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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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NotBoogie Patreon Content Anonymous 02/28/2024 (Wed) 02:29:04 No. 43289
Hey, I was wondering if anyone had access to any of NotBoogie's Patreon locked content. Kemono Party is there but it doesn't really help with reaching any of the patreon locked content there. If anyone does have any or has access to it in general could you please share it here? That'd be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance! https://notboogie.com/gallery
Bump ^
>>43289 dawg I'm working with him on a project right now, he's a cool dude.his patron it's 5 dollars there is no fucking way you are THIS BROKE, If you like is content, and are a fucking adult just spend the five bucks you cheap bastard.
>>43549 >his patron it's 5 dollars there is no fucking way you are THIS BROKE A couple of news flashes in case you didn't know. First: You're on the fucking internet. EVERYONE is a pirate, with zero exceptions, and an ever increasing number reasons to justify it and do so. Do you want me to link all the companies like Sony, Apple, Ubisoft, etc. who are depriving people of content they PAY for? Or how about I list off all the fetish artist who constantly wipe their libraries every other week because they suddenly became insecure about creating porn? Second: Patreon is a pozzed/biased platform and I will not give money to people who use it. There are dozens of other sites and services that you can use instead. If you want a list, go here: >>>/gg/352578 The moment you start using one of the platforms listed there, I may consider providing you with money. If it wasn't for... Three: You don't own those fucking characters. Yordle, Meloetta, Midna, the Vocaloids, etc. DO NOT BELONG TO YOU! They belong to Riot, Nintendo, and Yamaha and Crypton. There's a term for what you're doing, it's called "bootlegging". Something that everyone hates the Chinese for doing because it shows that they have ZERO talent to create something original (Among other things). So if you want me to give you money, don't bitch about people pirating your shit, use a service that isn't swayed by political activists, and actually create original material that I would be extremely pleased in supporting. But be forewarned that the world is currently heading towards a recession, in case you haven't noticed, so people have higher priorities in their mind than spend $5 for porn. As that same $5 can be spent on more important things like food, paying the bills, maintaining your vehicle, paying for insurance, investing that money in buying stocks and assets, etc.. Just because of the fact that you exist, you are NOT entitled to my money so stop acting like it. We don't accept this shit when game companies (Who are worth BILLIONS) pull this exact stunt, so what makes you think people will accept random yahoos on the internet doing the same exact thing?
Wow, you REALLY wanna be kinkshamed by a fucking Pokémon, huh.
>>43558 Okay, but you are not entitled to his art. You don't need it to survive, so wait for when it's public or if it's a piece that will never be public, then tough luck. Your points are just ways to justify your actions and have no real thought put into them, and even if he fits your criteria, you would still be begging, so stop trying to justify your actions. What type of logic is "We don't give million dollar companies our money, so why give money to him" One is a billion dollar company doing shit no one likes, the other is a guy making art you want, and if he can't make money then you lose out as he needs to spend more time away from art. Many people would rather pay a talented artist than spend money on a large company, so your argument here is just bad. >>43549 These begging boards are a plague here, but they tend to go nowhere eight times out of ten. Also, boogie art doesn't get leaked here from what I've seen, and even if it does, it probably won't affect him much, if not at all.
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>>43565 >Okay, but you are not entitled to his art. Okay then don't post it on the internet. >and even if he fits your criteria, you would still be begging And with that kind of attitude, you'll never get anyone's money. >What type of logic is "We don't give million dollar companies our money, so why give money to him" Congratulations on missing the point that I don't accept arguments that attempt to guilt me over my not giving someone (Be it a company or an individual) my money. Which is exactly what you're doing. >the other is a guy making art you want There are THOUSANDS of artists out there across the planet, many very skilled and talented people. So much so that funding them all would bankrupt a single individual. So the argument of "he can't make money" is lost on me because I can always find someone else to support (And give money to) who much more deserves it than someone going on a moral crusade against piracy on the fucking internet. Don't take this as my saying that he should release everything free as an act of charity and lick the bottom of my boot because what I say is law since I'm the customer. Having actually WORKED for a living across several companies, I've experienced numerous times where I've had a client making absolutely unreasonable demands that are beyond my abilities and they know it. And each time, I've had to turn the person down. At the end of the day, it is about making money. However, I also made those actions knowing full well that if the situation was reversed, where I was the unreasonable client and the other person an employee of the company, the same exact situation would unfold if I attempted the same thing. So let's look at it this way. Have you ever pirated shit, yes or no? In fact, are you pirating shit right now or recently? Doesn't matter who the "victim" is, are you doing it? If so, you have ZERO reason to ridicule anyone for pirate anything. Second, what's unreasonable for wanting to have alternate methods of payment? Given that Patreon has V& accounts for the most arbitrary of reasons in the past, wouldn't it be a smart tactic to have an alternate source of income in case the site yanks your access? Much more, what about the people who have sworn off using Patreon because of other reasons? Third, are you going to stop profiting off of other people's content and start making your own? You're trying to ridicule me because I'm an "Evil pirate who's begging for lewds", yet your entire account only has the following it does because your "pirating" characters that someone else created. And with that being the case, I guess it's already firmly established that you failed the first of these three questions. This isn't a point to "own" you, I'm simply explaining the reality of the situation. Whether you're actually collaborating with Boogie or not doesn't matter because we're on an anonymous imageboard. You could actually be the person you're claiming to be, in which case I highly advise that you knock it off with the high-and-mighty attitude as no one will support anyone who think they're God's gift to the world, or you could be some random autists who's white-knighting because you're a retard and bored. I don't care either way. But the question becomes why are you wasting your time arguing this when you even admit: >it probably won't affect him much, if not at all. Seems like it's a much better tactic to keep your mouth shut rather than ruin the good thing you have going for you.
I am very sorry for this, I didn't even mean to start an argument about all of this, it was not of my intent to start it all and I apologize for it
>>43574 I'm glad I didn't post some of his stuff here after all, watching people like you have a meltdown and do textwalls nobody care about is entertaining
>>43585 come on, it's just as boogie would like it, very long and very verbose
>>43587 Needs more slurs
>>43590 True
>>43574 You are the reason I will continue to not post his paywalled works. Piracy is cool but you're a fag.
>>43611 Could've sworn collective punishment was against the Geneva Convention but fair enough
>>43574 holy shit I knew there were crazy people here but not people this pathetic. I have never scene anyone make piracy look this cringe bro. Were gonna have a good laugh about this later today, Muchas Gracias
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>>43609 The true NotBoogie experience
Anyone willing to share the Giant Aria comic? It's been about 3 months now Same with the Becca image, cause I shall always crave more Becca content
>>45241 Can you tell me the name of the comic and the Becca image?
>>45305 On the Kemono/Patreon posts, the Becca image is marked as "EdgeBelly", and the Giant Aria comic is literally "The Giant Aria V Comic"
>>45323 >EdgeBelly I can't seem to find them, could you send me the link to them both so that I have an easier time finding them? Preferable in the Patreon posts
>>45326 >The Giant Aria V Comic Found them!
>>45327 Oh "Giant" as in the comic is long I thought "Giant" meant that the Meloetta was giant He actually already posted that comic. Man, I feel dumb, now
>>45331 Don't worry, it happens. Although I do have a diffifult time looking for some of the more exclusive patreon stuff. Some help and guidance on that front would be appreciated
>>45333 I honestly wouldn't know about it Since Boogie uses a custom website that keeps most of the Patreon stuff hidden from normal viewers, I honestly dunno where the stuff would be named like or where it'd be
>>45427 Ah, just in case I just simply downloaded everything that I could from 2015 to 2024 so far. Organizing everything to make it easier to find each one is gonna be hell for me though ;-;
>>45459 The Boogie Compendium
>>45459 Apropos for nothing: what does the Kindred drawing from February feature? Is it vanilla, or is it vore?
Bump Come back, generous anon, blease
>>45750 I will, its just taking forever trying to organize everything. Its just so much stuff like oh my goodness
>>45783 Please come back, Avatar, we need you the most
Anyone have anything new from the patreon?
Anyone have anything new from Porman's patreon? Kemono page hasn't been updated in a good while and looking for some of the newer stuff. https://aryion.com/g4/view/1050079
>>55905 whoops wrong tab.
>>45329 Wasn't as good as I was hoping? Was that instant digestion or something? So boring when a vote comic skips the best parts

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