/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

anyone got any stories?
Wow, this is the last place I’d expect to see my OC, not gonna lie
>>475 this is your OC? they are pretty nice. Got anything more of them?
Nah, at the moment I don’t have anything new. Was thinking of more scenarios for him to eat Klonoa, cuz I just love the idea of a sibling eating a sibling.
>>480 what sort of scenarios do you have in mind? I can see this character eating klonoa and impersonating him, out of jealousy.
I’m pretty stumped right now, but that is a good idea there. This OC was just created to be Klonoa’s brother which worked surprisingly well, but I’m shocked to know that people seem to like the scenarios I’ve done so far, so that might be what I go for next, if at all.
>>484 how do you feel about alternative vore types and this character? That could open up possibilities. Feel free to post any arts of this character here, for context.
I’m not sure, to be honest. I just really prefer the oral vore side of things cuz that’s just my main thing. I’ll post when I can, if I get any new updates, though.
>>486 Good to hear. If I come across any general art of cabbits, I will post here.
>>542 this would be amazing in colour
anyone taking requests?
>>760 source?
>>469 I want to see more of this character
Something I got commissioned
>>475 >>469 please do more with this guy, he's cute as shit
found these on rule34 wonder if he's going to get more now that the remake thing has been announced
>>10144 source??
DAMN, more!
>>16014 i hope more keeps coming!
>>16014 god i want this artist to do more
anything new?
this seems to be old
>>469 cute
>>16285 source?
(1.59 MB 2750x1385 THE_cabbit.png)

>>16489 that'd be https://aryion.com/g4/view/668121 also fuck it LMAO, still got a lot to improve on my drawing but i did a thing some days ago since the influx of klonoa seemed to stop, figured i'd put it here
>>16858 this is pretty great anon! i would love to see how you handle other characters in this kind of art, like leorina for example, or KOS
>>16873 i've actually wanted to at least draw lolo and tat for a WHILE, just gotta actually get around to it between life and drawing other stuff
Something I commissioned recently
>>26986 bump
>>26986 what happened to this character anyway?
anymore like this?
Just imagining Klo inflating someone and then sending them straight to his tummy for maximum fullness
(1.35 MB 4620x4200 TmanFox.png)

we have a wip from foxnoms it seems
>>44753 update?
>>44753 bump
>>44753 from e621
>>247 Source on that first one?
>>17357 source?
>>247 source?
anyone got any more stuff?

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