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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Pregnant prey thread Anonymous 01/06/2023 (Fri) 09:38:10 No. 23720
I thought might make you thread dedicated to pregnant preys to be eaten by the preds
This definitely needs a bump. Pregnant Vore is the GOAT.
>>23720 If the pred digests the woman along with the fetus, does that count as abortion?
Oh, thought this was pregnant pred thread, rip
(177.73 KB 900x2047 salamoun-643142-itfyp4TT.jpg)

(2.88 MB 8779x2894 KentaKoukuji-518303-yoga.jpg)

(850.34 KB 2500x2200 0nl1ce-971142-PapiV.png)

>>40665 source pls?
>>40669 JohnOfAllTrades on aryion
(2.55 MB 6947x2894 Zagine-620886-baseball.jpg)

(368.52 KB 1200x1050 kaijinx-712469-ume.png)

(1.35 MB 2304x2084 FoF-803405-dragonair.png)

>>40805 Sauce?
DiskData on aryion
I’m curious, since this isn’t my thing at all. What about pregnant prey is appealing? I can get pregnant pred (cravings and whatnot), but for pregnant prey, does imagining the digestion not kill the hotness for you? All I can think about is acid burning through the girl’s stomach and sizzling the baby/fetus alive. Boner killer.
>>41878 I imagine part of it is that it makes the pred crueler or more ravenous/evil which some people love, but I agree it's not for me or my thing at all. Pregnant pred I get atleast but even then I can't help but think silly stuff like "wouldn't that hurt the baby etc.", I really prefer to just avoid pregnancy at all in vore
>>41878 eh, it's not too complicated. pregnant women are hot. hot women should be eaten. simple. As for the details, just don't think about it too hard.
Goodbye baby
>>52896 Sauce on the second one?
>>53111 Read the file name guy
>>53181 You expect me to read? I just look at the pictures.
>>41893 I personally just like porn that combines my fetishes into a chimera abomination. Then again fetishes involving the tummy generally go together well. Also I kind of like the idea of things like lactation and the heft you gain during pregnancy as making a pregnant woman more tasty or nutritious as prey. So its the most appealing vore can be, so long as they dont fuck it up for me with gore or killing them for good (or doing it in a way i cant retroactively rewrite in my head)
>>52896 Fuck preg prey is so hot. They spent so much time, effort, resources and sacrificed so much to grow something inside them, to make new life. Then an uncaring fat bitch just eats, kills, digests and shits them out with no care or effort, probably complaining about them crying and squirming too much
>>41878 >imagining the digestion not kill the hotness for you? All I can think about is acid burning through the girl’s stomach and sizzling the baby/fetus alive Dumbass just described the best parts of vore and asked why we think it's hot
>>66090 This fethis realy is just another form of S and M with guro huh
>>59465 This guy gets it.

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