/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Human/Humanoid Predators and Furry Prey Anonymous 11/09/2021 (Tue) 00:37:08 No. 4199
Post content with human or human-like characters eating anthro characters
(376.93 KB 2000x2300 Sharue-295395-elfworgan.jpg)

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(351.31 KB 1300x1700 FgXsFiZXoAED0Cn.jpg)

necrobump 2: gastrointestinal boogaloo
>>25509 kys queer
look i know you all have more, so let's resume the art dumping...
>>27043 Wtf is wrong with you? If you have a problem with people not uploading stuff there's a thing called GOOGLE
>>27044 sorry, that's just the awootism talking. female human pred/furry prey is so fucking rare on most sites.
anyone got any more to dump, or is this basically everything?
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>>28080 OwO, protogen prey! very rare in human/furry stuff! keep up the good work anons!
anything new for Easter?
some recent stuff
Friendly reminder that humanoid preds are also welcome in this thread. (I.e. catgirls, succubi, etc.)
any one got more?
(954.65 KB 1441x1639 SweetTastyPrey-905191-vore.jpg)

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>>34991 pretty good got any more for this old thread?
(827.53 KB 2490x1981 SPOILER_BIRTHDAY-2.png)

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>>35003 nice~
>>37151 decently good anyone got any more?~
I love how some human girls make an acid genocide on those furries. Thanks for the topic, OP.
(2.67 MB 4134x5846 Shoelace-571787-143.png)

(1.82 MB 4134x4998 Shoelace-562600-355.png)

>>4199 necrobump

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