1.55 MB 1150x1500 jsav.png)

(651.55 KB 1280x720 llxx2cRNKeowRVvi.mp4)

Video from Twitter.
>>2954 Source in the second one?
(3.50 MB 1280x1588 unknown.png)

(1.90 MB 1080x1298 unknown (1).png)

(3.57 MB 1170x1560 unknown (3).png)

(3.35 MB 1280x1707 unknown (2).png)

>>21473 Sauce
(888.29 KB 850x1275 astolfo.png)

Someone do a edit of this femboy?
>>21024 Do you know who made this?
(74.05 KB 1024x768 rfweriuhw-wer1.jfif)

(381.37 KB 3840x2160 rfweriuhw-wer2.png)

(112.94 KB 983x1024 rfweriuhw-wer3-2.png)

(150.46 KB 798x1066 rfweriuhw-wer4.png)

>>22015 Anyone got Lovelyshow's subscription stuff from Deviantart? pics unrelated.
I do they are pretty good?
(147.32 KB 480x640 efwerw-234srf-1.png)

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(445.39 KB 1616x1212 efwerw-234srf-5.png)

>>22041 Mind posting them? more pics, more unrelated. I feel like I should at least contribute something if I'm going to request something else.
>>22122 pretty sure that last one is a dude
>>22122 >2nd Beautiful
>>23055 Hey look it's me! Haha
>>21474 Source?
>>23168 Is your belly as big as the photo?
>>23172 Sadly no, I just made these edits
>>22131 Source for 2nd and 3rd pic ?
>>2655 who is the artist?
>>26401 >seesHMDwatermark >OhHellNah.mp4
>>22018 Who's the last one?
>>441 Did vightduo make these
(733.11 KB 1363x2048 ANKbi copy.png)

(927.75 KB 937x937 DCbi4png.png)

(1.99 MB 1124x1635 ALbipsd copy.png)

(2.03 MB 1365x2048 cjbi copy.png)

(3.56 MB 1362x2048 Letting it all hang out.png)

Might as well post these since i'm banned from ekas
(2.38 MB 1536x2048 Spilling out for an award.png)

>>26875 How the fuck did you manage to get IP banned from Eka's???
>>2655 Who is this woman?
(2.10 MB 2048x1366 Don't play with itcopy.png)

>>26879 I posted this edit of rapper Lola Brooke. Which caused my thread to get nuked since i didn't ask for permission of said image. I made a new thread where i stated that I didn't know why my thread was nuked. Which gave me a perm ban. Now i'm only assuming that pic related is the reason, All the other women I've posted the mods didn't question if i asked for permission or not. No one abides by that rule anyway so it's all bs
>>26530 F1nnster eating other twitch thots is so so fkin hot
(745.82 KB 1160x1160 4NBbZWHO_.jpg)

(662.05 KB 1080x1121 G3gUTRId_.jpg)

(1.37 MB 2160x1350 ashlivore.jpg)

(156.99 KB 1000x1331 IMG_2050.jpg)

>>26882 She's Ashli Helm aka "Life Styled By Ashli", she would be a great pred, so gorgeous and sultry.
(803.66 KB 962x1443 DCbi.png)

(1.74 MB 1365x2048 7xm.xyz485687 copy.png)

>>26917 I see the vision
>>26530 >>26897 Going to have to agree with this
(343.56 KB 396x594 OWbi.png)

(2.58 MB 1335x2000 MCbi6 copy.png)

(3.51 MB 1536x2048 Now check this out.png)

(13.45 MB 2555x3563 JJbi copy.png)

(283.38 KB 600x442 vdbi.png)

(1.52 MB 1375x2048 TERbi.png)

(2.42 MB 2048x1213 TPHbi2.png)

(1.60 MB 1200x1800 TSbi4.png)

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(1.50 MB 750x1078 391722340.png)

(2.57 MB 1363x2048 Not a good look.png)

Here's an actual attempt to add body parts to my edits so that they'll look like a person has just been eaten and not a post vore look
(371.06 KB 1363x2048 941695683.jpg)

(384.66 KB 1537x1963 1319492713.jpg)

(399.87 KB 1536x2048 173999401.jpg)

(529.10 KB 1439x2048 840807000.jpg)

(656.40 KB 2200x2740 1008266641.png)

(2.42 MB 1363x2048 you have 5 min.png)

caption version
(801.61 KB 717x1023 Monae Hungers for MORE.png)

>Starts making proper vore edits after getting banned from ekas Life comes at you fast
(4.96 MB 1423x2048 Wendy Williams-Vore me.png)

(2.20 MB 1266x2048 7xm.xyz535719 copy.png)

>>27024 The immersion is really broken by the lack of attention to anatomy, Unless there's multiple prey you wouldn't have their back and feet pressing out on the same size. Other than that they look good.
>>27042 >Unless there's multiple prey That's what i was going for, to imply that multiple people were eaten, but thanks for the tip i'll keep that in mind, when i want to have 1 person inside >Other than that they look good thanks, my buddy and another mutual helped me out, these 4 edits are pretty much my first attempts at this kind of thing
(2.97 MB 1363x2048 7xm.xyz399733 copy.png)

>>27046 Imprints looking good, what exactly is your process for making them? I.e. software, tools
(2.22 MB 1365x2048 Mallori.png)

>>27067 what exactly is your process for making them? I use photoshop. What i do is bring in the imprint assets (place embedded) and erase the extra stuff leaving just the imprint. then I use the blending option luminosity and set the opacity to 35%. My buddy who started doing vore edits as well showed it to me. Pic related is his work
>>27070 One thing i started doing that i got from a another mutual is using the smudge tool on the imprint. but only in small spurts
>>26994 OP here. These are gold.
(2.55 MB 1536x2048 She's hungry again.png)

(2.88 MB 1363x2048 7xm.xyz399733 copycap.png)

(2.53 MB 1536x2048 She's Hungry again no cap.png)

(2.30 MB 1535x2048 7xm.xyz880581 copy.png)

(2.29 MB 1535x2048 7xm.xyz880581 copy.png)

(4.18 MB 1920x2609 naomi.png)

(1.52 MB 2048x1369 7xm.xyz285674-Recovered.png)

(2.72 MB 1365x2048 D23B.png)

(2.65 MB 1365x2048 D23 buffet.png)

(2.24 MB 1440x1799 Rubi's mistake.png)

(2.25 MB 1440x1799 FllMxfxWAAAmGHr copy.png)

(2.41 MB 1365x2048 China's meal.png)

(2.42 MB 1365x2048 She can't hold out any longer.png)

(2.39 MB 1364x2048 Ari's offer.png)

(2.36 MB 1364x2048 room for more.png)

(1.43 MB 1179x1448 Fr8KMHAWcAEs1s1 copy.png)

(1.99 MB 2048x1365 7xm.xyz785450 copy.png)

>focusing purely on black preds I love you
>>27874 >I love you And I love you too anon! Now tell me, what female celeb would you like to see get the red treatment
>>27877 *what black female celeb would you like to see get the pred treatment*
(263.83 KB 1080x1440 FuaT9avXwAMbSni.jpg)

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(403.78 KB 1536x2048 FtRxqjGWYAci1Df.jpg)

(422.51 KB 1536x2048 FtRxq12XwAcZwJp.jpg)

(425.27 KB 1536x2048 FtRxrHbXsAEaP1d.jpg)

>>27878 Ice spice eating a white girl pleeeeeaseeeee
Not sure If these are up already
>>30343 Source of the first one?
>>30343 Whats the 1st one from?
>>2655 who is the artist?
(1.36 MB 960x1280 belle_1.png)

Bump for the upcoming Deviant Art Purge
Anyone have Lovelyshow's stuff? Looks like Their DA was nuked
>>48779 Bro. That second one is amazing. Man i wish someone could do somethibg like that for me.
>>45443 pic 1 didn't know about option 3. knife.
>>51640 It´s archived on the discord server of voracious paradise.
Link to the Server?
>>45434 More G-ma preds please ☺ Love me some aged experienced preds~
Anyone know or have an archive of Kass-iss' stuff?
I’ve been experimenting with making some morphs, I’m fairly new to this, and have lots of improving to do but I thought I’d drop these here. Enjoy

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