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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

If vore were possible would you do it? Anonymous 01/06/2024 (Sat) 04:03:40 No. 40414
If vore were possible would you actually indulge in it? Are you a pred, prey, switch, or observer? Who would be your ideal type of prey/pred? Do you ever fantasize about voring/being vored by anyone IRL right now? Explain your fantasies/how you would go about it bellow.
Well all depends on the conditions, admetting you can do this without digestion and possibility to get out then maybe it would be fun. But if there's digestion and no possibility to get out then I would say no without hesitating.
Depends but yeah probably. I fucking hate my life, id rather be boob fat on an amazonian goth girl
Do I wanna die? No, some form of reformation would be required. Otherwise, I'd like a girl to eat me and act as if I'll be digested, but regurgitating me before digestion occurs.
Do i wanna be able to actually eat someone? Digest them, churn them, add them to my figure Abso-fucking-lutley I do I'd try my best to only eat people who deserve it or who ask me to, but I'd probably end up getting my jaws around anyone who i think is attractive enough and that I can get alone. However, what I don't want is to get arrested when the person goes missing and I got caught on a camera I didn't see. So ideally I'd want there to be some guaranteed way for me to avoid suspicion or evade arrest with no consequence, or preferably if the person reforms at home in bed with no memory of the encounter. Though that's assuming I suddenly gain the ability to eat people. If it was already known that people can do it and it's semi-common, I'd eat people constantly. No mercy
>>40607 Damn thats fucking hot.
>>40414 If non-fatal full tour was possible, then absolutely.
Yeah, I would love to be in a dedicated relationship with a woman who slowly is overcome with a desire to swallow me alive and feel me inside her guts, I'd want her to never get over my death but never be able to bring herself to regret the best meal of her life. I'd take comfort in knowing that once she's finished digesting me, nothing will be able to take away my happy ending, it'll all be over. I don't really want to be alive, and I'd love to instead be a part of a woman I love.
I am an observer. I feel we are an important part of the vore community but also the least communicative one (After all, it is kinda fitting for observers to not interact, as they don't really need to regarding the kink as well.) If vore was possible, I'd strongly fight against it. I fully assume that it is not at all coherent with the fact that it strongly entices me, but it is coherent with my beliefs. (Some people tend to forget how blatantly wrong vore would be). My ideal type of pred would be an uncaring one regarding their prey once eaten, but who would rather consume people they don't know or despise over people they're close to. I do fantasize about IRL persons involved in vore scenarios, and as to what I'd like, it would be to have intimate and sexual relationships with a woman that has eaten someone. Also, just knowing that she could do such a feat is enough to entice me, even if no vore is actually happening. (Also turning vore into a verb sounds absolutely awful and not arousing)
I wont be satisfied until i'm drowning in a cute girl's stomach acid
>>40414 Hell yeah, no hesitation I'd gladly get eaten even if I ended up being digested by some person or animal with no chance of coming back. I'd sell my soul for it.
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>>40414 I'd be long fucking gone. Turned into shit with the rest getting free rent on some girl's thighs and ass? Yep, see ya.
If it were non-fatal and relatively trivial to release, then I would add it as a way to spice up my relationship. Just imagining my girlfriend getting all put together for a night out only for me to send her right down into my gut before she leaves. Feeling her pout and protest until I inevitably feel her start touching herself in there because she is into it too. Then knowing she might try to get back at me later too.
yes, if the girl is attractive. Was working alongside a really attractive girl, who got pregnant and I got to see her belly getting bigger for the whole pregnancy. If vore was possible, I would have let her swallow me and would have been very happy to be curled up inside her and drown in her stomach acids. I am so drawn to her that I don't care if it's fatal. Sign me up every time.
>>40414 I would let my GF soul vore me and absorb me into her essence. That level of total, intimate domination is beyond romantic/sexy.
Not as a pred. While having a pred girlfriend would be nice i dont wanna die. I would be a smart prey and carry 2 foldable knives. One in my pocket and one duct taped to my body. Whenever i would get swallowed i would cut myself out. In other words. No honey the knife stays on during sex.
>>40414 I had a breakup in December and I've been fantasizing about voring my ex. Me being 6'2 feet tall and my ex being a 5'8 Asian femboy makes him a delicious snack that I want to shove down my gullet.
>>42035 Hot. Are you a guy or a girl?
>>42151 I admire your optimism
>>42155 I'm bi so it really doesn't matter what gender the pred is to me. >>42157 How would you go about consuming him? And what would you say/do as he squirmed in terror inside your tummy?
>>42251 Me and my ex where actually pretty open with our fetishes. He'd constantly tease me about eating him. I had one night where we we're chilling in our room before we went to bed and my stomach made a loud and audible growl. He looked at me and told me "I hope I don't end up in your stomach tonight." I got a bit hard and we started making out. But in my fantasy I would've ate him on the day he told me that he wanted to breakup.. if he couldn't be myself boyfriend anymore he could at least be my food. And due to our differences in height I'd grab him and go headfirst. Probably swallow him down whole in meer seconds too. Afterwards I'd tell him "After all of that teasing, you're finally in my stomach, enjoy your stay cause you're not coming out" and go on with my day like nothing happened just to emphasize to him that he is nothing more but food waiting to be digested.
>>42253 And one of my earliest triggers for this fetishes was reading about how Black Widows eat their partners after production as a kid. So whenever I heard someone asking my "body count" I couldn't help but fantasizing my "body count" as how many ex's I've consumed. And if I was in my fantasy I'd have a body count of 3 by now.
>>42254 >>42253 God that's sexy. Thanks for taking your time sharing.
>>42253 How common is vore in the gay community?
>>44292 Gay people tend to be more open and honest with what rocks their socks. Most of the time you'll date a guy who was terminally online as a kid and is aware of these kinds of fetishes.
>>40414 Yes. The ultimate purpose for a man is to be fat on a cute girl's thigh.
I was (am?) pretty infamous for saying I'd be snake chow in a heartbeat. There should be an archived thread "somewhere" in 8ch's history that I endlessly posted in a few years back and kept alive. But TBH for the people like me, I'm probably living proof of how rare/unlikely/etc it is to happen. Still disposabledogstud@gmail.com .

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>>40414 Prey/Observer and I would love nothing more than to be churned up by my girlfriend. She definitely wouldn't do it, nor would she want to eat anyone but idk. I'm not suicidal or anything but I could totally imagine myself letting her eat me in a horny stupor because she's the only one I'd want to be liquefied by and permanently grafted onto (because I love her very much and would be down to become boob fat for her). She's on the smaller side so she'd get really full and burpy, with some major gains/growth afterwards. I've collected some art that makes me imagine the type of pred she'd be
Probably. It would be pretty fun to kill someone like that and get away with it. Is multiple or mass vore possible? I wonder what people would actually say as they got churned, or were dropped into a soup of already half melted people
Pred I wont lie the thought of walking around with a massive gut, while feeling a lively prey struggling inside would be a real rush, if it was a legal thing then I be doing it none stop. I wont lie though I most likely be on the toilet for hours after digesting a full grown person.
>>58661 Who would be your preferred prey? How do you envision the act of swallowing them to go?
>>58586 I could see that being a good story. an artist or writer has to make a scene where someone is eaten alive and so they eat someone for inspiration and quotes.
I’m a prey, and if it were possible, I probably would have been eaten and digested into nothing a couple years ago when I was like 12. If it randomly became possible now, I’d totally still want to be eaten. I might not even care much about who/what eats me since I only really view myself as food
>>58661 Would you like socialize more intimate with someone who is interested in being your prey?
>>40607 Are you male or female?
I'd honestly would love to have a goth pred gf that I could feed her prey and rub/massage her belly for one day she accidentally swallows me and acts all cruelly towards me in her stomach that it's a one way trip for food
>>58778 My preferred prey are unwilling one I love the thought of someone screaming or begging for their life as I digest their bodys into nothing but fat on my hips. Thought that not to say I do not enjoy willing one but let be real who be willing to climb down someone throat knowing they die.
>>59496 Yeah I would they be my little cuddle buddy. Like a meal I can eat when ever I want and have them resting nicely in my belly. Plus the rush of me having their life in my hand as I could just snuff them out when ever I want, but I don't and let them out safely but the thought of it crossing my mind is there in back.
If it's the type where you cum your brains out while you digest? Yeah, without the shadow of a doubt.
>>59676 Do you play vore roll with some one?
>>59819 Vore roll no I never heard of it?
>>59675 *puts hand up* I would...for the right pred. :)
>>59862 An eager meal to die in someone gut are the best cause you know they will regret it in the long run
>>59556 Any hot goth girl preds looking for a prey bf?
>>59858 But,do you want play?
>>59858 Do you need that i explain for you?
>>59873 >>59866 Holy fuck this thread got flooded with desperate brown ESL monkeys really fucking fast.
>>59878 Most likely yeah if I knew what it was your asking
>>40414 I would definitivelty indulge in it, and I had that willingness with several girls. But it have to like the person a lot. Above all, I want this with a girl that I met at college. She does not know about this, but I truly would love to fill her stomach and be digested. I would not be possible for me to say no, and I want this so much that I find myself wondering if I will ever manage to find a way to make it real. Unfortunately, I know that I will never be part the food that she puts inside her stomach every day. Maybe another life, if there is reincarnation, but then I also doubt she swallows anything that's alive (as far as I know lol) I would like it so much to be half way down her throat right now. It's a nice fetsih to fatasize to, but when the desire becomes wanting it so much and for real, and I can't have it, then it's torture.
Pred. And a cruel one at that. But I don't like preys as partner, but another pred. The idea we both get bigger and fatter by gorging on food until we decide yeah let's make everything hotter by swallowing people and let their last moments be of us getting it on is just bliss. munchinbunchin on discord if anyone wants to talk more about vore and stuff.
>>60037 What doubt do you have?
>>59866 Hehe, yeah I probably would. But by the time I get to that point, my fate would be sealed, and the only hope I have to look forward to is when the shock sets in from nociceptor overstimulation as I fade out of consciousness while being digested away slowly. I'd be happy to pretend to struggle going down, too, but secretly I'd be loving every second of it.
i think pain receptors would not be an issue, one would suffocate before the acid starts working. I don't know and wonder if someone here knows if suffocation would be like falling asleep (some animal are euthanised with co2 euthanasia and fall asleep), or if one would gasp for air, like then holding breath underwater. The first way i would prefer, as it's gentler.
>>60127 There isn't enough research data to suggest that one would asphyxiate inside the stomach if a hypothetical scenario existed where one human being could be shrunken down and swallowed alive. The same air molecules we use for respiration are available inside of the stomach. Keep in mind that there will always be a certain amount of air that has been swallowed by the pred remaining inside of the stomach. Without being able to perform a formal scientific study, it's impossible to know for certain whether the volume of residual air inside of the stomach would be enough for a shrunken person to survive off of (regardless of the erosive effects of the acidic gastric juices). Until proven otherwise, I prefer to think that one would be able to breathe in such a circumstance, but without some sort of extrinsic method to reduce the pH levels of the gastric secretions (which would likely also yield devastating effects on the 'pred'), the acidic environment of the stomach would be the fatal factor.
>>60060 I absolutely LOVE the idea of a giant couple rampaging through a city and voring everyone they can then making love over a destroyed city scape while their victims digest inside their bellies. Shame their isn't much of any content that features this scenario.
>>60037 would you be interested in playing with me?
bruh, I'm prey but I'm honestly a walking gutslut for any hot women if any wants to talk about specifics on what I like then come talk to me, I'm honestly bored out of my mind. .calsmith
>>40414 Pred, always have been a bit of one since I was younger. There were very few instances where I wanted to be eaten by someone else, but that quickly died off after one imagination session, and I would promptly go back to seeing how they’d squirm inside of me. My GF would be my ideal Prey, but if she wasn’t my GF then a woman of the same height or smaller. I like the dynamic of a prey who is repulsed with vore and being eaten, and their Pred who constantly eats them in a catch and release fashion just slowly converts them into wanting it more; if you can’t already tell, I’m more a fan of the wholesome side, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be sadistic when I want to be. Yeah, I often fantasize about it. I use to be all about Female Preds because having that as a GF would be nice, but recently I’ve gone down the Male Pred/Female Prey pipeline, and thinking of my GF really does it for me. Her coming back from college, tired and drained from all the work and not knowing what to do, forced to study to get those scores she wants. My just seeing her exhausted self, wrapping her in a hug that she reluctantly accepts, before I open my maw and take in her head and shoulders. Pin her arms to the side, she’s a struggler and hates this sort of stuff, but that doesn’t matter, gotta keep her safe and happy. Continue to swallow and send her along her way, no time to savor her taste, as I work those abs and hips down. Both of us being physically active, but me having the edge over her in terms of strength because I’m a man, slurping down those toned legs as she curls up inside. Struggles of course, doesn’t want to be in and hates it when I do this, but she refuse to admit the benefits it brings her. I’ll just hold onto her for now, let her out later, no need to be in a rush. Sorry for the safe little fluff piece, I know some of you would like to choke on gastric juices, but I’m not doing that to my GF. Though that won’t stop me from doing it to some other cutie
jeez. there's a girl in my neighbourhood, Kim, a dancer, redhead, VERY pretty. Barely know her, but since I saw her the first time I immediately wanted her to eat me. Thought many times about filling her stomach. She is pregnant and posting on her IG man photos, including with a bare belly and photoshoots, and seeing that big, round stomach makes me fantasize about her even more. I now find myself daily, going downstairs for a smoke, hoping that I cross her path and she gobbles me up. I know this is not rational, I know that probably it will never happen, but still I go out, hoping against all odds that I will end up curled up inside her and be digested. She's so hot. I would much rather be inside her belly and have her shit me out, than fuck her. am obsessed, and this is desperate. I know, but I don't think i can do anything about it at all.
>>60194 I very much would
If anything the thought of being a pred has kind of been a wonderful fantasy, just the thought of swallowing someone whole and having a big squirming belly. I won't lie I have had some fantasy of being swallowed by someone even bad in middle school. There was a good looking teacher who I use to have fantasy of swallowing me whole, but that sense died out a long time ago as being a pred slowly took over more. Now I am more into the dark side of being a pred. Unwilling meals or nabbing someone doing their daily routine. Example of course of me going to some drive though at some fast food place and see a cute girl handing me my food. Only for me to grab her and pull her into my car, you hear a panic scream before it muffled. See her legs kicking outside my window, before being pulled in car shaking side to side before a meaty belch is heard and I just toss her shoes out window. Poor girl press up against my steering wheel, an I just find a nice place to park and eat my junk food with my large human size meal.
>>61020 what are you like?
>>59309 Murder mystery vore writer just churning dozens of people each book for new dialogue
>>61020 Are you female,male, femboy?
To answer your question femboy, and as for what I am like very flirty and also very much enjoy the thought of churning other guys or girls in my gut. If vore was possible I pretty much be that one pred who make someone go missing, use to have fantasy of eating someone when I am shopping an just continuing my daily browsing while I churn someone to death even if it a cute girl or guy.
>>62636 I am male ¿Do you can give me your nickname in from a some social media?
>>62636 Seconding the above anon. Would love to be your next snack. :)
>>62665 >>62709 I don't go adding people on first meet, hun . There are too many people on this site who like getting into other people 's accounts . But I can give you this : if I were to see either of you two in front of me , I would most definitely grab the first one and swallow them headfirst down my throat, while the other one is pinned against my stomach , feeling the weight pressing against them as I fill up. Once my prey is seated nicely in my gut, I grab the other one , bring them to my face , and let out a hearty belch so they get a sense of what is going to happen next before sending the next one down my throat and spending the rest of my day digesting you both until your nothing but ass an belly fat.
>>62636 God you are wonderful. I love femboys so much.
>>62722 Got room for thirds?
>>62722 Too bad for me :(
>>62722 And what an honor that would be! Wouldn't dream of going out of this world any other way!

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