/vore1/ - Vore

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Clip (くりっぷ) thread Anonymous 11/08/2021 (Mon) 01:37:02 No. 4099
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(4.38 MB 4299x6071 jELaUv09tghv0ajYyyPGl8Ff.jpeg)

Yes, I am a supporter of his, so I have pretty much everything.
(4.48 MB 4299x6071 MK3Ggg6LbTlFuT0vUWdFepe9.jpeg)

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(4.31 MB 4299x6071 2MtYJEKcoeOQ1liDoGsEtejm.jpeg)

I like his style, even with the latest comic. :D
(4.57 MB 4299x6071 yPURUqeSOkqy4VpmKVEqJmfN.jpeg)

(4.56 MB 4299x6071 9iKWwwg4gp2ITMo9ZVJC74ui.jpeg)

>>4154 you dropped this, king
can someone put these in order and upload to mega?
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i would like to see these please if you can share. please and thank you.
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Think someone could check to see if it be possible to update the fox with some of this stuff? Had just double backed on MRBONERATTLE at one point, last known update being the street fighter 6 manon, but now i see more has been added and doubling back to see clip has not... i'd assume that the fox has been fixed, but things are still in process in linking back up... can someone check up on that?
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while Kemono seems to be slowly fixing itself, can I ask if anyone has these to potentionally share here? would like to see them. 1/2
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(26.13 KB 691x362 blonde demon commission.jpeg)

while Kemono seems to be slowly fixing itself, can I ask if anyone has these to potentionally share here? would like to see them. 2/2
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Here is everything I had from past 2.5 months, unfortunately missed some so can't share and I am not buying his more expensive tiers just to get 2-3 sets of pics
>>41019 Legend
>>41019 Even with all that you gave, you gave us a lot. Thank you. I can still ask for others to possibly share what you can't.
Now that Kemono's fanbox updater is working again, I went ahead and paid for a full import. Should be totally up-to-date now. Enjoy.
>>41521 Legend
>>41521 DUUUUUUUUUUDE! thank you SOO much!
>>41521 King
Can someone upload the failed swallow comic that was recently released a week ago?
>>42445 >>41521 >>41521 can you upload last comics?
can anyone update the upload of Sera-Chan Eating A Friend? it should have more pages than what is on there.
>>44582 or upload it here if the file's giving you trouble in kemono?
>>44582 have u searched the same keyword? I think you opened the wrong link Here's where you can see entirely https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/31754623/post/55292 this another one seems only to beg its subscriber to buy if they havent https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/31754623/post/7551733
>>44633 It somehow ended up on the last page since it sorts by date and for some weird reason its date is listed as back in 2018. Good catch, though, it definitely is there.
>>44637 *just investigated* ... Weirdest shit. how the hell did it's date get labeled soo wrong that it wound up back there?!?
Anyone want to update the clip kemono link? They released some more comics that look interesting
Anyone want to update the clip kemono link? They released some more comics that look interesting.
New month, new comics. Anyone interested in showing some of the new ones past Sensei spawn comic or updating the kemono with the new comics please?
(384.42 KB 1200x1697 xcMSnp7OQSMB8XC8lWT18xn6.jpeg)

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Here u are my broke boy. It's one of the best with Ribbon -chan imo
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>>46815 Think you can share the other 5 that also came out? Or, if not here, update the kemono link to show all of these? I appreciate that you showed one of them here; throat and bellies is more me though.
>>47248 Bump
Kemono could really use an update.
>>47372 Whoever updated kemono, thank-you!
is it just me, or did something happen to Baiser And Kiwi Giantess And Same Size Vore? could have sworn it had more panels and was in color...
>>47571 the post was updated, change the version you're viewing, and you'll see the complete version
bump!!! upload kemoni pls
Clip got some new stuff. Update please.
Update kemono please
... is the person only going to attempt to update kemono every month for this?
can someone please update clip's kemono page?
Possibly update kemono page for vore day?
fanbox importer still dead please understand
>>53409 You saying it died again after being fixed up a bit?
Can someone manually share here please! The Furina one looks really cool
>>53444 wdym its fixed up a bit? its been dead since last time all the importers other than discord died
>>53535 When it "died" the first time, it was at the point before the dark magician girl vore comic remake commission and had been stuck for a long while. Then Kemono managed to patch up where more of the share art came in, bit and piecemeal until it caught up with part 1 and 2 of Concafe cosplay vore. Where it now sits to this day. So: when did the updater thing for it break down again?
Think anyone can upload the releases from June 28th to current please? either on Kemono or here is fine. has been a while since last update was on 8chan.
BUMP. Someone just posted a panel from one of the new ones on 4chan. We know you're out there!
please drop new panels here 🙏🏼
Clip got some new stuff. Update please
Can anyone gather the comics and panels released from the last cosplay vore (around june 28th) and share please? Lots of new stuff came around and want to see them. Kemono has been really quiet. There, or here on 8chan is fine.
>>56415 And by "released around", i actually meant after. June 28th was when a new comic came out that kemono didn't update to. On the fox page, the last comic update was literally part 2 of the concafe cosplay vore comic. I am asking, politely, if the rest, starting from june 28th, could be uploaded.
yoooooo guys
Could and would anybody possibly post any comics gained since release of June 28th? Has been a long while since kemono updated (last update was the part 2 of the Concafe cosplay vore comics). Would very much like to see the same size vore comics that had been released since then.
nigger kemono isn't updating anything right now, and obviously nobody that has his fanbox is posting here
>>57593 Kemono is dead retard
>>57633 Trolls shouldn't throw stones in glass houses
The worst part of all this isn't even the fact that kemono is indefinitely dead, but the fact that even if I wanted to pay for this legally I CAN'T, because it's on a website that my fucking country and it's available pay methods, internet wallets and such aren't compatible with it. So I can't fucking PAY FOR IT. FUCK.
>>58010 Yes, we are in the same boat bro, we can only depend on kemono But we're doomed With the current situation, we are facing dark times
there's several Clip comics and panels that had been released, would like to see them please? Kemono hasn't updated past Concafe cosplay part 2, and I would really like to see the other comics please. or a possible link lead to another site with more recent postings?
As a point of direction someone else mentioned, maybe things could be directed to be put here? It currently doesn't have who i am viewing for, but that might change in the future.
Does anyone have the two most recent WfM comics? I actually even tried to pay for the fanbox, but my card was rejected no matter how many times I tried
Kemono has stated it's patreon page importer is back online. while not part of the two pages i watch, and the new one another user went to after gumroad flagged them; It's still alive. Care to share any Clip art past june 25th please? i'd like to see more than just Concafe cosplay part 2 being the latest
>>61445 wasn't there another page similar to kemono specifically for fanbox and shit? Maybe there's something there
>>62396 Would like the link if you know it.
Would like to see all the stuff that's been released since Concafe cosplay part 2. Whether it be Kemono, a new site (please link so i can see it) or right here; the wait is poisoning me.
>>62957 Please post.
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Could anyone share? Literally cannot pay for fanbox and shit cuz of my fucking country
once again bumping for a kemono update
>>63651 Not possible, remember: fanbox importer is fucked. Only Patreon, discord and sometimes gumroad works.
Can anyone post here please? Broke, can't even pay for it because it's japanese. If Kemono is still glitching, then can someone put some of the same size vore stockpile here so I can see them please?
(2.16 MB 2894x4093 AaNK5DHkeIq47SzEEgM8YW54.jpeg)

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(2.40 MB 3541x2508 Jn1bNVD7y8SGBBNEMvGVravG.jpeg)

(2.39 MB 2894x4093 RCkr6MeqEUr9MrUH5Y2VYdsu.jpeg)

>>60438 Same anon, asking again if anyone got their hands on these
Some of his stuff will be available for free here https://clip8806sds.fanbox.cc/ up to friday. Does someone know a batch downloader for fanbox?
>>65072 thank you anon
>>65072 isn't all of this already on Kemono? i recognize these.
>>65137 Can confirm. All are already on kemono
Update for pixiv fanbox on Kemono is now back up
>>65226 That is really nice!!! Excited to see mass update soon.
Nekohouse seems to be stable and working now. Can someone please add clip to that site? Artists like imaat have already been added and fully updated.
Kemono said the pixiv box importer was fixed. Could someone begin work to update it please? A lot of stuff has been released since and I would like to see it. It be stuff released after concafe cosplay part 2 vore had been released.
Can some import clip to Nekohouse? https://nekohouse.su
Kemono is able update pixiv fanbox right now Someone please update clip before it’s too late
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Glad kemono's clip was updated. Of askance, as this was somehow missed on kemono, anyone have this to share. It's a few panels and would like to see the whole of this.
Someworks between june and october arr missing. One of them is the 1st Furina vore which I was looking foward to the most. Somebody please share them if possible
>>66497 Seconding this The WfM spaceship vore one is also missing, and I really wanted to see that one On a side-note, clip sure cranked up the scat and vomit in the more recent art, huh...
can anyone do an update for kemono that missed posts from july first onwards? Some things were definitely missing and would like to see some of the ones that weren't there.
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why not upload the 3300 tier to kemono?
I don't have a key. I bought all this stuff six months ago.
like I have nowhere to spend my money, buying the same thing over and over again.
>>67185 seems from here on, some of the comics are missing pages for some of them. Mind posting the rest so all the pages are there please?
>>67278 XP nevermind me, jus forgetting that they usually release Japanese and english versions of the comics and you posted the english ones. my bad.
>>67203 was these two pages part of another comic, possibly Ribbon-chan takes a tiny home from work? am confused by how few pages these two are and wondering if part of an alternate end?
>>67283 He (clip88) drew these two pages another day. it is a continuation of the story of what happened after Concafe-chan ate and digested the tiny man in her home. >>67283

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