/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Snake Vore Anonymous 10/19/2021 (Tue) 05:40:08 No. 2687
It’s been a few weeks so I thought we needed a snake vore thread goin
(188.24 KB 640x1047 8qkidqkz6sp61.jpg)

(4.53 MB 1920x4800 Shanna_vs_snake_nude.jpg)

Here's soem random snek vore kstuff I have on hand
>>4276 No one owns a snake large enough and asking is against tos, it only brings trouble for everyone. I can feel the sentiment all too well, but let's not endanger the board with unrealistic questions
don't have a lot of hynofood's snake vore on me as I thought
(559.41 KB 800x1600 59704297_p0.png)

(731.31 KB 1560x800 fupoosnakevore.png)

(494.39 KB 800x1600 FuPoo-447912-tretrtrettt.png)

(270.05 KB 800x1600 FuPoo-519146-asdfgh.png)

(325.63 KB 1201x1200 FuPoo-499781-te.png)

Also I guess I'll post all the fupoo snake vore stuff here
Here's some Scottc Snek stuff.
(1.02 MB 1641x1200 9-n.jpg)

(439.54 KB 835x1200 10-n.jpg)

(352.42 KB 835x1200 11-n.jpg)

(400.75 KB 835x1200 12-n.jpg)

Chapter 15 of the Beastar spinoff "Beast Complex " has the entire chapter devoted to snek vore
(328.71 KB 900x900 1138278541429284865_1.png)

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(118.57 KB 1280x1120 chomba1.jpg)

(107.23 KB 1280x1280 Et5n_gbVEAA_ySb.jpg)

(150.60 KB 1280x1280 EyQyZzcWgAIcm7p.jpg)

(128.49 KB 1280x1280 EyVrLGWWUAEBNSq.jpg)

(7.83 MB 4096x2876 Rupie-742132-princessmeals.png)

(5.79 MB 2894x2463 Rupie-777903-april food.png)

fun facts: the reason master viper doens't get much vore is due to those tatoo designs on her back, which are tough to draw

(103.99 KB 800x1071 Ece3nRlUcAAP8qc.jpg)

(106.66 KB 786x1017 EURh_0lUMAARwbr.jpg)

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(157.00 KB 1280x1274 FOunGRjXIAQYLDZ.jpg)

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(717.59 KB 2463x2894 FOOe6yRUcAE6YRf.jpg)

(927.21 KB 2876x4096 FHLsovnUUAAAiAC.jpg)

(1.13 MB 4096x3678 FGrE0-tVcAUX-El.jpg)

(499.29 KB 3285x2876 E5VxGyrUcAEDqXt.jpg)

(812.73 KB 2876x4096 Eu8-styVoAAl3_n.jpg)

(590.71 KB 4096x2876 E-Ybys3UYAU_ppF.jpg)

(658.63 KB 4096x2876 Eu8-t5rUcAUIH-Q.jpg)

(986.70 KB 2876x4096 Eu8-tKRVkAIiGri.jpg)

(110.04 KB 1793x987 E9LNnegXsAk0MEo.jpg)

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(106.26 KB 1845x926 E9LNv67X0AA-zvV.jpg)

(111.70 KB 1493x1239 E9LNwsOWUAghEHQ.jpg)

postan the twitter link so I can re-find this: https://mobile.twitter.com/KoboldCuisine/status/1428430507780542472
(302.57 KB 2217x2605 D_D1Y3iVAAIxDcv.jpg)

(641.66 KB 2272x2944 D6sqflRWkAYpHZo.jpg)

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(1.26 MB 2428x3109 DuR9q6NUcAAHmQO.jpg)

(851.72 KB 4096x2876 EpyrnymUUAA4lgL.jpg)

(169.53 KB 1463x985 E5T52XHX0AUKTfd.jpg)

(85.20 KB 1200x815 FGnJKQeX0AUG-SR.jpg)

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(235.31 KB 1060x1500 FLYJpZjaAAAWJTL.png)

(1.62 MB 1800x1005 FHq6-w4XEAALB2z.jpg)

(186.85 KB 536x1280 E8UqNZaX0AAejlW.jpg)

(253.78 KB 2000x1282 E_Mj_4sVkAIwCG-.jpg)

(357.81 KB 1270x2682 E8XDgK2WQAA47r_.jpg)

(509.50 KB 3000x2000 E8jRQ3bWEAQAWdw.jpg)

(1.09 MB 1638x4096 FAe-R6GX0AIK66u.jpg)

>>13049 Sauce on the 1st and 4th ones? The styles look familiar
(71.40 KB 1280x516 snake_sex.jpg)

(77.33 KB 1280x516 snake_sex_v2.jpg)

Probably a long shot, but does anyone have the part of this sequence by Astron where it actually eats the girl? It’s no longer in his Twitter.
>>13724 I agree, would be good to see this, even just a link where it is?
>>13724 bump
(771.02 KB 4000x3834 aria vore1.jfif)

(694.50 KB 4000x3834 aria vore2.jfif)

(983.24 KB 4000x3834 aria vore3.jfif)

>>14544 Oh wow. Thanks! I thought it would’ve been lost forever.
>>15794 mouth edit of last one
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(1.95 MB 3840x2160 84079225_p1.jpg)

(254.79 KB 591x422 Korrina win.png)

(738.02 KB 1920x437 Multi vore.jpg)

Hello Snake enthusiasts of 8chan! I come to you in a time of need! On Twitter there is a user by the name of Sharktorok who does excellent vore drawings(Seriously top quality stuff) Anyhow, for their 700 follower special, they have released an art poll, where people can comment what they want to see drawn. I personally requested Korrina from Pokemon being eaten by a snake. However, a user has decided to rig the poll by quote retweeting to their 11k followers to mass vote for the other option. So now I come to you all, in times of desperation, I ask that you mass vote for Korrina, so she may move onto the final round. I have included a sample of their artwork as well. You are all my final hope, please, let's come together as a vore community. Reminder, vote for Korrina(PKMN) vs Snake. Link: https://twitter.com/sharktorok/status/1587949393709350919
Any good comics?
(2.02 MB 3200x2000 room_ext.jpg)

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(3.70 MB 3200x2500 Ahri_J_3.jpg)

(3.24 MB 3200x2500 Ahri_J_3g.jpg)

(4.87 MB 2550x3600 Dr_Mowglii_07_ins_txt.jpg)

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(4.41 MB 2550x3600 Dr_Mowglii_13_txt.jpg)

(4.43 MB 2550x3600 Dr_Mowglii_12_txt.jpg)

(4.64 MB 2550x3600 Dr_Mowglii_11_txt.jpg)

(354.11 KB 2280x1860 FdNehUwWAAAqJeS.png)

(293.89 KB 2000x2000 FYqni92WQAEiL6h.jpg)

(357.68 KB 3076x2000 FYqnu80XgAACuGV.jpg)

(399.25 KB 2462x1701 Fi2cky3X0AUHKhQ.png)

(426.76 KB 3448x2296 FYqnqnlWAAEfJV2.jpg)

>>13033 I must know if there is more to the 5th picture
(1.59 MB 1221x1039 15f6f1e8c49f5b284a83.png)

(1.83 MB 1847x2101 0f61e3c6af9329a69459.png)

(1.97 MB 1310x1604 cb5dc4c7e20e49013d0d.png)

some stuff from rupie's pillowfort - https://www.pillowfort.social/Rupie
(217.31 KB 2894x2092 media_FVbQTzlUEAAHkbv.jpg)

(374.12 KB 2856x1539 media_FSmbLI-UsAAl6mx.jpg)

(644.86 KB 2894x2463 media_FQpkD_oVkAYYV_l.jpg)

(714.33 KB 2894x2463 media_FSfewHHUcAAzMJg.jpg)

>>24928 and some twitter stuff too
Anyone got comics from Moomaster37
Why is it almost always male snake, female prey? We need more female snake preds.
>>25611 It's a snake. Why does the gender for the snake matter. As for female prey, cause it's hotter ig.
Anyone have feast of anaconda 2,3 or 4
>>14544 was it never coloured
Anything for the Titanboa series?
(65.14 KB 1050x599 FodaARJWYAIVR8I.jpg)

(53.72 KB 883x599 FoetRFbXgAAVpki.png)

(77.80 KB 1345x662 FqkWVUuWAAAYgK6.jpg)

(419.16 KB 633x834 FplYuIeXgAInu-D.png)

(440.14 KB 1366x1935 Fsf03KiWIAITpH3.jpg)

VeryBatty has been on a snake vore doodle session on their twitter, here's all of it for now
(218.82 KB 760x2400 237735-27611-preview.jpg)

found a nude version on eka's portal https://aryion.com/g4/view/237735
(175.00 KB 900x1272 430180_66703_preview.jpg)

sorry. can't look a internal view version ):
(72.53 KB 640x905 DTK5sWR_d.jpg)

>>33267 My mistake
>>33472 oh thank you
>>33472 Artist?
>>33592 Onofire
here's kim possible and kaa with my drawing.
(166.09 KB 900x1272 430184_66703_preview.jpg)

(666.38 KB 1280x1811 Snk5.jpg)

(182.36 KB 841x1300 14_867.jpg)

(251.78 KB 913x1411 7NYEqxJm31.jpg)

(92.58 KB 679x1053 03.jpg)

(85.09 KB 683x1048 04.jpg)

(116.39 KB 682x1047 05.jpg)

(113.20 KB 676x1045 06.jpg)

(119.57 KB 678x1044 07.jpg)

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(182.66 KB 1158x1224 1470699572366.jpg)

(350.00 KB 1158x2562 1470699610442.jpg)

of my new kim vore comic.
>>34524 is there any more of that?
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(89.68 KB 1280x914 008.jpg)

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(393.18 KB 1280x1806 One_Final_Report_5.jpg)

(430.63 KB 1280x1807 One_Final_Report_6.jpg)

a lineart comic with old version with brown hair.
(921.14 KB 1258x1772 014.jpg)

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(512.85 KB 1258x1774 023.jpg)

new version found on eka's portal
(329.79 KB 900x1273 426154-76627-preview.jpg)

(332.75 KB 900x1273 426472-76627-preview.jpg)

(341.47 KB 900x1273 426808-76627-preview.jpg)

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(309.27 KB 1108x1500 anime_girl-3339.jpg)

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>>36405 Is there more?
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>>36406 Anyone have the entire one with the new endings?
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Heres an Idea...What if we got a Japanese girl, because not only are they cute, they are tiny, and have a dark porn industry there. They often do weird stuff and perhaps we could get one lucky girl to become snake prey for large sum of money. In theory we can get a big lucky snake and have a live snake vore session.
>>37523 Get fucked
(37.51 KB 640x359 Tanjiro.jpg)

>>37544 get real bruh. even if its possible and the girl is unwilling to do that you could be charged with death penalty for m-rder attempt
>>37523 additionally, go ask AI for that lmao
>>37316 This the first page available or are there more pages before this? Would love to see this comic but showing May getting caught to
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>>37561 I think you replied to the wrong person there, mate.
(1.19 MB 1503x1719 IMG_3405.png)

>>38088 no i was sure there's a reply of someone asking people to do snake vore irl but yeah it could be replying on wrong thread
>>38262 I remember that artist. Cant seem to find them. Do you have anymore/a site that still has some of their work. Or heck, even a name to search with? Thanks!
(298.36 KB 1281x1058 HALLOWEEN_02EXTERNAL.png)

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Any works from Medivan?
Thanks anon!
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https://8kun.top/vore/res/47826.html There was a pretty decent amount of michikl1’s works posted on here it was on 8kun though since the sites down idk if it’s possible to recover any of the files
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While I'm here, anyone happen to have the Voracious Viper comic from Umbradiadem? https://umbradiadem.gumroad.com/l/LcPwH I would ask in the artist thread but it's a shitshow
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>>35139 >>35352 >>37316 >>37332 >>39458 >>39662 >>40462 >>40464 complete comics by Arniro(most of them snake vore comics) can be found in best resolution here: https://e-hentai.org/tag/artist:co+ma
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