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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

(1.62 MB 1131x1600 SeekGr-734315-1_Cover.png)

Seekgr stuff Anonymous 11/07/2021 (Sun) 15:56:40 No. 4064
Seekgr just realeased this? anyone got it yes?
Got point of no return
Gold steak and Playing for keeps hope it works
>>4108 Well just playing for keeps since its saying hold streak is too large to upload
>>4109 Try AnonFile or something, maybe that'll work.
>>4109 break it up into parts. Gold streak is pretty good
(2.19 MB 1131x1600 SeekGr-738081-Teaser_2.png)

he did another teaser for it
Has someone Those days?
>>7289 I'm interested as well
I wasted 10 bucks do you dont have to. This one was so disappointing. What a waste of money.
>>9975 Man, being on this site made me realize how dogshit most paid work is compared to the price lol. Sorry you're down ten bucks anon.
>>9975 You wouldn't have happened to pick up point of no return 2 aswell would ya?
>>11041 Thanks anon appreciated
(1.44 MB 990x1400 SeekGr-770142-0_cover.png)

has anyone got this? I have chapters 1-3 I'll post if someone is willing to share this
Here's all the isekai books as proof Book 1: https://anonfiles.com/J8UaO9Sdxd/isekai_book_1_pdf Book 2: https://anonfiles.com/ddV1OeS9x3/Isekai_Book_2_pdf Book 3: https://anonfiles.com/N2VcO8Sfxe/isekai_book_3_pdf Easily snakethroat's best books by far
Does anyone have Monster girls vore1 and 2?
Can anyone share Deep Space Delivery please?
anyone got that new "guide to predators" thing?
bumping for guide to predators
Is it possible to shere Point of No Return - Comic?
I'm another one asking but please, does someone have the "Guide to Predators" ? Many thanks
>>13810 >>14019 If you want them, buy them. Or wait until someone shares them. Bumping the thread does not make people buy/share them faster.
You're right, i'm sorry. I'll be patient then
>>14118 Thank you very much !
Does anyone have the Behind the Curtain !!!!!
>>14937 Chill leech. It literally got released today. Let those guys at least get some sales.
>>15036 Can you please repost this?
>>14118 Can you reupload this one?
>>15165 link still works for me but if still have problems here https://mega.nz/file/QnI2DL4I#_Gsp7MIW2ox4af-8MNi_hzxKttEWMbvcWyPywIoyGJI
>>15188 link still works for me but if still have problems here https://mega.nz/file/QnI2DL4I#_Gsp7MIW2ox4af-8MNi_hzxKttEWMbvcWyPywIoyGJI
aight boys, already have part 4 vore isekai? or is it none of our business?
>>15640 I'ts releasing on July 3rd
Does anyone have Vore Isekai 4?
>>15819 bump
>>15819 bump
Yawn tinies are trash, so lame and vanilla
>>15878 >>15905 >>15912 >>15962 >>16012 Stop bumping the thread, leech. Fucking buy it yourself or wait patiently, until someone wants to share it.
Could someone please share the point of no return comic pieces if they have them?
Could someone please share the point of no return comic pieces if they have them?
Can someone update the kemono pls
Living with a Predator looks pretty solid if anyones got it?
>>16401 Please for the sake of all of us, stop. I want it too but you're making people flee the place.
>>16434 Thanks so much for this!!
>>16434 absolute god right here
>>16434 Thanks a lot !
Can anyone share this please?
Vore Isekai being asked so many times definetly had people angry...
>>16710 May I kiss you ?
>>16710 link kinda doesn't work on my end, could you upload it here, please?
>>16747 nevermind, it works now
Can someone have a link to Behind the curtain that actually work ? The one is the thread seems dead
https://snakethroat-books.itch.io/loanshark1 new book came out today i think.
bump for shark lady
>>17548 Bump
Okay now, don't repeat the same mistake twice. Hm ?
well, a little bump. If one of you kind gentlemen can share one of the latest comics (168 hours to digest), it would be really nice.
>>17888 Thanks a lot, kind dude !
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Anyone got he's new comic that just came out?
I love SeekGr's Art style, but it's a shame he likes to participate on these fucking paragraphs of books. Like dude you have so many good pred designs, USE them on a Actual comic with a decent amount of pages. We CAN wait. This is a huge problem i have with the guy. The dragon girl and The newest Shark girl he made are godlike but it's such a waste of opportunity to use them on these Books that have paragraphs and barely have any action on the illustrations. Please, if you ever read this SeekGr, I'm speaking for 98% of all your fans( the other 2% are the ones that like reading all those big ass paragraphs) make some normal ACTUAL comics, we know it takes a while but we promise we can wait as you dont ever disappointed in the end with your art. We know the wait it worth it. I was so close to buying 168 hours to digest because the Shark girl pred really shined on me like a diamond but i knew it was clickbait, and that it was going to be full of Paragraphs with barely any Action and i was right. Im not very good expressing myself so if this came of as an insult or rude it was not my intention at all. ( I know you don't write all those paragraphs but you Collab with the ones that do)
I love SeekGr's Art style, but it's a shame he likes to participate on these fucking paragraphs of books. Like dude you have so many good pred designs, USE them on a Actual comic with a decent amount of pages. We CAN wait. This is a huge problem i have with the guy. The dragon girl and The newest Shark girl he made are godlike but it's such a waste of opportunity to use them on these Books that have paragraphs and barely have any action on the illustrations. Please, if you ever read this SeekGr, I'm speaking for 98% of all your fans( the other 2% are the ones that like reading all those big ass paragraphs) make some normal ACTUAL comics, we know it takes a while but we promise we can wait as you dont ever disappointed in the end with your art. We know the wait it worth it. I was so close to buying 168 hours to digest because the Shark girl pred really shined on me like a diamond but i knew it was clickbait, and that it was going to be full of Paragraphs with barely any Action ,which in the end i was right. Im not very good expressing myself so if this came of as an insult or rude it was not my intention at all. ( I know you don't write all those paragraphs but you Collab with the ones that do)
>>17965 I understand what you feel like, dude. I don't know his or their reasons but they seem to be going that way and not going on full commissioned comics like he did before. Oh and it would be preferable for him to not know what's happening there, he may not enjoy knowing people get the "books" becasue users share them.
Understandable 👍🤝
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Anyway, Seek just Dropped another one, thought, it isn't "Finished" and this is the first part. This is supposedly a comic From the Adaptation of "Point of no Return Illustration Book". Would really Appreciate anyone who puts it here. Really eager to see if it's an actual Comic instead of more Paragraph BS. Thanks in advance
>>18007 Thanks anon, always on time with the right news !
Could someone please share the comic of the point of no return?
>>18126 >>4107 already been shared, part 2 is somewhere here
>>18229 I think he mean the actual comic part not the novel
>>18231 My bad.
Can someone update the kemono?
>>18287 No, because Kemono doesn't support itchio or manual uploads
Is Guide to Predators 2 out yet
>>18370 Thank you very much !
Anyone got Fink's Guide to Predators 2
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>>18811 We all do ;3
Can anyone share fink's guide to predator 2 please?
>>18792 Bump
(2.89 MB 1131x1600 SeekGr-823885-Teaser2.png)

Can anyone share the comic version of Point of No Return?
>>18370 Is this a virus anyone?
>>18792 >>18620 >>18981 >>19335 guess im the one to share finks guide again, here ya guys go https://anonfiles.com/3bFercB3y6/Fink_s_Guide_2_pdf
>>19554 you're an absolute legend thank you <3
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>>19573 It's this one >>17888
>>19582 This is the second book
>>19585 ah I see, my mistake
>>19694 Thank you my man
bump for the new halloween comic it looks pretty good
>>19572 Bump
>>19572 Bump
(1.74 MB 990x1400 DjFAlZ.png)

Can anyone please share this new one?
>>19976 Thank you !
>>19572 Bump
Can someone share the comic of Point of No return, not the story? Please
hey everyone we are in luck I just found a link for a google dock with certain things in it. this is the comic point of no return. https://anonfiles.com/DdkbybF7y6/51aa8d25-8019-4094-88d4-172269a62ac3_pdf
Anyone got stop digesting my darling 2?
(2.10 MB 990x1400 bsp5PT.png)

Can anyone share stop digesting my darling?
(1.46 MB 990x1400 ruKXJs.png)

Can anyone share betting on bellies:settle the score
Can anyone share betting on bellies:settle the score
>>21728 I want this too
Bump for betting on bellies 2
Please, someone buy this shit named Betting On Bellies 2
Can anyone please share betting on bellies 2
>>15819 second this, and the 5th is coming out next week
Can someone share the comic ones?
>>22358 Ty very kindly, anon
It got out extremely recently but i'd love it if anyone has the fifth tome of Vore Isekai and shares it soon. Thank you !
>>22490 Honestly I'd settle for the 4th, that ones not on the kemono party either
>>22494 >>22224 It was literally posted earlier in this thread >>16710
(1.70 MB 1131x1600 mFfgv9.png)

Can anyone share vore isekai 5
>>22513 thank you, didn't see that
>>22517 Bumping for this
>>22706 my hero
>>22710 OUR... hero.
>>22706 >>22722 No bitch! That's MY hero
>>22740 We should divy him up into many equal pieces to use as currency amongst ourselves
>>22706 Kinda if disappointing, this one.
does anyone have some of his eariler work? Nina? Wifes a dragon? Monster girl vore anthology? Those days?
>>22914 King!
(2.11 MB 990x1400 oF6vB_.png)

Can anyone share heart of stone?
Can anyone please share heart of stone
Wait for it to be shared or buy it yourself.
I’m just happy that they are actively producing good shit. It seems like other than them and a few others there’s a bit of a fry spell going on.
I got it but I don't know the best way to upload it. someone talk me through it.
>>24150 Anonfiles or make a throwaway mega account with a temp email
Thid link is not working
>>24172 Try using anonfiles instead. It's slow to upload but I've never seen anything get taken down, unlike mega.
>>24203 It worked.
>>11041 >>11042 the file is missing, can you resend it in anonfiles, please?
>>22517 what about the vore isekai 4, can you share it?
>>19404 Bump
can anyone share fink's guide to predators 3
Can anyone share fink's guide to predators 3
Shit, maybe we should give some time before the leak?
>>25150 >>25149 yea as >>25196 said I don't want to release it day one, not sure if that could backfire and "expose me" or something idk. I just want to be safe. As I have been the one to post the last 2 parts in can promise I'll buy and share any future parts too no need to worry https://anonfiles.com/08V6D2W0y4/Fink_s_Guide_3_pdf
I mean if we give them some time to make a reasonable profit, then they'll be more likely to make more great content. Not that I don't appreciate this page and everyone who shares, but waiting a bit does make it more likely that there will be more content at a later date, as well as the content that everyone will inevitably get when we do share the content. Kinda wish they did this in a format where they got more on going support, but so far they seem pretty happy with how things are going in the discord. I doubt that you have anything to worry about being exposed, unless they have a means of identifying the purchaser via the doc that gets shared, in which case, time is not a factor.
Don't worry man,share them whenever you want. Thanks for sharing
If you guys have anything new to add, please upload it to the pixeldrain folder so we can consolidate everything. Thanks https://pixeldrain.com/l/rVHKzDDZ
New finks book with a twist dropped seems rlly good
>>26546 If i had just a bit more cash today i'd have gotten it, early month bills got me though, shame. I'm looking forward to it.
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Can anyone share fink's guide to prey?
>>26580 can't even wait an hour before leeching
>>26595 Of course, what where you expecting?
>>25517 Thanks whoever added Fink's 3
Here's an unsolicited review no one asked for, don't give a fuck >>19971 >>21216 These were very disappointing. WHWS started strong but then just became pretty bland. The ending was predictable and unsatisfying. SDMD was just a bad idea overall. Reformation is a terrible plot device because it removes the tension from the main character and puts it on the side characters. Thats hard to make a good story from. The dickgirl shit was pretty weird, really hope he doesn't do it again.
>>26580 Bump
>>22914 Anybody can upload "Fink's guide to Prey" to the pixeldrain.
Anyone got fink's guide to prey?
>>26817 >>26802 >>26760 >>26611 >>26595 >>26580 your friendly neighborhood Fink uploader back at it again. https://anonfiles.com/ydv6G3d4z5/Fink_s_Guide_to_Prey_pdf too retarted to understand pixeldrain sry
>>26855 Thanks
>>26855 <3 ty anon
>>26855 Someone else added it, ty anon. I think this is my favorite one so far
cough cough there's something new out
Anyone got the islands gullet?
I'm not trying to brag, but I bought the last three. My wife said I can't buy this one.
anyone have guide to predators 3?
>>29479 check the pixeldrain, link in this thread
>>4064 Ay mates! Stop digesting my darling 3 is out! https://snakethroatbooks.gumroad.com/l/StopDigestingMyDarling3 If anyone gets a copy, please share it here or upload it to the pixeldrain
>>31389 second
>>31389 Bump
>>31389 Bump
(1.81 MB 990x1400 SeekGr-904268-1_Cover.png)

Can anyone share stop digesting my darling 3?
>>31528 Bump
>>31528 Burp…. Oh excuse me.
>>31389 Bump
Anyone got stop digesting my darling 3?
>>31528 Anyone got it yet?
>>31876 Guess not. There's already some images released on Seeker's aryion account, tho.
Can anyone share please stop digesting my darling 3?
>>31528 Has anyone read it yet? is it any good?
>>32305 The preview images look good. Really want someone to post it already.
>>32374 my friend, you bow to no one.
Glad i held off on buying this one
So, does anyone have any of the stories hosted somewhere else now since anonfiles is gone?
>>34691 right here >>22914
>>34789 Everything is in the pixeldrain up to this point, as far as I know. Check the link someone posted earlier in the thread
>>34886 I didn't find
>>34925 it does not load me
There's a new story out if anyone wanted to pick it up and share it with the class
Can anyone share isekai 6?
>>35965 Bump
(52.32 KB 666x375 812euy.jpg)

Anyone wanna share Isekai Book 6: Drider and Desires?
Bumping for isekai 6.
We all have brain damage bro
Bump for isekai 6
>>35978 i have brain damage
>>36193 Thanks a lot anon ! I was afraid Seek was going to leak every single picture before the comic was shared here !
>>36193 This gave me brain damage 10/brain damage.
>>36193 It was down for me. Reupped https://pixeldrain.com/u/RmQHQ3ro
Does anyone know how to upload to the Pixeldrain with all the other pdfs? do you need account or only the original person that shared it can add to it?
anyone wanna share food for thought?
>>37608 BUMP
>>37608 Double bump
Can anyone share food for thought?
>>35978 Relevant yet again
>>37745 Bump
I have brain damage.
I also have brain damage.
is it good, like one of his better works? or is it just kinda meh?
>>38296 based brain damaged anon
>>38296 someone add this and Isekai 6 to the main pixeldrain please? Idk if you need to be the person who created it, but I can't add to it https://pixeldrain.com/l/rVHKzDDZ#
Does anyone have the pdf or zip file of the illustrations of the Snakethroat books? (Just the illustrations specifically) if so, can someone share it please? Reading it is all good but it'd be nice to see the images without any of the words in the way. Thank you in advance
>>38514 Thanks a lot Anon! If you or others here have the other ones such as Isekai or Stop Digesting My Darling and could share it. That'd also be appreciated
>>38487 Does anymore people have more of these illustrations such as Isekai or Stop Digesting My Darling?
(831.82 KB 848x1200 vore isekai 6.5 cover.png)

New vore isekai just dropped. https://aryion.com/g4/view/961910
>>39262 Anyone got this?
Bump for isekai 6.5
bump for brain damage
Anyone got isekai 6.5 yet?
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>>39283 >>39288 >>39296 >>39317 >>39340 Buy it or be patient. And stop masturbating your last remaining braincells out over a vore comic.
>>39351 This is a begging thread, what do you mean? Read the OP.
Is the "I have brain damage" joke still funny?
>>39449 I like to hope that none of us are horny enough to go onto twitch, follow a troon with dogshit model and content, and somehow find it arousing enough to continue enabling the degeneracy To not derail the thread, I've never been downbad enough to want to WANK and think 'Damn I should go on twitch and watch vtubers right now'. I just find it depressing that many others can't relate. Voraisha reminds me that our future is absolutely fucked, and somehow manages to make me hate this fetish even more
>>39505 Wrong thread
Can anyone share isekai 6.5?
Odd that they shared it in a different thread but who am I to complain. I only hope that they can share the illustrations of Isekai 6.5 as well
>>39262 >>39537 I don't know, maybe I'm inattentive or I wasn't looking hard enough. But I can't find it in other threads. Can someone upload it here? I would be grateful!
>>39809 +1, mediafire doesn't work for me
(1.08 MB 848x1200 SeekGr-972623-1_cover.png)

We got a new new one out. https://aryion.com/g4/view/972623
>>40795 Here's an image from the new guide to predators
>>40798 Nah fuck that. I'm not watching people be brain dead again. Here you filthy animals, enjoy. Go buy Seekgr's catalog next time they have a sale, or they're gonna stop making this fics. I'm all for Piracy, but hard to be a Pirate when people stop making stuff because of Piracy. https://www.mediafire.com/file/p90ucfcw8v47tmk/Fink%2527s_Guide_4.pdf/file
>>40813 thank you king
>>40813 Thanks king
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>>42934 Bump
https://www.mediafire.com/file/v95fmpmmaljcmex/Heart_of_Stone_2.pdf/file Alright you braindead filthy animals, I'm not sharing a third time. Go buy Seekgr's shit when its on sale.
>>42980 DAMN that was fast, thanks for the brain damage. Love u bro
>>42980 I've bought like 6 of his stories, thanks.
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>>42980 Holy based anon. Don't worry, I got you and everyone else covered for the next two buys. Time to give back.
>>43021 Oh, I'm still gonna end up buying the next couple, if they are series I like, but Seekgr makes good shit. Don't pirate stuff too hard or they'll end up either raising the price or not making as many. >>43017 Good shit.
Bump for the new one Let's see if the two anons hold up their promise
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>>45628 Bump
>>45628 >>43021 Don't get paid till Friday. Let's see if this guy follows through with it. I'm buying it anyways, but y'all won't get one of my Support the Artist Speeches if he posts it before then.
>>45628 Is that just an expanded version of this old freebie?
>>45667 it looks like its a full story, opposed to the that previous short story freebie.
Bump, where are you at anons that said they would get the next ones?
>>43021 Welp, this anon never posted it like they said they would. Here ya go you filthy braindead animals, I'm not posting the next one, even if I buy it. Go support the Artist before they learn people are leaking it every single time and up their prices in response. https://www.mediafire.com/file/c5v23pjmv2uptty/My_Wife_is_a_Dragon.pdf/file
>>45738 Thank you for your service king
https://aryion.com/g4/view/1003480 Just dropped in, lets wait a week or 2 to let him profit from it
>>46363 Agreed. Plus if we give it time they'll release teaser images.
>>46369 Those are nice but I prefer the full package, where you read the build up to one of those fully comprehending (comprehending is that a word or my bad? Not english..) The scene behind it I'm also excited for this comic for the pred versus pred scenario one of my favorites with some voreception in the mix it would be divine!
>>46385 Just noticed there are preview images on the itch.io page. https://umbrelloid.itch.io/food-for-the-immortals
Bought and read it, and holy shit it was kino. I can't wait for the follow up books.
Guess who has brain damage
>>46522 Can you please share it?
>>46533 Waiting a week or two like the other anons said. Sharing niche content like this 100% kills almost all sales for the content creators. I don't want Umbrelloid to give up on the vore market because he's unironically great.
>>46534 Yeah, let's wait a week or two.
Sharing preview images for food for immortals
>>46534 It's been a week now Can you please share it?
honestly the price of this is crazy. $9.99 for a short story with some pictures while both of umbrelloid's games are hours of content, and both for less. I gladly bought both of the games because there is actual value there for the money but no way I'm spending $10 for a short story.
Well guys the time has come, 1 week. if you want to share you're free to do it! Ps: do not do the stupid thing called teasing if you have bought it and are not sharing, thank you.
>>46771 What games are you talking about?
>>46784 Oh nvm I just remember both of Umbrelloid's games. Both of which I have
So can someone please share food for immortals now?
Bumping for food for immortals.
Does anyone have the one where the guy is being used as a fuck/vore toy by a giant dragon couple?
Someone already uploaded it to pixeldrain https://pixeldrain.com/l/rVHKzDDZ#
>>46848 Nice! Bless you!
I can't reach that site, it says too much time to load, is it my problem?
Can I receive it by email by chance?
>>46857 Never mind I got it... Just had to find a way to change vpn, for now that was a free trial nordvpn (android user) does anyone know a better method?
fucking male pred. glad I didn't buy it this time cause holy fuck I'd be pissed if I paid $10 for a story/comic that has no tags for male pred, only for the ending to fucking jump scare me with it.
>>46909 it says right there on the store 'male dragon' and 'CV'...
>>46959 the newest one retard
I hope you don't mind me asking this, but does anyone happen to have the Food For the Immortals comic? Just thought I'd ask since its been published about 2 weeks from now and just wanted to check is all. If you do have it, could you please share it and the illustrations? If not that's okay.
>>47276 its already on the pixeldrain https://pixeldrain.com/l/rVHKzDDZ#
>>47276 >>47276 It's in the pixeldrain galery. The link should be somewhere in this thread.
>>47297 >>47298 Oh! Thank you!
>>47297 Hey, is there any way I can download the story from that site? For whatever reason the site keeps bugging out everytime I get around to page 37, it just won't let me see the story after that.
>>47524 Select the pdf you want. Then press the button with three lines in the top left. Then you'll see a menu with a download option.
holy mother of brain damage, y'all read the new issue?
(1.38 MB 848x1200 SeekGr-1015164-1_Cover.png)

Brain damage time indeed lads. But remember: we need to wait at least a week, be patient. Don't rush on sharing it now, we're starving for it, but we're not animals.
>>48861 femme Fink lfg
Bump for down the throat
Bump for Down the snake throat
Welp, seek just announced that they become full time artist. Which means the snakethroat book and comms are they're only incomes. So maybe give it about 2 weeks before leaking the content? Just to make sure that they won't go broke.
>>48959 He works with Umbrelloid as well.
Yeah, lets chill a second on the pirating, give it time to make money. The cool thing is that one of two things is gonna happen with Seek going full time. Either the quality is gonna go through the roof, or we will get more art per book. Hell, Seekgr's shown interest in animating segments before, so we may get those now too.
>>48963 That would be great. The animations they've made before were really good.
This new story also has a bigger amount of illustrations compared to the others, 47 if I remember correctly
>>48971 37, but yeah. It's definitely more than usual.
Heads up, some fucks have gotten some of the pixeldrain stuff removed for "zoophilia". Behind the Curtain, Living with a Predator, and Enter the Machine are gone. Doesnt look like any others for now but who knows.
(24.72 KB 200x200 1714913703356112.gif)

I got book 2 of food for the immortals for free. I'm just here to flex my luck. It was a split minute mistake and I got the download. Considering blackmailing umbrelloid and seekr in paying me so I don't leak it. Nah just kidding, that would kill a series I love and give vore fans a terrible reputation. But it's funny to think I have the power to completely destroy what I love.
>>49086 Well it's only been about a day since I last saw this level of autism from the vore community. Let's just all take this as a lesson on keeping the inside thoughts, inside.
>>49086 Welp, least now we now what book is releasing next.
>>49128 *now we know. Damn I wish I could delete messages. I make so many mistakes like that.
>>49108 We wouldn't be here sharing "vore and vore related accessories" if we were all that level of controlled, so don't be a hypocrite. If anything it shows that vorefags can easily come up with all sorts of fucked up and evil ideas, and then not act on them, because they are just that well socialized and morally superior.
What the fuck did i miss?
>>49144 Idk but I wouldn't want to bother with it. I'm just waiting patiently all the while avoiding conflict
Food for the Immortals 2 is out now btw
>>49086 Now you can drop it
>>49274 Bump.
>>49298 Its already in the pixeldrain
>>49302 no it's not, they are talking about dropping food for immortals 2
>>49274 wait a week as per usual
>>49318 Oh, I thought it was Down the Snake's Throat
Bumping for food fur immortals 2.
>>49086 Is it good?
Dude, Food for immortals 2 just came out, wait a fucking week, man.
(6.68 KB 100x100 1712966689678058.gif)

>>49406 7/10 8-8.5 if you like chuuni tropes and sufferkino. Ends in another cliffhanger. I hope Chikako (mass vore bitch) stays the main girl and doesn't end up eaten by the good guys. Can't wait to read part 3, with hopefully more mass vore shenanigans. I hope the evil bitches win.
>>49448 Does it have weight gain?
>>49471 A bit of it. There's very noticeable height growth. Chikako is supposed to be very fat, but it was hard to tell because Seekgr doesn't draw fatties and weight gain consistently.
Any luck on Immortals 2 yet?
>>49694 It has been almost a week now. Can someone share it?
It's been a week. Now is a good time to post the new book.
Can someone please share food for immortals 2 now?
One week over, the leeches crawl out of their caves.
>>49809 You know it baby
Bumping for the new book.
Can someone post food for immortals 2?
>>49929 Bump
>>49929 food for immortals 2
Food for immortals 2 please.
STFU WITH THE BEGGING COCKROACHES. Buy it yourself if you're that desperate holy shit.
(422.80 KB 630x500 Fly_gj.png)

>>49967 Bump
>>49986 nigga fr getting mad over a thread
>>49987 Holy shit, seekgr working overtime tf boy fast af
>>49987 I just caved on part 2. Something about the writing of these stories almost always leaves me disappointed in the end.
>>49999 At least now people can get all 3 in a bundle for 25 bucks.
>>49997 To be fair these were probably faster since the past few books had more illustrations.
>>49086 Can please share the 2nd book,it's been 2 weeks already
>>49999 Could ya share it or upload it to the pixeldrain?
>>49999 Yeah. Please.
>>50023 Yes,Thank you
>>50023 Legend Does anyone else get really annoyed by the placement of the images? I feel like they should be put a page after what they are depicting, not a page before. It kind of spoils the reading experience. Haven't read the third one yet but honestly I hope Chikako and Orochi win I do not care for Kurogane's people.
>>50048 That's my current problem, having bought two im disappointed with it. Not because it didn't go the way i wanted, but the reasoning was insanely contrived. Not to spoil it, but why would you let out an insanely powerful godlike being, when you have them dead to rights, you're asking for worse repercussion than losing a friend, when they seem to understand it any way, even worse, why would they let this selfsame god devourer live after to begin with. I'm only in it for Chikako content at this point.)
>>50084 SPOILERS FOR BOOK 2 100%. It made absolutely no sense for the character to do that in that situation. She was clearly set up as a ruthless, emotionless killer (eg when she casually ate and digested an entire village) only to throw it all away cause she might lose her accomplice? They didn't care to go back for the other one that they got separated from in the first book, but now she cares so much??? The whole first half of the book was focused on those two but the writer didnt even use it as an opportunity to show the relationship between the characters leading up to the situation. I'm really surprised because Umbrelloid is a really really good writer and this was such a forced plot point.
>>50100 lol I spoilered the spoiler warning not the actual message my bad
Food For the Immortals 3 is already out lol
>>50171 we know. but we wait now
Oh boy, brain damage time again
>>50024 I can not open pixeldrain Is there another way?
>>50482 Try using VPN to open it or a temporary link in mega
>>49987 Alright it's been a week, we can share it now
>>50487 How? Can someone do a mega link or update kemono?
Pixeldrain seems to be struggling to load the really long snake throat one, and i cant download any of them. Might just be my internet, anyone else having this issue?
>>49987 Can someone please post book 3 now? It's been over a week.
Does anyone have immortals book 3 to share?
anyone have Down The Snake Throat
Anyone got immortals book 3? It's been more than a week.
Can anyone share food for immortals 3?
(422.80 KB 630x500 Fly_gj.png)

Got immortals book 3. https://gofile.io/d/KKAHOz
>>50786 Thanks Anon!
>>50788 The link won't last forever so somebody else repost it when it runs out.
anyone have Down The Snake Throat
Please can someone share the books with ko-fi? I Ca not use pixeldrain It DOS not open for me
>>50816 You can use this: https://pixeldrain-bypass.cybar.xyz/ Just get the link for a single book, not the gallery, and paste it in there.
>>22914 This pixeldrain got mass reported and everything is now gone. Rip.
>>51461 >>22914 Think I got everything from the old pixeldrain, minus a couple stories, plus a few seekgr specifics aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvd3I5MnpSU1kjSWZQWFRaeUdLWW40SmdET1pVN3g1LUUzbEtHUE52N2FPMUpaN1RPelkxaw==
>>51595 Awesome. Thanks.
>>51595 You are a lifesaver
>>51595 Might as well post it in other alternative downloader website too since mega download have limit quota. such as https://anonymfile.com/ https://anonfile.net/ https://gofile.io/welcome
(1.36 MB 990x1400 SeekGr-1030024-0_Cover.png)

brain damage time Stop Digesting My Darling 3.5!
>>51990 wait a week
>>52002 agreed but can we at least engage in a little bit of brain damage? I'll start Ahem... HURR DURR ok now on the the trolls . . .
>>51595 Sorry, but where i can use this?
>>52145 its base 64 encoded
>>51990 Ah yes, brain damage time
>>51990 >>52002 It's been a week, brain damage time
Anyone got stop digesting my darling 3.5?
Can someone please post stop digesting my darling 3.5? It's been a week.
Brain damage for Stop Digesting my Darling 3.5, please!
>>51595 It would be better if it was a folder instead man, i don't want to download a 4 gigs zip file when i'm interested on one particular pdf or 2.
Bumping for stop digesting my darling 3.5.
>>52721 Tough crowd, but thanks
>>52721 nice, thank you
>>52625 Brain damage for tomorrow boys
bump for brain drain
>>52721 Ayyy thanks lad
>>52625 Bump for Level Drain for more brain damage
Someone please share level drain.
>>53394 Brain drain damage bump cock
>>53394 Brain damage vore day bump
Seekgr made a new animation based on down the snakethroat for 8/8. Part 2 coming soon. https://aryion.com/g4/view/1037604
Can someone please share level draining? It's been 2 weeks.
Part 2 of the bast animation. https://aryion.com/g4/view/1039096
Bump for jew damage
Bumping for level draining.
Bump damage
Bump for Brain damage.
>>53792 Bump!
>>53892 Damn who wrote this one though, the story/writing part feels really shitty to read for some reason
>>54061 by new writer "umbrelloid" same as the "Food for the immortals Vol1-2-3-???" Hopefully we got the ending for immortal later on, it suck if it just leave it like that. I just wanna know who alive and who is soup. And yeah umbrelloid writing seem off but I don't know how to describe. (I think Umb just commissioned seek art and co-selling the book sometime, not long term selling ero-book partnership like Brazzel. But I don't know about it )
Yes there is a new book out. Yes we all saw it. Yes we are waiting a week. Yes you are retarded.
Brain damage time
brain dameged
>>54944 Here you go. Link is available for 10 days. https://gofile.io/d/RUtj8z
>>55093 Wait a minute... With Disposal? Is there another version of this without disposal?
>>55094 No. There is not. But there's only one image that has disposal.
the time for brain damage has come again, brothers make sure everyone spams "its been a week can someone post it" next week or it'll never happen
>>55912 Does anyone have it yet?
Food for immortals 4 is out btw
>>56348 brain damage
(1.17 MB 990x1400 SeekGr-1052719-1_Cover.png)

we're not even over the last brain damage yet!
I hope someone post the isekai one now since we got a new book to wait on now
>>56360 We need to wait one more day, brother.
bump since its been a week
>>55912 Bump it’s been a week
bump for the week
Guys calm down, it has literally just been a week.
>>55912 Link is available for 10 days. Enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/5ghy2i
>>56429 Thank you king.
>>56429 Thank you king!
>>56429 Much appreciated!
How do I download this and put it in my files? >>56429
(90.34 KB 240x240 aiharamai-8.png)

Food For the Immortals 4? It has been a week already, no?
>>56833 Its out already?
>>56833 Wait til the 29
>>56861 Thanks boss, see you tomorrow then
Food for the Immortals 4 https://gofile.io/d/Qsb7Z5
>>56891 Legend, thank you!
>>56891 says "failed to fetch" on my end
>>56891 thank you Also i think seek might be genuinely retarded because what the fuck is with the placement of the images within the story? they are put 1-2 pages BEFORE the scene they are depicting takes place, ruining the reveal and pacing. they should be on the page after what they are depicting is described.
>>56962 Fr man, it kinda ruins the vibe
(1.08 MB 848x1200 SeekGr-1059148-1_cover.png)

>>57877 has anyone read this? is it any good? might buy this so maybe we can get more disposals alt versions
>>58028 I'd be curious about this new one. But I'd rather not see any more disposal from them after last time they did it... it was gross
>>58028 I'm interested in seeing what this may end up being. will it be more tragic or more wholesome? I love the more grim stories so I do hope we see some dark themes and maybe the betrayal of his trust, but it does seem to be pushing a more wholesome direction by what i've seen so far.
>>58045 It's a horny comedy as far as we know, so this issue will probably be mostly wholesome, tho if there's a part 2 and such, who knows?
>>58029 There are two versions. One has disposal, the other doesn't. The only difference is a single bonus image at the end. The non-disposal version doesn't have that image.
>>56891 >>56954 no dice over here either. Can someone pls reupload?
>>57877 Anyone uploading this?
>>58291 Patience, brother. We shall wait for two more days til we finally feast. For we are not beasts.
>>58436 This has both the disposal and non-disposal versions, plus individual images. Link lasts for 10 days, download while you can. https://gofile.io/d/9r7qow
>>58437 btw, there is little difference between the 2 versions. The disposal version just has a disposal image on the very last page.
>>58437 >>58438 A many thank you fren
>>47297 Link is dead. Someone reported it.
>>58527 It was pretty mid anyway. Focused too much on their relationship and barely at all on vore. Also it was really short (~50 pages of giant font) I'd reupload it if i had thought it was worth downloading, sorry. Someone should update that old pixeldrain, but I don't think they're still doing it.
>>58594 Most of us gave up on pixeldrawn and starred using gofile instead. The links are temporary, but that also means they almost never get taken down.
>>58597 And unlike some file-sharing sites you get 10 days even with a free account before the link dies automatically. Plenty of time to download the file.
Do anyone has Food For the Immortals - Book 1. I only missing book-1 in the collection.
>>58921 Thank👍
I only recently got into seekgr, but it's a shame how underutilized my favorite character, boo is.
Does anyone have islands gullet? Im missing it from my own archive
>>58437 could you post it again?
>>59097 Just checked the link and it seems like it's still up. The 10 day thing was kinda just an estimate based on what others said.
>>59098 Actually, it hasn't even been 10 days yet.
>>59098 >>59099 >>59097 18 + 10 = 28 Thank you attending my TED talk.
>>59098 Says timed out
>>59108 Nvm it worked lol
Time to wait a week again mates!
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>>60156 >>60031 Can we just acknowledge how patient we're all being?
>>60675 Yeah. Seekgr gets their money without raising prices, we still get the book. Just like with video games and movies, all the sales happen during the first week, and hurting those profits causes price increases. Looking forward to tomorrow lol.
Its been a week!!! Release the hordes!!
The time has come
>>60756 I have come to feed the horde. https://gofile.io/d/4JaFEk
>>60784 Thanks mate! You're awesome!
(1.26 MB 848x1200 SeekGr-1070659-1_Cover_3.png)

LOL another week mates coming up hot again!
>>60806 Literally just got an email about that
>>60806 It's free.
>>60819 No its not
>>60806 Alright, at this point, the timing on these releases is something else. I 100% think SeekGr knows about this board. It wouldn't be surprising because Artca9 knows about his board. The moment people would start to pirate Finks, Seekgr has another new chapter ready to go? SeekGr, if you are watching this thread, fuck yeah, you keep your prices the same, and we keep the 1 week pirate period the same.
does anyone have down the snake throat? I'm missing that one.
What is this? Base64?
1 week vorny goddess?
>>61120 Yes, just enter twice
Bump for Vorny Goddess since it's been a week
Bump for the horny goddess
>>62002 Start the timer for this one >>60806 AND SOMEONE PLEASE SHARE THIS ONE
>>62026 Thank you so much mate! You're cool!
>>62026 Based. Thanks king
>>62002 Guys has it been a week yet?
>>62629 Tomorrow
>>62630 now is the day!
We lost, it will not happen.
>>62708 Wdym?
>>62710 sorry, i was refering that it supposed that today someone would share the file but.... It didnt so, we will wait more i guess
>>62713 Oh, okay its all good.
>>62002 BRAIN DAMAGE TIME If anyone has it, please do share, stranger. Also, some images recently posted by seekgr
>>51595 Think this needs to be reuploaded on a different site or split up or something, for some reason the rar file is just screwy and won't extract anything.
>>62947 YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5bk5UbHhTRVU ,Here's some of the old stuff have. I don't know what is missing. If you have anything pls share, i want to complete the archive.
>>62963 Btw it dont have Childhood friend 2.
>>62002 Here's childhood friend 2. Enjoy. https://gofile.io/d/X9wr01
>>62966 Mate, you are a legend! Thank you!
anyone have warm hearts, wet stomaches?
Can someone post Food for immortal book 1&4 again?
Does anyone have the first childhood friend one?
gofile and pixeldrain are down, fucker is creeping on this thread. Anyone have new links?
>>65352 It's been a week! If anyone wants to share, it'd be appreciated!
>>65446 Gofile links are usually supposed to be temporary. Someone needs to repost it.
bumping for brain damage
>>65352 Here you go. Come get it while it's hot.....well while the link works. https://gofile.io/d/jkb3dp
>>66022 thank you king
Agreed, gofile is horrible: if you don't have a subscription they get rid the file in like 3 weeks and ask for 7.50$ a month to download a file bigger than like 100mb is criminal I highly suggest we start uploading on MEGA again, even if the DMCAs are a bitch... Also P.S. Thanks for sharing anons ^^ (my wallet thanks you)
>>66066 For some reason Mega just doesn't work no matter what I do. It used to work just fine but I don't understand what's wrong with it (I'm a firefox user but even google has been having problems with it)
Oh, for Firefox and Mega it uses your RAM to store the file for decryption meaning if don't have enough it won't download at all Chrome gets around this by using an API But Uhhh I think mediafire might work here https://app.mediafire.com/myfiles others have used it in different threads and they're all still up
Can anyone do a Reup on the whole Seekgr collection?
New Dragon Wife. I'll drop it here Friday the 14th.
Csn someone reupload dragon wife 1?
>>68189 It's a self contained squeal but it will references characters from the last book, anyways heres the link https://mega.nz/file/BrNWBbhb#d3xqxRmEOlEugF-PdDooO7PXVKmZP9SJ0gwdt_BxqMQ
Does anyone have both the Jackie Nowell books by chance?
well well well
>>68439 What?
>>67940 big broin domoge
Happy Valentines day everyone btw
Brain damage time
>>68485 Thank you!

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