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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Supervore Archive Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 19:50:49 No. 44128
I'm sure this has been done before, but didn't see a thread anywhere. Looking to see if any other degens out there has a collection of their stuff. Specially, looking for the Tara and Suzie's Thanksgiving video. Searched far and wide, at this point the real video is the friends I made along the way Most of their stuff is on kemono: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/12208576 Tara And Suzie's Thanksgiving vid preview: https://kemono.su/patreon/user/12208576/post/23732496
A lot of his stuff is pretty shit. That being said though i enjoy some stuff he’s made. I’m looking for Cassandras Woods but the video is really fcking old like 2013. I never got to see it but apparently it exists… maybe. Or maybe it’s been deleted off the face of the earth but i’d love to see if anyone has it
Sup fags, supervore just uploaded something on his patreon so does someone want to share it here? normally i would've paid for it but since that bastard doesn't upload much i'm not going to waste it on him. so who's willing to the L this time?
In other words who wants to share?
Sure, i have it. Idk what to upload it on tho my megas keep getting taken down and anonfiles is dead
>>46670 use gofile
>>46671 Aight, maybe next time. Anyway i made another mega so here, aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvQVFKSEhBSkojajlnTk54NmpXcHZPU2JiUUFJbTJROE5iUFBsS2V1WFF2VUMtVG9SVkhjNA== Now for another six month wait
>>46672 If any legend saved the Cassandra vid i’d love to see it also
>>46672 Excuse my ignorance, how do you decode and access the link? I've been looking at this method of sharing content for a while but I can't understand how to access it.
>>46795 google base64 decode, paste it into there
>>46672 What the fuck, how the fuck am i terminated again already? This shit makes no sense
>>46907 Eres un negro
Does anyone have the older deleted supervore video's and is willing to share it here? With older video's i don't mean the ones that are on yt rn. So if you maybe have his deleted content and are willing to share it, please do.
>>52586 I’m looking for Cassandra’s Woods but no one seems to have that shit anywhere
>>52586 What are the deleted videos?
>>67177 He removed a lot of his older content from youtube because of yt guidline bs. He also has some older patreon video's locked behind a paywall or removed, but i ain't paying for that old shit.
>>67177 He has a lot of older video's that can't be found anymore because bro's content is ancient to many to name a few. If you have/find patreon content or removed content from supervore then please share.
Why would anyone want to find this mspaint slop
>>67199 If you don't like his content then why come here?

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