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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(425.59 KB 950x1202 Nyxondyx-520014-NepBlancVore.png)

Nyxon Vore Thread Anonymous 10/20/2021 (Wed) 01:01:31 No. 2734
Post vore content from Nyx
(336.29 KB 1060x1500 Nyxondyx-584856-WickeVore.png)

(487.97 KB 1060x1500 Nyxondyx-584854-BossVore.png)

still one of the best artists out there for this stuff tbh
>>2749 The art is great but I wouldn't say she one of the best artist for vore. What makes them interesting is how well they do vore art without even liking vore. One of my favourite characters is nep and her image of nep is amazing, great diolog and art but I also feel that as good as it is it's missing something. Definitely an amazing artist but personally I can't put her up there with artist like karbo and natsumemetalsonic just because the vore is more impactful in other artists.
(266.97 KB 1689x2000 FBej2XTXIAAb5oT.jpg)

(313.49 KB 900x1277 apitop-508752-TastyPizzaVore.png)

(272.15 KB 2100x2000 FBekBPmXsAAY81g.jpg)

(197.33 KB 1037x1700 EaPCYGRWoAMEhwI.png)

(119.33 KB 950x1600 EQ1T0n-WsAMFuw1.jpg)

(81.54 KB 849x1202 D1uWt1CXcAAKGfd.jpg)

(111.48 KB 827x1100 DwPr3chU0AAlQQ0.jpg)

(155.03 KB 1331x1500 EQx5xq_WkAABiXE.jpg)

>>2757 That's fair. I just think that because they are not into vore, they have a realy fresh kind of perspective on it so they can draw vore without having to go crazy, like BIGBIG or lewdlemage. It's still relatively great vore art despite them not being into it. That and Nyxon has good choices for characters.
(1.51 MB 3764x4000 nyxon_pitou_flatcolor.png)

>>2735 I colored the Pitou picture, whole thing was very easy and fast. A quick check to make sure the lines were filled in (they mostly already were), then fill bucket. I think I might do more, since Nyxon seems to make her pictures so clean and neat.
(252.48 KB 900x1277 nyxon_kay_flatcolor.png)

>>2860 Anutha one It's actually really fun and relaxing, at least with nice clean pictures like this.
(343.00 KB 860x1200 Renael-390050-AquaVore.png)

(385.95 KB 830x1100 Renael-433507-AquaDarknessVore.png)

(391.85 KB 780x1100 Renael-479096-PassionMeltVore.png)

(407.44 KB 981x1200 Renael-467448-AuRaVorings (1).png)

(312.97 KB 700x1059 20.jpg)

(100.94 KB 700x1000 10.png)

(204.01 KB 850x954 26.png)

(267.54 KB 825x1500 29.png)

(299.65 KB 800x1500 35.png)

(145.08 KB 1095x1000 39.jpg)

(349.16 KB 786x1100 59.png)

(370.99 KB 1050x1100 69.png)

(377.19 KB 1200x1050 25.png)

(215.78 KB 830x1000 95.png)

(284.47 KB 865x1200 108.png)

(177.36 KB 1070x1200 124.jpg)

(308.78 KB 1030x1000 82.png)

(267.41 KB 680x1100 62.png)

(488.91 KB 1206x1300 123.png)

(177.34 KB 916x1000 102.png)

(400.22 KB 880x1200 128.png)

(263.21 KB 741x1200 44.png)

(193.77 KB 754x1100 79.png)

>>2794 I can see what you mean and I do really like her art, it's really good to see someone who doesn't like vore draw it and I have to respect the effort she puts in for something she doesn't get because it shows she appreciates her aduaince. I also got to agree with you on her character choice, the characters she picks are always good especially with her style, the way she does her faces are just great which is one of the most important details. After thinking about it I also noticed she makes a lot of the characters nude, it's nothing big but I find I end up enjoying her art more when the pred is wearing clothes. like with the nep pic I love that she did nep but I think the hoodie would have made it even better. maybe it's just me but I enjoy seeing the characters in their clothing. If I had to say one thing about her then I feel that she is one of the artists in the vore community that deserves the most respect, most artists would never draw vore unless they like it just because they fear the backlash but she still does it and that something I think deserves a lot of respect.
(1.45 MB 1450x1960 Nyxon_nyurunoms_color.png)

I spent a while on this one, because I tried to do some gradient type stuff, namely on the inside of the ears. I put more time into this one in general, mild shading/highlights and I tried to make the skin not monochromatic, with slight hue changes here and there. The other two I posted were just quick fun things, but this is the first time I've really done it like this and I want to know, how did I do? Keeping in mind I only have Paint.NET and not photoshop, did I do a good job? I feel like this is one of my best color edits and I want to know if some new techniques I tried payed off.
its worth mentioning here, but nyx is planning to delete her patreon/subscribestar - can anyone archive the work from it before they get nuked? https://aryion.com/g4/blog/Nyxondyx/61487
>>2929 honestly this looks solid, and it feels like the colour to it was always present to begin with. great job anon!
>>3104 Thanks! the "color was always present to begin with" look is exactly what I was hoping for. I am pleased to have succeeded. >>3103 seconding this request.
>>3103 Why are they nuking it?
>>3270 Because of the stupid fucking patreon and their ridiculous restrictions on 18+ content. As if anybody used it for anything else.
>>3270 Basically somebody was targeting them and constantly reporting them, patreon was being retarded and threatened to shut down the account, and they didn't feel like fighting back.
>>3274 >>3275 Good news is, if you read her blog post, she’s considering a Pixiv fanbox. However, she also mentioned something about how she felt like she wasn’t able to do enough patreon-worthy type stuff (my own term, including things like monthly rewards or subscriber only content) to justify having a monthly pay subscription service and instead wanted to set up some kind of tip jar for people who wanted to support.
>>3510 I dont get why patreon is not used as a tip jar to begin with.
I wish I could marry nyxon
>>3103 this, can someone up it on kemono?
>>5792 kemono?
>>9298 My god nigger do you not know anything? https://kemono.party/ Where everbody goes to pirate patreon shit.
underrated artist tbh
(303.22 KB 2000x2000 FJnLhJvX0AEk-q5.png)

(438.12 KB 1436x2000 FKJkuAYXoAISiVQ.jpg)

(411.11 KB 2000x2000 FJnL6ScXwAQ9VN9.png)

(215.72 KB 1400x2000 FKIcfTqX0AArVh1.jpg)

(230.81 KB 1400x2000 FKIcf73WUAUQ2Xj.jpg)

(226.63 KB 1400x2000 FKIcgpmWQAY4vlC.jpg)

(246.81 KB 1600x2000 FBektpGX0AEP359.png)

(247.93 KB 1600x2000 FBelP2AWYAIozpX.png)

(183.93 KB 1600x2000 FBelSQjXoAQ5UB0.png)

(183.51 KB 1600x2000 FBelS3DWUAEvsyP.png)

(144.47 KB 780x1620 E1IC4rnXEAI7_NV.png)

(160.44 KB 1019x1900 EncITzjXUAYDBP_.jpg)

(160.94 KB 1019x1900 EncIUryXMAAspOe.jpg)

(231.00 KB 1554x1812 Ei5PATPXcAA7R0b.png)

(294.90 KB 1229x1623 Ei5H9DBWoAEnfqf.png)

(247.59 KB 1228x1617 Ei5H961WoAEUuIN.png)

(257.99 KB 1253x1619 Ei5LO9DX0AEAe4g.png)

(143.14 KB 1245x1750 EaOvRtAWAAAK-zB.jpg)

(118.10 KB 1301x999 EaOvXTbWoAIARhb.png)

(218.06 KB 1600x2000 EaOvObeX0AACVdQ.png)

(149.68 KB 1000x1800 EaOwyWLWAAAXjRr.jpg)

(128.24 KB 1202x850 EBdGJ8YXUAAYFIn.jpg)

>>9664 >two cute girls together, one rubbing the other’s sloshy belly with her feet Holy shit I think I just gained a new subfetish
(485.90 KB 1000x1300 1645579637364.png)

>>10052 If you think that's hot, wait till I tell you that's supposed to be hip hugger and amber.
(179.75 KB 1400x2000 FM0KTwaWUAoyF0u.png)

(378.01 KB 850x1200 Nyxondyx-482128-SharkyVore.png)

(136.58 KB 717x647 From Her Stream.png)

>>17278 I saw the last bit of her live stream and it was great seeing the process and it kind of made the image more appealing than usual, I also loved it because I got to see the rough draft and ended up taking a screenshot when she was halfway through the art because I like seeing the rough draft stage where you see all the lines pulse you get to see both fit belly and vore belly. I really like her Nyx character design as well as the attitude her OC has toward vore, it's something I think could only be done this well because the artist isn't into vore. That's also something I admire about Nyx as she doesn't even like vore yet has fun with it, and I like how she pocks fun at it in a jokative way. I'll post the screenshot in case I'm not the only one who likes seeing the rough stages of art.
>>17280 >it's something I think could only be done this well because the artist isn't into vore I manifestly disagree. The carrot will always yield better (if less consistent) results than the stick, so to speak. RinkyDinkers is an excellent example of an artist whose OCs have the same attitude towards vore, and I guarantee you that he is VERY much into this cursed fetish just like the rest of us.
>>17280 Are the stream VODs posted anywhere?
>>17284 I don't think so, but I wish they were because I ended up only seeing the end and I would have loved to see the rest of them being made and get some more screenshots.
(127.62 KB 1200x1200 Fa9NLgtWAAIQh42.jpg)

>>2794 How does lewdle go crazy though? I know BB sometimes draws absolute monstrosities, but lewdle's stuff seems to fall pretty squarely into "cute" vore territory, certainly it's pretty tame compared to a lot of other shit out there.
(3.41 MB 2171x2750 Nyxondyx-862326-PerrinVore.png)

(914.52 KB 1750x2000 Nyxondyx-862701-5kcal.png)

(167.95 KB 1133x1200 FqW5eCpXgAIImQy.png)

(273.63 KB 2000x2000 FrTprs9WAAIh8TN.png)

(246.59 KB 1870x2000 FrTpsSDXwAUk8zH.png)

(411.66 KB 1806x2500 FuHol0BWYAErU3P.jpg)

(535.03 KB 2193x2300 FumXrCbXsAAmFUw.png)

>>29036 was the text edited on this drawing?
>>29529 Noope
(254.81 KB 613x943 EmmyDook-897832-Te1.png)

(236.96 KB 1500x2000 Fx57_MGWwAIg2xH.png)

(292.10 KB 2000x2000 Fya3bfoXwAAakcu.jpg)

(1.28 MB 2000x2000 Nyxondyx-908730-UiSurprise.png)

(285.66 KB 1900x2000 F5pGd5DWYAAS7cK.jpg)

(1.17 MB 1800x2000 SamiVore.png)

(945.16 KB 1684x2000 NononJakuzureVore.png)

(2.70 MB 2500x2500 HomuraMadokaVore.png)

(713.89 KB 1200x2000 AutumnVore.png)

(1.14 MB 1900x2000 KokonaShunVore.png)

(1.86 MB 1900x2000 TriChariceXmasVore.png)

(1.89 MB 2000x2000 ValNyxVore.png)

(791.57 KB 2000x1900 KagerouVoreSequenceP1.png)

(865.25 KB 2000x1900 KagerouVoreSequenceP2.png)

(913.51 KB 2000x1900 KagerouVoreSequenceP3.png)

>>39924 Wow, I wasn't expecting to see these characters from Nyx.
(1.15 MB 2000x2000 ZinnyBelly.png)

(779.70 KB 1900x2000 SecretaryLunch.png)

(1.42 MB 2000x1889 ErikaBeatoCV.png)

(1.57 MB 2000x2000 AutumBelch.png)

(807.85 KB 2000x1700 FoxJiangshiVore.png)

(1.54 MB 2375x2500 DespairIbukiVoreP1.png)

(1.43 MB 2250x2500 DespairIbukiVoreP2.png)

>>53481 the subscribestar importer has not been working since 2022
(306.02 KB 2000x2000 GUgV66xWUAAXEqZ.png)

(262.99 KB 2000x2000 GUgV7h5XQAAvMFe.png)

(413.12 KB 1448x1782 ThistleNyxVoreP1.png)

(297.75 KB 1384x1593 ThistleNyxVoreP2.png)

(307.52 KB 1079x1674 ThistleCockVoreP4.png)

(310.90 KB 1039x1677 ThistleCockVoreP4.5.png)

(512.67 KB 1224x1661 ThistleCockVoreP1.png)

(928.79 KB 2000x2000 AyamiMassVore.png)

(749.13 KB 1520x2000 HibikiVorev1.png)

(620.48 KB 1520x2000 HibikiVorev2.png)

(969.60 KB 2000x2000 OtogiAnalVoreV1.png)

(876.00 KB 2000x2000 OtogiAnalVoreV2.png)

(3.76 MB 3500x5000 OtogiAnalVoreP2.png)

(809.45 KB 2000x2000 TiraMassVore.png)

(1010.01 KB 1320x2000 IbukiRockOut.png)

(969.18 KB 2000x2000 LexiNanashiCV.png)

(1.64 MB 2000x2000 NyxTsukijiVoreP2.png)

(1.73 MB 2000x2000 NyxTsukijiVoreP3.png)

>>65829 And the follow-up
(907.28 KB 2000x2000 NyxDrawlingVoreP1.png)

(1.01 MB 2000x2000 NyxDrawlingVoreP2.png)

(840.72 KB 2000x2000 NyxDrawlingVoreP3.png)

(917.28 KB 2000x2000 NyxDrawlingVoreP4.png)

(898.47 KB 2000x2000 LimiVoreP1.png)

(819.36 KB 2000x2000 LimiVoreP2.png)

(789.43 KB 2000x2000 LimiVoreP3.png)

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