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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Cownugget Art Anonymous 11/01/2021 (Mon) 20:09:35 No. 3590
Wanting to compile all of CowNugget's work, especially any Patreon exclusive stuff anyone is willing to share.
(136.47 KB 1277x987 E8UdCL4WUAUyKxp.jpg)

(134.91 KB 1059x892 E8UdCL4WEAQVwxV.jpg)

(136.03 KB 1056x946 E8UdCL5WQAA8Zri.jpg)

(136.58 KB 1075x942 E8UdCL5XoAMwv2M.jpg)

(216.24 KB 2000x1746 E8UVg8_XEAcExEN.jpg)

(237.83 KB 2000x1746 E8UVg8_XoAgBODd.jpg)

(250.75 KB 2000x1746 E8UVg82WUAIOW2w.jpg)

(224.38 KB 2000x1746 E8UVg83XIAAhJa3.jpg)

(107.51 KB 992x941 E2tnS5WX0AEGaTK.jpg)

(139.07 KB 1243x1021 E1_vSNKX0AECtKH.jpg)

(176.60 KB 1220x1046 E1_vSWZX0AY_uGt.jpg)

(119.52 KB 1082x881 E0GVdYgXEAMn82d.jpg)

(96.21 KB 1200x1153 En50HtgXYAI4B7B.jpg)

(64.25 KB 1200x1153 En50HthWEAA2YiW.jpg)

(83.29 KB 1200x1153 En50HtiXYAAjPmD.jpg)

(82.55 KB 1200x1153 En50HtgWEAE9aKy.jpg)

(87.01 KB 481x483 Ed1XWQoWAAA2wDH.png)

(380.37 KB 727x749 Ed1W436XkAAR1Y9.png)

(33.59 KB 526x522 EefRKCRWAAEqV_q.jpg)

(14.26 KB 351x473 EefRnhOXYAAAVNZ.jpg)

(26.71 KB 334x434 EefSE7tWAAEWRbY.jpg)

I'm willing to color some of these that really interest me so I hope more get posted.
>>3627 dear god tell me there's more
(237.19 KB 1071x1047 gadget x katojana sequence 4.png)

(234.42 KB 1072x1047 gadget x katojana sequence 5.png)

(224.01 KB 1069x1046 gadget x katojana sequence 6.png)

(225.86 KB 1074x1046 gadget x katojana sequence 7.png)

(225.38 KB 1074x1045 gadget x katojana sequence 8.png)

Has anyone got the Isabelle pieces he did?
>>3660 There Anybody got his Wendy pieces?
>>3664 thanks anon god this shit is golden
(2.28 MB 601x7336 sophie.jpg)

(2.72 MB 974x4681 judy.png)

(22.56 KB 417x487 EefShoXXsAIVSb3.jpg)

I don't have Patreon stuff, but I have a lot of his older work

(53.20 KB 560x750 down04.jpg)

(33.07 KB 500x668 eats02.jpg)

(363.51 KB 800x984 cownugget-368667-tigressvoreB.png)

(128.20 KB 600x826 ah_1209444664571_dinr04.jpg)

(149.69 KB 600x826 ah_1209444246215_dinr03.jpg)

(273.64 KB 600x763 ah_1209444148504_dinr02.jpg)

(177.36 KB 600x663 ah_1209444005769_dinr01.jpg)

(113.41 KB 600x786 lover revenge 5.jpg)

(115.05 KB 600x786 lover revenge 4.jpg)

(121.87 KB 600x786 lover revenge 3.jpg)

(127.37 KB 600x786 lover revenge 2.jpg)

(115.69 KB 600x786 lover revenge 1.jpg)

(202.66 KB 1200x1200 E3_04vxUYAgdNqd.jpg)

(35.40 KB 594x599 EfUv-GCWkAACc4g.jpg)

(91.75 KB 924x766 EjfEsmNXkAglKlV.jpg)

(99.74 KB 1036x1003 EkYKMaDXkAEyOuI.jpg)

(55.95 KB 654x968 EkYSuTYX0Ao7Fut.jpg)

(266.11 KB 1500x2263 EmJZyyGXIAIBoAV.jpg)

(60.00 KB 685x603 Eb8ZfbKUEAAOWul.jpg)

(30.01 KB 439x487 EefTFkUWkAEQlvQ.jpg)

(33.45 KB 455x371 Eb8ZyGfWkAE97VJ.jpg)

(125.58 KB 1192x1030 EXfsfcXWsAYz0rk.jpg)

(100.43 KB 505x547 EXVE8-lU0AECFAE.png)

(128.92 KB 938x837 EYlxH17XsAUUYoZ.jpg)

(86.46 KB 720x720 Dxh-X77X4AAtZ7i.jpg)

(94.48 KB 720x720 Dxh-YISWsAAYzeM.jpg)

(94.47 KB 720x720 Dxh-YUFWwAE_qZR.jpg)

(73.64 KB 720x720 Dxh-YgLX0AIXDd5.jpg)

(48.47 KB 469x720 DxSRGYrVYAEmaba.jpg)

(67.42 KB 712x720 DxSRGn9VsAU8Qou.jpg)

I love the fact, that most inaccurate part of the comic, it’s Richard being at work
>>5237 Who is that yellow catgirl, and why does Cownugget draw so much art of them?
>>5257 Katia Managan from the webcomic Prequel, he's commissioned to draw her a lot.
(4.38 MB 4000x4000 scarlettpkmnINSIDEwdsB.png)

(3.63 MB 4000x4000 scarlettpkmnOUTSIDEB.png)

(169.44 KB 1200x1052 dragon.jpg)

(351.82 KB 998x996 plant.png)

(482.42 KB 611x770 snek.PNG)

Where's the archive of all his work?
(646.84 KB 1136x1743 bird.png)

(57.78 KB 638x680 pikalibre.jpg)

>>4862 better size
(796.08 KB 1200x1200 cownugget-369320-DakotaMawXX.png)

(564.62 KB 992x941 1637384596520.png)

(346.87 KB 700x894 yoshi01.jpg)

(355.60 KB 700x975 yoshi02.jpg)

(388.58 KB 700x1360 yoshi03.jpg)

(157.82 KB 700x920 koopagirl02xb.png)

(176.03 KB 700x937 koopagirl01x.png)

I have some shit from the CD, fuck paywalls lol.
(71.58 KB 600x600 sushi02.jpg)

(72.10 KB 600x600 sushi03.jpg)

(71.73 KB 600x600 sushi04.jpg)

(71.43 KB 600x600 sushi05.jpg)

(71.73 KB 600x600 sushi06.jpg)

(194.54 KB 800x1060 koopagirl03xb.png)

(66.55 KB 600x600 sushi01.jpg)

(43.03 KB 600x369 trnthida.jpg)

(99.96 KB 700x900 yoshi01x.png)

(256.23 KB 700x911 yoshi02x.png)

(99.65 KB 700x922 yoshi03x.png)

(731.83 KB 1770x830 talvore.png)

(974.25 KB 800x600 mousegirlXX.gif)

(127.62 KB 867x552 klonoa02x.png)

(383.84 KB 900x717 klonoa01x.png)

(277.33 KB 600x774 1stpersp2.jpg)

(314.17 KB 600x781 1stpersp1.jpg)

(351.92 KB 600x777 1stpARO2.jpg)

(164.93 KB 600x726 arcoon01.jpg)

(368.10 KB 600x777 1stpARO.jpg)

This train aint stopping till the whole damn CD is archived, sorry server admins.
(223.63 KB 596x747 arcoon04.jpg)

(436.59 KB 700x903 arochow.jpg)

(235.05 KB 600x825 arcoon03.jpg)

(336.46 KB 600x787 arcoon02.jpg)

(412.28 KB 700x903 arochowbw.jpg)

(293.50 KB 600x781 arofids03.jpg)

(322.97 KB 1000x798 AroDigesting.jpg)

(414.13 KB 1000x798 AroDigest.jpg)

(343.23 KB 800x612 arofids02.jpg)

(441.08 KB 800x615 arofids01.jpg)

(338.57 KB 800x624 aroGNA03.jpg)

(245.93 KB 600x777 arofids04.jpg)

(314.11 KB 600x709 aroGNA01.jpg)

(408.63 KB 700x922 aroGNA02.jpg)

(357.17 KB 700x538 arofids05.jpg)

(370.41 KB 601x778 aroICEX.jpg)

(358.73 KB 600x776 aroICEdilX.jpg)

(323.50 KB 600x748 arokha04.jpg)

(195.24 KB 600x731 arokha01.jpg)

(334.75 KB 596x776 arokha03.jpg)

(500.53 KB 800x684 aroSIKYY.jpg)

(256.93 KB 600x579 aropharmX.jpg)

(279.43 KB 599x579 aropharmXX.jpg)

(371.69 KB 700x989 arosheetX.jpg)

(395.51 KB 800x1100 aromawz.jpg)

(360.23 KB 800x562 CsecCXX.jpg)

(328.49 KB 600x782 gtsarok01.jpg)

(328.01 KB 800x560 csecaroX.jpg)

(918.50 KB 1500x1148 fido02.jpg)

(1.06 MB 1500x1154 fido01.jpg)

(363.51 KB 600x787 gtsarok03.jpg)

(416.36 KB 600x773 gtsarok02.jpg)

(312.53 KB 700x971 headon.jpg)

(406.13 KB 900x709 macaros1.jpg)

(573.20 KB 900x709 macarosX.jpg)

(310.46 KB 600x763 soul02.jpg)

(185.79 KB 600x774 pounce01.jpg)

(294.35 KB 600x731 soul01.jpg)

(376.07 KB 800x619 pounce02.jpg)

(196.97 KB 800x596 pounce03.jpg)

(321.29 KB 596x776 soul03.jpg)

(218.36 KB 572x685 soul06.jpg)

(185.43 KB 557x674 soul05.jpg)

(307.90 KB 600x748 soul04.jpg)

(207.08 KB 587x688 soul07.jpg)

(203.03 KB 582x735 soul08.jpg)

(335.77 KB 600x774 ubsoul01.jpg)

(677.87 KB 1000x1432 spreadX.jpg)

(636.20 KB 800x1041 cody02x.jpg)

(497.08 KB 795x1032 cody01x.jpg)

(708.98 KB 800x1041 cody03x.jpg)

(658.17 KB 800x1041 cody05x.jpg)

(718.31 KB 800x1041 cody04x.jpg)

(299.16 KB 700x926 drag02x.jpg)

(298.05 KB 700x922 drag03x.jpg)

(301.85 KB 700x922 drag04x.jpg)

(370.75 KB 800x1100 drag01x.jpg)

(246.31 KB 700x916 drag05x.jpg)

(562.35 KB 700x911 macro01x.jpg)

(368.00 KB 700x911 macro05x.jpg)

(398.90 KB 700x911 macro04x.jpg)

(419.72 KB 700x911 macro02x.jpg)

(383.48 KB 700x911 macro03x.jpg)

(485.03 KB 700x1246 macro09x.jpg)

(375.52 KB 911x700 macro10x.jpg)

(378.91 KB 700x884 macro08x.jpg)

(312.58 KB 700x911 macro06x.jpg)

(360.91 KB 700x911 macro07x.jpg)

(293.99 KB 700x777 macro11x.jpg)

(232.16 KB 700x686 macro14x.jpg)

(322.34 KB 700x789 macro12x.jpg)

(182.22 KB 700x806 macro15x.jpg)

(709.06 KB 700x1239 macro13x.jpg)

(343.28 KB 700x650 macro17x.jpg)

(386.90 KB 700x911 macro16x.jpg)

(288.55 KB 800x703 sketch006x.jpg)

(358.47 KB 700x629 sketch008x.jpg)

(406.65 KB 700x911 sketch009x.jpg)

(449.17 KB 700x699 sketch007x.jpg)

(535.80 KB 700x911 sketch010x.jpg)

(337.73 KB 700x632 sketch011x.jpg)

(242.36 KB 700x904 sketch012x.jpg)

(509.54 KB 700x953 sketch015x.jpg)

(332.76 KB 800x564 sketch013x.jpg)

(278.45 KB 500x592 sketch014x.jpg)

(518.50 KB 700x898 sketch020x.jpg)

(394.00 KB 600x723 sketch016x.jpg)

(473.25 KB 700x911 sketch017x.jpg)

(173.29 KB 700x579 sketch019x.jpg)

(456.93 KB 700x911 sketch018x.jpg)

(154.64 KB 500x524 sketch002x.jpg)

(254.63 KB 700x911 sketch001x.jpg)

(386.01 KB 700x674 sketch004x.jpg)

(447.94 KB 700x827 sketch003x.jpg)

(3.92 MB 2455x2357 sketch005x.jpg)

(336.16 KB 700x600 sketch025x.jpg)

(334.04 KB 700x819 sketch021x.jpg)

(386.53 KB 700x794 sketch024x.jpg)

(491.72 KB 700x951 sketch023x.jpg)

(448.42 KB 700x879 sketch022x.jpg)

(344.64 KB 800x620 sketch026x.jpg)

(415.74 KB 700x758 sketch027x.jpg)

(358.85 KB 700x928 sketch028x.jpg)

(369.32 KB 700x684 sketch029x.jpg)

(364.10 KB 700x904 sketch030x.jpg)

(301.91 KB 700x904 sketch034x.jpg)

(370.78 KB 590x775 sketch033x.jpg)

(421.52 KB 700x967 sketch031x.jpg)

(277.42 KB 700x672 sketch032x.jpg)

(629.04 KB 700x874 sketch035x.jpg)

(248.34 KB 900x403 sketch038x.jpg)

(377.36 KB 800x552 sketch040x.jpg)

(326.67 KB 700x720 sketch037x.jpg)

(261.18 KB 600x908 sketch039x.jpg)

(621.54 KB 700x1048 sketch036x.jpg)

That's all for now, im a little tired doing all that clicking.
>>6104 Incredibly great dump, feel free to rest that clicking finger!
>>6104 Yeah, thanks for the dump dude. Fucking stellar.
>>4635 Do you know if there's a part 3 to those Lisa images?
>>4635 >>6996 Never mind, I just found the two images on Eka's, and Cownugget said there isn't any more. Damn it.
>>8708 Wow, is that everything of his?
>>8708 I tried to download all the Sally art but when I downloaded one and accidentally clicked off it randomized. They where all in order too. Fuck
where are they uploading now i haven't seen anything new on ekas or FA in forever yet im seeing stuff of theirs on other threads that ive never seen before
>>8708 The link died, could someone please upload it again?
(1.20 MB 2000x2250 1651767692856.png)

(203.23 KB 992x997 1653614171940.jpg)

(490.37 KB 984x995 1653616652267.png)

(324.49 KB 996x956 1653616721241.png)

(550.67 KB 994x969 1653616684596.png)

(364.22 KB 998x996 1622761333067.png)

>>14795 I have to wonder, where the fresh hell are they uploading now?
>>14821 i second this
>>14821 Their discord. I don't have access to it I just reposted stuff from trash
>>14829 Wow, it's no wonder they practically vanished off of the face of the earth. Going nigh-paywall only is going to severely limit viewership. What a shame, too, they're fantastic. I know folks need to eat money but this is kind of insane. That said it could be worse. They could have pulled the horse shit that AdjectiveNounCombo did.
>>14834 *make money, what the fresh hell was that autocorrect
(203.69 KB 786x708 1654997131781.png)

(205.55 KB 786x708 1655016751216.png)

(205.55 KB 786x708 1655016751216.png)

Anyone got the full game over gif animation from Monster Girls You-ki Chan? The one with the naga fox lady and the small demon kid. I remember cownugget posting a preview on their Twitter but the full one was locked.
>>12596 Bump
Does anybody have cownugget's new stuff? His kemono page hasn't been updated for a long time.
(214.95 KB 822x915 nidorina01.png)

(179.34 KB 738x778 nidorina02.png)

(343.24 KB 938x997 nidorina02-2.png)

(182.52 KB 729x778 nidorina03.png)

(192.01 KB 828x791 nidorina04.png)

(343.24 KB 938x997 nidorina02-2.png)

(202.50 KB 893x780 nidorina05.png)

(197.03 KB 903x771 nidorina06.png)

(314.53 KB 925x903 nidorina07.png)

(2.52 MB 1924x1547 nidorina03-1.png)

(594.77 KB 1524x1596 mouse01.png)

(687.84 KB 1564x1598 mouse02.png)

(654.62 KB 1527x1575 mouse03.png)

(831.46 KB 1525x1670 mouse04.png)

(969.13 KB 1489x1760 mouse05.png)

(155.27 KB 589x820 mouse08.png)

(258.16 KB 703x860 mouse07.png)

(699.28 KB 1355x1644 mouse06.png)

(618.46 KB 1173x1621 mouse09.png)

(730.03 KB 1409x1836 mouse10.png)

(132.60 KB 830x994 pokemon01.png)

(107.05 KB 813x993 pokemon02.png)

(122.68 KB 810x996 pokemon03.png)

(586.75 KB 1259x1475 mouse11.png)

(104.79 KB 998x997 Faki__7XkAYhRpb.jpg)

Does anyone have cownugget's new art from discord or patreon? For example, continuation of this
(1.50 MB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl01.png)

(1.60 MB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl02.png)

(1.58 MB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl03.png)

(1.21 MB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl04.png)

(1.25 MB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl05.png)

(810.25 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl06.png)

(919.77 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl07.png)

(839.15 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl08.png)

(876.75 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl09.png)

(937.75 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl10.png)

(866.61 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl11.png)

(918.71 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl12.png)

(722.11 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl13.png)

(670.66 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl14.png)

(680.83 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl15.png)

(653.29 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl16.png)

(671.09 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl17.png)

(730.76 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl18.png)

(673.28 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl19.png)

(711.92 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl20.png)

(699.56 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl21.png)

(801.03 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl22.png)

(881.71 KB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl23.png)

(1.03 MB 3596x2816 miloaxalotl23a.png)

(249.44 KB 998x997 lopuanal01.png)

(246.81 KB 998x997 lopuanal02.png)

(238.66 KB 999x999 lopuanal03.png)

(227.59 KB 999x999 lopuanal04.png)

(220.07 KB 1000x1001 lopuanal05.png)

(238.28 KB 999x999 lopuanal06.png)

(228.17 KB 999x999 lopuanal07.png)

>>20468 Thank you!
(659.57 KB 1500x1500 isabellemaw01.png)

(1.32 MB 1500x1500 isabellemaw03.png)

(1.69 MB 2000x2000 isabellemaw02.png)

Discord importing is back on kemono, so.can someone update Cownuggets' discord?
Can someone get the fullsize versions of the Stitch images CowNugget posted on twitter recently? I'd like to color them.
(5.51 MB 900x821 GameOverVore.gif)

Haven't seen anyone upload this yet so I figured I might as well put it up here already
i hate you fags
>>15607 >>33047 I think you mean this one? Anon posted it a while ago
(150.95 KB 600x774 1524021946551.jpg)

(193.69 KB 600x754 1524021985938.jpg)

Classic rough sketch of his. I've spilled an embarassing amount of seed to this over the years decades.
Can someone update his discord
>>34856 Seconding this, it was last updated in May
(184.39 KB 1111x1058 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR01.png)

(281.21 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR02.png)

(326.94 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR03.png)

(275.18 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR04.png)

(281.49 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR05.png)

(216.81 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR06.png)

(188.47 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR07.png)

(191.52 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR08.png)

(197.52 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR08B.png)

(216.20 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR08C.png)

(243.99 KB 1300x1247 AydenCarrotNamiVRNR09.png)

(267.88 KB 850x1050 cownugget-misc-discord 1.png)

(498.10 KB 1595x1880 cownugget-misc-discord 2.png)

(558.74 KB 1613x1930 cownugget-misc-discord 3.png)

(501.64 KB 1511x1772 cownugget-misc-discord 4.png)

(856.55 KB 1479x1825 cownugget-misc-discord 5.png)

supremely underrated pred god I wish this had a post digestion alt
Anyone got an updated collection for download?
Any updates?
Can someone pls update the discord on kemono?
Can someone update the discord on Kemono?
I would also like to see a Kemono update. Only thing that works right now in Kemono is Discord anyway
Does anybody has some new art from his patreon? Did he finished Nicole x Katia comic?

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