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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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AdjectiveNounCombo Patreon Newest Stuff Anonymous 11/08/2021 (Mon) 15:09:30 No. 4142
Is he still active thought he quit?
>>4486 He stopped being a vore artist, but continued on being a stuffing artist.
>>4513 what a pussy. eat people. not food.
there are few things from this year at his patreon that did not leak yet
Anyone have a collection of his older comics not found in his old works link?
Mainly the ones from the old 8kun thread, if anyone saved them.
>>4142 Does anybody have the full version of Turn Up
got any of his old animations?
Can somebody post his comics? The vore ones and also the stuffing ones
(2.63 MB 640x640 extreme reeeeeeee.gif)

I wasn't aware he did fuckall anymore. Artists who move all of their content behind a paywall are literally retarded. I'm not saying they don't deserve compensation for their hard work, but you're fucking stupid if you do this because where the fuck do you expect to find new customers if you hide all your shit where no one but previous fans can see it? Inevitably their patreon income starts to decline, or people pirate it, and nobody else buys in because the artist is being a douchebag, until eventually they burn out and quit entirely. All because they tried to be greedy. To the artists being stupid fucks I literally leak my own content here on 8chan. It's free advertising. Just make it clear that the content is produced because so many people help pay for it and not demonize your whole community because one or two people didn't pay for it.
>>8597 Check the link up above. If it's not in there, here it is. I got all their old shit. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qcxnmidg0ru4eo3/Baby%20Fat%205.swf?dl=0
Can anyone send me a link to the new comic he was working on where the neighbor was stuffing and the kid snuck into her house and watched her?
>>9113 This, i have never heard of this guy, anyone who paywalls everything is either forgotten or asking to be leaked.
>>9133 Bump for this
Can somebody post the comics that we're shared on the old 8kun thread?
Some dude made a mod for these games but took them offline out if guilt or something, did anyone save those?
>>9501 I don't even know if the mods where finished. I only remember gifs and my god did they look good
>>9501 I hate how he left and didn't leave anything remaining of the mod so others could pick it up. He left because he felt like he was ruining peoples lives with porn despite the fact it's their fault not his.
>>9501 What kinda mods did he make?
>>10621 He was making an mod that made the game erotic and added swallowing animations and x-rays. Along with bursting swimming suits. He deleted everything relating to it including the preview gifs
>>10635 Oh hell I'd pay money for that
I don't have a working player but this is what he released as far as I know
>>9114 Ultra late to reply, but thank you anon. The Dropbox link is the full one.
anyone have a working player for the game above?
>>10790 This would really be appreciated as well. Spent few hours yesterday trying to find one
>>10801 >>10790 https://ruffle.rs/demo/ download the file and put it in here and itll run not much added to it to be fair and the thing that is added is censored
>>10753 Could have sworn there was a version where Zoe was in the city. It was not fully completed. So it could have been just screenshots or gifs of what Jarmelhrax was working on before he abandoned Ekas.
Can anyone tell me the name of the comic he started with the young guy who was spying on his sexy neighbor who was stuffing herself while streaming, and he ended up breaking in her house and got caught by her when she was getting out of the shower. Or if you have the full version would you mind sharing it please?
>>11025 I don't think I quite have the full version (I might). Don't quite remember the name and my filenames are no help.
>>9114 you happen to have that folder for all his stuff, i can't find most of his flashes from eka
If anyone can tell me the name of the comic he started with the young guy who was spying on his sexy neighbor who was stuffing herself while streaming, and he ended up breaking in her house and got caught by her when she was getting out of the shower. Or if you have the full version would you mind sharing it please? Im resending this because I have been searching for it for a while and couldn't find anything
Anyone found the other mod files yet? Or at the very least gifs of his WIPS
Hey you got any more modded versions or an idea where to look?
>>10753 Hey do have any more or at least an idea where i could look for his work?
>>16853 Wish there was an uncensored version
>>16853 who did this? it's amazing
FFSIWLI, here i don't know if i should or can do this but https://www.deviantart.com/ffsiwli That's his patreon, if you want to support him or get some of his works in progress. https://www.patreon.com/FFSIWLI
>>9501 That dude Made some gifs that are in His blog. But i dont have them. Can Somebody post them?
this is his deposit also if someone can find the scat route its a little broken and you apparently have to right click on the flash play to use it during one of the giantess ending, it maybe wrong and so if anyone can if found explain how to get it. https://mega.nz/folder/gkZjCIhB#xARFLqnHz0_OHhU6EX5yEg
>>19438 would be nice if someone posted a guide for all the modded scenes
>>19599 Yeah it would be really nice
Anyone know where I can find a version of the flash game where she eats the puppies at the pet shop?
can anyone update kemono or just post his latest comic here? he did a sequel to lust deserts which was his best comic imo
>>21338 Bump
Bump for lust dessert sequel
>>22506 gooooood we need this
(3.01 MB 2550x3300 wonderstraw1A.jpg)

(3.14 MB 2550x3300 wonderstraw2A.jpg)

(3.44 MB 2550x3300 wonderstraw3A.jpg)

(3.33 MB 2550x3300 wonderstraw4A.jpg)

(3.01 MB 2550x3300 wonderstraw5A.jpg)

It's not that great to be honest
Does someone have the Jill comic continuation or the new elephant girl comic?
Such a shame that they stopped drawing vore...
>>23646 He does but nothing really explicit and does it rarely
(58.20 KB 1280x720 https___i.vimeocdn.jpg)

Does anyone have the animation for this downloaded? The Vimeo link for it is broken.
Hey can someone please share StarkPassenger's content it's really similar to adjectivenouncombo.
>>37383 Dude thats probably an alt
>>37401 Well even better then
StarkPassenger is AdjectivenounCombo
>>37416 is it confirmed?
Not cofirmed, but look at the kind of art he creates themed aunt/nephew, microgiantess..., and the style is similar to the last post adjectivenouncombo made. The last post StarkPassenger was about Zoey, which 'won' between the votes. Also the icon user, in his last account he used the default icon user with his own art.. Sorry for my english
>>9113 People leak your shit regardless of if it's eventually released or not. Reel it in.
>>23553 The elephant girl comic was my favorite. I want to read it again
They also barely do any uploading on their patreon. They've done 8 uploads this year and 10 uploads this year. Some of which are in the same month. So that multiple months where people have paid for literally nothing.
>>37896 *8 this year and 10 last year
Can someone make a mega of the paywall comics?
>>37866 Which one was the elephant comic? Don't remember that one
>>37921 it wasn't really an elephant if i remember correctly... it was more like a woman with a trunk
Yep Stark is definitly adjectivenouncombo, did somebody Made a kemono of him?
>>37921 It was a “penned by zoey” comic that was paidZ
>>38028 Bumping for.this
>>38028 Kemono is for Patreon. He don't have a Patreon right?
>>40309 Kemono also has subscribestar and other services. The dude uses subscribestar
Hi, anyone got the centaur/ horse girl one on the movie set? I believe it was in one these threads but has gone AWOL again
Guys by complete accident and dumb luck i found the elephant girl comic! https://www.deviantart.com/darkaurora42/gallery/73232231/penned-by-zoey-sunk-in-the-trunk
>>40526 Care to share them here? The pictures locked behind a login wall
>>40590 "Login wall"... register your lazy ass on a free common art website.
did anyone save the lofi videos he posted onto vimeo? Seems they got taken down
Is it worth it?
How do you get the game to run?
>>43317 Can someone share the full version?
Ok, so, there's a part of Baby Fat 1.5 (Pantry Expansion) that you can find if you use Trillex or something to decompile it but basically there was a lost ending where you could help Zoey up after feeding her the stuff on the shelf you knocked onto her. I have no way to get footage of this but if someone can, I would really appreciate it
Here's proof it exists
Looking for an old animation of a large horse or cow woman who eats 3 guys on a movie set. I believe it was by AdjectiveNounCombo
>>44811 I also know about that animation I spent so long looking for it but found nothing so i too hope someone knows something about it
>>44885 Yeah, it was on one of the old threads here for a while, i think i had it on my old computer until it fucking died, hope someone’s still got it
>>44811 Have I got something for you Alpha-236475-Pinhead Vore Commission
>>44897 it says deleted?
>>43383 Bump
Is ffsiwli going to update his kemono?
bump for updated art from ffsiwli?
>>59148 Imagine not having 3 dollars.
>> 59148 Can you prove its quality is good enough for me to spend 3 dollars on it?
>>59161 If it was 5 and dogshit, most would cop it. 3 bucks for a game even from a shill like ANC is a safe bet. Poor are the worst, I swear
>>59163 OK mr.Wayne. You can take you limousine and go on Epstein's island while we the poor ask and share cheap stuff for free.
>>59157 https://gofile.io/d/3PdASY sharing this just cause of the other anon being an annoying faggot, there
>>59186 thanks anon!  you're the best!
id pray for death before being a poorfag. Regardless, good on poorfag good Samaritan anon
>>58956 bump
>58956 bump
>>51686 Bump
Hey so like, has anyone managed to get access to starkpassanger's ko-fi gallery? I think the dude's Adjectivenouncombo just using an alt-account
Is someone going to update ffsiwli kemono party?
>>59186 can reupload? link is down

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