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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Malezor/Volezor Paid Content Anonymous 10/16/2021 (Sat) 20:18:55 No. 2554
Anyone getting a sense of Deja Vu? Well. Best to ask now if anyone has Malezor's Bikini Buffet Battle.
I would have shared, but 15$ in the middle of the month for a montly subscription is too much for my broke ass.
>>2622 hope things pick up for you soon anon. fight the good fight
I hate how this artist just starts one comic, gets four pages in, starts another, gets a few pages in, then just starts another and this repeats over and over. And then he trickles out content he's made over the year despite it being complete and done 8 months prior. I'd be fine with paying for his stuff if it wasn't for the fact that he actively does not know how to keep up with the work he's making.
>>2797 this, his peach comic started strong, and then i just forgot it existed as his updates where so intermittent.
apparently page 10 is the point where one is eating the other, and its the most boring and expected winner ever :V sorry, im just really annoyed that 2 pokemon comics in a row went with the obvious pred >:V
It's May, isn't it?
>>4967 Yep
>>4935 Can you share it?
>>5018 +1 to that request!
I'm just a simple man trying to enjoy his vore as well, and it pains me to see ya'll suffering like this. Enjoy you lovely degenerates. https://kemono. party/patreon/user/594423?o=0 Obviously connect the parts of the link. Also its not perfect, as there are a couple pages missing.
Just want to say, thank you for posting what you have. Not only of this, but of the other comics as well. Even if it's incomplete, not too hard to fill in the blanks, and I'm sure the others will find their way to the wider internet in time. So thank you :)
For some reason he didn't post all of the pages directly on patreon. He sent some of the pages through a weekly email that he sends to his patrons. So a patron would have to directly share the missing pages for us to get them, kemono can't really help with that one.
>>5295 Just checked and it seems that those missing pages sent through email are for higher tiers and they will be posted on patreon eventually, then all someone has to do is update kemono.
Someone willing to post the Bikini Buffet Battle pages? The damn gaps in-between gaps in frustrating to see on Kemono.
Does anyone have vore match?
>>7031 Here you go
>>7104 Bless you, my fellow sexual deviant. Have a (you)
Does anyone have mystery gift
>>8705 Millypunch's channel
>>8705 I'll second this. Kemono has a few pages but they're woefully incomplete.
Any chance anyone has the unreleased chapters of Wolf Quest or the Attack on Canine comic he did years back, it would be much appreciated.
Hello, I was wondering if there would be at least a full file of Malezor/Volezor's work of PKMN Bikini Buffet Battle? Is it going to be done?
>>10178 artist saying on the upcoming there will still be continuation and the end of the comic is still uncertain so lets just wait until someone reimport everything
Does anyone have the comic 'THM & TLS - Date Night'?
Play the full Bikini Buffet Battle comic if you don't mind. Thanks
>>10724 Buddy as far as I know page 14 ain't even out yet. We still got a long time to wait.
>>10766 Fucking chad
Does anyone have the patreon mega file of their ocarina of vore by any chance?
>>10791 Bump
Does anyone have the mystery gift comic? Seems like kemono isn’t working for his content anymore
>>14735 bump
Anyone got multiversal?
>>10766 Dead link, any chance someone can reupload?
Anyone got friends with benefits?
Anyone got Hungry Moon & Little Star - Date Night?
Does anyone have the patreon collection of ocarina of vore?
>>14735 bump
Is kemono not updating for him?
>>18840 He sends the pages through email to his patrons to get around stuff like kemono. A patron would have to personally post the images here or post them someone else. Kemono will not work.
Anyone willing to share his comics?
"My Boyfriend's Fetish." Does anyone have all the chapters from Patreon?
Anyone have all the pages of Mass adventure?
And also THM & TLS - Date Night and Mistery Gift would be great
anyone happen to have the rest of whats been done for Ocarina of Vore by chance?
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Please can some generous person share this
does he put some sort of drm or something?
>>27220 yeah he sends them out to all the subs individually iirc
>>27407 i mean, like what faf used to do
>>27407 as in put some sort of tracer to each image to ban patrons who share
is that true?
>>27208 any summary of it, at the very least?
does he put any sort of drm? is he actually lying and doesn't actually give anything? is there some sort of agreement beetween him and the patrons? what is it
>>27410 Once it's saved to the Patron's computer, I feel like the tracer would end there, since it can go through any number of changes.
>>28173 >>28178 It could be as simple as having the patrons name hidden somewhere in the pdf.
>>28179 >>28178 Could be some kind of steganography
>>27208 If the tracer thing is true, I have a feeling none of us are gonna be seein this comic until the full thing is out for patrons sadly. No point in paying for a subscription halfway, sharing it and then getting right back to square one.
Actually Camping with you 2 is completed, it just that if this tracer thing is ture then we might just have to wait until Bikini Buffet Battle and maybe other comices are complete as well.
>>28318 Bikini battle buffet has been completed and out for some time. Not fully out on Aryion, but the whole thing was leaked some time ago. You can find the full comic still in this thread or on places like ehentai
>>28333 Yes I know that, it just if no one is willing to upload Malezor"s comic for free then we"ll just have to wait. We could asks Malezor NICELY to uploading more frequently or upload more pages of a comic at a time. But keep in mind that Malezor has a life outside of 18+ comics.
Looks like he’s releasing even more new comics.
As I type this comment there are only three pages left of Bikini Buffet Battle to be upload on aryion. So it would be nice if someone would upload the more recent comic along with the comics that he just stop uploading.
>>30296 Someone already shared a google drive link containing the whole comic months ago. Scroll up.
Yes I know that.
anyone got mass adventure? can't find it anywhere
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Please someone... I don't even care if its cropped images and changed file names, please can someone share? There is no way any tracking that could be on the set could be that crazy, the dude is not a rocket scientist...
>>30789 You kidding me, The bad maid comic or w/e had each file tagged seperately supposedly so they can ban every single person who shared.
>>30790 I still can't even begin to fathom how that is even possible. Like I feel it would be impossible to keep track of once it goes onto someone's computer. Not to mention 8chan is completely anonymous.
>>30789 if no comic is posted, a synopsis would be good enough instead
>>30779 Same, I've been looking for it.
>>30808 Well From I could rember and tell from the blurry images from his SubscribleStar: Gloria and Marnie are still on their camping trip and are now fishing at a river. They soon find something that might improve the flavor of Marine. And so Gloria eats Marine again and something happen that may please or dissapoint them, But we won't know until Malezor decides to upload the pages.
Well as of the typing this comment, Malezor started a new F/F comic called Super Star Resort, a cotinuation of his Peach vore comic adventure. At lest it not another pokemon one, not to say I didn't enjoy them, but when it been pokemon, oc, pokemon ,oc, it start to get a little stale. Now if only someone can upload the comic that haven't been fully uploaded yet, that would be nice. P.S. I already know that all of Bikini Buffet Battle has been available to see for a long while so no need to tell me.
why is kemono scraping the patreon and not the subscribestar that actually has to art on it
>>34317 because its submitted by user who purchased through patreon, not subscribestar
Special Week: Christmas 2022 Gift 1
Only one i got is this one, but tbf, it is my favorite lol Sharing is caring ! https://mega.nz/file/YBJFRCBQ#GaPrZ7sTkbvUq1cKMUdt16zn3oRVUn5-3ADamKV-zGc
Anyone have Mission V?
>>36967 Thank and all, but Wild Sleepover has been fully upload for a long time now. but still thank for sharing.
>>30789 Bump
we should search for his address and send him random stuff like pizzas, to scare him
>>37215 This has always led to people sending death threats. Even if thats meant as a joke, please don't doxx people on the internet.
>>37215 Don't be a faggot
>>37241 tell that to malezor for having that obnoxious system. >>37239 then what can we do? he got too comfortable with that system, might as well scare him or force him to change
someone have this?
>>37251 are the girls the one eating the woods creatures?
>>37252 No, it's kinda disgusting and weird.
>>37256 then it's complete garbage.
>>37251 i can't fucking believe it. the only time malezor draws anthros and it's to be eaten by the ugliest things he could come up with. it couldn't be more anthros or even normal looking humans/demis, it had to be these bronze era statue looking freaks what a faggot, i don't care about the gender of the preds or preys, at least he should have put the decency of making them look good
>>37259 Look, I believe these are his early works. some there some kinks, like his arkwork, that were being work on so there no need to be mean.
>>37565 "some there some kinks"? what does this mean? what are you talking about?
>>37565 Listen, anon, i'm not being mean, i'm just being honest, it doesn't matter if it's old or new that comic is still garbage and also, malezor nowadays doesn't draw anthros, so knowing he made such a beautiful one just to be eaten by whatever those creatures are, just makes me insanely furious.
Well this is it all of Bikini Buffet Battle has been fully upload on to Aryion.( I all ready know that other mature site has the comic fully upload.) So now we will have to see if Malezor will start uploading Camping with you 2 or if we still need to wait for a bit longer.
>>37607 Alright, Camping with you 2 has uploaded its first page by Malezor on his Aryion page. Now to wait 2 or so years for the whole comic to be uploaded.
aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvS0dBMGlLb1M= >>38770 or just grab it right now Ob1WtDIQJqfU8FWSTO5B7c4IOwa0MZ3t11R1nU8oNrc
>>38772 whats the decryption key?
>>38774 Link? Because that's definitely not a link lol
Decode first 2nd is 🗝️
>>38772 Thank you so very much! Malezor needs to start fucking posting his completed comics instead of drip-feeding everyone them over the course of two years.
>>38780 How does one go about decoding?
>>38772 Key doesn't work
>>38780 Or you know just send it normally? Nobody knows how to fucking decode stuff.
Sorry for snapping at you...just had a bad day..thank you though! Figured out how to decode it!
Would someone explain how to decode >>38772 for those of us that don't know how too. Would be greatly appreciated.
>>38772 >Ob1WtDIQJqfU8FWSTO5B7c4IOwa0MZ3t11R1nU8oNrc ???
>>38801 That's the key for the MEGA sweetheart, no need to decode it, just copy-paste that into the text box.
>>38802 How do we get to the MEGA? I assume it has something to do with the "aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvS0dBMGlLb1M=" but i can't figure it out. I tried adding it to the URL but it keeps just taking me to a login screen.
Anyone have just married super star resort?
>>38802 >Ob1WtDIQJqfU8FWSTO5B7c4IOwa0MZ3t11R1nU8oNrc Thanks, am dumb. Do you have the newest pages of "The way of the huntress" as well>?
Anyone have Mission V?
For the ones who have no one what base64 is
Meant to say this is for these who don’t know what base64 is lmfao
wow didn't expect this to happen. but at least we have all the page to Camping with you 2. Now can someone please upload this pages to other mature sites incase this site goes down. P.S the 3rd and 2nd to last pages are swap by accident, so careful.
>>38772 Godspeed, you magnificent bastard
>>38826 Already done and uploaded to e-hentai here’s the link https://e-hentai.org/g/2752652/da46b1586f/
Anyone got just married super star resort or mission V?
>>38878 Nice, now if only someone can upload the other comics that Malezor has done. plus the one one he abandoned.
Not sure of the title, does anyone have an F/M comic where a male fox prey plays a video game match from the stomach of a human pred? Iirc it was four pages and released in mid-late 2020, though I'm likely wrong on the date.
>>40633 You my friend...are an absolute fucking legend!!! Thank you so much!!! I can't wait to see what happens next! Thank you!
Anyone got multiversal feast?
Does anyone have the spy x family one?
does anyone have the rest of the pages to Diana to the rescue? https://aryion.com/g4/view/390799 the remaining ones were removed from ekas
Anyone have super star resort?
Does anyone have the Super Star Resort stuff?
Well, to who ever decides to upload whichever pages to whichever comic, PLEASE don't use MEGA because after a week or so of being uploaded it gets taken down.
>>44469 bump
Anyone want to share mission V?
Anyone have super star resort?
>>47083 Thanks Anon, just like many of his recent comics, takes around 2 years to upload it all, and it has like 2 or 3 actual vore scenes lol
Does he ever do fatal anymore? Besides random side characters in the Luna comics that is
>>47083 Well did is nice to see now someone please hurry up and upload these pages to other mature sites befor the link no long takes us to these pages.
>>47224 why not here? i have the pages, i can upload them, but is there a fear of DMCA for this board or something? also, can SOMEONE upload the rest of the pages of Diana to the rescue?
>>47295 Whenever someone upload a link to Malezor's comic pages, they go down in about a week or so. So that why someone should upload those pages to other mature website so we still have a chance to read the whole comic without wait for him to upload the pages ever month to two months.
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Okay, I know i'm asking like a ton here BUT. Bro please i am so down bad for the rest of Wolf Quest, and the latest gay vibe check Friends With Benefits. PLEASE bro god damn i had a rough day i don't wanna pay $20 to see 2 comics. MF should put ads on his own site so everyone can see em instead of this battle he does. Pic related it's friends w benefits
If possible, could anyone update Malezor's kemono party page? It'd be greatly appreciated if you could, if not that's perfectly okay https://kemono.su/patreon/user/594423?q=
>>49222 Not possible, he individually sends by dm
>>49223 Dang, that stinks... reminds me of Varu in a way
Any chances someone can put up the Zelda comic? Would really appreciate it!
>>49309 And to who ever dose PLEASE don't use MEGA, becase after a week or two the link to those pages get deleted,
>>49323 Would stuff like Gofile work?
>>49341 It's worked for other stuff so far. I say try it.
>>49342 I would, if I had the stuff they made in 2023 and this year in 2024
someone please Multiversal Feast pokemon chapter.
>Even if you only pre-2023 comics, it would still be nice to see them.
After three and a-half years, The Way of the Huntress is complete. So now we wait for Diana's Odyssey - Winter Season, at page 9 of 20, Friend with Benefits, at page 23 of 31, FwB2, not yet upload , Hunting with my Friend's Dad at page 8 of 17, and The Way of the Vixens, at page 6 of 13. I know there other comics but these are the ones that stars his (Malezor's) Furries oc.
>>51753 Well, Well after posting that last one, malezor decided to upload another page to his Friends with Benefits comic, making it 24 of 31 pages. By the way Friends with Benefits 2: The Dare is 15 pages long and is still not been upload yet.
(1.57 MB 1860x2631 IMG_4986.jpeg)

Does anyone have Superstar Resort?
>>5489 Thank you!!
Wait I'm confused what just happend?
if anyone have multiverse feast this pages from my folder is what i have. did anyone have a following please
>>54907 Well this nice to see and all (click on the picture to see them fully) those it would nicer to have the hold arc than part of it.
>>54890 whats the website for that?
Anyone have Just A Bite?
Does anybody have ganondorf devoyr link comic?
>>47083 that post-vore moment was hilarious
Anyone have feast on me sexy sexy demon king comic?
>>54890 how do i use this
>>54972 Base64.com Decode 2 times
>>54890 Well that was disappointing. Flows the the same as the first one and doesn't even have the added hotness of clothes ripping. Should have been the two of them absolutely pigging out at the very least.
Does anyone have comic feast on me sexy sexy demon king?
anyone have milypunch’s channel: game and snack
>>55140 I know this is a long shot but do you have the rest of the pages of Diana to the rescue?
>>55140 >>54890 Many thanks to you both
does anyone have multiversal feast arc 2
>>55554 Well on this wedsite we do have the last four pages of part 3, 23 of 28 pages of part 4, Malezor just posted the first two pages of part 1, and on kemono there pages 5-22 of part 2 plus the first six pages of part 3.
>>55574 Could anyone post hungrymoon littlestat tripday?
>>55574 When I said last four I ment last five pages of part 3
Great the code to use at Base64 to get to Gofiles are gone. The only one one left is the link that take you to Mission V.
Oh for the love oh! As the typing of this coment malezor decided to post the first page to his Dungeon Meshi vore comic "Cheers & Magic" when he only on page three on this Patreon/ SubscribeStar. There still five other F/F comic to be complete. And if you must know Camping with you 2 is on page six of sixteen (on aryion), Diana's Odyssey: Winter Season is on page ten of twenty, The Ways of the Vixens is on page seven of thirteen, Just Married!- Super Star Resort is on page seven of seventeen, and My Ambition is on page three of sixteen.
does anyone have the way of the vixens or my ambition?
Does anyone have the Multiversal Feast Completed? (Just to most recent?)
Why is this so unnecessarily complicated? I don't understand the last term of his $15 tier. Can anyone explain?
>>57526 Sounds like you pay for the first month, THAN you will start getting what you wanted during your SECOND payment the next month. That way people don't pay and take his works then try and get their money back that from the bank really fast. Essentially you have to pay double to see his works per tier.
>>57529 At some point he needs to realize that all of these anti-piracy measures start turning people off from actually buying his shit
>>57531 If you think that's bad. Varu's so much worse. But I digress, this is still very ridiculous
>>57531 I dont know, you don't really see his stuff being pirated as much so it seems to be working out.
Does anyone have the Multiversal Feast?
Does anyone have Feast On Me Sexy Demon?
>>54816 Missed the boat on this, can someone who is luckier than me reupload?
>>60050 How it works?
>>60072 And to whoever do, maybe upload the pages on to this site so that way we don't need to worry about the link/code to the site they are on don't get taken down. Then we can upload them to other mature site no promble.
>>60083 You have to set it to decode then paste
anyone have my ambition?
>>60192 aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC8zUlZFcWs=
I'm sure the whole thing isn't out yet but if someone can share whatever is that'd be greatly appreciated
anyone have trip day ?
can anyone please reupload superstar resort and millypunch's channel; game and snack ?
>>60319 Well now we have the code to My Ambition. But in case the code get taken down for some reason someone should uploud those pages to other mature website.
would like to see what progress has been made on Just A Bite as well as Cheers & Magic
Anyone have the rest of winter season or way of the vixens?
>>60568 bump
>>60320 ❤❤❤
>>60925 bump
someone got way of the vixens?
>>60320 Anyone have the second cover to this?
3rd cover also
>>63833 https://aryion.com/g4/view/1082248 First page get public, is there anyone have full version?
>>64289 We're only on page three (on his patreon/subscribestar) as the typing this comment. So it going to be awhile before we have more pages to upload.
Does someone have super star resort
anyone have way of the vixens?
>>64744 Thank you so much!
Anyone have Just a bite?
What about multiversal feast?
>>64744 >>64750 Well, Now we have Way of the Vixens and Super Star Resort without the need for a code. But still someone should upload these page; along with Mission V and My Ambition, to other mature sites in case these links are deleted.
anyone have game and snack or just a bite?
>>65212 And the links no longer work.... Hope you download Super Star Resort, Way of the Vixens, Mission V, and My Ambition. Cause we'er in for a long wait for Malezor to upload them all.
>>65736 Oh wait they work again. But still best to upload these comics to other mature site just in case.
Anyone have THM & TLS - Trip Day?
Anyone have this?
>>66486 There already a gofile link to that comic >>47083
is there a glitch where Gofile can't download things when you are right in the link? tried to download superstar resort, yet it will not download. click the button; Nada.
>>66503 it's not working when i hit download nor is there a preview
>>66585 Seem to work find for me, my only gusse is if you have pics of a cut up snake then you are on the wong ver of this site.
>>65404 bump
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Can anyone re-upload my ambition please? Also if anyone could share these other comics that would be awesome
Hey dose anyone has Diana to the Rescue, Its 12 pages long and we were on page nine when the use of underage prey/pred content got (mostly)ban and we lost pages 3-8. So if have that comic please upload it so this 7 years old content can be see again.
anyone have the current pages of just a bite or cheers and magic?
Anyone Multiversal Feast?
>>67445 bump, as Cheers and Magic recently finished

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