/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Stable DIffusion Vore #2 Anonymous 06/13/2023 (Tue) 09:56:22 No. 31087 >>37322 >>53851
Old thread got locked i think it has reached its limit? old thread: https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/19864.html pic is taken from old thread >>30277 (25973)
i apologize for adding the wrong number. I don’t know how to edit it
Are all these images from the previous thread made by stable diffusion only? Or are there any more AI sites available which I can use? I've tried putting some prompts into the stable diffusion and it gives me the error sign, as expected, so where do I go?
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Has anyone here tried to make loli vore with SD? I would like to try, but idk where to start with it
Does anyone know the trigger words for the "Swallowing whole " LORA? It was posted on the old thread >>29820 (19864)
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Is there any tutorial on how to make such pictures? They look awesome

(1.46 MB 1210x1000 foxgirl vore.png)

we can get rid of the fur shit
Bump. Please its just a simple question. I am not asking for a tutorial, just where I can find one
>>31352 If you can't find the tutorial you probably won't be able to actually use it I'll give you a hint though: look on the other chan
Thx guys <3
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Can anyone make some of Ai Hoshino? I've already seen some made by 2 dudes on pixiv, but i need more and well... ai stuff doesn't work on my computer at all tbh
Did anybody manage to get the Vore Lora? Tried to get it in the last thread but it's down now.

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hey just curious does anybody know which prompts affect belly size and shape? Using the vore hypernet, and vorebellies lora A and It'd be nice to have a little bit more control over how it looks
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Pixiv 109289640
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Pixiv 109976679
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>>31582 Holy fuckknuckles Batman, decent headfirst swallowing! Still a ways to go but they did a good job.
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From a game I'm retexturing using stable diffusion.
>>31645 Will you share the retextures once you are done?
>>31662 Yeah, the game is only a demo at the moment and I won't be doing all the textures for that reason. It's far from perfect, but it's a good step up from the base visuals. Here's some side view battlers from the sprite sheets. https://selena-belly-play.itch.io/oni-fat-chronicles-demo I'll make a little install folder for them when I'm done and upload it here.
>>31582 Any info on that last image on how that was done?
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>>31905 SAUCE?
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these threads helped me get started on prompting, so here are some of my favorite generations so far. i used Yae Miko for them, as it was one of the easier loras to work with.
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after a lot of experimenting i stumbled across some alright settings to base more designs off of, and i was even able to put together a sequential set of pics with her. apologies for the text bubbles, i forgot to regenerate with the same seed when i was doing it, and there was some misclicking here and there. i'm not much of an artist and i don't know how inpainting works so there's two ass grab pics here. the one with the watermark had better details i think, but i was able to generate one without. the non-watermarked one has a less smug expression though.
Hope it's alright to post this here. To avoid clogging things, tldr, I normally don't like AI vore/guts but I can enjoy it when there's some writing involved. What I'm trying to say is if anyone here has any pics they really like, say so and I'll consider writing about them. Nothing crazy long unless I get particularly inspired, but eh.
You finished bathing in your privete onzen. You find yourself drift asleep and woking up late night and decided to head to your room where you expected your girlfriend/wife to be sleep after her also done bathing, noticed she is not in there. No one walk in the hall anymore in late night. "She might still bathing and fall asleep... but what took her so long?" so you decided to walk to the female only privete onzen to check in your girlfriend/wife who are in her privete onzen saction. "I think I gotta warn and waking her up by ringing her phone just in case." as you pull your phone and just two step away from your girlfriend onzen pool. Your question get an answer right before your eye as your girlfriend/wife "Onzen pool " finished regurgitated your girlfriend/wife phone with lazy bubble blach. With no sight of your girlfriend/wife in there... in the pool....
>>31996 I think I have some in my mass folder. I will post some if I find it and if you interested but it mostly slime girl my beloved kink xD I gotta go for now.
>>32016 opinion welcomed anyway goonight
Can anyone try generating some vore pics of the Rook and Queen from Battle Chess?
How are you guys still getting the detailed high quality digital art style when using the vore belly loras? When I use them it becomes lower res, more blurry and generally lower quality overall. I can't figure out why. Other loras work just fine.
>>31162 Question what promt did you used? Sorry i'm still a noob in this
>>32297 You're either using them at way too high a weight, or are using some weird checkpoint combo that doesn't work well with em.
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>>31909 From someone in Novel Vore’s discord, can find it by searching for them on Twitter
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4chan /d/ reposts.
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What model do I use to get specific anime characters? I’ve tried a bunch of models for SD but none of them recognize most anime characters I give it.
>>34447 You need to be downloading loras for characters from sites like civitai. That or training loras yourself.
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eevee girl go brr
https://www.deviantart.com/torimeno this persons got a paywall to some ai generated vore art and I have no idea if that's ethical or not
>>34579 They're not the only one and certainly won't be the last. Ethics or no ethics, they're still making bank. It's deviantart though, so scraping is easy as shit
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>>34590 how can you scrape for paid DA galleries?
>>34626 >>34590 yeah we def. need info
>>34449 Any tutorials on this or?
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>>34657 >>34657 I wanna know too so seconding
>>34579 I know there's a lot of content for AI vore and fetish content on DeviantArt and Pixiv, and that Eka's doesn't take too kindly to it, but is there any other publicly available options for finding AI vore that won't just get wiped in a few weeks? I like to think that, considering how pretty much anyone can learn how to make this shit, there'd be a massive stockpile of it somewhere, and I like to hope that DeviantArt isn't the best we're gonna get
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>>33593 Source on the ochaco one?
>>35225 Sauce on the gifs?
>>35520 >novelvore's discord Link?
Torimeno has their old stuff on patreon, any chance we could get a kemono for it? https://www.patreon.com/Torimeno
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(1.54 MB 1670x1670 Mina Belly edit.png)

(1.38 MB 1597x1964 adsdadasMINA.png)

(1.92 MB 2200x2806 Garber09-774543-MinaLongPOV.jpg)

Yo, sorry i'm making a request here. Basically: i tried making some images of Mina from the "Saint Miluina's Vore Academy", and so far, every single one has been shit, so i'm here crawling to see if someone with more knowledge of this could make them for me. Here i'll leave some references of the character and fanart i've found and some edits.
Anyone got a list of good ai vore content creators? (Asking for a friend)
>>35755 Sarus and AdNauseam are the only ones I'd actually consider good
>>35687 Ayo bump
Is there a page where i can do this?
Like i used to use the ai image generator that stufferdb had to make my vore pics but now that's broken i don't know where i could make those pics again
>>35520 What do you guys use for these ones? And how do they work? Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old (I have no idea at all about this stuff)
>>35986 Stable diffusion. And you need some serious hardware to use it. I remember there was one deviantart account, one of the Torimeno clones, that had linked a tutorial somewhere, but I can't remember which one.
>>35986 >Explain it to me like I'm 10 years old Sorry, son, you're too young to be generating vore art on your PC
>>35986 You will need a powerful GPU to run it, preferably 10GB of VRAM or more. You can get away with less but it's more annoying and you will run into problems. Download various LORAs, Models, Hyperlinks, install them and experiment. Civit AI is a good resource for those.
>>35986 Hi, fatfag from bbw-chan here. The /bbwai/ board has a pretty good guide thread that can at least serve as a "baseline", even if bbw's aren't necessarily your thing. You can also pick up some vore-specific LoRAs (that i believe can either be found on CivitAI or archived somewhere in the last stable diffusion vore thread. That's where i got them, I think). https://bbw-chan.nl/bbwai/res/2.html Like >>36002 said though you do preferably need a beefy GPU, the more vram the better. I'm using a bog-standard GTX 1660 OC and It's physically painful how slow generating images can be sometimes. I've heard people use google collab? Not sure how or just how beneficial it is but it may be worth looking into depending on how sperg-y you wanna get over making AI shit. Hope this helps.
>>35998 lmao anon literally means u to explain in very simplest way like how complex information is simplified into something that a kid or no-brain adult can understand
>>35989 >>36002 >>36004 Thanks a lot! I think I might meet the requirements. Is there a tutorial in yt or similar that explains how to properly install everything needed?
>>36010 There are plenty of tutorials on how to get going with stable diffusion on youtube, you just have to go look. Don't expect anything more than an installation + bare minimum getting started prompting guide, and especially not a tutorial on making anything nsfw.
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I know it ain't QUITE the place to make a request, but does anyone here have Torimeno's stuff? His accounts got nuked, so now we only have low-quality scans to go from
>>36372 https://www.filesharesite.com/files/202310/16979146622C96CCADE1CE204021B5C2B7CFD0471B.html This is what I got out of him from scraping his DA gallery a while back. Probably doesn't have everything, and all of his paywalled stuff is blurred, but hopefully it should have most of the usual; stuff.
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(1002.49 KB 1024x1024 devilwomon.png)

>>36866 Wow, these are good. What Loras are you using (for vorr and for artstyle)?
>>36865 Bless your heart, partner
>>31676 any updates on this now that the game actually released?
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>>36924 My PC got utterly skullfucked by a windows 10 update a few months ago so had to buy a new PC. Only just bought one and put everything back together on a fresh OS. I have some pictures but haven't got them working in the game yet. I'll probably end up reworking them anyway. (I've got them running in the cracked version of the game I run through RPGMMV but forgotten how I used to make them work in the encrypted original game. I've got the encryption key and encrypted the new files to replace the originals but I'm forgetting something else and the thing just crashes whenever it tries to load an image.)
How good is the AI to make tail vore? As in prey getting absorbed by Cell from DBZ
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>>36900 What is a Loras?
>>36993 Not OP btw. I just see the term throwed a lot with AI art and I still dunno what it means
>>36995 This thread is for vore art that's from stable diffusion.
How can I set up stable diffusion for myself?
>>37046 Bump
>>35687 Bump
>>36955 iirc the way rpgmaker handles files there's no real need to re-encrypt stuff as long as the file name is the same and you delete the old images. might function a bit differently in mz though.
>>36955 Any chance you can make alts with her getting way fatter?
Anyone buy the DA subscription to LanzoArts or NekoPrey?
>>37131 seconding this
>>31537 bump
>>37046 >>37066 >>37067 Before you start with that, make sure you have a GPU with lots of VRAM. I have used a card with only 6GB but it is far better to have more because sometimes that's not enough. 10GB+ is ideal.
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(2.31 MB 1280x1920 nami v7b.png)

(2.47 MB 1280x1920 magician girl v1bon.png)

>>37131 Not yet, but someone got their patreon's kemono page up; https://kemono.su/patreon/user/98508817
>>31087 (OP) Yo i found this site on bbw-chan So far, results are ok. Can anyone try different promts and see what results y'all can come up with? I've been trying to make voreish pieces, but so far, i haven't had a success. Tho, chubby bellies, large bellies and bbw stuff goes well, so in theory, bumpy vorish bellies should be possible, but i can't seem to find the right promts https://stuffer.ai/
Has anyone gotten any good results from Bing Image Creator? From what I've heard the censorship is inconsistent and flags everything as unsafe. But when something slips throught the filter it's pretty great
>>37322 Is there an image to image version that would make IRL women look pregnant or chubby?
>>37272 >>31537 I've had the most consistent results when combining with a hyperbelly LoRa like HyperFusionV7, and then controlling the size with different weights of "big belly" and "huge belly", along with "bellyheavy" as the specific trigger word for that LoRa
so uh there's alot more ai "artists" on deviantart, so what do we do about the paywall?
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>>38229 I'm pretty sure gallery-dl or any other web scraper practically ignores image paywalls.
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>>38257 Holly FUCK man. AI is getting so good!! I dont even like furry art but gaht damn!! This shit is becoming more fire day by day
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>>35687 Please bros, for mah gal
Found an ai webside, just need to turn off adblocker or else, works quite long. And i have a question. Is it programm where you do the art or is it a webside aswell? https://perchance.org/ai-text-to-image-generator
>>38389 I assume this is an ESL scammer trying to shill his own malware ridden site, but you should just use pixai.art, it has several vore lora uploaded on it, and if you can't find one just use one of several user trained/uploaded models or use the ones you download off of civit ai. For poses just use the variety of tags you find on gelbooru or danbooru. I made pic related using it, and several inpainting improvement loops.
So....bellies are pretty much figured out....what about swallowing? Haven't seen many attempts at the actual swallowing.
(328.72 KB 512x512 00112-1754208181.png)

This is my first try, Still learning, trying to get good with the clean up process.
(309.47 KB 512x512 00043-1923297038.png)

>>38436 clean up process ?
>>38480 Yeahhh, so basically when I first make my generations I have some random ai artifacts, extra belly button, face looks like shit, ect. So what I've been doing is I go into inpaint using the Control Net extension to "clean it up" I wish I could just get perfect images on my first go, I'm very open to any advice anyone may have.
>>38483 Everyone I know who does vore ai images runs into problems with jpeg artifacts, extra navel and lack of consistency. Its one of the trade-offs that are pretty much guaranteed unless you perfect prompting and extensions (and even then, you may run into hiccups). One piece of advice that may make your life a bit easier: Personally, I hate Inpainting even with ControlNet, and I find it a lot easier to use a browser editor (like Photopea) to correct over the picture, and then do another spin through img2img. I tend to find it a bit more simple, but do keep in mind that you will need to watch out for other changes/aritfacts/tweaks that come out as you go
>>38436 what model did you use?
>>38542 i have the lora great but where do I use it
(2.13 MB 1024x1536 Mina_Attempt.png)

>>35687 >>38381 This took a lot more effort than I expected. I forgot how difficult it is to get specific clothing / character details without using/training a LoRa for it. I made due with what I had, so it's not perfect. But this is what I got after half an hour of fiddling and some inpainting to fix/add details.
Can someone share Vore bellies lora? All the links to it in this thread lead to anonfiles, which doesn't work anymore.
>>31091 yo can ya'll give me details on how the hell we noobs do all this? what site? what prompts etc. can we do this on civtai?
(1.69 MB 1844x1860 received_731985921613487.png)

(1.61 MB 1844x1860 received_1724144731433746.png)

(1.62 MB 1844x1860 received_1075202326991192.png)

(1.69 MB 1844x1860 received_737831008215008.png)

>>38818 I love you man! This looks so good! Please share the Lora you used!!! In my case I don't have the tools, so I started using like 4 different pages and Photoshop, the main one is called stuffer.ai that has an hyper fusion model that supports vore shit, it's pretty good, but still kind of fucks up from time to time, so... Yeah. And after like 5 hours, I made a Frankenstein with 6 different images, put it on resolution upscaler page and this is the result, I think the belly is great but the proportions ended up looking a little weird lmao
(1.02 MB 1024x1024 mouse3.png)

(1.15 MB 1024x1024 Bunny0.png)

I have a rtx 3080 using invokeai, left was using easyfluff right was using the base sdxl with hyperfusion how do I make it look as nice as what's in this board teach me and I'll feed the thread
>>39141 For SD you should be using LoRA for vore. Just go on to civit and there should be a few options. Other than that you should be doing everything right by the looks of it
>>39141 How'd you make #1? It looks really good for being AI, like the text is readable and everything. Can i perhaps get a catbox?
>>38299 >>38256 >>39234 I used easyfluff some furry checkpoint with the main stomach bulge lora but I still can’t reach the level of quality of either of those posts everything I make with that model has this weird unfinished look instead of looking cohesive and also has shit 3rd grader drawn backgrounds doesn’t matter if I put the steps to 150 or crack the the res to 2000x2000 is there a guide on aryion
You've gotta give more like that realistic vore. I'm in love with it!
>>39141 More of that realistic Loli/teenage vore would be really great!!
>>38854 >>38858 It's not really any one single LoRa, and that's where running the ai locally sort of becomes mandatory I assume. I wouldn't know for sure though since I've never used any online image generators. Look into installing Automatic1111 or ComfyUI the former is much easier to use. If you have a dedicated GPU with at least 6-8GB of VRAM. I believe they support LoRas by default now. I use a mixture of the following LoRas from Civitai, and their trigger words in varying weights: -Vore Belly by Syphilisse (0.6 weight) -HyperFusion V7 by Throwawayjm (around 0.8 wt) These next few i vary the weights a lot depending on context: -Gigantic Sagging Breasts by Goofy_Ai -BiggerGirlsV5 by Gfellas643 -Any ahegao LoRa, the specific one I have isn't on civitai anymore. Add character LoRas for consistent character details (and look into training one for custom characters if you want, whole other can of worms), and you're pretty much all set. Just have to fiddle with prompts and weights. Learning how to use inpainting will help a lot with fixing minor details, but most especially getting faces to look better. Select "inpaint only masked" in automatic1111 and use the base image as the source for the inpainting ai. Lowering the denoise strength here will preserve more of the base image.
>>39298 I forgot to add I'm using Sarenamix v1 by Sarena as my base model / checkpoint image. But this is far less important than the LoRas. (i also just noticed v4 is out but idk how that fares with this stuff). Anyways, this setup should work with most checkpoints / base models.
(7.09 MB 1024x4880 Internalsharpenedcomic.png)

>>39141 prompt?
Hoping for some more irl shots, those can hit very hard when done well
so is someone gonna explain how the fuck to do this?
Any chance someone could reupload Cacame's vore loras?
>>39968 >>39969 what model do you use for these almost realist / 3D models ?
(1.02 MB 640x640 Untitled.png)

>>40064 Funny you should mention that I checking civitai for how I did it. I think I used the epicrealism one. But, I am of the opinion its the tweaking the keywords and the cfg. "Masterpiece, uhd, 8k, ultra-realistic, high resolution" basically I try to describe as much realism as possible. Honestly waiting for civitai to get more gpus it was nice to experiment quickly on there.
Somepeople do have all pages from "bully your bullies" by NekoPrey?
>>39968 i'm stuck in the hell between realistic and stylized guide me pls >>39294 also here
2024 is gonna be an amazing year for vore. Remember to sacrifice your souls to the AI as thanks.
>>40353 Hopefully it's the year someone figures out samesize swallowing for my sake. Honestly, apologies to the belly-lovers but y'all have had ur eats! Let this year breathe new life into AI vore.
(361.80 KB 512x512 00074-3909375896.png)

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(361.80 KB 512x512 00074-3909375896.png)

>>40221 Sure, what do you need help with? >>40358 God, I hope so, I have been using a lora for swallowingwhole but its really tricky to get working
(472.88 KB 512x768 00147-48937727.png)

>>40371 Whoops uploaded the same file twice
>>40371 was wondering what base model you use, along with your lora spread and percentages Prompt for this image (masterpiece:1.2, best quality), 1girl, blonde, ponytail, blue eyes, eyeliner, (vore belly:1.3), (solo), younger, small breasts, wide hips, lean, standing, ((hand on stomach)), burping, tongue out, looking away, (((looking aside))), (big belly:1.3), (belly bumps:1.3), navel, navel, open mouth, skindentation, ((upset)), standing, ((grabbing belly)), ((bedroom in background)), blurry background, mouth open, ahegao, three-quarter view, still shot, true loras VoreBellyV2 0.57 VoreStomachBulge 0.54 hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7 0.43 flat_chest_v2 0.29 Concept_Plump 0.57 and for the base model I just used realcartoon3d with euler a since anything else either looked like blurry watercolor or horridly disfigured
it plays nice with anatomy but looks more inflation than vore
>>40371 >>39968 especially the prompt for the hispanic chick in the first and third images real nice
(578.41 KB 512x768 00024-2038294111.png)

(604.91 KB 512x768 00035-1133434452.png)

(587.94 KB 512x768 00043-2582233205.png)

>>40401 First: 1girl, solo, young adult, peruvian, giantess, big belly, ultra high def, 8k resolution, realistic, cute, stunning face, best resolution, person inside belly, huge belly, massiveboobs. top down view, curvy, vore, changing room, sexy, attractive, fingers from the inside of the mouth Negative prompt: blurry, low res, ugly, deformed, low quality, floating belly, floating limbs, unattractive, multiple body parts, multiple navels, (((extra limbs))), (((extra arms))), extra legs, extra hands, extra fingers, missing limbs, Steps: 80, CFG scale: 2.5, width: 512, height: 768, Seed: undefined, Clip skip: 2, baseModel: SD1 Second: 1girl, solo, young adult, peruvian, giantess, big belly, ultra high def, 8k resolution, realistic, cute, stunning face, best resolution, person inside belly, huge belly, massiveboobs. top down view, curvy, vore, changing room, sexy, attractive, arms coming out of mouth Negative prompt: blurry, low res, ugly, deformed, low quality, floating belly, floating limbs, unattractive, multiple body parts, multiple navels, (((extra limbs))), (((extra arms))), extra legs, extra hands, extra fingers, missing limbs, extra navel, extra belly button, deformed chest Steps: 80, CFG scale: 2.5, width: 512, height: 768, Seed: undefined, Clip skip: 2, baseModel: SD1 Sampler: DPM2MKarras Base Model is Epic PhotoGasm hyperpreg vorestomachbulge minigiantess_v3_lycorsis massiveboobs PhotoReal_NSFW-08 So unfortunately that batch was created on Civitai in a batch of 10 and those two were the best of the ten in my opinion.Also there is the whole GPU issue, so the exact weights for the loras are lost (maybe only temporary) . But, also because of that I have switch to my local sd. I noticed that I have better success with UniPC or Restart Sampler, which these three images use. I will say I have noticed if you want to, you can crank the loras to max and the cfg to like 3ish and it will come out with some decent results.
(551.08 KB 512x768 00126-2576106378.png)

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(757.41 KB 768x768 00238-1796305065.png)

(549.29 KB 512x768 00666-3232051895.png)

Random assortment of a few of the decent things I've done
Those realistic IA images would be awesome with some pred teens or pred lolis
>>40446 Off yourself subhuman
>>40446 found the real Nice person
(1.48 MB 1024x1632 00032-1462790013.png)

(1.55 MB 1024x1632 00086-2418345829.png)

(1.56 MB 1024x1632 00086-1389059854.png)

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(1.74 MB 1024x1632 00097-358568454.png)

(1.76 MB 1024x1632 00096-517802176.png)

(1.74 MB 1024x1632 00098-2911632231.png)

sauce on those 8 above?
(1.46 MB 1280x1856 949709077.png)

(2.18 MB 1280x1856 1540134866.png)

(2.10 MB 1536x1536 4248047853.png)

(1.63 MB 1536x1536 2009322237.png)

(906.10 KB 832x1043 3864957210.png)

>>40467 The child enjoyers are the people generating shit like >>40224 and other garbage like male preds, femboys, furries, etc and they call us child enjoyers for generating good stuff like >>40339 >>40372 and >>40433 ffs
found another underrated stuff from DA Take a look of cindyfake's profile.
>>40487 Have more of this semi-realistic anime style? it'd be nice to see her belly without the internal to appreciate it more
(6.84 MB 2048x3264 00036.png)

(6.79 MB 2048x3264 00037.png)

(6.63 MB 2048x3264 00038.png)

(6.57 MB 2048x3264 00039.png)

>>40617 Originals upscaled, covered belly, and a topless variant. Will work on more with this style.
(4.00 MB 2048x2048 00509.png)

(4.33 MB 2048x2048 00507.png)

(3.95 MB 2048x2048 00508.png)

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(4.33 MB 3072x1536 00452.png)

>>40786 Sauce on the first pic? Any info on what they used for the model and Lora?
>>35687 Yo, sorry to bump again, it's been some time, could someone make some more images of her? If not, it's fine.
>>40787 If I know one thing, I know that people will greedily keep the best loras to themselves despite all loras being stolen art but those shills will sprint to deviantart and charge 5 bucks for a pass to look at vore pics tell me what lora this is you bastard
>>40821 i meant lycoris or model whatever give me the data used for these images
>>40821 >>40822 To be fair I think everyone just ends up using the same lora (the jollyim ones) but with different checkpoints. Its dogshit 90% of the time but you need to learn how to weed out the other 10%. Thats the thing with this fetish content. No one is willing to put in the work to be creative. Im in servers with (most likely) the guys who made these gens and not once do they ever talk about making LoRA/Checkpoints/ actually improving whats in their toolkit If you're pissed off that they're petty about it then use what is publicly available, or try to make your own. There's plenty of tutorials on youtube, and if you can run SD somewhat reliably then you should be able to train a decent lora on kohya
>>40446 I would give a try but it’s probably not allowed even if it’s fake
>>40880 Its almost like these people aren't actually creatives nor artists! There only here to make a quick buck!
>>40894 bingo
>>40943 Damn this is pretty good, did you make this?
first time trying AI and still having issues with generating internals... any tips?
>>41113 What's wrong with internals? These look great
i'll never get why i find realistic prompts to be so good. things like 2nd one >>39141 >>31921 1st >>31582 specially this one >>40785 and more make me wish i could be digested and shat out inside one of those girls. sadly can't find much of it. pixiv and deviantart don't have as many
(1.00 MB 680x1024 Wa2e156dgmlov9.png)

(688.92 KB 596x751 Wee1saz8er_dgmxcak.png)

(3.66 MB 2048x2048 Taylor.png)

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(600.60 KB 512x768 00026-3317315858.png)

>>41322 Feels so squishy >>41332 This is really good, also really big 2048x2048 prompt info?
>>41535 what model and shit did you use these look crazy good
(614.19 KB 512x768 00012-4143893284.png)

(486.53 KB 512x768 00059-2813056252.png)

(613.36 KB 512x768 00067-3815134206.png)

>>41546 Thanks! The prompt is nothing too crazy, its mostly about making a shit ton and choosing the cream of the crop For the first photo: Masterpiece, high definition, high resolution, ultra realistic, outside, picture perfect, perfect face, beautiful, perfect, cute,pokimane, looking at camera, huge hyper-belly, vore, <lora:hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7:.7> <lora:Pokimane5:.8> <lora:bbelly:.6> <lora:LazyDAdaptVoreBellyV2:.4> Negative prompt: ng_deepnegative_v1_75t Steps: 16, Sampler: Restart, CFG scale: 3, Seed: 4143893297, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 065aafaa51, Model: unrealRealism_v40, Lora hashes: "hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7: 66d481cf230a, Pokimane5: fc8a36686d49, bbelly: 16ebaa7e0ce1, LazyDAdaptVoreBellyV2: 8a760380d2f9", TI hashes: "ng_deepnegative_v1_75t: 54e7e4826d53", Version: v1.6.0 The second photo: Masterpiece, high definition, high resolution, ultra realistic, picture perfect, pokimane, beautiful, perfect, cute, huge, perfect face, looking at camera, clutching her huge hyper-belly, <lora:hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7:.7> <lora:Pokimane5:.9> <lora:bbelly:.7> Negative prompt: ng_deepnegative_v1_75t Steps: 13, Sampler: Restart, CFG scale: 3, Seed: 3317315858, Size: 512x768, Model hash: 7740557bf8, Model: biggerGirlsModels_modelBV2, Lora hashes: "hyperfusion_550k_128dim-LoCon_extracted-v7: 66d481cf230a, Pokimane5: fc8a36686d49, bbelly: 16ebaa7e0ce1", TI hashes: "ng_deepnegative_v1_75t: 54e7e4826d53", Refiner: epicphotogasm_z [d37263937f], Refiner switch at: 0.6, Version: v1.6.0
alright here's all of mrm1sha, nekoprey, and extrafreshalfresco's stuff. It's safe to say mrm1sha's not coming back, and neither is alfresco so here's everything I have https://gofile.io/d/accm7n
>>42736 For Nekoprey, pages 2-6 are missing from Survival Island
>>42797 they're there they just aren't as survival island since deviantart didn't let me download from them using the download button for some pictures. Try sorting my date created
>>42813 jesus christ I'm a fucking retard. Lemme try that one again They're there, the pictures just aren't listed as "survival island" since deviantart was sperging out when I downloaded them. If you sort by "date created" they should show up in order
(4.27 MB 4120x2048 oleana ai.png)

(6.29 MB 1229x4975 shopper girl ai.png)

(4.37 MB 1229x4975 sleepy oc ai.png)

(6.10 MB 4120x2048 tharja ai.png)

(4.17 MB 4120x2048 Zoe Rayne ai.png)

(1.10 MB 1248x848 img gen.png)

well this is what i got trying to make it less foggy did not work sadly.
(5.59 MB 2048x2048 00741.png)

(5.52 MB 2048x2048 00742.png)

(5.19 MB 2048x2048 00740.png)

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second upload but this picture is much better
>>43673 >SMVA characters Absolutely based. Can you do Mina Long?
>>43672 OH NVM, JUST SAW THIS ONE KEK U a real one bro
>>43672 Could you please pass the Lora and prompts you used for the mina one?
heads up aifags DA just purged Lanzo's and Nekoprey's gallery. Looking at where things are heading, Kirax, Toasty, and all the other clones are probably next on the chopping block. Archive everything while you can
>>43819 Based. My reports are working
(1.08 MB 928x1088 32423415423.png)

>>43885 Cope and seethe luddite
(5.33 MB 2048x2048 image.png)

finally got something good but now i need to really work on the look of the characters because right now i only get the same character look doing the vore and it looks to much like big big his work so i think its trained with his work mostly
(1.38 MB 4096x5120 mama1.jpg)

(1.64 MB 4096x5120 mama internal.jpg)

dunno why I never uploaded this here
(505.26 KB 3200x4000 00001.jpg)

>>44050 What are you exactly putting into it to get this? or are you using one of his images a s abase?
its a lora called swallowed whole v2. but to get it you need to join the novelvore discord. to get in go to their twitter/x account
>>44162 oh boy
>>44162 The future is gonna be interesting with AI.
>>44162 Can't wait for Open Ai Sora to come out. It will be the end of humanity.
>>44249 Once indie creators start to produce blockbuster level porn content there will be no visual lust or desire left unsatisfied. In the next few years we can expect to see fully animated or live action vore movies.
>>44162 source?
If anyone is using Pony Diffusion: how do you do internal shots?
(2.03 MB 512x512 00013-2199071591.gif)

>>44473 This is actually scary
(1.55 MB 1080x1200 strong kitty flex.png)

>>44382 bump
(2.52 MB 2560x2880 00020.png)

>>44510 Is too much to ask for a woman like this?
>>44473 Why the fuck did you waste your time posting this abomination?
>>44473 >>44518 Don't fucking listen to these unproductive fucking shitheads this is why there's no content, it's pog that you actually managed to animate it, eyes are a bit cartoony sure but everything else is class the sheen the shape and the fact you managed to get it moving is insane, fuck you guy who said abomination I'll shove your mother into a garbage disposal
(2.56 MB 512x512 00025-636796829.gif)

(2.27 MB 512x512 00027-4182923649.gif)

>don't feed the trolls
(513.61 KB 640x640 00053-2966921008.png)

>>44576 Thanks! I appreciate that The "abomination" isn't quite there, but I am sure with a little refining it will be more uncanny valley.
(3.18 MB 2560x2880 00019.png)

>>44515 tfw no bbw latina milf to swallow you whole
>>44162 I need to know if she is supposed to be Selena Gomez so I can bust the biggest nut
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How do you guys get such good bumps in the bellies? I use hyper fusion mostly, but the bellies are always rounded off.
(54.27 KB 512x768 1.jpg)

finally reached good quality time to shill on deviantart for 5 bucks a picture
>>42736 Anyone have this??
(1.66 MB 2060x1024 beatrix ai.png)

(1.40 MB 2060x1024 bellelba ai.png)

(1.59 MB 2060x1024 lani ai.png)

(2.12 MB 1920x1024 117619790_p1.png)

Anyone that can share his subscribestar? https://subscribestar.adult/staleko
>>45421 Christ the belly in that third one is 👌, did you gen it yourself? And if so was it just luck or did you use some specific prompting to get it?
>>45555 >did you gen it yourself? Yeah >And if so was it just luck or did you use some specific prompting to get it? A bit of of both. For the first one I used "vore belly, "big belly" and "person inside belly", while for the second case I used "sloshy belly" and "pot belly" instead up until I got the result I wanted

(2.26 MB 1536x1152 115924153_p0.png)

(2.12 MB 1024x2060 sonia ai.png)

(580.31 KB 1024x1024 tmpnarowta9.png)

>>44619 Bump, also do you have more of this? Maybe billie eilish?
>>44162 Kind of curious what you used to make this? I've been working with a lot of stable diffusion models and nothing has looked this good, and especially not animated
Anyone check out haiper.ai?
Results from haiper.ai. Artists gonna be out of a job soon
>>46096 Not if the results are that bad.
>>46100 For lazy people like me the image to animation results are exciting. But I won't post trash here again lol
>>45587 >>45503 How do you get such good results? Trying XL diffusion on CivitAI and pixai is definitely not the fucking answer.
>>45587 >>46113 I actually did just use the PonyXL diffusion and the LORAs from CivitAI. It's all just a matter of fine tuning the prompt keywords. As for the internals I did the non internal one first and used inpainting to get the internal
>>46118 I see. I'll copy prompts and be patient and use inpainting. Any advice?
>>45503 Sauce on that pic?
>>46130 The inpainting part is gonna require A LOT of patience as it takes some nudging to get the generator to ignore the original background colors.
>>46177 I see. Thanks man.
Some guy posted unbirth and cockvore pictures in the last stable diffusion thread on /d/ on 4chan, I dont know if that fits here and cant post them right now
(2.09 MB 512x512 00053-3700405392-slowed.gif)

>>45958 I used stable diffusion plus the animate diff. and the unrealRealism checkpoint off of Civitai for most of the renders. Getting it to look good is a little bit of luck and a lot of time honestly. Cause most of the time they look like "abominations"
>>46313 Stability does not know how much money I'd pay for them to make an AI animator that can work similarly to inpainting.
>>46313 Abominations is a fitting word for that creature
>>46396 It's a fitting word for all of us
>>46631 Is anything Fate related possible?
>>46632 which fate?
>>46635 I can certainly try but it'll be difficult since isn't ember a vore OC?
(185.26 KB 360x438 Najenda_main.png)

Najenda from akame ga kill
>>46631 What about mereoleona from black clover? There's zero vore fanart of her
>>46636 Fate/Grand Order If possible, Raikou, Scáthach, Ibuki Doji or Kiara as preds
(968.39 KB 1060x1020 FUWAMOCO_-_Portrait_01.png)

>>46631 Fuwawa pred and Moco prey
>>46631 Palutena pred Any girl from smash prey
(948.48 KB 1024x1024 00060-91448738.png)

(1.07 MB 1024x1024 00059-253964360.png)

(1.09 MB 1024x1024 00061-840785550.png)

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>>46631 Jill Valentine from RE3 Remake as pred would be awesome
>>46698 That's great! Tysm But somehow mereoleona looks younger here, also could you make her boobs bigger and her face like she is excited? If not, understandable, having mimosa and asta inside her is amazing, thank you again for doing it
>>46466 Lmao speak for yourself the majority of us don't jerk off to women with down syndrome
>>46702 And you jerk it to vore, trisomy
>>46631 Any progress on swallowing?
>>32712 hjgg
>Try not too long ago to install Stable Diffusion and such >Things go fine >Eventually shit just refuses to entirely, completely install >Try a few more times >All attempts end in fucking failure The fuck? The fuck am I even doing wrong? I followed each step to the fucking T/correctly, and yet, it keeps fucking being retarded and shit about installing it. What fucking gives? I'm so close to just nuking it all off my PC.
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>>46631 If possible: Holo from Spice and Wolf as pred Fern and Frieren as prey.
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>>46631 Laura Matsuda from SFV? She barely got any art
>>45503 bump Can anybody create kemono page?
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Spoilered for loli I can't believe how quickly SD has come along. Haven't used for months and now we've got XL and heaps of new Loras.
>>47537 What loras did you use for this? I can't find any good ones
>>47584 Should be able to use the PNG checker tab in your SD for all the generation info, else it's the Vore Belly Pony XL Lora. Need an account on civitai to view/download it. There's a suite of about 5 I alternate between, which I may link a mega to for those who don't want to use civitai. Pony Diffusion XL and it's derivatives is probably the best way to get this stuff, it generates much cleaner images and is generally better at getting things like fingers and faces right on the first go. With some inpainting or img2img it's pretty good. ControlNet doesn't work unless you have some special .pth files suited for XL checkpoints and openpose will not work. There is also a much better swallowing Lora for PDXL, and even the joke swallowing fish Lora I found which was made as a test by some rando works reasonably well. Some bonus ones I did while playing around. Character Loras trained on PDXL are quite good. With some time and inpainting you could get some seriously good stuff out of this.
Here's about 8 hours of fucking around. I think this would turn out a bit better if I could just get temporalkit extension to work, stabilize it a bit more. I also suck at krita so I can't get the belly to transform so it looks like it's swinging more between steps.
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>>47733 Nice could revolutionize RPGmaker games if you get a good workflow and share it. How did you do it? img2img I was thinking of doing the same, generating a pose. Chopping the body parts up, rigging it using something like Live2d,Spine2d, or Anime Effects, or puppeting with a paint programing like PaintNet and then plugging it back into Diffusion.
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>>47617 >With some inpainting or img2img it's pretty good. How do you even use those? Every time I try the images end up revamped completely
does anyone know the source of the comic in this video? The description says it's from "Robbie on pixabay" but I can't find any vore on pixabay and looking for a user named robbie came up blank as well. https://thisvid.com/videos/gets-a-summer-time-snack/
>>47733 Some more experimenting. My abilities to animate are pretty low level, but the concept seems sound enough.
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>>49262 Source on the first one?
>>43907 for pictures like this what keywords do I use to get a internal shot like that? I really really want to do some like this. can you post what lora and checkpoints you use?
Wonder if ai could put a good bulging Vore belly on Belle delphene…
>>40943 >>43485 anyone know what Lora this is?
>>49453 Yes, post more
>>49453 what checkpoint?
>>49488 Not that anon but it's definitely NAI Furry V3.
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>>49322 According to rule 34 it came from here
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>>49498 I wonder if the ai could do ones with their cock out against that loud gurgling gut >>49504 God if you make more of these it would be amazing. That is absolutely perfect
>>49499 From where?
>>49513 The exact post in which it was posted >>49262
>>49522 Oh, and I assume the daki one too?
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anyone know how to get good digestion noises,struggle bumps? also am I retarded or is inpainting just impossible to work with? anytime I've tried designating a inpaint spot and then prompting it I either get a portion of the picture(horribly cropped) or It uses the wrong background instead of inserting its own (pic rel). I've fucked around and tweaked with nearly every settings and nothing seems to really give me what I want. anyone got a good inpainting prompt and settings?
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can someone help me please? I can't get the stomach thing going for a life of me. I'm a newby when it comes to AI in general so is there something I'm not quite getting?
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>>49609 I could be wrong but I think you set your check point incorrectly? vorebelly is the LORA you want to apply not the checkpoint. the checkpoint (assuming you are trying to copy the guy on the right) is supposed to be "Any Hentai" so you download that to your Stable Diffusion Folder. THEN go and get the Vorebelly Lycoris (lora) and put that in your LORA folder. after that copy whatever other settings he has and you should be good to go. BASICALLY the reason its not showing up is because you placed your file in the wrong folder. I THINK.
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Still missin' my lady, still smokin' like crazy I'm still rough as a rider, I'm still right here beside you
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Still spendin' per diem
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>>49616 thanks. Fortunately I figured it out and made this thing. I vowed never to spend a dime on porn/commissions/etc and by god I'll see it through.
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>>49624 its okay to support the arts IF you can afford to. I mean ai art literally wouldnt even exist if not for the efforts of others including the art that a lot of the Lora's are trained on and copy. you dont have to hyper copium like tossing 5 bucks to someones subscribe star to gain access to a few jpgs is dystopian. I like both personally.
>>49634 nah it ain't that. i just don't want it to show up in my credit card history lol. i have another problem. im trying to load autismMix and the pony one, or basically any that are about 6 gigs big. When I try using them, the thing just seems to give out. is there a way to fix this or is it like a processing issue or somethin?
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>>49635 >credit card history. get a paypal. load money to the paypal with cash at a store or whatever. attach a fake name to the paypal. bing bang boom and before I used a paypal I was using those debit cards from the store to buy crap off the internet. >im trying to load autismMix and the pony one you mean you are trying to merge two checkpoints? like generate a picture then halfway through have it swap over to the second checkpoint to finish generating? or are you trying to combine both checkpoints into a new one? if you are trying to merge checkpoints then thats going to be in your settings and you should probably look up a quick youtube guide so you know what you are getting into. >the thing just seems to give out how so? whole computer freezes or??? >is this a processing issue well it technically shouldnt be. the speed at which a picture can be generated is based on your GPU IIRC. by default stable diffusion will generate images via your Graphics card so if its hitching you might have a bunch of other things running. Processor should only be being affected if you are downloading something like a new Lora or checkpoint and that puts it under a bit of stress for the moment as it allocates space.
>>49637 ill try to be more specific, >when I select one of them and it processes it, when it stops processing it goes back to the model that was there before. >If I'm lucky enough to keep it there and then try doing something with it, it might give me some crap about not having enough memory or something. OR more specifically, the kind of prompt I might get is >modules.devices.NansException: A tensor with all NaNs was produced in Unet. This could be either because there's not enough precision to represent the picture, or because your video card does not support half type. Try setting the "Upcast cross attention layer to float32" option in Settings > Stable Diffusion or using the --no-half commandline argument to fix this. Use --disable-nan-check commandline argument to disable this check. the float32 thing doesn't work and I don't really know how to execute the other option tbh.
>>49642 the refiner is very finnicky. I'd say dont use it unless you know what you are doing and specifically are sure that the SDXL is compatible with the latter checkpoint. instead of refining just use checkpoint merger.
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>>49644 I don't think I'm using the refiner, I'm talking about the txt2img thing
>>44249 https://lumalabs.ai/dream-machine close enough it will not process anything that looks suggestive.
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>>49616 How can i balance multiple loras at the same time when i'm using multiple at the same time? or what are good loras to balance the art style and not make it look fucked up or too "realistic" for some reason?
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>>49680 I'd say its mostly just trial and error. needless to say though which every "style" you want should be at the highest number. sometimes you can run an image with one lora then take the completed picture, add the second lora and re-run it with img2img in order to transition one picture to a new style so to speak. If you are trying to avoid realistic looks then you might want to pay attention to what checkpoint you pick as some checkpoints are specifically trained on IRL human photos OR make sure to put aesthetic different styles in parenthesis for example: "(Anime:1.4)", or (Digital:1.2)",("Traditional art"), ("3D:1.4)" as those will tell the generation to focus on those details or if you are using a lora trained on a specifc artist you can use "by _" and the lora will try to replicate said artist style. make sure to use the negative prompt box for that. fill it with words like "realistic, photorealistic,realisim," ect for a higher chance at avoiding it.
>>49680 newfag here How many of you just generate it in the site as opposed to downloading and running it on your computer? Cuz thats what I do and yesterday I've had my fair share of problems (as you can probably see) but when I ran it on civitai I didn't have those problems. also I guess doing this would be more convenient as it takes up less space on my drive.
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>>49692 I run it from my PC for the sake of privacy. when you run it from the site im pretty sure you are running it through their servers and thusly they have access to whatever embarrassing fetish garbage you are making and its linked to your account. hard drive space isnt a problem for me personally. I have 3 SSD's and 1 HDD and I regularly go through and clean out older folders. right now the program is using about 155 GB of storage space
>>49692 I've used both but novelai's models make it hard to back to local right now.
>>49680 Use BREAKS and describe what you want to see more of in your picture in detail. The more you describe a vagina (for example:vagina,labia,clitoris), the bigger the share and more details of your gen it will have. Problem is that it is all very dependend from each other 1.Model 2.Sampler 3.Resolution 4.Steps Etc. Also all the tags have different strengths to them, while some will alter you whole pictures other will do barely anything. Your general prompt length influences how much weight a new added word has. The place of your tag at the beginning of your prompt or very end has influence (or at the beginning or end of BREAK chunks). The biggest problem is that there are too many variables and nobody knows exactly what does what. You have to trial and error. And better save your good prompts for later usage. I suggest start with simple prompts and build them up. Copy prompts from civit.ai and delete whats not needed, and then start adding more stuff. One tag, or the right sampler or resolution can change your gen from nightmare fuel to coomer fuel
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>>50537 maybe somebody could clean these up i dunno
Last two spoilered because not human. Spunky bunny. And a couple swamp rats that fertilize the swamp with churned up boys.
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>>50570 what prompts models
>>50781 All NAI furry v3. In order. First: A random anomaly I got after using img2img on a plain old mawshot that was generated with NAI anime v3. I wish I could reproduce something similar to it but all attempts thus far have failed. Second: Vibe transfer from another similar generation was used. It helps with consistency. <{japanese description}, {humanoid}, humanoid pointy ears, elf, not furry, {mouth closed}, headshot portrait, fantasy, nude, female, humanoid pred, larger pred, realistic, female pred, lighting, solo, bare shoulders, collarbone, breasts, smaller prey, soft vore, fully inside,unwilling prey, head back, permanent, hair, swallowing sound effect, eyelashes,mythology, bangs, japanese text, countershade face, countershading, shaded, detailed, depth of field, chromatic aberration, covering mouth, humanoid feet, feet, soles Negative <feral, smile, embarrassed, {{{mane}}}, fur, tongue, big belly, anthro, feline, canine, deer, hybrid, long neck, navel, spade tail, pointy nose, teeth, sharp teeth, snake, reptile, tentacle,comic, realistic, chibi, five nights at freddy's, pokemon, my little pony, toony, line art, sketch, flat color, simple background, traditional media (artwork), white background, comic, sequence, chibi, smile, blush, snake, lamia, open mouth, same size vore, belly, navel, hyper belly, neck bulge, disembodied penis, Third: <unseen pred, internal, anthro, realistic, detailed fur, small breasts, nipples, {{cramped}}, stomach, organs, fully inside, stomach acid, (((japanese description))), scared, wide eyed, screaming, constricted pupils, fetal pose, curled up, countershading, countershade face, countershade legs, shaded, {depth of field}, wet fur, wet body, glistening, bodily fluids, saliva string, Negative <cock vore, mouth shot, belly, {big belly}, same size vore, line art, simple background, white background, sketch, monochrome, {{flat color}}, hyper belly, masturbation, willing prey, nature, Fourth: unseen pred, internal, not furry, humanoid, {{realistic}}, detailed skin, breasts, nipples, {in throat}, esophagus, internal wall, {{cramped}}, organs, fully inside, stomach acid, scared, wide eyed, constricted pupils, {japanese description}, {on front}, countershading, countershade face, countershade legs,shaded, {depth of field}, wet body, glistening, bodily fluids, saliva string, digestion, looking up, dark, dim, imminent digestion, panicking, worried, struggling, crying, wet hair, red theme, eyes closed, goo drip, detailed internal, Negative cock vore, mouth shot, belly, {big belly}, same size vore, line art, simple background, white background, sketch, {{flat color}}, hyper belly, masturbation, willing prey, nature, sunlight, open mouth, tongue, tongue out, toony, chibi, neck bulge, water, tentacle monster, tentacle, blush, rape, sex, vaginal penetration, Fifth: Vibe transfer was used again. <{{female pov}}, {first person view}, legs, not furry, humanoid, head out of frame, female, breasts, lying, lighting, countershading, realistic, nipples, {solo}, nude, pussy, hand on stomach, pregnant, vore, abdominal bulge, digestion, unseen prey, sound effects, Negative <penetrating pov, cowgirl position, sex , cunnlingus, female/female, female/male, female/ambiguous, male/female, looking at viewer, {{{duo}}}, lying on another, sitting on another, sketch, flat color, line art,
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spoiler: bones someday i'll figure out how to fix faces
>>50855 Very curious to know how this one was made. Really good bones. Usually hard to get them so defined.
>>50914 I made my own Pony LoRa Do you guys want me to upload it on civitai? I think it's a bit "burned", as it sometimes seems to render the same image over and over, but overall it works ok
>>50995 >>50914 forgot to say that this render was also lucky, i don't always get so good bones™
>>50995 Would very much appreciate it. Even if its not perfect it could work for inpainting.
>>50855 Oh man. That is fucking hot
I actually have a problem with civitai. When I want to characters, like in Anal vore, I almost never get the results/order I want. I don't know why. I copy prompts change values etc. I guess it's because of popularity of each character... Anyone know how to fix this or a guide on inpainting that doesn't require pixai?
>>51167 V1 looks pretty good so far. Would very much like to see a V2. Doing god's work on this one.
>>51109 bump
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>>51167 still getting the hang of it but holy hell this is class you're an innovator
>>51167 Throwing up a 404 page not found
>>51355 CivitAI doesn't like our fetish apparently. Really hope >>51167 made a backup.
>>51355 >>51359 yeah it got down, I asked for a counter review but still got denied. ugh... do you guys know an alternative to civitai where I can upload it ? it's cool to see images done by others with prompts and stuff
>>51442 There really aren't any which are fetish friendly Imo just put it on mega at this point. People on the board will use it and post regardless
did anyone archived the old Stable Diffusion Thread?
Honestly anyone who charges people to view AI generated images should be lined up against a wall and shot, very jewish behavior and probably are jews….
>>51619 Thats what you get when you give people a way to farm content. Pen&paper isn't anywhere near as scalable as AI. You don't really need to be creative to make a decent piece with SD, either. The best argument I can see against AI is the fact that its Elsagate tier content that people see as a cash stream and not a chance to give to the community. I wonder where these jews will go once DA bans them lmao
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Attempt at soul vore was unsatisfactory.
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>>51680 "Catch!!" "Wha-" *THWACK*
>>51442 maybe tensor.art could work for ya
>>51442 >>51532 I made a Google Drive of my Bones Bulges Poly Lora https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17FuFh0YrJkKvkQhcjLCix0wp4R2X-q-1?usp=sharing hope to see some cool images posted here
>>51681 What's the prompt for the black alien girl?
>>51825 <not furry, humanoid, eyeless, female, shiny, fantasy, depth of field, looking at viewer, small breasts, tomboy, female pred, anus, unseen prey, ambiguous prey, looking down, hand on stomach, sitting, slim, athletic female, leaning back, fully inside, backlighting, choker, pussy, innie pussy, kemono, tongue out, bottomless, partially clothed, black skin, glistening, larger female, digestion, digestion sounds, sound effects, Negative: <{worst quality}, {bad quality}, text, signature, watermark, comic, sequence,feral, cock vore, penis, gaping, anal penetration, multi anus, censored, slightly chubby, overweight, embarrassed, blush, blue skin, open mouth, eating, wide hips, voluptuous, seductive, legs, big breasts, smile, internal cumshot, body markings, same size vore, belly, big belly,
>>51681 Woah yes!!! Headfirst swallowing! That first picture gives me so much hope for the future.
>>51812 would it be alright if I reprinted this model on tensor.art so people could generate stuff with it online? i'll provide the drive link in the description of it, if that's ok.
>>51842 sure, go for it
>>51860 cool, thank you! here's the link for it if anyone wants to use it: https://tensor.art/models/751042115070478444
(1.98 MB 1536x1536 ComfyUI_0001.png)

>>51812 You have accomplished a great deed this day.
>>51884 how do you manage to have such a high quality image, i'm having destroyed faces every damn time with my bones bulges lora
>>52268 I run the lora at 0.8 strength and use a face detailer. I notably do not use the bone lora for the face detailer. A lot of vore loras mess up faces so its better to just only use them for the parts you need. Getting good quality tags and CFG scale for the model you're using also helps a lot. Your model of choice may have recommended ones, but I recommend ZPDXL embeds. They helped a lot.
(81.22 KB 240x240 fujitakana-6.png)

>>51812 New to AI stuff, how do you use this?
>>52950 >>53206 How do you get the bulges and the internals to look so fitting to each other?
does anyone have AleDeko's subscribestar content? it's not on kemono https://subscribestar.adult/staleko
>>53289 >>53279 Ay-yi-yi. This shit makes my skin crawl and not in a good way.
>>53321 Is it an uncanny valley kind of thing?
Why does pretty much everyone always make the same type of vore content it’s always m/m f/f or m/f why is there no female pred with male prey with internals? Like I never see it I always search but never find woukd do it myself but there’s no instructions or tutorials to teach me to do it myself
>>53402 AI art is already polarizing. Generally, people with a public platform don't care enough to appeal to specific fantasies ( i.e. f/m, or f/m internals) because its not profitable or just extra work that isn't particularly helpful in building an audience. People need to realize that once you have a public platform with 100+ posts, its not about actually putting your personal fetish fantasies on the internet, its just about keeping the machine running and maintaining the audience you have. Its all AI though. Look up non-fetish tutorials about how to use tools like Stable Diffusion or ComfyUI, how to use LoRA, and gradually fill in the blanks with the vore LoRA & checkpoints you find appealing. There's no magic here. If there are specific issues you have with prompting or just downloading the damn GUI, most of the answers are either here, or on reddit, so don't be afraid to dig
>>53518 Spoken like a true soulless cash grubbing "A.I Artist" lmao
Is just annoying to me how much of the gay side has completely over saturated Vore content, like what about people who aren’t gay why must we have to suffer through the droves of all the “gay shit” I don’t have anything against gays but would be nice to have some strait heterosexual Vore
>>53525 Never claimed to be an artist. Just want to remind people that you don't need to sink money into some jew's get rich quick scheme to get your hands on mid-tier AI slop AI 'art' is a joke and the fact that there are creators that CAN profit is a problem. This shit isn't particularly hard to do. The more people who actually create for themselves, the better
>>53527 I'm straight but I prefer F/F vore because seeing a woman in peril is more arousing than seeing some loser's self insert character
I mainly like fem pred and make prey especially when the male prey is a more or less generic white male bc I like to imagine that that guy is me in her and just makes the experience even better for me I guess yeah I like my looser self inserts
>>53542 true!!!!! My opinion also. Tho i kinda like it when thy put a "anon man" into the belliez. Kinda turns me on when I put myself in their place. But it sucs when I see some others dweebs oc.
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(1.14 MB 1024x1064 image (32).png)

all we need now is a dedicated burp lora
>>53553 Anyway, fuck Bright.
(1.27 MB 1024x1024 q_00132_.png)

Flux experiment. Spoilered for scat.
(1.09 MB 1024x1024 846987275.png)

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>>31087 (OP) Y2Ker drama
Anyone working on a flux LoRA yet? Same process as 1.5 w/ kohya?
>>31514 Can we get a reupload?
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>>55348 For God's sake can you give me the sauce on the Jessie one?
>>55362 Stable Diffusion.... it's AI
>>54209 Thats funny, i generated the Alice's ones, didn't expected to see them here.
>>55398 Yeah I know but was it uploaded to a website or was originally uploaded here?
For all the people asking questions about how to make vore AI art: New (beginner-friendly) guide to vore AI art civitai(doooot) com/articles/6784
>>55514 I am out of luck, haha. Bellies are one of the least interesting things about vore to me...I'm much more about the swallowing, and even now after all the progress ai art has made, swallowing in vore seems almost beyond reach.
(2.25 MB 1536x1536 2755084766.png)

(1.29 MB 1024x1024 2303236741.png)

NAI Furry V3 human prey-in-mouth progress. With vibe transfers and antivibe it just barely works... sometimes. <{{headshot portrait}}, oral vore, head first, {partially inside}, hair, bangs, predator/prey, female pred, humanoid pred, humanoid prey, female prey, almost fully inside, butt, human, duo, larger pred, female prey, humanoid, bottomless, pussy, anus, looking at viewer, female, solo, realistic, ambiguous pred, female, anus, wet, dark, steam, shiny, female, {realistic}, throat, not furry, human pred,sunlight, saliva, pussy, rear view, close-up, soft vore, oral vore, front view, humanoid feet, plantigrade, soles, feet, {motion lines}, 5 toes, pussy, anus, unwilling prey, willing prey, <penis, balls, vaginal, sex, penetration, comic, big belly, fellatio, feral, male, big eyes, anal vore, solo, internal, open mouth, penetration, vaginal penetration, anal penetration, feral pred, anthro pred, unbirthing, sex, masturbation, anal vore, solo, butt focus, anal, sharp teeth, teeth, vaginal, full body, cunnilingus, rimming, crying
>>55526 what aspect of swallowing? there are lots of swallowing images out there
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Current crop of ai porn is getting pretty impressive but somehow that insufferable plasticky look is still there
>>57553 Baby steps. Time and effort will yield results, the path is within view.
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>>49634 >>49616 is anyone interested in prompting some furry m/f vore?
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>>51456 Who makes these?
>>55348 I was surprised to see how easy it was to get working. I love the idea of good majin 21 having a cravings episode and eating a random bystander or waking up from her sleep/nap and wondering why her stomach is so big.
>>61984 Any more Jesse?
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>>63687 sauce!
>>63690 You do realise you're on the AI thread right? >>63687 It's weird as it reminds me of lewdlemage but also feels off, probably because he tends to do animations and not sequences for these types of things.
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Is anyone able to make any Ramlethal Valentine or Marvel Rivals vore?
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>>63715 More embarrassed lil shotas stuck inside huge boobed succubus wombs, please.
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(1.25 MB 768x1152 grup.png)

Disposal spoiler'd.
>>63803 Did you do these internals with inpainting, or is there a good model that can generate them now? If so, which did you use?
(2.43 MB 1536x1536 1449885617.png)

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>>63837 When tools were more limited, a dirty hack I employed to achieve pov was to: >Try and generate a high-angle, straight-on shot >Open the image in Krita >Crop the image at about the collarbone >Flip the image upside down Results were rarely good but it kinda worked. The current method is using a pov pic as an input for ipadapter (Local) or vibe transfer (Novelai) in tandem with various pov booru tags.
>>63712 sauce on the last one?
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>>63865 NovelAI's discord, one of the posters there.
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>>63867 really fucking good! who made that?
>>63820 Those basic internals were done just straight txt2image, no cleaning or anything, but the ones with the pred visible were done via inpainting over an external shot. The faded effect was achieved by throwing the image with & without the prey visible in photoshop, then setting the opacity of one of them at ~70%. Here's a catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/axmktp.png https://files.catbox.moe/nmf60m.png https://files.catbox.moe/nblota.png
>>63854 I appreciate you anon! Thank you
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>>63942 !_! is there more?
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>>63944 There can be, just been playing around with this stuff the last couple days in my Discord.
>>64085 Yes PLZ!!!! I don't think I have your discord :?
>>64100 4nQfx94 Be quick, temp invite
>>63866 Dource?
I wanna start getting into this, what's a good Lora to get going?
>>64178 I use the Pony checkpoint and there are some actual vore Loras for it. Just grab one of those from civitai and get genning
does anyone have nekoprey's most recent drive password?
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Some MLP anal vore (no scat or anything). took me hours to inpaint that bitch into her asshole haha
(788.94 KB 4096x1159 SmugAlana reference sheet.jpg)

Can anyone generate some stuff with this lass? I think she's got a lora somewhere, but I am TERMINALLY retarded.
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>tfw no vore game where you play as a faceless hentai man and churn cute girls into fat on your gut
>>65186 Fight Fuck Feed is pretty close
>>65187 true I just wish it was more like a proper VN or RPG and less like a pokemon game
>>65188 If a VN is closer to what you want then try Vore days pred route
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your dumbass undid all her hard work!
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>>65496 >>65495 Why not use the canonical adult appearance you degenerate?
>>65498 >she was 17y 364d 23hr 59m 59s old you sick fuck!
>>31181 Please seek therapy
>>65357 Gave it a whirl and got some decent results. Thanks for the workflow.
I made a discord for ai vore. Part of the ai video thread is there already. https://discord.gg/FRgbs7PG
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hu tao
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I played around with that ai a bit.
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There's something incredibly hot about a pred using her enormous, prey-filled gut as a beanbag while she digests.
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(2.83 MB 1536x1536 83.png)

I have these saved but I can't for the life of me find the source. Can anyone help?
>>68041 The source is stable diffusion, you dumb fuck!
Short before/during/after sequence, plus an extra, where she's exhausted after finally getting down some tough prey.
>>68047 No fucking shit, why the fuck would you even reply
(1.39 MB 1024x1024 1425044798.png)

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The per-character prompting in NAI v4 preview is interesting.
>>68088 Then why would you even ask, Retard!?
>>68096 Are you really that thick in the head to think when someone asks for a source, they were asking for the materials that made the image? On god, reconsider your life, cause your wasting our oxygen
>>68097 "Materials that made the image" You mean the string of words that made it, lmao!
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Alas my computer does not have the power to make these.... Big-assed Commander Shepard refuses to leave my brain, I just know she hungry...

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