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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Ssublissive Anonymous 06/14/2023 (Wed) 20:03:51 No. 31170
Unironically the single best vore audio creator on the internet >actually not a tranny >good sound scaping and sound effects >good plots and no other shity fetishes injected in She is actually the best thing to happen to vore this decade, I love her bros
This is the best giantess related vore content I have ever listened to
(11.54 MB NormalDate.mp3)

This was her first audio, good pacing, no over bloated plot, and good sound effects, automatically better than every other vore audio I have ever listened to
>>31172 The sequel (good ending)
>>31172 the bad ending, with disposal, both are perfect sequels and don't drag on like so many vore vids and other content https://mega.nz/file/2RsHhI4a#zbkhyGjjdWbH7WonJhRaitxP1KxStL8whkvKiDas_kI
I will post more later on
>>31170 Her stuff is genuinely hot, I felt like I HAD to show "The Interview" with others literally the best vore audio out there
Anyone got any of her locked disposal stuff?
This is her newest one
Holy shit these are really good Never heard of her before but Holy shit
>>31225 Appetite for justice is maybe the single best vore related anything I have ever found. I wish there were more people like Ssublissive.
>>31408 They're currently working on a sequel for "appetite for justice".
>>31409 Yeah I have her Patreon it’s lit
>>31423 Holy fuck i sound like a zoomer my bad
>>31170 These are really good
Can someone dump her new audio An Appetite for Justice 2
I think these are the first vore audios I would say are good. Hell they're better than good, they're excellent. I feel like I don't find IRL vore content to be as good as art or writing is that it always feels like someone who isn't into the fetish, crafting a piece of fetish material without understanding what or why people like it. They just want to capitalize on a niche audience that has less options to pick from. This FEELS like someone who knows what makes vore good and what the audience wants from something like this. Good sounds, good plot, good voice acting, overall just good stuff.
Newest one got delayed
Any one got her Appetite for Justice disposal version?
I hope someone gets to update her stuff on Kemono, because it hasn't been updated since June.
Someone finally updated her Kemono weird to see my comments on it, tho.
Fuck it here her new preview script Magician Makes Your Friends Disappear. “Ladies and gentleman, you’ve seen me manipulate giant cards, split myself in half, break the laws of physics, and make my darling dove, Donut, disappear! But…can I make an entire person disappear?!” (On stage) K: “I totally know how she did that card trick.” (Bored) T: “Shhh!” (Shushing him) “For my next trick, I will need two volunteers from the audience!” T: “Oh! Oh! Over here!” (Excited, getting attention) K: “Hey! What are you doing?” (Snappy) T: “What? I wanna be a part of the show!” K: “That’s just like you. Hey, talk some sense into her.” (Listener encourages them to volunteer) T: “See? Even they agree with me.” K: *Defeated sigh* “Alright, I might as well go up there two I guess.” (Reluctant, but wanting to be part of the action) T: “Over here!” “Ah~ Yes, you two will do just nicely~ Come on up!” K: “Hey, watch over our stuff, ‘kay?” “Welcome you two! Can I get your names?” K: “Uh…I’m Kyle.” T: “And I’m Tracy!” “Very good, a round of applause for the both of them!” (Pause for applause) “So~ How long have you two been together?” K: “Uh, we’re-” T: “We’re just friends.” K: “Yeah.”
[Expand Post]“Hehe, why don’t the two of you step over here to my magic curtain.” “Now I want you two to just take a close look at it, you can touch it too if you want.” “You can check it for any tricks for traps, anything that seems out of the ordinary.” K: “It’s just a normal curtain.” T: “Yeah.” “I think you mean it’s a normal…magic…curtain.” “If you two would kindly step behind it…yes just like that, perfect.” “Ladies and gentleman, behold as I, the great Jacqueline Granger, will make these two disappear…once I also step behind this magic curtain.” K: “Hey, let go of me!” T: “Oh my god what the hell?” *Mouth open wide lunge* *Munching sounds* *Gulping* “Hahh~” (Satisfied sigh) “And there you have it, folks! Two people successfully vanished into thin air!” “Where could they have possibly gone I wonder~” (Playing coy) “Hmm? Ate them? That’s preposterous!” “Well, it is pretty big right now. I can see why you might think that.” “But the only thing in my stomach right now is…” [BURP] [A dove flies out of her mouth] “Donut!” [The audience claps] “Come here donut. Good birdie!” “Hehe, my stomach is still a bit heavy and I don’t think I can continue the show like this.” “Luckily I know a spell that can shrink it down to size~” “aaaand…voila~” [Audience claps] “Thank you! Thank you!” (bowing) [BURP] “Oh my, excuse me.” *giggling* “Er- now, for my next trick, now that we have my lovely assistant Donut back with us, let me show you what else a magic bird can do!” “Before you, we have five hoops, all in a line…” [Voice fades away as the scene shifts] [Later…] Guard: “Hey, you’re not supposed to be back here.” “Let them in, I’m sure it’s fine.” “Oh, hello!” “What can I do for you?” [BURP] “Ugh, pardon me. My stomach is still very busy with digestion. I can spare a few moments for a fan though.” (Holding back another burp) “You’re looking for your friends? Hehe…” “Well, you’ve found them.” “They’re…right…in…here~” (Patting stomach) “You seem surprised.” “Honey, it’s called a disappearing act for a reason.” “You are aware of what happens to food when it stays in a stomach for long enough, right?” “But how did I do it? Well, that’s all part of the trick~” “It’s all smoke and mirrors. It’s easy enough to make a full belly appear small on stage, if you know the right tricks. You can’t trust everything you see with the naked eye.” “Hehehe, a magician never reveals their secrets, darling. Your guess is as good as anyone else's.” “Hey, don’t be mad at me. Your friends wanted to disappear so I granted their wish. Just because I didn’t specify they’d be disappearing down my throat doesn’t mean I did anything wrong.” “Although it’s more like they’ll be disappearing onto my thighs in the morning.” “But...look…I do feel bad about this little incident so uh, why don’t I make it up to you?” “Yeah, I’ll give you something to remember them by. A memento, if you will.” “Just let me…give my gut a little nudge…” (Struggling to manhandle her large gut) [BURP] “hahh…There, that’s one belched up t-shirt for you.” “If you just hang on tight, I can get more.” [BURP] “Mmph…haha! That’s her underwear. Hehe…” (Brief laughing fit) “Er- sorry…um.” (Regaining her composure) [BURP] “oof…*cough*...ugh, I didn’t even mean to burp that one out. Jackets feel so sloppy coming back out.” (Slight disgust) “I might as well keep going now that we’ve started.” [BURP] “That’s one shoe…” [BURP] “And there’s the other…” [BURP] “His shorts…” [BURP] “Somebody’s wallet…I’m actually gonna keep that if you don’t mind.” [BURP] “You can keep that watch though.” [BURP] “Ahhh~ aaand her bra.” “Oh, wait.” “I think I’ve still got one more in me.” “Gosh…this one’s really deep in there.” “Hold on…I’m working it up.” [BURP] “Bleugh…” *Licks lips noisily* “Two skulls, fresh out of the gut!” “Aw, don’t look at me like that.” “Listen, take your stuff and get outta here.” “What my security guard said was true, you’re not really supposed to be back here.” “But please come again! And bring more of your deliciou- I mean uh, delightful friends along!” “Barbara, please escort them back to the lobby.” *They exit* *sigh* “I really should’ve just eaten them too. Oh well, maybe next time I’ll make three people disappear…why stop at only two at a time~?” (Speaking to herself) “Yeah~ That’ll be a real show stopper~”
Anyone got appetite for justice 3 disposal vers? I would just but it cus it’s cheap but apparently she’s not accepting new patreon members
>>39402 I think she said she's paused payments until January. That might be why you can't join.
>>39404 Fair enough, i found pretty much everything on kemono anyway
>>31170 HOLY FUCK her latest audio was so hot man, literally the best she ever did
>>44693 If you have any of them. Could you please upload it here. Been dying to hear them
>>44693 Pls upload em here if you got em, kemono hasn’t been updated yet
im not really into audio stuff but holy shit
>>44693 Was it the fairy ones? There's 3 variants of fairy audio.
Bump for someone to update the kemono
>>45138 Bump
>>45143 What's the name on the kemono page? Ssublissive doesn't pull up.
>>45158 Thanks anon.
New audio anyone?
>>48839 Sure here
>>48840 What's the source?
>>48852 Oh nvm. I feel dumb, derp
>>48840 Thanks, i meant the alien one but this is good too
>>48873 Is Incomplete but here
>>48877 Ty bro
>>48840 She kinda sounds like Mori Calliope here, hot damn!
>>48877 Anyone know why this one is incomplete? Will it be completed soon or is it an abandoned project?
>>49984 She still working on it
>>48877 Who does the voice for these?
>>50081 She hired voice actors, but most of them prefer to remain anonymous.
I was going to say that she has released a remake of "Gamer Fuel", which is one of her older pieces.
>>51702 Thank you based anon.
>>51702 Do you have a version of this that doesn't have Disposal?

(67.37 KB 1186x540 Cum.png)

>>51726 Sure here Looks like we're getting a sequel
Route 102 anyone?
>>53498 Nvm i’m a dipshit its free anyway
>>51740 Oh shit a sequel!? Damn I'm excited it's probably my favorite of hers
Giantess Indulgence
Giantess Indulgence
(5.12 MB 1280x720 202409032307 (1).mp4)

fast froward to 15 seconds
Feels like they are getting lazy to me. Just long periods of stomach sounds and none of the voice acting that made them stand out. If I wanted to listen to gurgling I'd just use something like this https://dissolve.crux.sexy/
Can some one add the AMA stuff and the voting options to here or kemono
this is a vore video wioth the voies of cali logan, godess clue and katelym
>>55546 Garbage, fuck off. Not related to ssubby, stick it in the other thread
>>54215 Bumping for mods to delete this garbage, also someone update the kemono
Abducted by an Alien 2 is out on the patreon now
>>57505 Bumping for someone to post it here
bumping, did anyone get it yet
>>55061 jannie pls do your do job
Going to dump some of the paywalled stuff. Is there anything in particular you guys want?
Here is the non scat version of Adbucted by an Alien 2.
>>58020 Thanks for dropping this, especially with kemono down. Are there any other versions of that audio you can upload?
>>58021 Got the scat version?
>>58050 Here you go. >>58048 Anything in particular you are looking for? If not I'll start dumping the scat versions soon.
>>58147 Is there a version of this without scat/disposal or bones?
>>58152 Thank you!
She's got a new audio up on her Patreon
bump for the rattler
Now's the perfect time since kemono is back up.
>>61229 speaking of which can someone post the names for her script writing thing?
(21.44 MB The Rattler.mp3)

Bumping for her new audio
New audio
>>63951 If by chance, will there be a disposal version of it soon?
Oh the recent audio piece she released has a separate version with a VHS-styled feel to it.
The Jade Jacket VA is the best one.
>>63974 It is the disposal version. It's just not marked that way.
>>64266 Oh, I forgot. Here's the non-disposal version.
SO..... What are some scripts that didn't win the poll that she made recently, that you wish would have won, or maybe gets a second chance? Unconventional Convention, sounded quite interesting to me. By Apersonwhoishere Summary: A casual conversation at a vore convention is interrupted by a would be apex pred who quickly learns where she is on the food chain.
At this point people should just stick to updating Ssubby's Kemono page since these people won't shut the hell up about this shit. We just want vore audio dawg
New Audio on her Patreon
Can someone update the page?
>>67361 Vesari Audio too. She just released a new audio
Bump for both Vesari and Ssubby
>>31170 I love her pred POV audio so much, I wish people would do it more in general

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