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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Teen pred vore thread Anonymous 06/14/2023 (Wed) 00:04:27 No. 31109
I am starting to notice that I enjoy teenager predators a lot more than lolis... It is sort of difficult for me to imagine a loli being malicious, most of the loli vore that i enjoy more are wholesome scenarios or the loli being upset But teens being a little grown can make me imagine their malicious intentions a lot more, and i dig it Therefore I am making this thread
(401.51 KB 2048x1631 FXlwf9BXEAELqjV.jpeg)

>you will never be the foster dad of a voracious high schooler who only tries to "bond" by teasing you with a writhing tummy and the muffled cries of the singe moms and children you're trying to settle for (since she figures you're doing it intentionally). Why liverino?
>>31141 Oh boy, high schoolers. I think they hit me up the most. The fact that they have so many malicious intentions, so much jealousy, the amount of bullying that they can do~
There's a lot of teacher pred, student prey stuff out there so it's great to have the reverse roles version of that vore scenario. This is easily in my top 10 favorite vore drawings.
>>31194 pleaaseee I genuinely need more student pred teacher prey things
(394.64 KB 1157x1524 HoamNom-903844-Nala+flick1.png)

(479.39 KB 1700x1375 HoamNom-812447-Nala+Pred+feet.jpg)

(265.00 KB 1600x1426 HoamNom-809517-Nala+Mailman_.jpg)

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(121.28 KB 999x1396 IMG_4724.jpeg)

Top tier brat pred
>>31789 gwen my beloved. Makes me wonder if there is more of her
(1.22 MB 1031x1728 MianQ-671268-Nonon!.png)

(3.11 MB 824x5250 IMG_4006.png)

>>32774 Did they ever make a sequel to this?
>>31789 Can we get KogaiVore's kemono updated? Last update was from like 2020.
>>32856 its pointless to update gokai's kemono because all stuff is retrieved using sketchpack codes and i think it can be used from gokaivore's website
(2.09 MB 2282x2086 100238436_p1.jpg)

(2.24 MB 2282x2086 100238436_p3.jpg)

(1.19 MB 1600x2000 ezkerbkun-930767-powerererer.png)

>>31406 Gold
(2.76 MB 4494x3130 IMG_1463.png)

(480.32 KB 2049x2500 Hijab Girl.jpeg)

(689.31 KB 1802x2500 Hijab Girl 3.jpeg)

Technically a teenager
>>45889 Who is this character?
>>45928 I dunno, seems like someone's oc, was tagged as teen pred on Eka's
>>47566 Could you tell me who made the 4th one down?
>>47574 Thank
(736.07 KB 2360x1200 ezkerbkun-971368-sana+sunomiya.png)

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(3.37 MB 2700x3500 Gis3ll3-1013399-2.png)

(4.54 MB 2700x3500 Gis3ll3-1013397-1.png)

>>49050 Source of the Tomoko drawings?
>>49127 Burning core on aryion
>>44783 Source?
>>31789 Dude, the last one has over 40 pages and you only posted one lol https://aryion.com/g4/view/578811
(1.72 MB 1250x1650 1716440753443.png)

>>49048 >HE ate those girls goddamn i wish >:)
>>50664 > (3.17 MB 2480x3508 Flezzer-1012403-NewCanvas2gbgtg.png) > >>50664
>>31109 I like this thread but I feel alot of these posts miss the mark. It's the brattiness, lack of respect or care and attitude that so many of these miss. I think teen pred are best when they care only about their happiness and how it affects them, they don't give a single shit about how their prey feels as their tummy ache is much more important to them than some loser meal. Also, some of these don't even seem like teen preds
>>59306 This is all of the ones I could find right now. >>31109 I feel like what this post is explaining is very similar to a kusogaki which also has a thread. https://8chan.moe/vore1/res/52232.html
>>49049 whats the animation from
(5.54 MB 2480x3508 apitop-1100655-megumeal1.png)

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